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【题目】What do we learn from the conversation?

A. The man hates to lend his tools to other people.

B. The man hasn’t finished working on the bookshelf.

C. The man lost those tools.



W: Simon, could you return the tools I lent you for building the bookshelf last month?

M: Oh, well, I hate to tell you this, but I can’t seem to find them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 One summer night, the whole family of Irene was asleep with the windows open. It was very quiet when there was a loud noise from the stable(马厩).Irene woke up from her sweet dream,and the noise continued.Then she heard a horse running fast towards the house.The next thing she saw was her horse,Thunder,standing outside of her window,neighing(嘶叫) and shaking his head.She knew something was wrong.Irene quickly got everyone out of the house before the earthquake hit.Thunder saved her life.

As amazing as this story is,it is not as uncommon as you may hear of the story of Doris and her cat Maggie.One night,Doris was in a deep sleep when she was woken by her cat Maggie.Maggie was meowing wildly outside Doris's bedroom and throwing herself against the closed bedroom door.When Doris opened her eyes,she saw her bedroom full of smoke.As she escaped her house,she saw a fire was burning in her kitchen.Even though Maggie could have escaped the house through a cat door,she wouldn't leave Doris.

There are also stories of wild animals coming to the rescue of humans.Once,Lyndon was surfing with his friend when he was attacked by a four-meter shark.During the attack,a group of dolphins came to his rescue by forming protective ring around Lyndon until be could get safely to shore.Without the help of the dolphins,there is little chance that Lyndon could have escaped.

No one is sure why animals have so often come to our rescue.However,it is clear that most of us haven't realized their kindness.It is important that we care for them as much as we can.

1What was Irene doing before the earthquake hit?

A.She was sleeping soundly.

B.She was opening the windows.

C.She was visiting her neighbors.

D.She was getting her horse out of the stable.

2Why did Maggie throw herself against the door?

A.She was afraid of smoke.

B.She wanted to get out of the room.

C.She was trying to wake up her owner.

D.She felt bored and was playing by herself.

3What do we know about Maggie and Thunder?

A.They were shy and quiet.

B.They were brave and devoted.

C.They often made noise at night.

D.They saved their owners some times.

4What can we know from the article?

A.It is clear why animals often save humans.

B.Humans haven't realized animals' s kindness

C.Humans have a good relationship with animals.

D.Animals can often come to the rescue of humans.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When you work out a carbon footprint(碳足迹)a lot of factors are taken into consideration. For example, driving to the grocery store bums a certain amount of fuel, and fossil fuels are the primary sources of greenhouse gases. But that grocery store is powered by electricity, and its employees probably drive to work, so the store has its own carbon footprint. In addition, the products that the store sells were all shipped there, so that must also be factored into the total carbon footprint. Beyond that, the fruits. Vegetables, and meats that the store sells were all grown or raised on farms-a process that produces methane(甲烷)which has a greenhouse effect 25 times greater than CO. All of those elements must be combined to understand the full carbon footprint of a given activity.

Although adding up one's own carbon footprint can be difficult, online calculators can do some of the work for you,giving a rough estimate(估算)of your carbon footprint based on the size of your household, the efficiency of your machines, how much you drive or fly, what you eat, and how much you recycle

This isn't perfect, but it is a good way to measure your activities so you can know roughly how much CO2 they produce and take steps to reduce your carbon footprint.

Methods of reducing your carbon footprint include driving more efficient vehicles (or making sure that your current vehicles are properly maintained), taking public transportation, using energy efficient machines, building your home with special materials to reduce heating and air conditioning costs. consuming food that doesn't require as much transportation, and eating less meat which has a higher carbon footprint than fruits and vegetables. People and companies can also offset some of their CO2, emissions(排放)by purchasing carbon credits, the money from which can go into projects such as planting trees or investing in renewable energy.

1By giving the example of the grocery store, the author wants to tell us that____

A.driving to the store burns a certain amount of fuel

B.the greenhouse effect of methane is greater than that of CO2

C.the fossil fuels are the primary sources of greenhouse gases

D.many factors need to be considered when figuring out a carbon footprint

2Which of the following best explains the underlined word 'offset' in the last paragraph?

A.make up for

B.make sense of

C.take control of

D.catch up with

3The passage is mainly about____

A.whether it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint

B.what we can do to figure out the carbon footprint

C.how to estimate and reduce the carbon footprint

D.why we should reduce the carbon footprint


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】According to the Ministry of Education, college will strengthen measures the quality of higher education.

A.to controlB.controlling

C.to be controlledD.to have controlled


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Water—To Your Health!

Study after study shows that drinking enough water defends against problems from head to toe. Water is a basic need for cell health. 1. So pour yourself a nice big glass, sit back, and take a look at the many benefits being well hydrated(保持充足水分)can bring to your health.

You’ll have lots of energy

2 When you’re dehydrated, cells won’t function well enough and the flow is not so smooth affecting your physical and mental performance and making you feel sluggish(迟钝的), according to a review of hydration research conducted by scientists at the University of North Carolina.

You might lose weight

A new study from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign involving more than 18,000 adults found that when people increased their daily water intake by one to three 8-ounce cups (on top of the four they already drank on average), they ate less. 3.

Your memory may improve

Your brain is hugely dependent on fluid—all those brain cells need liquid to fire properly. According to a review published in the journal Nutrients, studies have consistently found that memory and attention improve in children after they take a drink of water. 4.

Your skin will grow

According to research, skin is at least 30 percent water. If your skin cells don’t get the water they need, they’ll start to wither and shrink. But if you drink enough water, you skin cells will become larger, softer and rounder, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles.


When women in a small study from the University of Connecticut lost just 1.36 percent of their body mass through sweat (and didn’t drink enough water to replace it), their moods soured and they were more likely to experience headaches and exhaustion.

A. You’ll be in higher spirits

B. You’ll feel strong when you work out

C. It can have a magic power to your mind and body

D. Their food intake dropped by as much as 205 calories a day

E. Water helps keep up a steady flow of nutrients into your cells

F. That means your cells need more fluid to keep up with the demands

G. The research is less clear on whether this pattern holds true for adults


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What do we learn from this conversation?

A. The man wants to go to Los Angeles

B. The man wants to go to San Francisco.

C. There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



In the United States, engineering is a profession that has been dominated historically by men. Even today, it’s still true that few women become civil or chemical or mechanical engineers, but that’s something www.EngineerGirl.org aims to change. Young women who visit the web site can find out about a great career choice they might not have considered.

“Women are very much underrepresented in engineering and in engineering education programs and then of course, down the road, in the engineering workforce. So only about 20 percent of engineering undergraduate degrees go to women, and then only about nine percent of working engineers are women.”

Mary Mattis in the National Academy of Engineering says the EngineerGirl website aims to reach young women around ages 11 through 14, when they are just getting old enough to start thinking about their futures.

“We know from the research that middle-school girls are at a critical point in their lives, and that it’s a time when we need to reach them, both with an understanding, increasing their awareness of interesting fields in engineering, what a wonderful productive and exciting career you can have as an engineer. But we also need to reach them at that time because you have to take certain courses, and you can’t start thinking about taking those courses when you’re a junior in high school.”

Engineering is a demanding course of study — there is a lot of science and mathematics, for many girls and even boys, that can be challenging. But Ms. Mattis says that the EngineerGirl website stresses that engineering can also be fun and exciting.

“It’s about designing things. It’s about changing the world for people. It’s about making a difference. And, in addition, you can make a good living; you can be independent economically by becoming an engineer. All of those things are messages that girls need to get.”

While most engineers go into traditional fields such as mechanical and electrical engineering, the EngineerGirl site also highlights unusual engineering careers in fields such as sports engineering and — believe it or not — chocolate engineering.

“There’s a section called ‘why be an engineer,’ and that talks about the many opportunities and increasingly different opportunities like with bio-engineering and environmental engineering, some fields that might appeal to girls who want to make a difference or have a meaning for their careers beyond earning an income.”Even if you are not a girl in the target age group, there’s a lot of interesting information on the site, including biographies of some notable women engineers.


Website1Girls to learn Engineering

Present2for the engineering profession in the USA

The majority of men take up the profession throughout3, while only a small number of women work as engineers.

4of the website

To make young women5of interesting fields in engineering and what productivity and6the career of being engineers can bring them.

7of being engineers

* It can be fun and exciting.
* It can8the world for people.
* You can make a good living.
* You can gain economic9by becoming an engineer.

Other fields concerning engineering

Various opportunities are talked about like bio-engineering and engineering10to sports, and even chocolate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



3尽管最后期限延长了一个月,研究团队仍需调整策略,以便如期完成项目。(so that)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,于201932日搭乘某航空公司航班(Flight HZH9211)回国。到机场后,你发现遗失了行李箱。现你用英语给航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。


1. 陈述写信原因;

2. 描述行李箱;

3. 期待回复并表示感谢。




3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir or Madam

My name is Li Hua, and I was a passenger



Li Hua

