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12.The attraction of television is undeniable when it comes to kids.(36)E
Here are guidelines we created to help us decide what's appropriate for our family:
Monitor television time.Choosing good shows isn't a big issue if you're not watching a lot of television,so really the best solution to finding appropriate television is saying,"Go play."(37)G
Don't trust network ratings.A kid-approved stamp given by a television network is a general guide that doesn't take into account your parenting style and the things your family feels are important.(38)B
There are plenty of adult cartoon shows on television now,many with highly inappropriate topics.
The bottom line is,I want to know what my kids are watching,and if the TV is on my time in our home,I want to first approve of the show ahead of time,and second to watch it with my kids so that I'm aware of anything they might be seeing that needs intervention(干涉).
Talk about the show with your kids.As kids get older,we realize that we can't shelter them from every single person/show/behavior that doesn't fit exactly with our values.They're going to hear a swear word from time to time-and might walk into the room while the characters in the romantic comedy we're watching are kissing.(40)C

A.If it doesn't feel good,turn it off.
B.And be aware of cartoons!
C.We can talk about what we see,though,using story-lines to teach lessons when possible.
D.The standard for what our kids can watch might be difficult to set.
E.But how do you choose which shows are appropriate for the younger set?
F.Watch TV with them.
G.Still,a little bit of television doesn't hurt and can be fun.

分析 本文是一篇说明文.对孩子来说,电视的魅力是毋庸置疑的.为了减少孩子沉迷于电视的时间,我们想出了三个适用于家庭的方法.

解答 36.E 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.前句介绍说电视对孩子们的吸引力非常大,下句说我们队解决这个问题提出了几点意见,中间缺少一个承前启后的成分,E选项内容But how do you choose which shows are appropriate for the younger set?提出问题,刚好符合语境,故答案为E.
37.G考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.第一个建议:控制孩子看电视的时间.前句介绍说最好的方法就是鼓励孩子出去玩,G选项内容Still,a little bit of television doesn't hurt and can be fun.非常完美的承接了上文,故答案为G.
39.F 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.根据下面的内容,我想知道我的孩子们在看什么,如果正好看电视的时间我在家里,首先可以提前同意观看,其次和孩子们一起看能意识到需要干涉的地方.所以此处建议和孩子一起看电视,故答案为F.
40.C考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.本段的主题为Talk about the show with your kids."和孩子们讨论电视节目",上句介绍说孩子们看电视时会听见角色说出的誓言,看见主角们接吻,此时家长应该用自己的见闻与孩子们交流沟通,选项C符合题意.

点评 该类题型要求从短文后的七个选项中(均为完整的句子)选出五个能填入文章空处的最佳选项,主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握. 分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是解题的关键.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Arguing about the problems consumed(耗费)our many hours last afternoon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.A man thirsts for adventure.Often the journey is the destination itself,and you can learn a lot from a brief adventure into the wild.Here are four types of outdoor adventures that every man should attempt to take.
 1.The Ascent(登高)
Mountain climbing and backpacking is one way to truly test your limits.It's a test of mental and physical strength.Besides,it often requires months of preparation.There are plentiful famous mountains notable for being extremely challenging for even the most dedicated climbers.The one thing they all have in common is that they attract a certain type of a person:one with a desire to defeat nature.
 2.The Solo(单独的) Trip
Going out into the wild,alone,is one of the scariest things a lot of people could ever imagine.If you take proper precautions,a solo trip can be a very freeing and rewarding experience.Particularly if you have some heavy things going on in your life-perhaps a failing relationship,switching careers,or financial conflict-getting away from everyone and everything can put you in tune with nature,and with yourself.
 3.The Open Ocean
Whether you find yourself in a kayak(皮船),sailboat,or any other kind of water boat,getting out on the water arouses some very special feelings.Nothing quite compares to having a gentle wind in your face,as you stare out at the vast and glassy expanse of the open water.
 4.Endurance(耐力) Challenge
This is when you're serious about putting your life on hold,and getting away from it all.Endurance,in this case,can mean a number of things.
Trips like this can last months,and include thousands of miles.But they will test every fiber of your being-psychologically,you'll be in constant battle.Physically,you'll be tired and hungry almost all the time.And all of those things make these types of adventures the extreme test of will.You can climb mountains,deserts,rivers and lakes.
21.What is the common point of the well-known challenging mountains?A
A.They appeal to people who are eager to overcome nature.
B.They are beautiful enough to attract visitors.
C.They are suitable for those who are experienced.
D.They draw the attention of people who are well-prepared.
22.A person is likely to choose a solo trip when heD.
A.has a stable job
B.makes a big fortune
C.succeeds in finishing a difficult task
D.has trouble in dealing with the relationship
23.What can be regarded as an endurance challenge?A
A.A bike ride across the United States.
B.A short trip to the countryside.
C.A relaxing walk around a park.
D.A pleasant return to nature.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Benjy and I were working in the yard together one afternoon.It was during a summer between college terms,a time of uncertainty for my son.Benjy wanted to follow in my footsteps as a musician,but he was impatient for success.I ached for him and wished I could say something.
Taking a break,Benjy looked around our 15acres with its stream,its trees,and its rolling grass."This place is beautiful,"he said."How did you get it?"
"I wondered when you'd ask,"I replied.We tend to take things for granted until we're about to leave or lose them.I told Benjy the story.
Our first child,Suzanne,had just been born.Gloria and I were teaching in a town where I had grown up.We wanted land so we could build a house.
I noticed a parcel south of town where cattle grazed(吃草).It belonged to a 92-year-old retired banker named Mr.Yule.He owned a lot of land in the area,but was selling none of it.He gave the same speech to everyone who inquired."I promised the farmers they could use it for their cattle."
Nevertheless,Gloria and I visited him at the bank,where he still spent his days.We made our way past a forbidding mahogany(红木) door and into a dim office.Mr.Yule sat behind a desk,reading The Wall Street Journal.He barely moved,looking at us over the top of his bifocals.
"Not selling,"he said pleasantly,when I told him we were interested in the piece of land."Promised it to a farmer for grazing."
"I know,"I replied nervously."But we teach school here,and we thought that maybe you would sell it to someone planning to settle."
He pursed his lips and stared."What'd you say your name was?"
"Gaither.Bill Gaither."
"H'm.Any relation to Grover Gaither?"
"Yes,sir.He was my granddad."
Mr.Yule put down his paper and removed his glasses.Then he pointed to a couple of chairs,and we sat down.
"Grover Gaither was the best worker I ever had on my farm,"he said."Showed up early,stayed late,did whatever needed doing and never had to be told."
The old man leaned forward."I found him in the barn one night an hour after quitting time.He told me the tractor needed fixing and he wouldn't feel right about leaving it undone."Mr.Yule squinted,his eyes distant with the memory."What'd you say you wanted,Gaither?"
I told him again.
"Let me do some thinking on it,then come back and see me."
I was in his office again within a week.Mr.Yule told me he had thought about it.I held my breath.
"How does 3,800sound?"heasked.At3,800per acre,I would have to come up with nearly 60,000!Wasthisjustawayofputtingmeoff?"Thirty-eighthundred?"Irepeated,withacatchinmythroat."Yup.Fifteenacresfor3,800."The land had to be worth at least three times that!I gratefully accepted.
Nearly three decades later,my son and I strolled the green property that had once been pasture."Benjy,"I said,"you've had this wonderful place to grow up on all because of the good name of a man you never met."
At Granddad's funeral,many people had come up to me to say,"Your grandfather was a good man."He was praised for his compassion,his ability to forgive,his tenderness,his generosity---and,most of all,his integrity.He had been a simple farmer,but his character made him a leader.
A good man.A wonderful phrase---one that has almost been lost in our culture.It reminds me of a verse from Proverbs that I was raised on:"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,and loving favor rather than silver and gold."
A good name is the legacy(遗产) Granddad Gaither left me.It is what I hope to leave Benjy,along with a story he can tell his son as they walk this gentle land.
55.When the writer was asked by his son how he got the land,heD.
A.felt very surprised
B.didn't know how to reply
C.wondered if it was the right time to tell him the story
D.had expected his son to ask this question for a long time
56.According to the text,Mr.YuleC.
A.grazed cattle on his farm
B.rented the land to farmers for grazing
C.had previously sold none of the land he owned
D.charged a very high price for his land
57.What was Mr.Yule's reaction when the writer requested to buy his land for the first time?A
A.He refused to sell it at first as usual.
B.He agreed as soon as he learned the writer's relation with Grover Gaither.
C.He asked a price that the writer couldn't afford.
D.He said it had already been sold to a farmer for grazing.
58.Why did the writer eventually get the land from Mr.Yule?C
A.Because he had a good name.
B.Because he offered a reasonable price.
C.Because he was the grandson of Grover Gaither.
D.Because he planned to settle.
59.Which of the following statements is true about Granddad Gaither?B
A.He was made a leader among the farmers.
B.He was seen by Mr.Yule as the best worker on his farm.
C.He earned a living by being a tractor driver.
D.He died before the writer was born.
60.Which of the following can be the best title?D
A.A good man
B.A kind banker          
C.The land
D.The legacy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Lawrence Craven,a doctor from the USA,is the author of several published reports,one of ________ introduced the idea in 1953 _________ aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks.(  )
A.them; whenB.which; thatC.what; thatD.which; when


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Mr.Black        Shanghai in a few days.Do you know when the earliest plane        off on Sunday?(  )
A.is leaving,is takingB.is leaving,takes
C.leaves,will takeD.leaves,takes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.A.Create family traditions.
B.Remember the 80/20 rule.
C.Insist on family celebrations.
D.Crcate opportunities for talking.
E.Use technology to your advantage.
F.Go on individual dates with your children.

It's no secret that nowadays a majority of parents are overworked,overcommitted and overscheduled.Kids would rather text their friends than chat with Mom or Dad,.which leads to a family communication crisis.Want to improve your family's communication skills?Try following these simple steps.
Make time for talking by reducing the number of activities your family is involved in each week-the time it frees up for communication will be invaluable.And if you do find yourself in the car running from place to place,make a point to turn off the radio,the cell phones and the personal game players,and use that opportunity to catch up on the day's activities.
Spending time with each of your children lets them know that they matter and aren't getting lost in a busy day or large family.Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite coffee place.Younger children often enjoy going to the supermarket,especially when you let them select their favorite cereal or special dessert.Please remember,regularly making such arrangements can keep the relationship healthy.
When you are trying to improve any relationship,listening is far more important than talking,so when it comes to family communication,listen four times longer than you speak.Similarly,think twice about what you say before you say it.Sometimes a parent's first reaction is to rant and scream,especially to negative news.Do your best to avoid this,and if you do verbally explode before your child is finished,apologize quickly and assure him or her that you're now ready to listen
If the family computer's been relegated to homework duties or surfing the Web,why not put it to work by creating a family newsletter that you publish monthly?Ask everyone in the family to contribute"articles"and information about themselves.Then print out a copy for each person and hand deliver it.This would be especially helpful to families that find keeping in touch more difficult as the kids grow up and move away.
Setting up a family movie night,attending religious services or creating special holiday treats are all examples of family traditions.Family members come to expect and appreciate these traditions,seeing them as opportunities to come together as a unit.If your family is short on traditions,there's no reason you can't start some now.Why not set up a bowling night once a month?Or grow a family garden?Or visit the same spot every year for summer vacation?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.I really don't know      I have my money stolen.(  )
A.when was it thatB.that it was when
C.where it was thatD.it was where that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.The woman scientist was so busy that she could hardly    time to her children.(  )

