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【题目】 __________ the time the firemen arrived, the building had been burnt to pieces.

A. At

B. Till

C. When

D. By


【解析】句意:到消防队员来的时候,这座楼已经烧毁了。by the time可以视为一个整体作连词来用,表示……为止,正好与句中过去完成时的谓语吻合。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to learn a Foreign Language

1)Spend the time!

By far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. The more time you spend with the language, the faster you will learn. This means listening, reading, writing, speaking, and studying words and phrases. This means spending time enjoyably connected to the language you are learning.

2)Listen and read every day!

Listen wherever you are on your MP3 player. Read what you are listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you can mostly understand, or even partly understand. If you keep listening and reading you will get used to the language. One hour of listening or reading is more effective than many hours of class time.


Build up your vocabulary. You’ll need lots. Start to notice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review. Soon you will run into your new words and phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to use them.

4) Take responsibility for your own learning!

If you do want to learn the language, take control. Choose content of interest that you want to listen to and read. Seek out the words and phrases that you need to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language, nor to tell you what to do. Discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up. Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it. A teacher cannot teach you to become fluent, but you can learn to become fluent if you want to.

5) Relax and enjoy yourself!

Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer in your brain, but this will happen on a schedule that you cannot control. So sit back and enjoy. Just make sure you spend enough time with the language. That is the greatest guarantee of success.

【1】What should we avoid while reading or listening?

A. Things we half understand.

B. Things we generally understand.

C. Things that we are fond of.

D. Things that we don’t understand.

【2】What’s the best title of Part 3?

A. Focus on pronunciation and tune!

B. Focus on words and phrases!

C. Focus on grammar and idioms!

D. Focus on online classes and courses!

【3】 What plays the most important part in learning a foreign language?

A. Keeping the learning schedule strictly.

B. Our attitudes towards learning the language.

C. Making sure of enough learning time.

D. Our interest in learning the language.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Will Helen come to my party tonight?

—I am not sure. She go to the cinema with her father.

A. shall B. can C. may D. must


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often wondered what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school 【1】 (dress) so inappropriately for the cold winter months. But something made David special. He always stayed after school 2 straighten chairs and mop the floor. He would just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for 3 (let ) him stay and slowly head for home.

On the last day of school before Christmas holiday break, I saw David 4 (quiet) standing by my desk.“I have something for you.” he said and 5 (pull )from behind his back a small box. Handing it to me, he said anxiously, 6 it.” I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my surprise saw 7 . I looked at David’s smiling face and said, “The box is nice, David, 8 it’s empty.”“Oh no, it isn’t. said David. “It’s full of love. My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at the proud dirty face that I 9 (rarely give) attention to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot 【10 meaning behind the little empty box set on my desk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 About 59% of engineering companies in the IET's 2014 survey feared skill shortages could threaten(威胁) business. Engineers should embrace(接受) the arts, Sir John O'Reilly, a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, argued in a lecture.

"There is nothing as creative as engineering," Sir John told the reporter. He says science, technology, engineering and mathematics - often known as "Stem" subjects, are vital for a modern knowledge economy. But there is a massive shortfall in the number of recruits(招聘) - with a recent study by the Royal Academy of Engineering saying the UK needs to increase by as much as 50% the number of Stem graduates it produces.

Delivering this year's Mountbatten Lecture at the Royal Institution, Sir John argued that engineers should recognise the role of the arts in their work - among other benefits; this could attract more people into the profession. The lecture, Full Steam Ahead for Growth, advocated a wider adoption -- Steam, or science, technology, engineering, arts and maths. Engineers should embrace the arts as being key to creativity and an important component of innovation(创新), crucial to creating new products and boosting future competitiveness, he argued. "Engineering and technology is an increasingly diverse and creative field," said Sir John.

Some university engineering departments already cooperated with art schools to develop understanding, he told the reporter. In particular he mentioned Cranfield University's Centre for Creative Competitive Design and Imperial College's work with the Royal College of Art. The two sets of people could work well together and more emphasis on the creative side of engineering could improve the success of products, he said.

"Aesthetics(美学) is part of it," he told the reporter, adding that Apple's iPod was not the first digital media player, nor the only one that worked - but it came to dominate the market "because it was nice to have".

Sir John said he was not suggesting universities started requiring A-level art from engineering applicants - the key subjects for admission would continue to be maths and the sciences. But an emphasis on creative skills would help "broaden the pool and attract more people in".

【1】According to a recent study by the Royal Academy _______ .

A. the UK needs more graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

B. engineering graduates are not as creative as expected

C. there are not enough arts graduates produced in the UK.

D. skill shortages could threaten business

【2】According to the lecture Full Steam Ahead for Growth, _______ .

A. engineers should cooperate with arts majors

B. Accepting the arts could attract more people into engineering

C. engineers should realize arts play the most important part in their work

D. engineering and technology is as diverse and creative as before

【3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. More university students should study arts instead of engineering.

B. Engineering and technology is increasingly different and unrelated fields.

C. The IET's skills survey raised concerns about the number of recruits to engineering.

D. Students from some university engineering departments have already transferred to art schools

【4】What is the passage mainly about?

A. Lack of creativity makes it difficult for the engineering major to find a satisfactory job.

B. The key subjects for engineering majors remain to be maths and the sciences rather than arts.

C. University engineering departments should cooperate with art schools to improve the success of products.

D. Engineering needs to emphasize its creative side to encourage more young people to choose it as a career.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】改编】One day, while I was walking to work, I decided to bring some flowers that I had picked from my garden that morning. On the way, I a stranger and presented the flowers to him with a smile card. by the sense of joy I felt from giving flowers to person, and may be his day, I wanted to do it again.

When I got to my office, I had the of anonymously (匿名) leaving flowers around the workplace. The impersonal (无人味) of the building where I work makes me . It just feels a little boring sometimes, though it’s a nice building with great light. I lots of people might feel the same way, so why not put a little there, and throw in an inspirational quote (引言) while I’m at it? , who doesn't like flowers?

So, for the past month, I’ve been flowers in a little cup on the sink in the bathroom. Each week, I the flowers and the quote. It always feels for me to read quotes like Henry David Thoreau’s “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, he will meet with a unexpected in common hours.”and Gandhi’s “The fragrance(香味) always on the hand that gives the rose.” If anything, I figure, but it at least makes me each time I visit the bathroom.

Then today, when I walked in, I noticed flowers in the cup, and a quote that someone else had written! It , “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ------- Gandhi.

This little act me that, at the end of the day, we’re all just people with hearts the various roles and different hats we may wear in the workplace.

I did a little dance and am smiling wide for the rest of the day!

【1】A. picked out B. came across C. called up D. pointed at

【2】A. Struck B. Informed C. Surprised D. Honored

【3】改编】A. another B. other C. others D. the other

【4】A. calming B. determining C. reflecting D. brightening

【5】A. belief B. way C. idea D. aim

【6】改编】A. surrounding B. atmosphere C. design D. people

【7】A. uncomfortable B. impolite C. impatient D. unforgettable

【8】改编】A. concluded B. confirmed C. considered D. believed

【9】A. mystery B. smile C. beauty D. courage

【10】改编】A. All in all B. First of all C. Above all D. After all

【11】A. growing B. watering C. putting D. picking

【12】A. count B. check C. clean D. change

【13】A. refreshing B. interesting C. satisfying D. puzzling

【14】A. prize B. truth C. success D. shock

【15】A. holds B. attaches C. remains D. focuses

【16】A. strong B. happy C. surprised D. shocked

【17】A. good B. new C. small D. special

【18】A. told B. replied C. wrote D. said

【19】A. introduces B. warns C. suggests D. reminds

【20】改编A. regardless ofB. because of C. in spite of D. despite of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It was not until I came here __________ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.

A. who

B. that

C. where

D. before


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 __________ industry develops quickly, more and more rivers are being polluted.

A. When

B. As

C. After

D. With


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The old man told me that this kind of plant didnt need________.

A.to water B.water

C.watered D.to be watered

