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17.Sarah and Janet have been friends since they (61)started(start) school.They do everything together:study,read,watch TV,surf the Internet,play sports and listen to music.Anyone (62)who has a problem can ask the other for help.When Sarah was in the (63)third(three) grade,some of the other students made fun of her (64)because she was shy.Janet told the other students to stop (65)making (make) fun of Sarah,and she helped Sarah overcome her shyness.In the fifth grade,Janet had (66)difficulty(difficult) in her maths class.She studied hard,(67)butshe just couldn't understand the homework.Sarah helped Janet (68)with her homework and (69)patiently (patient) explained every exercise to Janet.After six months,Janet did much better and even got(70)an A in the maths exam.

分析 短文描写了Sarah和Janet他们两人从上学开始的点点滴滴,他们做什么事都一起做,互相学习,帮助彼此克服困难.

解答 61.started,根据语境"当他们上学的时候"描述的是过去的动作,因此使用一般过去时started.    
63.third,根据语境表示Sarah三年级,使用Grade Three,或者使用序数词修饰grade,因此填third.     
65.making,考查动词短语的搭配,stop doing sth."停止做某事",因此使用动名词形式making.
68.with,考查动词短语help sb.with sth."帮助某人某事".     

点评 对于语法填空这类题,一是懂得分析句子结构,二是知道充当各个句子成分的词类或词性,从语法上确定答案,当然,对于某些固定搭配也要牢记,在平时的学习中要多积累这些词汇或短语,对于句子使用的时态语态也要通过语境进行确定.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A.Heavy pressure on airlines
B.airlines'worrying situation and future
C.inevitable fuel costs
D.impossible cheap flights
E.low-cost airlines'ways to keep fares low
F.Ryanair's new policy
British travelers already thinking twice about flying to Europe this summer because of the falling value of the pound received more bad news yesterday with indications that the era of cheap flights may be drawing to an end.
Soaring fuel costs have put airlines under financial pressure which,analysts say,will inevitably be passed on to passengers through increased ticket prices,fuel surcharges and baggage check-in fees.The warnings follow a wave of air line bankruptcies in the UK and the US,and the pressure on the airlines has been most acute this year as the global oil price rose from  80 a barrel to nearly 120.
Ryanair became the latest airline to pass that pain on to customers yesterday when it raised the cost of putting bags in the hold and checking in at airports.Passengers on Europe's largest budget carrier will have to pay 16 a bag and 8 to use a check-in desk on return journeys from Monday.Fuel accounts for a quarter of airline budgets and the resulting financial,squeeze has triggered warnings that major carriers could go to the wall or be forced to merge with rivals to survive.Ryanair is trying to play down its latest charge increases because it is the second time Ryanair has raised baggage costs this year to cover the rising cost of fuel,which is expected to account for nearly half of its costs next year.
"Their earnings are greatly affected by the fuel price,so they need to do everything they possibly can to alleviate that cost pressure,"said Andrew Lohbenberg,an analyst at ABN Amro,"But low-cost airlines refuse to impose them,instead preferring to cover their costs through add-on charges for checking in,in-flight food and car rental deals."
However,industry experts say higher bag check-in costs are inevitable if the cost of oil stays around its current level.Ryanair and low-cost rival Easy Jet will try to leave fares untouched,because cheap tickets are the key part of a no-frills(不提供不必要的服务)business model that uses bargain fares to pack passengers on to airplanes and then making profits from them with add-ons (附加物)."They cannot afford to raise fares.It would break their model."said Strickland."Occupancy would fall and they will not make enough money to cover increased fuel costs."Ryanair has already warned that profits could fall by as much as 50% this year due to the fuel situation,while Easy Jet shares were hit recently when it said it would miss its full-year profit targets if fuel stayed at the current price.
The threat to the industry is at its most serious since the incident of September 11,analysts have warned.The global airline industry is barely profitable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

8.A son in many developing countries means insurance,who will inherit his father's property and help support the family.However,to parents,a daughter is just another expense.Her place is in the home,not in the world of men.A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy.Her future is,to some extent,shaped as soon as her family limits her opportunities and treat her as second-rater,which explain why women in developing countries perform much worse than men both in study and career.
Deep discrimination (歧视)against women creates a firm force that keeps girls from living up to their full potential.It also leaves them victims to severe physical and emotional harm.These"servants of the household"come to accept that life will never be any different.What's most harmful,it results not only in millions of individual tragedies,but also in the lost potential for the entire country.Studies show there is a direct link between a country's attitude toward women and its social and economic progress.The status of women is central to the health of a society.If one part suffers,so does the whole.
To deal with the situation,many women turn to education.Educated women are essential to ending sex discrimination,starting by reducing the poverty The most basic skills in literacy and Maths open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women.Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia,for instance,are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education.
Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later,survive childbirth,have fewer and healthier children,and make sure their own children complete school.Understanding the importance of hygiene (卫生)and nutrition,they are more likely to stay in physical wellness.
Nevertheless,the comprehensive change for a society speaks for the more far-reaching meaning of women education.As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs,they gain status in their communities,which translates into the power to influence their families and societies.Such power may,together with other forces of outside interference,make even bigger changes possible and gradually lighten up women's fates in these countries.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
81.What two facts make a woman achieve less than men in developing countries?
Her family limiting her opportunities and treating her as second-rater
82.The most severe result of discrimination against women isthe lost potential for the entire country
83.Why are educated women in developing countries more likely to remain healthy?
Because they understand the importance of hygiene and nutrition
84.High social position at home helps women to have the ability toinfluence their families and societies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.An Open Letter to an Editor
I had an interesting conversation with a reporter recently-one who works for you.In fact,he's one of your best reporters.He wants to leave.
Your reporter gave me a copy of his résumé (简历) and photocopies of six stories that he wrote for you.The headlines showed you played them proudly.With great enthusiasm,he talked about how he finds issues,approaches them,and writes about them,which tells me he is one of your best.I'm sure you would hate to lose him.
Surprisingly,your reporter is not unhappy.In fact,he told me he really likes his job.He has a great assignment,and said you run a great paper.It would be easy for you to keep him,he said.He knows that the paper values him.He appreciates the responsibility you've given him,takes ownership of his profession,and enjoys his freedom.
So why is he looking for a way out?
He talked to me because he wants his editors to demand so much more of him.He wants to be pushed,challenged,coached to new heights.
The reporter believes that good stories spring from good questions,but his editors usually ask how l ong the story will be,when it will be in,where it can play,and what the budget is.
He longs for conversations with an editor who will help him turn his good ideas into great ones.He wants someone to get excited about what he's doing and to help him turn his story idea upside down and inside out,exploring the best ways to report it.He wants to be more valuable for our paper.That's what you want for him,too,isn't it?
So your reporter has set me thinking.
Our best hope in keeping our best reporters,copy editors,photographers,artists-everyone-is to work harder to make sure they get the help they are demanding to reach their potential.If we can't do it,they'll find someone who can.
17.What does the writer think of the reporter?C
18.What does the reporter want most from his editors in their talks?D
A.Finding the news value of his stories.
B.Giving him financial support.
C.Helping him to find issues.
D.Improving his good ideas.
19.Who probably wrote the letter?A
A.An editor.
B.An artist.
C.A reporter.
D.A reader.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.She hoped to get a job on the local newspaper and eventuallyworked for"The Times".


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.With the help of his friends,he finallysolved(解决) the problem.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.I was born in a small village,(41)wherethe people lived a simple life.There were five hundred families(42)intotal in my village.They concentrated(43)onwhether their children could stay(44)healthy(health).They were(45)delighted(delight) to be free(46)fromthe pollution most big cities were faced with.Although the villagers lacked the(47)latest(late) technology,they were content.I studied in a school(48)founded(found) in 1964,(49)whichwas(50)theonly school in my village.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.They had no time to arrange their own wedding,so they had it organized by a company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.My schedule is quite flexible,so I could arrange to meet you any day next week.When you're free,just call me.

