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A student's life is never easy. 【1】 A lot of preparations are needed so you can be sure to go hack home with a diploma and a bright future waiting for you. The following are some basic things you need to do before even seizing that passport and boarding on the plane.

●Knowing the country.

You shouldn't bother researching the country's hottest tourist spots or historical places. You won't go there as a tourist, but as a student. It'll be helpful to read the most important points in their history and to read up on their culture. 2 You surely don't want to face legal problems, especially if you're away from home.

●Studying their language.

Don't expect that you can graduate abroad without knowing even the basics of the language. Before leaving your home country, take online lessons to at least master some of their words and sentences. 3 Doing this will also prepare you in communicating with those who can't speak English.b


Check the conversion(兑换)of your money to their local currency, set up your bank account so you can use it there, get an insurance, and find an apartment. The Internet or your intended school will be very helpful in finding an apartment and helping you understand local currency.

Remember, you're not only carrying your own reputation but your country's reputation as well. If you act foolishly, people there might think that all of your country men are foolish as well. 5

A. Packing your clothes.

B. Preparing for other needs.

C. Most importantly, read about their laws.

D. This will be useful in living and studying there.

E. That would surely be a very bad start for your study abroad program.

F. Going with their trends will keep it from being too obvious that you're a foreigner.

G. And it is even more difficult if you will have to complete your study in a foreign land.









【1】G考查上下文理解。根据下文的The following are some basic things you need to do before even seizing that passport and boarding on the plane以下是一些基本的事情,你需要做的,甚至是在飞机上的护照和登机护照和登机等说明与G中的your study in a foreign land.一致,故选G.

【2】C考查上下文理解。根据空后的You surely don't want to face legal problems, especially if you're away from home你当然不想面对法律问题,特别是如果你离家不远的话。再根据选项C中的their laws判断C.

【3】D考查上下文理解。根据空前的take online lessons to at least master some of their words and sentences至少掌握在线课程的一些单词和句子及空后的Doing this will also prepare you in communicating with those who can't speak English这样做也会让你与那些不会说英语的人交流空前后提到交流和学习等与D项吻合,故选D


【5】E考查上下文理解。根据的那一句话If you act foolishly, people there might think that all of your country men are foolish as well如果你愚蠢地行事,人们会认为你的国家人都是愚蠢的.,可知这里作者想说的是如果那样愚蠢的话,则你留学的生涯将是从一个不好的开始开始。故选E


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处, 每处只涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






A foreign student graduated with honors from a finely university in Germany. He expected to find a good job and have a bright future. But in his disappointment, he wasn't even giving the chance for an interview! The third time he was refused, he phoned the company to ask how. "We don't employ dishonest people in Germany" is the answer. What was wrong? Shortly before he arrived in Germany, he found easy to steal subway rides. But he often rode without a ticket and was caught up three times. Now he had to pay a high price for his own behavior. We should all keep in minds: honesty is the best policy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Teachers say the digital age has had a good influence and a not-so-good influence on this generation of American teenagers. More than 2,000 high school teachers took an online survey.

75 percent of the teachers said the Internet and digital search tools have had a “mostly positive” effect on their students' research habits and skills. But 87 percent agreed that these technologies "make the students not have enough attention.” And 64 percent said the technologies “do more to distract students than to help them academically.”Many students think “doing research” now means just doing a quick search on Google.

Judy Buchanan is a director of the National Writing Project. Ms. Buchanan says digital research tools are helping students learn more, and learn faster. Teachers really like these tools, because they are ways to make some of learning exciting. Young people enjoy using these tools. And the goal is to help them become creative students of meaningful work, and not just that kind of copyist.

But one problem the survey found is that many students don't have a good understanding of how to use the digital knowledge well. In other words, they trust(信任) too much of the information. Judy Buchanan says these students have not developed the skills they need to tell whether the online information is good or bad.

Another problem the survey found is something that might not seem like a problem, at all, being able to quickly find information online. Teachers say the ability of their students to work hard to find answers is becoming weaker. They say students depend too much on search engines (引擎) and do not make enough use of printed books or research, librarians.

Besides, many teachers are also worried about the problem that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others, instead of using their own abilities.

1Most of the teachers might agree that .

A. the digital age only has had a good influence on teenagers.

B. digital search tools have had a positive effect on students’ research.

C. the digital age has had a bad influence on students’ study.

D. technologies can only distract students.

2What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Google can do all the job for students.

B. Google helps students do research.

C. Students just use something they found online when doing research.

D. A quick search on Google means a success in research.

3Which of the following is NOT the disadvantages of digital age?

A. Online information may not be reliable.

B. Students can easily find the information they needs.

C. Copying work may arise among students.

D. Students won’t use their own abilities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意: 1.词数100左右;2.信的格式和开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear John,

I hear that you are not sure about becoming an artist because of your family's objections.________________








Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


How to Deal With Losing in Sports

Winning and losing go hand-in-hand when it comes to sports. Great athletes never let the highs get too high,

or the lows get too low. The result of a match is uncertain. The only thing that is certain is the competition itself.

【1 The result is just the result of all the hard work put in.

Congratulate your opponent (对手) after a loss. Respect your opponent because he put in as much work, or more than you. This shows respect for the opponent and respect for the contest.

Accept the fact that the loss is no one's fault. This is harder to do in an individual sport , but absolutely impor-tant in a team sport. 2 Don't get down on yourself. If competing in an individual sport , accept that losing is apart of competing and move on.

Examine why you lose the competition. Ask yourself if you did everything possible to prepare for the competition. Ask yourself if you gave it all during the competition. 3 This is crucial if competing in an individual sport. If competing in a team sport,recognize that everyone isn't perfect and examine the loss from the team opinion.

4 Practice more, and practice better. Correct whatever mistakes made during the match. Get bigger,

stronger, faster, smarter and do whatever it takes.

Seek out the support and encouragement of teammates and coaches. Don't allow yourself to think negatively.Avoid negative people. 5__

Never accuse a competitor of cheating, even if it were true. Again, this will make you seem as if you are looking for excuses.

A. Don't put blame to anyone.

B. Work harder to get better.

C. Train hard to achieve your aim.

D. Winning is No. I for great athletes.

E. Great athletes love the competition.

F. Stay positive and trust your work value.

G. Analyze any mistakes you might have made.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










My dear classmates,

There is no denying that safety play an important part in our daily life. Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.____________________________________________________








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year 1 the first Wednesday of March. It2(start) by the LitWorld.org website in 2010 and has now reached 65 countries. The aim is to encourage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy the benefits of a book. The website asks everyone3(celebrate) the day by taking a book, finding an audience, and reading out aloud. It is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write4(belong) to all people.

The website asks5 (visit) to join in the movement to reduce6number of illiterate (不识字的) people in the world. It is7(absolute) necessary to help those who cannot read. The website says, "It's time to start by reading aloud to 8might like it. Share a book with a child who might need 9, share a story with someone who would treasure it, listen patiently to someone else's story as they share with you." The United Nations says, "Literacy involves a variety of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge, and to participate fully in society." In that way, World Read Aloud Day 10 help make a difference.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I’m writing to you in___________(connect) with your job application.

2Crack cocaine is the most___________(上瘾)form of cocaine.

3Before they visited India, they____________(record) several albums.

4We waited with ________ (anxious)for the news of her safe arrival.

5I’m at a _______(lose) about what I can do to help them.

6Joseph Haydn was one of the greatest c_________ of his time.

7This is a t___________ Chinese painting, named The Three Friends of Winter.

8I decided to go to the meeting as a(n)__________(表达) of support.

9Playing computer games is _________(delight), but spending too much time on it may do harm.

10Climate and weather can affect every a_________ of our lives.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Ms Lee,

I'm delighting to have you as my English teacher.

English has become a global language,so Im convinced that learning English is of great useful.We should learn English well to better under stand that happens around the world.

But my English is rather poor. One of my problems are that I often feel nervously when speaking in public.Besides,I feel difficult to learn words by heart.I really hope you call offer us more chances to speak with English.But I also hope youll give me some advices on how to learn new words.I believe I can make many progress than ever with your help.

Thank you!

Li Hua

