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SEOUL - Samsung Electronics, the world’s largest smartphone maker, said Thursday that it has sold more than 10 million units of Galaxy S4, in ______ a month since its debut (首次亮相).

A.less thanB.more thanC.other thanD.rather than


解析试题分析:这里表示从首次亮相不到一个月。less than少于more than超过other than不同于rather than而不是,根据题意,故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you boss asks you to work in Moscow this year, he’d better offer you more money to do so — or even double that depending on where you live now. That’s because Moscow has just been found to be the world’s most expensive city for the second year in a row by Mercer Human Resources Consulting.

       Using the cost of living in New York as a base, Mercer determined Moscow is 34.4 percent more expensive including the cost of housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment(娱乐).

       A two-bedroom flat in Moscow now costs $4,000 a month; a CD $24.83, and an international newspaper $6.30, according to Mercer. By comparison, a fast food meal with a hamburger(汉堡包) is a steal at $4.80.

       London takes the No.2 place, up from No.5 a year ago, thanks to higher cost of housing and a stronger British pound relative to the dollar. Mercer estimates(估算) London is 26 percent more expensive than New York these days. Following London closely are Seoul and Tokyo, both of which are 22 percent more expensive than New York, while No.5 Hong Kong is 19 percent more costly.

       Among North American cities, New York and Los Angeles are the most expensive and are the only two listed in the top 50 of the world’s most expensive cities. But both have fallen since last year’s study — New York came in 15th, down from 10th place, while Los Angeles fell to 42nd from 29th place a year ago. San Francisco came in a distant third at No. 54, down 20 places from a year earlier.

       Toronto, meanwhile, is Canada’s most expensive city but fell 35 places to take 82nd place worldwide. In Australia, Sydney is the priciest place to live in and No. 21 worldwide.

What do the underlined words “a steal” in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. an act of stealing                      B. something delicious

   C. something very cheap                D. an act of buying

London has become the second most expensive city because of ______.

   A. the high cost of clothing            B. the stronger pound against the dollar

   C. its expensive transportation        D. the high prices of fast food meals

Which city is the third most expensive on the list?

   A. Tokyo.         B. Hong Kong.             C. Moscow.                  D. Sydney.

Which city has dropped most on the list in North America?

   A. New York.   B. Los Angeles.             C. San Francisco.   D. Toronto.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省葫芦岛一高高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Alia Sabur, from Northport, N. Y., US, went to college at age 10. And four years later, Sabur became a bachelor of science in. Applied Mathematics summa cum laude(以最优等成绩)from Stony Brook University -- the youngest female in US history to do so.  Her education continued at Drexel University, where she earned a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy (哲学博士) in Materials Science and Engineering.
With an unlimited future ahead of her, Sabur directed her first career choice to teaching. "I really enjoy teaching," she said. She was three days short of her 19th birthday in February, 2008, when she was hired to become a professor at Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea.  This distinction made her the youngest college professor in history, according to the Guinness' Book of Worm Records, beating the previous record held by Colin Maclaurin, a student of Isaac Newton, in 1717.
Although she doesn't start until next month, Sabur has taken up teaching math and physics courses at Southern University in New Orleans. Sabur is old enough to teach in the city, but not to join her fellow professors in a bar after work. In Korea, where the drinking age is 20, she might have more luck.  In traditional Korean culture, children are considered to be 1 year old-when they are born, and add a year to their age every New Year instead of their actual birthday, so in Korea Sabur is considered 20.
On top of her unprecedented (空前的) academic achievements, Sabur has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do (跆拳道黑带). She is also a talented clarinet (竖笛) player who has performed with musicians like Lang Lang and Smash Mouth. So is there anything Sabur can't do?
【小题1】We can learn from the passage that Sabur is ________.

A.America's youngest bachelor of science
B.Drexel University's youngest student
C.the world'syoungest college professor
D.the world's youngest female teacher
【小题2】When Sabur was hired as a professor, her actual age is ________.
【小题3】What does the author mean by saying "she might have more luck" (in Paragraph 3)?
A.Sabur might be permitted to drink in a Korean bar.
B.Sabur would be allowed to attend parties in Korea.
C.Sabur is old enough to teach at Konkuk University.
D.Sabur is lucky to be hired by Konkuk University.
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Alia Sabur is the youngest female doctor from Stony Brook University.
B.Colin Maclaurin has once been the youngest college professor in the world.
C.In Korea, Alia Sabur is not allowed to drink for she is still underage.
D.Alia Sabur knows anything but Tae Kwon Do.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东省德州市某中学高三12月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The porter brings your bags to your room and helpfully explains all you want to know. Then he points to the phone and says, “If there's anything else you need, just call.” All this time you have been thinking one thing, “How much should I tip(付小费) him?” To make your next trip a little easier, here's a guide to tipping across some Asian countries.
In general, the more Westernized the place is, the more likely you will be expected to leave a tip. Some top-end restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appreciate you tacking on(附加) the 10% yourself. However, if you're eating at a lower-end(低档的) restaurant a tip is not necessary. If you're staying at one of Bangkok's many five-star hotels, expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht(泰国货币单位), depending on how many bags you have. Taxis are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare(车费) up to the nearest five baht.
Hong Kong
Tipping is customary in this money-mad metropolis(大都市). Most restaurants add a 10% service charge to the bill, but the extra money often ends up in the pocket of the owner. If the service is good, add another 10% to the bill, up to HK $100 in an especially nice restaurant. For HK $10 hotel porters should do it at all but the nicest hotels where a new HK $20 bill may be more acceptable. When in a taxi, round up(凑整数) to the nearest dollar.
Kuala Lumpur
Tipping in Malaysia is limited to the expensive Westernized hotels, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room. If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge. But at local restaurants, there's no need to add a tip. At five-star hotels, one or two ringgit(马来西亚货币单位) will content a porter. At lower-end buildings don't feel you have to tip. Like Bangkok, many taxis are now metered so you can just round up to the nearest ringgit.
Tipping is not part of Korean culture, although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added. If you're at a Korean barbecue joint(烧烤处), there's no need to add anything extra. But a nice Italian restaurant may require a 10% contribution. If you're at a top-end hotel, so expect to pay 500~1 000 won per bag. Taxi drivers don't accept a tip. Keep the change for yourself.
【小题1】In which of the following cities is it unnecessary to tip the taxi-drivers?

A.Bangkok.B.Hong Kong.C.Seoul..D.Kuala Lumpur
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the unit of money?
A.BahtB.Charge.C.Won. D.Ringgit.
【小题3】From the text, we can infer tipping comes from _______.
A.the westB.Hong KongC.Asian countriesD.Bangkok
【小题4】If you stay at a five-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur, how much will you pay the porter at least?
A.one ringgit. B.10% of service chargeC.half a ringgit. D.two ringgit.
【小题5】The writer seems _______.
A.to give the readers some advice on how to tip B.to tell the readers how to travel
C.to ask the readers to go on a travel to Asian citiesD.to make the trip more pleasant


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届山东省高唐一中高三模拟真题测试一(英语) 题型:阅读理解

The small number of newborn babies, which has been caused by high prices and the changing social situation of women, is one of the most serious problems in Asia. When people talk about it, you can hear a word invented in Japan. which means Double Income Kids(小孩).
In many major Asian cities like Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo, the cost of a house is extremely high. A young couple who want to buy their own house may have to pay about $3000,000 (though prices have fallen). For a flat with one bedrooms, one dining-room, a kitchen, and a bathroom, the couple will pay about $900 a month. What’s more, if they want to have a child, the child’s education is very expensive. For example, most kindergarten charges are at least $5.000 a year. In such a situation, it’s difficult to afford children.
The number of married women who want to continue working because they enjoy their jobs. However, if they want to have children, they immediately have serious problems. Though most companies allow women to leave their jobs for a short time to have a baby, they expect women with babies to give up their jobs. In short, if they want to bring up children properly, both parents have to work, but it is hard for mothers to work. Indeed, women who want to contimue working have to choose between having children or keeping their jobs.
In a word, Asian governments must take steps to improve the present situation as soon as possible.
【小题1】What is the main problem being discussed in the passage?

A.The small number of newborn babies.
B.The changing social situation of women.
C.The high prices of houses and education.
D.The necessary steps of Asian government.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.It is easy for a couple to afford a child in Asia.
B.The prices of in Asia are quite low now.
C.Fewer and fewer married women wan to have a job.
D.The word “DINKS” appeared in an Asian country.
【小题3】To buy a flat and send a child to kindergarten, how much will a couple pay each year?
【小题4】The author seems to believe that Asian governments should ________.
A.let women stay at home and have a baby
B.allow one of the parents to go out to work
C.care for the growing needs of women for job.
D.the companies that permit women to leave.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建安溪一中养正中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Over the past few months, PSY’s funny video for “Gangnam Style” has become a YouTube sensation, resulting in over 112,000,000 views since July 15. It’s also been Tweeted more than 780,000 times and received over 260, 000 likes on Facebook, reports Mashable.com.
With the rapper(说唱歌手) making an appearance at Thursday’s MTV Video Music Awards, here’s what you need to know about the break-out artist.
His real name is Park Jae-Sang. The 35-year-old Korean pop rapper is known for his comedic music videos and performances. The video for “Gangnam Style” is no exception. When his first album PSY—From the Psycho World! was released in 2001, he was nicknamed “PSY” because of his unusual dress, special lyrics(歌词) and funny dance movies.
Gangnam is a wealthy neighborhood in Seoul(首尔). Gangnam may only be 15 square miles, but the district in Seoul, South Korea, is home to the headquarters of some of the country’s most influential companies, including Samsung, Hyundai and LG. The region also makes up 7% of South Korea’s GDP. 41% of students at Seoul University, a very famous college, come from Gangnam. The lyrics of PSY’s song describe the personality of a girl and a guy.
He studied in the U.S. Born in South Korea on December 31, 1977, PSY attended Banpo Elementary School, Banpo Middle School and Eva High Sch ool. But when it came time to achieve a college degree, the rapper attended both Boston University and Berklee College of Music in the U.S.
“Gangnam Style” is giving K-pop international fame. “Gangnam Style” is currently No.1 on the iTunes music video chart. The video has surpassed Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”; Justin Bieber’s “As Long As You Love Me”; and Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake”. This is the first time a Korean artist has ranked this high on iTunes.
【小题1】What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The success of “Gangnam Style”.
B.The origin of “Gangnam Style”.
C.The result of the Music Award.
D.The childhood of PSY.
【小题2】According to the text, PSY              .
A.is already in his forties now
B.made his first album in 2003
C.danced only in his “Gangnam Style”
D.has developed his special comedic style
【小题3】Which of the following about Gangnam is TRUE?
A.It is the capital of South Korea.
B.It is rich and better developed.
C.Seoul University lies in it.
D.It covers about 90 square miles.
【小题4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.“Gangnarn Style” isn’t popular in English-speaking countries.
B.PSY will be given another big prize for music in the future.
C.iTunes is the No.1 music company on the internet.
D.“Gangnam Style” has won the most worldwide popularity.

