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5. In the US,winter wheat is (收获) in the early summer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                        Welcome to Pegasus!

        Here is some information to help familiarize you with the facilities.

        Opening hours 

        The building is open every day between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (and 5 p.m. on Fridays) . If you need to work outside during these hours,you will need to make arrangements with Angela.


        Unfortunately,there are no car parking facilities; however,there is a cycle rack(支架) just in front of the entrance where cyclists can lock their bikes.


         To use the photocopier,you will need a personal code(密码) 一please ask Martin for this. In order to save trees? please only make copies when strictly necessary,and make double-sided copies if possible. Put waste paper in the recycling bin. If the copier jams and you can't fix it,or if you run out of paper,see Martin.


         There is a kettle in the kitchen for making tea or coffee. Tea,coffee,sugar and biscuits are provided in the cupboard for staff to use. There is also a microwave which staff are welcome to use,and a fridge to store your own food and drink. Please label your food and throw it away if it starts to go off. Remember to wash and put away your dishes after use!

         Leaving the building

         If you are the last person to leave the building,please do the following: 

       . Make sure that all the windows are locked.

       . Check that the computers and photocopier are switched off

       . Switch off the lights and close all the doors.

       . Set the alarm — instructions for doing this are on the              wall,next to the alarm.


         Please do not smoke anywhere in the building. Smoking is permitted in the yard behind the building,and there is a small shelter that smokers can use in the event of rain.

Thank you for your cooperation.

13. What do we know about Pegasus?

   A. It has a large car parking lot.

   B. It isn’t  available for overtime work.

   C. Its opening time is shorter on Friday.

   D. Its cycle rack is just behind the building.

14. To use the photocopier,you have to.

   A. make double-sided copies

   B. bring some paper with you

   C. learn how to fix a copier jam

   D. get a personal code from Martin

15. It can be inferred that Pegasus’ kitchen .

   A. has no coffee

   B. provides no meals

   C. needs a new cook now

   D. is cleaned every day after work

16. What should you do it you don't know how to set to alarm?

   A. Ask Martin for help.

   B. Get connected with Angela.

   C. See the instructions on the wall.

   D. Leave a message with the doorkeeper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        Yes,we know. Summer is almost here and the moment youJ ve all been waiting for has arrived. It's  time to show off your creativity in the Summer Writing Competition 2016!

        The competition is now open,giving secondary school students a chance to express themselves freely.

         We're looking for fictional stories to run during the summer holidays. Romance,comedy,or something a little darker — it' s  up to you,but it must be set in California,and needs to be no shorter than 1,600 words and no longer than 1,800 words. And this year's topic is “Down the rabbit hole."

         The competition is not open to any staff working in our newspaper or their family members. 

         The competition starts on May 20 and there are great prizes to be won!So put your thinking cap on and show us your best materials.

         The closing date for entries is June 23. Absolutely no late entries,no matter how much you beg,or what cute pictures you post on our Facebook page.

         Winners will be announced in the middle of August and the prize-giving ceremony will bp held on August 31.

The prizes:

* The winner will get: book vouchers worth $1,000

* First runner-up: book vouchers worth $600

* Second runner-up: two tickets to Ocean Park,worth a total of $480          So what are you waiting for? Get writing!

         Be sure to include your full name,age,school,phone number and a photograph with your entry.

         Send your entnes to yp@writing.com,with the word “Rabbit” in subject field.

1. Who can take part in the competition?

   A. Californian locals.

   B. Young book writers.

   C. Newspaper reporters.

   D. Secondary school students.

2. What are participants required to write?

   A. News reports.       B. Musical dramas.

   C. Historical novels.  D. Imaginary stories.

3. What will the champion of the competition receive?

   A. $480 in cash.

   B. Books worth $600.

   C. A SI,000 book voucher.

   D. Two tickets to Ocean Park.

4. Where is the text probably taken from?

   A. A novel.     B. An art book.

   C. A newspaper. D. A writing guide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    1. India  has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas G?ndhi,the leader who helped gain Indians independence from Britain. (P2) 



② 主句是 India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Molnjas Gandhi,the leader 作 Mohandas Gandhi 的同位语,其后接who引导的从句。

[句意]印度在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯•甘 地,货是f助印枣脱亭英国而独立的领袖。

[仿写]她兴办那所学校校以纪念她的父亲,他是一位将自己的 一生奉献给教育事並岛滅授。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



中学生征稿。请你用英语写一篇短 文,描述自已成长过程中难以忘怀的一 


1:简要描述故事发生的时间、地点、人 物等;

2. 描述故事发生的过程;




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The land is only to be used for(agriculture) purposes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. John was proud himself for not giving up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I.根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或 汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式〔每空— 词)。

1. Have you got a cloth that I can w the floor with?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. It’s important to know your own strengths and


