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  Vice Premier Wu Yi is the world's second most powerful woman, according to a Forbes magazine list.

  Known as“China's Iron Lady,”Wu Yi, 65, a former vice mayor of Beijing, is a rising star in China's Communist Party.Proud, elegant(端庄的),intelligent, Wu Yi impressed her party's leaders when she successfully helped work out five trade agreements with Russia in 1999 and directed talks on China's entrance to the World Trade Organization and agreeing with the United States on copyright(版权)protection.

  Surprisingly, Wu Yi never imagined a life in politics.“In my youth, I never developed a desire to enter politics.My biggest wish was to become a great entrepreneur(企业家),”she once said.It would still be her preference if given the choice now.

  People familiar with Wu Yi say that she prefers to call herself a“little woman”.Wu uses expressions like,“The little woman is ready to pay any price”,“The little woman won't shed tears easily”or“The little woman doesn't care it”.In 2002, when she was handed the tough job of fighting SARS, she said:“The little woman accepts the task at a special moment.”

  There has been much gossip(闲话)around her as she is still unmarried.In her youth, she had an ideal(理想的)image(形象)of a man, she says, but he“doesn't exist in real life.”“I spent 20 years in the backwoods.When I got out, I was already too old.Furthermore, I was so busy at work.So I just gave up.”


Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


A Proud, Elegant and Intelligent Woman


Wu Yi's Biggest Wish


Wu Yi No.2 on Forbes' Top Women List


Gossip around Wu Yi


Wu Yi would prefer to be ________ if she had the chance to choose.

[  ]


a politician


an entrepreneur


a little woman


a man


The underlined expression“shed tears”most probably means ________.

[  ]




believe in tears


give in


hold back tears


Which of the following words is NOT proper to describe Wu Yi?

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:新课标英语阅读 高中三年级·下册 题型:050

  In the past ten years, America's National Basketball Association (NBA) has grown increasingly dependent on the rest of the world to supply players.

  When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball.This season, however, 20 percent of NBA rosters (花名册) will be filled by non-Americans.NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the trend.On a visit to Paris in October, Stern outlined his vision for the future which is likely to see Europe hosting NBA games by 2010.

  The NBA is now planning to take China by storm

  “Our experience in China has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth,” said Stern.The strategy (战略) in China is television.“We've made 14 deals in China with local and national networks on cable and satellite.” The success of Chinese centre Yao Ming has paved the way for the NBA marketing blitz in China.The NBA, which is broadcasted in more than 200 countries in 42 languages, will put that to the test in October 2004 when the Houston Rockets play two pre-season games against the Sacramento Kings in Beijing and Shanghai.The NBA knows that it needs a global market to compensate for tough times on home soil.

  “It doesn't matter where the players come from, all the NBA teams now know that they have to scout (揽得) internationally,” said Terry Lyons, the NBA's vice-president of international public relations.“It has increased the level of competition here.”As Frenchman Tony Parker and Argentine Emanuel Ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the San Antonio Spurs last season, many people can earn the respect of their American peers (同行).Others, such as the Houston Rockets' Chinese centre Yao Ming number one draft pick in 2002 and the Detroit Pistons' 18-year-old Serb Darko Milicic number two overall in this year's draft are icons (偶像) in-waiting.It is the ultimate revolution the rest of the world teaching the US how to play basketball.

1.According to the report, ________.

[  ]

A.Michael Jordan is still playing a very important role in NBA

B.the part played by the foreign players in NBA will be great

C.Yao Ming is to play two pre-season games in NBA

D.European countries will host the 2004 NBA games

2.The underlined phrase take China by storm means that ________.

[  ]

A.NBA intends to make China its “marketing center”

B.NBA is planning to set up some training centers in China

C.there'll be a big storm when NBA comes to China to play against the Sacramento Kings

D.the NBA's live basket games will be broadcasted on all the TVs in China

3.What seems to be the biggest change that is happening to NBA?

[  ]

A.NBA is expecting more foreign players to join the league.

B.China's rapid development in sports affects NBA.

C.Yao Ming has taken the place of Michael Jordan.

D.The NBA will stop teaching the world how to play basketball.

4.When the writer talked of “home soil”, he was referring to ________.

[  ]

A.farms in the States
B.native Americans
C.the NBA training center
D.the USA

5.Which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.The Non-American Basketball Players

B.NBA Is Coming to China

C.The Foreign Ties That Bind the NBA

D.NBA Is Making Big Progress


科目:高中英语 来源:2008-2009学年度济宁市育才中学第一学期高三期中考试、英语试卷 题型:050


  In the past 10 years, America’s National Basketball Association(NBA)has grown increasingly dependent on the rest of the world to supply players.

  When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball.This season, however, 20 percent of NBA rosters(花名册)will be filled by non-Americans.NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the trend.On a visit to Paris in October, Stern outlined his vision for the future, which is likely to see Europe hosting NBA games by 2010.

  The NBA is now planning to take China by storm

  “Our experience in China has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth,” said Stern.The strategy in China is TV.“We’ve made 14 deals in China with local and national networks on cable and satellite.” The success Chinese centre Yao Ming has paved the way for the NBA marketing blitz in China.The NBA, which is broadcasted in more than 200 countries in 42 languages, will put that to the test in October 2004 when the Houston Rockets play two pre-season games against the Sacramento Kings in Beijing market to compensate for tough times on home soil.“It doesn’t matter where the players come from, all the NBA teams now know that they have to scout(寻找)internationally,” said Terry Lyons, the NBA’s vice-president of international public relations.“It has increased the level of competition here.” As Frenchman Tony Parker and Argentine Emanuel Ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the San Antonio Spurs last season, many people can earn the respect of their America peers.Others, such as Houston Rockets’ Chinese centre Yao Ming-No.1 draft pick in 2002-and the Detroit Pistons’ 18-year-old Serb Darko Milicic-number two overall in this year’s draft-are icons(偶像)in waiting.It is the ultimate(根本的)revolution-the rest of the world teaching the US how to play basketball.


According to the report, ________

[  ]


Michael Jordan is still playing a very important role in NBA


the part played by the foreign players in NBA will be great


Yao Ming is to play two Pre-season games in NBA


European countries will host the 2004 NBA games


The underlined phrase “take China by storm” has the meaning of ________

[  ]


NBA intends to make China its “marketing center”


NBA is planning to set up some training centers in China.


there’ll be a big storm when NBA comes to a China to play against the Sacramento Kings


the NBA’s live basketball games will be broadcasted on all the TVs in China.


What seems to be the biggest change that is happening to NBA?

[  ]


NBA is expecting more foreign players to join the NBA league.


China’s rapid development in sports affects NBA.


Yao Ming has taken the place of Jordan.


The NBA will stop teaching the world how to play basketball.


When the writer talked of “home soil”, he was referring to ________

[  ]


farms in the States


native Americans


the NBA training center


the USA


Which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?

[  ]


The non-American basketball players.


NBA is to coming to China.


The foreign ties that bind the NBA.


NBA is making big progress.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省庆安三中2011-2012学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  CHICAGO-Bill Clinton's eagerly awaited memoir(自传), My Life, will be published this June, and is sure to ignite(点燃)a firestorm of interest in an already politically charged election year.Bill Clinton said that most presidential memoirs are thought to be "dull and self-serving, but I hope mine is interesting and self-serving.”

  My Life, which is being published by Knopf and will sell for $ 35, is expected by many industry watchers to rise to the top of the best-seller lists.

  Clinton said the book tells the story of his life from his birth and childhood in Arkansas to his years in the White House.From the book readers can have a look at his successes and setbacks

  He tells the story “as it happens to me, so you see what it's like to be president...to see how everything happens at once.”

  Without offering specifics or mentioning Monica Lewinsky, Clinton said, "I don't spare myself" in the book.

  "I have no idea if this is a great book," he said, "but it's a pretty good story."

  Clinton was reportedly paid an advance of $10 million for the book, which was supposed to be done a year ago.

  "The minute that book goes on sale, people will be lined up buying the book," said Bob Wietrak, a vice-president(副总统)and chief merchant for Barnes & Noble.

  Some predict the 957-page book will be one of the few presidential memoirs to fly off shelves.

  Booksellers have already taken pre-orders.The 1.5 million-copy first printing is bigger than the first run for Hillary Clinton's memoir Living History, which sold 1.8 million copies.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the book My Life?

[  ]


It will come out in June.


It has 957 pages in all.


It is priced at $ 35.


It will be published by Barnes & Noble


Readers will not find much information about ________ in the book.

[  ]


Clinton's childhood


Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky


Clinton's political life


Clinton’s presidential election


The underlined word "setback" means _______.

[  ]


a change from worse to better


a change from better to worse


a change from worse to worst


a change better to best


What can we learn about the sale of book?

[  ]


The whole printing will be bigger than that of Hillary Clinton's Living History


Some booksellers have placed orders beforehand.


The book will be taken off the shelves after it meets failure.


People have to place an order for the book before it comes out.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省康杰中学2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  In the past 10 years, America's National Basketball Association(NBA)has grown increasingly dependent on the rest of the world to supply players.

  When Micheal Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball.This season, however, 20 percent of NBA rosters(花名册)will be filled by non-Americans.NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the trend.On a visit to Paris in October, Stern outlined his vision for the future, which is likely to see Euroe hosting NBA games by 2010.

  The NBA is now planning to take China by sorm.

  “Our experience in China has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth, ” said Stern.The strategy in China is TV.“ We’ve made 14 deals in China with local and national networks on cable and satelite.” The success Chinese centre Yao Ming has paved the way for the NBA marketing blitz in China.The NBA, which is broadcasted in more than 200 countries in 42 languages, will put that to the test in Octber 2004 when the Houston Rockets play two pre-season games against the Sacramento Kings in Beijing market to compensate for tough times on home soil.

  “It doesn't matter where the players come form, all the NBA teams now know that they have to scout(寻找)internationally, ” said Terry Lyons, the NBA's vice-president of international public relations.“It has increased the level of competition here.” As Frenchman Tony Parker and Aregentine Emanuel Ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the San Antonio Spurs last season, many people can earn the respect of their American peers.Others, such as Houston Rockets’ Chinese centre Yao Ming-No.1 draft pick in 2002-and the Detroit Pistons’ 18-year-old Serb Darko Milicic-number two overall in this year's draft-are icons(偶像)in waiting.It is the ultimate(根本的)revolution-the rest of the world teaching the US how to play basketball.


According to the report ________.

[  ]


Michael Jordan is still playing a very important role in NBA


the part played by the foreign players in NBA will be great


Yao Ming is to play two pre-season games in NBA


European countries will host the 2004 NBA games


The underlined phrase “take China by storm” means that ________.

[  ]


NBA intends to make China its “marketing centre”


NBA is planning to set up some training centres in China


there'll be a big storm when NBA comes to China to play against the Sacramento Kings


the NBA's live basketball games will be broadcast on all the TVs in China


What seems to be the biggest change that is happening to NBA?

[  ]


NBA is expecting more foreign players to join the NBA league.


China’ rapid development in sports affects NBA.


Yao Ming has taken the place of Jordan.


The NBA will stop teaching the world how to play basketball.


When the writer talked of “home soil ”, he was referring to ________.

[  ]


farms in the States


native Americans


the NBA training centre


the USA


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In the past ten years, America’s National Basketball Association (NBA) has grown increasingly with the rest of the world to supply players.

  When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball. This season, however, 20 percent of NBA rosters (花名册) will be filled by non-Americans. NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the trend. On a visit to Paris in October, Stern outlined his vision for the future which is likely to see Europe hosting NBA games by 2010.

  The NBA is now planning to take China by storm.

  “Our experience in China has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth,: said Stern. The strategy(战略)in China is television. “We’ve made 14 deals in China with local and national networks on cable and satellite.” The success of Chinese centre Yao Ming has paved the way for more than 200 countries in 42 languages will put that to the test in October 2004 when the Houston Rockets play two pre-season games against the Sacramento Kings in Beijing and Shanghai. The NBA knows that it needs a global market to compensate for tough times on home soil.

  “It doesn’t matter where the players come from, al the NBA teams now know that they have to scout[揽得(人才)] internationally,” said Terry Lyons, the NBA’s vice-president of international public relations. “It has increased the level of competition here.” As Frenchman Tony Parker and Argentine Emanuel Ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the San Antonio Spurs last season, many people can earn the respect of their American peers(同行). Others, such as the Houston Rockets’ Chinese centre Yao Ming – number one draft pick in 2003 – and the Detroit Pistons’ 18-year-old Serb Darko Milicic – number two overall in this year’s draft – are icons(偶像) in-waiting. It is the ultimate revolution – the rest of the world teaching the US how to play basketball.

1.The underlined phrase “take China by storm” means that ______ .

  A.NBA intends to make China its “marketing center”

  B.NBA is planning to set up some training centers in China

  C.there’ll be a big storm when NBA comes to China to play against China men’s team

  D.The NBA’s live basket games will be broadcasted on all the TVs in China

2.What seems to be the biggest change that is happening to NBA?

  A.NBA is expecting more foreign players to join the league.

  B.China’s rapid development in sports affects NBA.

  C.Yao Ming has taken the place of Michael Jordan.

  D.The NBA will stop teaching the world how to play basketball.

3.When the writer talked of “home soil”, he was referring to ______.

  A.farms in the States     B.native Americans

  C.the NBA training center   D.the USA

4.Which of the following can be used as another good title for the passage?

  A.The Non-American Basketball Players B.NBA Is Coming to China

  C.The Foreign Ties That Bind the NBA D.NBA Is Making Great Progress


