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15.Students from Florida International University in.Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment.To do it,they wore aquatic (水上的)shoes they designed and created.
Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175-foot lake on campus in record time-just over a minute.Quinones,who wore oversized boat-like shoes,also won last year and will receive  500.Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an'6A"on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves,Materials and Methods Construction Class."It's traditional in a school of architecture to do boats out of cardboard for a boat race.I thought our students were a little bit more special than that,"Canaves said."We decided to do the walk on water event to take it to the next level."
A total of 79 students competed in the race this year in 41  teams.Only 10 teams failed to cross the lake.Others who fell got back up and made it to the end.The race is open to all students and anyone in the community.The youngest person to ever participate was a 9-year-old girl who competed in place of her mother,while the oldest was a 67-year-old female.
A large crowd on campus joined Canaves as he cheered on the racers.He shouted encouraging words,but also laughed as some unsteadily made their way to the end.
"A part of this is for them to have more understanding of designing and make it work better,"he said.It is also a lesson in life for the students.
"Anything,including walking on water,is possible,if you do the research,test it and go through the design process seriously.
56.Which statement about Alex'Quinones is ture?D
A.He finished the race in less than a minute.
B.He won the  race with  the help of 2  boats.
C.He failed the race last year.
D.He set a new record this year.
57.For what purpose did the students take part in the race?C
A.To go across the lake to school.
B.To test their balance on the water.
C.To pass Professor Canaves'class.
D.To win the prize money of  500.
58.Which of the following is true about the race?D
A.The students who fell into the water had to quit.
B.More than 20 teams failed to cross the lake.
C.The students kept silent when the other racers competed.
D.The youngest competitor competed instead of her mother.
59.According to Canaves,this race can help the studentsA
A.understand designing better               
B.achieve almost everything
C.work together and unite as one           
D.walk on the surface of water
60.What is the purpose of this passage?B
A.To advertise a student's program.
B.To report an interesting assignment.
C.To introduce a creative professor.
D.To encourage special events on campus.

分析 这篇文章是为了报导一个有趣的课外作业.迈阿密佛罗里达国际大学的学生穿上自己设计的水鞋在水上进行比赛,他们参加比赛是为了通过教授的课程,而教授要求他们这么做是为了让他们更好的理解这个设计也更好的理解人生.

解答 D C D A B
56.答案 D 细节理解题:从文章第二段的句子:Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175-foot lake on campus in record time-just over a minute.可知Alex'Quinones今年创造了一个新的记录,选 D
57.答案 C 细节理解题:从文章第二段的句子:Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an'6A"on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves,可知学生参加比赛是为了通过Canaves 教授的课,选C
58.答案 D 细节理解题:从文章第三段的句子:The youngest person to ever participate was a 9-year-old girl who competed in place of her mother,while the oldest was a 67-year-old female.可知最小的参赛者是代替妈妈来参加比赛的,选D
59.答案 A 细节理解题:从文章第五段的句子:"A part of this is for them to have more understanding of designing and make it work better,"he said.It is also a lesson in life for the students.可知根据Canaves教授的话 参加比赛可以让学生更好的理解这个设计,选A
60.答案 B 主旨大意题:从文章的内容和第一段的句子:Students from Florida International University in.Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment.To do it,they wore aquatic (水上的)shoes they designed and created.可知这篇文章是为了报导一个有趣的课外作业,选B

点评 1.略读问题和选项,带问题阅读


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.     Settling in to life at Oxford      
When you first arrive in Oxford,it may take a little while for you to find your way around.The university is a large organization that is fully integrated into the city and has been evolving for 800years.Some of the first things our students do when they arrive include finding a bike(most students in Oxford find cycling is the best way to go around),setting up a bank account,getting their computer and mobile phone working,finding their department,getting to know their college and working out the best places to socialize.
One of the major events you will experience shortly after"coming up"to Oxford is matriculation.Matriculation is held at the University's Sheldonian Theatre and is the ceremony at which you are formally admitted to the university.
International students are invited to an orientation day at the start of the academic year.Sessions run throughout the day that will give you practical information about living and studying in UK and introduce you to other graduate students from for all over the world who are starting their studies at Oxford at the same time as you,as well as to current Oxford graduate students and staff who will be able to help and advise you.The day covers topics such as studying and learning in the Oxford system,University services,information on living in Britain and culture differences,as well as addressing practical issues such as employment,immigration and visas,health and safety.You can choose which talks to attend and at the end of the day there is a social hour so you can meet fellow students.
Another good thing to experience early on is college dining.Most colleges have a tradition of regular formal hall dinners,which consist of three or four courses,and the atmosphere of an evening out in a nice restaurant.On some of these occasions you can invite people around to your college for dinner and then they may return the favor.In this way,you can get to know people studying your own and other subjects at the same time as visiting many of the historical college grounds and dining halls.
Further information on your first few weeks at Oxford is available via the Students Gateway on our website,and you can get first-hand accounts of what life at Oxford is like by watching videos of students talking about their experiences on our Wall of 100Faces.

70.Which of the following is not the first thing for a newcomer to Oxford to doC?
A.to find a best place to socialize             
B.to set up a bank account
C.to go to the Sheldonian Theatre               
D.to get mobile phone working
71.When do students feel they are truly admitted to Oxford UniversityD?
A.They arrived in Oxford and settled down on campus.
B.They received the offer from the admission office.
C.They met the staff and took some required courses.
D.They experienced the matriculation in the university.
72.Which is an orientation important for international studentsB?
A.It is a good chance to ask the staff for help.
B.It offers practical information about living and studying.
C.It helps get students'computers hooked to the Internet.
D.It can help deal with the problem of culture differences.
73."return the favor"in the passage probably meansA.
A.inviting you for dinner               
B.visiting your historic college in return
C.sharing favorite videos               
D.providing you with some good advice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.A student was one day taking a walk  with a professor.The professor was very popular with students for his ways of   __11___.When they were walking,they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes,which they(12)Cbelonged to a poor man who was working in a field close by.
The student turned to the professor,saying,"Let's play a (13)Don him:we'll hide his shoes,and hide ourselves behind those bushes,and wait to see his(14)Bwhen he cannot find them."with students for his ways of   11.As they w A student was one day taking a walk
The professor said,"We should(15)Camuse ourselves at the expense of the poor.You are(16)B,and may give yourself a much greater pleasure(17)Ahelping the poor man.Let's put a coin into each shoe,and then we will(18)Dourselves and watch how the (19)Aaffects him."The student did so.Before long,the poor man came across the (20)Ato the path where he had left his coat and shoes.
While putting on his coat he (21)Chis foot into one of his shoes,feeling something(22)B.He bent down to see what it was,and found the coin.(23)Band wonder appeared on his face.He stared at the coin,turning it around,then looked around on all sides without
  (24)Aanyone.He put the money into his pocket,and(25)Cto put on the other shoe,and his surprise was(26)Aupon finding the other coin.
He fell upon his(27)B,looked up to heaven,and let out a sincere thanksgiving in which he spoke of his wife,sick and(28)C,and his children who(29)Dbread,whom this timely help would save from dying.
The student stood there deeply affected,his eyes filled with tears."Are you not much better(30)Dthan if you had played a trick?"said the professor.

17.A.by means ofB.in case ofC.for fear ofD.with regard to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

3.At a local bakery I gave the cashier some money."Please surprise someone by(11)Atheir meal with this today,"I said.
     Her(12)Bdropped open."Why are you doing this?"she asked.
"To spread a little bit of(13)C,"I said,"It feels like a good day to share love."
"This is so nice!"she smiled,I smiled too and thinking about how she was going to (14)Athe rest of the day looking for that"perfect"person.
  A little while later I stood,looking(15)B,on a subway platform in Times Square.A passer-by (16)Dhis earphones and gently asked,"Where do you need to go?"Then he gave me directions.
    Soon afterwards I found myself struggling with a heavy(17)Dthrough a downtown subway station.I'd already dragged it up and down a great many staircases.As I (18)Ain front of a final flight of steps,a young man turned around the corner and without hesitation,said,"Carl I help you with the suitcase?"Before I'd even managed a(n)(19)Che lifted my suitcase up.It was a love-filled moment that(20)Bme how much I love this city-with quiet kindness!

11.A.paying forB.eating upC.taking awayD.clearing up
16.A.brought upB.got backC.gave awayD.pulled out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.It was the so-called"supermoon"evening the other night.That is when the moon is at its(41)B and brightest point.I decided to take a (42)Cfrom the book I was reading and go out to(43)Dit for a while.A gentle rain was falling as I(44)Bout into my yard and looked up at the sky.At first I thought the rain clouds would ruin my(45)A,but it wasn't long before they(46)Bright where the giant moon was resting in the sky,and the golden light from it(47)Aup the sky.I stood there for a long time moved by the sight and(48)Cnoticed the cold rain drops beating my head.
When I finally took my(49)Coff the sky,I saw something else(50)Din the night.Dozens of little fireflies were blinking their own(51)Bon and off.It was so wonderful seeing them again.They had always(52)Dmy summer nights more lovely with their lights.Their little blinks were so (53)Acompared to the giant moon,yet they too made the dark,rainy night look a little brighter.
You know,sometimes I(54)Alike one of those tiny fireflies trying to shine my light in this world.(55)Cit is so weak and small,I know that if I don't shine my light and (56)Bmy love,this world will become a darker place.I know too that the(57)DI shine,the more others will share their own loving light as well.
Don't let this sometimes dark world(58)Ayou then.So I think you should shine your own light as brightly as you can.You can(59)Cothers to shine theirs as well.(60)B,you should never forget to share your love with laughter and joy.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.A patient on the brink of death has received the world's first self-contained artificial heart-a battery-powered device about the size of a softball that runs without the need for wires,tubes sticking out of the chest.It is powered by a small battery pack worn outside the body that transmits current through the skin.
Two surgeons from the University of Louisville implanted(植入)the titanium(钛)and plastic pump during a seven-hour operation at Jewish Hospital Monday.The hospital said the patient was"awake and responsive''Tuesday and resting comfortably.It refused to eve personal details.
The patient had been expected to die within a month without the operation,and doctors said they expected the artificial heart to extend the person's life by only a month.But the device is considered a major step toward improving the patient's quality of life.
The new pump,called AbioCor,is also a technological leap from the mechanical hearts used in the l980s,which were attached by wires and tubes to large machinery outside the body.The most famous of those,the Jarvic-7,used air as a pumping device and was attached to an apparatus(器械)about the size of a washing machine.
"I think it's potentially a major step forward in the artificial heart development,''said Dr.David Faxon,president of the American heart Association.However,he said the dream of an implantable,permanent artificial heart is not yet a reality:"This is obviously an experimental device whose long-term success has to be demonstrated."Only about half of the 4,200Americans on a waiting list for donor hearts received  themlast year,and most of the rest died.
Some doctors,including Robert Higgins,chairman of cardiology(心脏病学)at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond,said artificial hearts are unlikely to replace donor hearts."A donor heart in a good transplant can last l5to 30years.''he said."It's going be hard to replace that with a machine.''

56.The self-contained artificial heartC.
A.is made of titanium and pump
B.brought the patient to the brink of death
C.gets power from a battery pack without wires
D.was invented by two surgeons from University of Louisville
57.From the text we can knowB.
A.the patient recovered completely
B.the patient got better after the operation
C.the patient refused to obtain a donor heart
D.the patient died a month later after the heart implantation
58.What can we learn about the Jarvic-7?B
A.It is a technological leap today.
B.It could be used most widely in the l980s.
C.It is as advanced as AbioCor.
D.It must be attached to a washing machine.
59.Dr.David Faxon thinks the self-contained heartD.
A.has achieved a long-term success
B.will replace donor hearts
C.is an implantable and permanent artificial heart
D.is still in the experimental stage
60.What does the underlined word"them''in Paragraph 5refer to?A
A.donor hearts           B.artificial hearts
C.experimental devices   D.heart operations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.On countless mornings over the past year,I stood with my son,James,in our driveway,watching our neighbor hurry off to kindergarten.My wife and I wanted to give James the best  education,but that meant we'd have to change our jobs and spend less time with our kid.I asked myself,"Would this trade-off be worth it?"When I look at the research on child development,I think it might not.Where our kids go to school might matter less than most American parents think.
    Social scientists have long tried to determine why some children grow up to be successful.In a 2001 study,Greg Duncan,a professor of education at the University of California,measured the influence that the people in a child's life have on how well the child does in school.Duncan and his team found almost no relationship between how students did on the test and whom they sat beside in class,whom they hung out with after school and who lived in their block.The only meaningful link they found was between siblings (兄弟姐妹) and twins in particular.
     For a long time,scholars thought that a family's income heavily affected how well kids did   in life.But that might not be the case.When Susan Mayer at the University of Chicago looked at the relationship between family income and lifetime achievement,she ran a series of experiments to measure it,finding such outcomes weren't caused by income.She argued that the things that make a difference are relatively inexpensive:the number of books a kid has or how often his family goes to museums.
    Lareau,another scholar began one of the most in-depth observations of American parenting.He concluded that success is much more related to the amount of time parents spend with their children.He said"Many parents I interviewed are anxious about their children's futures.But they have exaggerated(夸大) the sense of the risks involved if they don't give their children'the best'of everything."
    So at last,we decided to leave things as it were.More time with our kid is the best we can provide.
25.The first paragraph is intended toA
    A.introduce the topic of the passage
    B.confirm the result of a research
    C.stress the importance of good education
    D.support a research on child development
26.From the passage we know that most American parentsC.
    A.spend a lot of time with their children
    B.like to buy a variety of books for their children
    C.think children's achievement largely depends on schools
    D.believe their income cannot afford children's education
27.Who believes children's brothers and sisters may influence their academic performance?B
    A.Lareau.         B.Greg Duncan.    C.Susan Mayer.    D.James.
28.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A
    A.Parents'time matters to children's future.
    B.School education determines children's future.
    C.Family income counts to children's achievements.
    D.Less education means more risks for children's success.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Google Glass,a wearable computer,will not go on sale for many months.But the resistance is already under way.The glasses-like device,which allows users to access the Internet,take photos and shoot videos,has been banned by a bar in Seattle,because according to the bar'owner,the bar was"kind of a private place."Besides,large parts of Las Vegas will not welcome wearers.
Google Glass is a pair of glasses with a tiny computer attached to the right earpiece and has the ability to capture any chance encounter and broadcast it to millions.As personal technology becomes increasingly invisible,it is causing questions of whether it will rob people of privacy.
As Google sees it,Glass is a revolutionary new way to quickly and effortlessly connect people with information.Google stresses that Glass is a work in its early stage,with test versions now being released to 2,000developers.The company hopes they'll be seen as normal and become accepted in the same way smart phones are.The wearer has to speak or touch the device to activate(激活) it,and must look directly at someone to take a photograph or video of them."We are thinking very carefully about how we design Glass because new technology always raises new issues,"said Courtney Hohne,a Google spokeswoman.
Critics view Glass as an unfriendly new technology that could rob people of what few privacy they have left.They think Google is downplaying the privacy and security risks.According to Google,it's obvious when someone is taking pictures or recording a video on Glass.Developers,however,are pushing the limits.One created a small sensation in tech circles with a program that eliminated the need for gestures or voice commands.To snap a picture,all the user needed to do was wink(眨眼).
Imagine a surveillance(监控) device that you could wear on your body all day without anyone being the wiser.Out on the street,in the subway,at a bar or cafe,people would never know whether the stranger next to them is secretly recording their every move.It is really a privacy disaster.

41.What can we know from the first paragraph?D
A.Google Glass sells well in the market.
B.Google Glass is not welcomed by customers.
C.Google Glass can not be used in private places.
D.Google Glass has heard some sort of disapproval.
42.According to Google Company,which of the following statements about Google Glass is NOT true?C
A.Google Glass is an immature product.
B.They are acting cautiously in designing Google Glass.
C.People can take photos without eyeing the objects.
D.Google Glass is just as normal as a smart phone.
43.The underlined part"pushing the limits"in Paragraph 4refers toB.
A.speeding up the production time of Google Glass
B.improving the functions of Google Glass
C.objecting to what Google has said
D.experimenting with something risky
44.In the last paragraph,the author wants to tell us thatD.
A.Google glass is not worth buying
B.people are constantly monitored
C.people can become wiser with Google Glass
D.Google Glass is threatening people's privacy
45.Which of the followings is the best title of this passage?C
A.The Disadvantages of Google Glass.
B.A New Way to Gain More Information.
C.Privacy Concerns of Google Glass.
D.A Revolutionary Technology.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Tony,where are the cookies?Don't tell me you _________ them all!Again!
-Yes,I did.I couldn't help it.They were so good.(  )
A.had eatenB.ateC.are eatingD.have eaten

