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2.We had been living our valley for sixteen months when we first realized the dangers that could exist.It was the year when the storms came early,before the calendar even hinted at winter,even before November was out.(71)GSoon snow began to fall.Within a day it lay some 15 centimeters deep.It almost completely blocked our lane and made the streamside path slippery and dangerous.But on the neighboring heights the snow was much deeper and stayed for longer.Up there the wind blasted fiercely.Deeply in our valley we felt only sudden gusts of wind:trees swayed but the branches held firm.
And yet we knew that there was reason for us to worry.The snow and wind were certainly inconvenient but they did not really trouble us greatly(72)B.It reminded us of what could have occurred if circumstances had been different,if the flow of water from the hills had not,many years before,been controlled,held back by a series of dams.(73)C
Day after day,we watched furious clouds pile up high over the hills to the west.Sinister grey clouds extended over the valleys.They twisted and turned,rising eastwards and upwards,warning of what was to come.We had seen enough of the sky; now we began to watch the river,which every day was becoming fuller and wilder.
The river seemed maddened as the waters poured almost horizontally down to its lower stretches.(74)DIt was far deeper than we'd ever seen it so near our home,lunging furiously at its banks.For three days we prayed that it would stay below its wall(75)E.

A.It was the river,the Ryburn,which normally flowed so gently,that threatened us most.
B.The great power of all this water prevents us from believing ourselves to be completely safe in our home.
C.In a short time the snow started to melt.
D.Just a couple of meters from our cottage,the stream seemed wild beneath the bridge.
E.Our prayer were answered as the dam held and the waters began to subside.
F.They grew so strong that we couldn't control it.
G.Until then,we had felt safe and sheltered in our valley.

分析 本文属于说明文类的短文阅读.主要介绍了我们居住了16个月的山区受到了洪水的袭击,洪水,冰雪等异常严重,让我们感受到了前所未有的危险.

解答 71-75 GBCDE
71.G.考查上下文的理解能力.通过开头一句We had been living our valley for sixteen months when we first realized the dangers that could exist.可知,16个月以来我们没有感到过危险的存在,G项Until then,we had felt safe and sheltered in our valley.直到那时(even before November was out)我们还是感到安全和居住无忧的,故选G.
72.B.考查上下文的理解能力.后面一句the flow of water from the hills had not,many years before,been controlled,held back by a series of dams说明了洪水的严重危害,故选B,这次洪水的强大破坏性使我们不再相信我们的居住地是安全的.
73.C.考查上下文的理解能力.根据后面的now we began to watch the river,which every day was becoming fuller and wilder可知,这些部分原因是由冰雪融化导致的,故选C.
74.D.考查上下文的理解能力.前面提到The river seemed maddened河水好像发狂了,那么D项中Just a couple of meters from our cottage,the stream seemed wild beneath the bridge桥下的溪流也是变得异常的狂野符合文意.
75.E.考查上下文的理解能力.前面一句was far deeper than we'd ever seen it so near our home,lunging furiously at its banks说明洪水是不受控制的,故选E.

点评 对于选句填空这种题型要搞明白上下文之间的逻辑关系,要根据对话者所说的语气及语义关系来做出判断;只要符合文章的结构、通顺合理即可.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.There are two types of people in the world.Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life,one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy.This arises from the different ways in which they consider things,persons,events and the resulting effects upon their minds.
People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things:the pleasant parts of conversation,the well prepared dishes,the goodness of the wine and the fine weather.They enjoy all the cheerful things.Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things.Therefore,they are continually dissatisfied.By their remarks,they sour the pleasure of society,offend (hurt) many people,and make themselves disagreeable everywhere.If this turn of mind was founded in nature,such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied.The intention of criticizing(批评) and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation(模仿).It grows into a habit,unknown to its possessors.The habit may be strong,but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes.I hope this little warning may be of service to them,and help them change this habit.
Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination,it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck.Those people offend many others; nobody loves them,and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect.This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments.If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune,nobody wishes them success.Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes.If they bring on themselves public objections,no one will defend or excuse them,and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings.These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing,without worrying needlessly about themselves and others.If they do not,it will be good for others to avoid any contact(接触) with them.Otherwise,it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient,especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.
71.People who are unhappyD.
A.always consider things differently from others
B.usually are affected by the results of certain things
C.usually misunderstand what others think or say
D.always discover the unpleasant side of certain things
72.The underlined phrase"sour the pleasure of society"in Paragraph 2 most nearly means"B".
A.have a good taste with social life       
B.make others unhappy
C.tend to scold others openly              
D.enjoy the pleasure of life
73.We can conclude from the passage thatC.
A.we should pity all such unhappy people
B.such unhappy people are dangerous to social life
C.people can get rid of the habit of unhappiness
D.unhappy people can not understand happy persons
74.If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit,the author suggests that people shouldA.
A.prevent any communication with them    
B.show no respect and politeness to them
C.persuade them to recognize the bad effects
D.quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes
75.In this passage,the writer mainlyC.
A.describes two types of people               
B.laughs at the unhappy people
C.suggests the unhappy people should get rid of the habits of unhappiness
D.tells people how to be happy in life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.New research finds a link between poverty and poor decision making.The findings may explain why poor people sometimes make bad choices that continue their hardship.
Earlier studies have found the poor less likely to escape poverty.But there has been little research on why the poor make decisions that make their lives harder.Until recently,it was economists who studied poverty,not psychologists.Eldar Shafir,a psychologist in Princeton University says now scientists from both fields work together.Mr.Shafir and his team did two experiments.One took place at a shopping center in New Jersey.Another was carried out among sugar cane farmers in rural India.
The New Jersey experiment involved individuals with low paying jobs and others belonged to the middle class.All the volunteers were asked what they would do if their cars needed repairs.
The volunteers were given two imaginary situations.In the first,the car repairs cost﹩150.In the second,﹩1,500.
"And what we found is that the poor and the rich performed equally well on almost all the tests."
Not so when the researchers raised the repair costs to﹩1,500.
"Now the poor performed significantly worse."The poorer lost about 13IQ points on average.This is about the loss experienced when a person has not slept for one night.
The scientists then wondered if the same person reacted differently when he was rich and when he was poor.The Indian sugar cane farmers earn most of their money once a year,when the harvest comes in.But the money often does not last through the year.
"So they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the income comes in and poor just before the harvest.
The researchers gave them tests similar to the ones taken by the people in New Jersey.They tested the Indian farmers before the harvest and after.
And the results were much the same as with the mall shoppers.
"They performed much more slowly and with many more mistakes when they were poorer than when they were richer."
Mr.Shafir says the results support 50years of research that shows all humans have limited mental power to deal with things in life.
"And so the insight here is that,having not enough of something in a way makes it harder to make good decisions for everything else."

61.What is true about earlier studies?B
A.They were done by economists and psychologists.
B.They found it hard for poor people to become rich.
C.They explained why poor people made poor decisions.
D.They showed the poor people cared less about their health.
62.In the first experiment,the poor performed worse becauseC
A.they had not slept for one night
B.it was just an imaginary situation
C.the increased price affected their decision
D.they didn't take the second situation seriously
63.The Indian sugar cane farmersD
A.are smarter when they are poor
B.earn money all through the year
C.earn lots of money so they think they are rich
D.feel rich after the harvest and poor before harvest
64.What do the two experiments have in common?A
A.They got similar findings.
B.They were carried out in the rural areas.
C.They were carried out by economists only.
D.They chose two groups of people with different income.
65.What could be the best title for the passage?C
A.Once poor,always poor?
B.Why are poor people poorer?
C.Poverty weakens brain power.
D.Different experiments,different findings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Let us suppose it is now about A.D.2060.Let's make believe it is about sixty years from now.Of course,things have changed and life is very different.
Voyages to the moon are being made every day.It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe.At a number of scenic spots on the moon,many hotels have been built,the hotels are air--conditioned,naturally.So that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon.Every room has at least one picture window.Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of young and old.
What are people eating now?People are still eating food.They haven't yet started to take on their supply of energy directly as electrical current or as nuclear power.They may be some day.But many foods now come in pill form,and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.
Since there are several times as many people in the world today as there were a hundred years ago,most of our planet's surface has to be filled.The deserts are irrigated with water.Crops are no longer destroyed by pests.The harvest is always good.
Farming,of course,is very highly developed.Very few people have to work on the farm.It is possible to run the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and then.
People are now largely vegetarians.You see,as the number of people increased,the number of animals decreased.Therefore,the people have to be vegetarians and we are healthier in both our bodies and our minds,too,and we know the causes and cure of diseases and pain,and it is possible to get rid of disease.No one has to be ill any more.
Such would be our life in 2060.
66.What are the hotels on the moon used for in 2060?D
A.Scientific experiments.
B.People who have no houses.
D.Holiday people.
67.Which of the following is WRONG?C
A.In the story,the population of the world has increased.
B.Voyages to the moon are being made every day.
C.A great number of people work on the farm.
D.The food comes mainly from green plants.
68.According to the passage,why are people largely vegetarians?B
A.Because most people like vegetables better.
B.Because the number of people increased and the number of animals decreased.
C.Because people think meat is unhealthy.
D.Because there are no animals at all.
69.According to the passage,what about the people's health in 2060?B
A.Because the people have to be vegetarians,they are very thin.
B.The people have no illness.
C.The doctor don't know how to treat the diseases and pain.
D.The people are less healthier in our bodies than in our minds.
70.When was the passage written?C
A.In about A.D.2060
B.In about 1960
C.In about 2000
D.In about 2004.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.When I was a little girl,my mom would say,"Half the fun of doing anyth1ng is sharing it with others".(71)BFriends and mates allow us to enjoy our successes and our joys,comfort us in our hard moments,and provide a mirror for us to learn more about ourselves.I've always looked at friends as the family we choose.They enrich our lives.As Robert Louis Steven once said,"(72)E"
To be a good friend or partner,it's important to be a good lis1ener.Hear what your friend or mate has to say first rather than jump to conclusions or get defensive.(73)DWhen they hear their words repeated back to them,it can help them to realize what they said was not exactly,what they meant to say.
(74)GYou know the old golden rule,"Care for others the way you would like them to care for you."The support of a friend during a tough time could make the difference between success and failure.Encouragement and confidence are the gifts that can help change a person's life.
Take care,though,with whom you choose to have close relationship,for they can have a great effect on your self-respect and life path.As someone once told me"(75)FThey will either take you up or down."

A.I am afraid so.
B.It is quite true
C.Friendship is thw most important factor.D.Sometimes it is usefu1to be their mirror.
E.A friend is a present which you give yourself.
F.The attitudes of your friends are like the buttons on a lift.
G.Patience,sympathy and understanding are also important qua1itles.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.There is no doubt that _________ a goal,one needs not only knowledge but also good personalities.(  )
A.achieveB.achievingC.to achieveD.achieved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-How far can you run without stopping?
-________.I've never tried.(  )
A.Don't mention itB.I have no idea
C.That's all rightD.Go ahead


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Judging (judge) from his accent,he must be a southerner.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Travel has become a part of our lives.And more and more of us have come to know the importance of travel through our own experiences.Travelling broadens our mind.We may get knowledge from books,but it is limited and is sometimes inapplicable to real life.To make up for this shortcoming,we should travel to see things which can not he found in books.To our surprise,the longer we travel,the more we will treasure our life.
My travel to Xishuangbanna,a place of interest in Yunnan,is a good case in point.The
journey made me enrich my knowledge,especially geographical learning.This trip provided me the chance to taste food cooked by people of l)ai Minority,and try on their clothes that I otherwise
could not have.By making friends with people there,I came to know that boys of this minority should be,at an early age,sent to a temple to receive the education of Buddhism(佛教).That is why we often notice many teenagers wearing the clothes of a monk in public.If it had not been for the travel to Banna,I would not have known a lot about sonic strange customs practiced in other parts of China.
In view of my experience in Banna,I firmly believe that travel is one of the best ways to broaden our minds.It enriches our knowledge so that we come hack home with a broader mind.
Judging from the above-mentioned facts,how can we ignore the advantages brought by travelling?

32.The word"broaden"in the first passage meansA•
A.enlarge            B.change            
C.reduce             D.disturb
33.Which of the following is NOT true?D
A.Travel has become part of our life.
B.Travelling gives us happiness.
C.Travel gives us the knowledge we can't know in books.
D.People haven't realized the importance of travelling.
34.According to the passage,which is NOT the advantage of travelling?A
A.It gives us the chance of leaving our work.
B.It broadens our mind.
C.It expands our scope of knowledge.
D.It gives us the chances of knowing the customs.
35.What is the writer's attitude towards  travelling?D
A.disappointed        B.worried  
C.puzzled             D.supportive.

