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The paper-making factory uses about 40 000 gallons of water each day.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A.Dear Mom,

       Every time it’s your birthday, I remember all the great birthday parties you gave me when I was growing up.I especially remember the one when I turned to 16, and the words you and Dad said to me.Now I hope you enjoy the birthday party I’m holding for you.



B.Dear Dan,

       It’s over! High school is now part of the past.But consider what your graduation day really means, aside from the gifts.It’s the beginning of a life filled with goals that only you can attain.You’ve made it through 4 important years, and we’re confident you’ll make it through anything else you’ll have to face.

Very truly yours,


C.Dear Tom,

       I’m 16, but my grandmother treats me as if I were 5.She uses a baby voice around me, which is really annoying, but I’m afraid to say anything because I don’t want to make her feel bad.How can I tell her my feelings, and let her know I’m growing up?



D.Dear Tina,

       I was almost unwilling to open your gift because it was so wonderfully wrapped.The paper was just lovely! I want to thank you for thinking of me.I’m sure you spent hours making this lovely sweater, and it’s so soft that I feel as if you’ve sent me 100 hugs.Every time I wear it I’ll think of you.

Very truly yours,


E.Dear Aunt Pam,

       Thank you so much for the cards and gifts you sent me for Christmas.I hope Uncle Mike and Little John are well.Next week I’m going to my father’s for the holiday.I wonder if you could come down and visit us.I haven’t seen you for nearly two years!



F.Dear Mom,

       I think you’re the greatest.I know you have faults, but I can’t think of any at the moment.You deserve much more than this small gift in return for everything that you’ve done for me, but it’s all that I can afford.Hopefully, by the time I become a mom, I’ll be able to be as giving to my child as you’ve been to me.




Dear Sucre,

       I understand exactly what you’re telling me, and I think this problem is very common.Don’t forget that, from your grandmother’s perspective, even your father and mother are just babies.Talk with your parents and ask them to talk with your grandmother.I’m sure they’ll be able to explain to her that it’s time to stop.



Dear Amanda,

       Glad to hear from you! We haven’t seen each other since waiting at the Cincinnati Airport for that connection to London.And I’m really missing you! I’d love to see you, but Mike and I plan to visit the Lake District then.Please say hello to your dad.



Dear Michael,

       My dear son, you’re growing up so fast, and turning into an impressive person.I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep after the party.You know, you really gave me a big surprise when I entered the room, and made me realize how considerate and kind you’ve turned out to be.



Dear Amy,

       Thank you so much for your gift.Best of all for me, though, was to see that you’ve become an independent woman.I’m sure you’ll succeed in whatever you do, sooner or later.And some thing you can be sure of: I’ll always be proud of you!



Dear Linda,

       You are the most caring and self-accepting person I know.I think of you as my soul sister.At this special moment, this sweater I made with my own hands seems like the best way to express my feelings.I wish you a great birthday, and a great year ahead.




科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河北省高三下学期开学调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Do you think we should put an ad in the paper for the lost child?

—Yes, ______.

A. that’s all right? ????????????? B. by all means? ????????????? C. it just depends? ????????????? D. never mind



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北邢台一中高一下期第三次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Almost everyone wants to get smarter. We struggle to improve our  36_ , intelligence and attention. We drink cup after cup of coffee to help us  37_  the day.

 38 __, a new study published in Current Directions in Psychological Science warns that there are 39___ to how smart humans can get.

Each of our body parts develops in a certain way for a reason.  40  _, we are not 3 meters tall  41 _ most people’s hearts are not strong enough to send  42 _  up that high. Scientists say that our thinking ability works in the same way. A baby’s brain size is limited by a series of __43  , such as the size of the mother’s pelvis (骨盆). If our brains developed to be bigger, there could be more  44  during childbirth.

The study of Jews, who have an average IQ much _ 45_  than other Europeans, showed they were more  _46_  to develop diseases of the  _47_  system. This might be because of their increased brainpower.

If intelligence cannot be improved, can we at least get better at _ 48 _ ? Not really, say scientists. They studied  _49_  like caffeine (咖啡因)that improve attention. They found the drugs only helped people with serious  50 _ problems. For those who did not have trouble paying attention, the drugs could have the  51 _ effect. Scientists say that this suggests there is a(n)  52 limit to how much people can or should concentrate.

Our memory is also a “double-edged sword”. People with extremely good memories could  53__ having a difficult life because they cannot  _54 bad things that happen to them.

Thomas Hills, one of the authors of the paper, said that   55  all the problems in trying to get smarter, it’s unlikely that there will ever be a “super mind”.

1.                A.ability          B.character       C.memory  D.emotion


2.                A.go through      B.put through      C.get through    D.carry through


3.                A.Though         B.Therefore       C.However  D.Meanwhile


4.                A.standards       B.measures       C.ranges   D.limits


5.                A.At first         B.In addition       C.For example   D.Above all


6.                A.until           B.because        C.before   D.so that


7.                A.blood          B.information      C.breath   D.strength


8.                A.factors         B.reasons         C.aspects   D.effects


9.                A.chances        B.deaths          C.choices   D.lives


10.               A.smarter        B.better          C.lower D.higher


11.               A.likely          B.possible        C.probable  D.sure


12.               A.physical        B.bodily          C.personal   D.nervous


13.               A.exercising      B.concentrating    C.memorizing D.thinking


14.               A.poisons        B.drinks          C.plants     D.drugs


15.               A.attention       B.family          C.health D.living


16.               A.same          B.opposite        C.different  D.similar


17.               A.lower          B.smaller         C.upper     D.higher


18.               A.end up         B.make up        C.start up   D.come up


19.               A.forget          B.remember      C.perform   D.share


20.               A.supposing       B.concerning      C.considering D.regarding




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省高三第三阶段(12月)考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)


Recently, I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman at the check-out counter said, "That'll be five dollars   1  please,"  She  then   2  down at the paper I was   3  and said, "I'm sick and   4  all this negative (消极的) stuff on the front   5 . I want to read some   6  news for a change." She then said, "In fact, I think someone should just   7  a Good News newspaper — a paper with wonderful, inspirational   8  about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for   9 . I'd buy one every day!" She then   10  me for coming in and said, " Maybe we'll get some good news," and she laughed. She made my day.The following day after my business appointments, I   11  the same store  again  to   12  bottled water and a piece of newspaper, but a   13  young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out I said, "Good afternoon" and handed her my   14  . She said nothing — not a word, not a smile or not a gesture. She just handed me my change and   15 a negative tone ordered…"Next!"

It hit me right between the eyes: Two people, the same age;   16  made me feel great, and the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by   17 .

Every morning, you should ask   18  this important question: "Who do I want

to be today? 'The Grouch (不高兴的人)' or 'The Good News Girl'"? Your answer will do great good to   19  the joy and happiness that you will experience in your   20  .

1.                A.at all           B.in all           C.for all    D.all for


2.                A.stared          B.glared          C.glanced   D.noticed


3.                A.carrying        B.taking          C.reading   D.buying


4.                A.tired of         B.interested in     C.concerned about   D.fond of


5.                A.columns        B.editions         C.pages.    D.parts


6.                A.bad            B.good           C.latest D.interesting


7.                A.collect         B.print           C.sell  D.publish


8.                A.stories         B.ideas           C.concepts  D.experiences


9.                A.rewards        B.the others       C.others    D.nothing


10.               A.praised         B.thanked        C.appreciated    D.criticized


11.               A.dropped ou     B.dropped off     C.dropped on    D.dropped by


12.               A.pick up         B.take up         C.bring up   D.carry up


13.               A.beautiful       B.fantastic        C.different  D.stupid


14.               A.card           B.money         C.dollar D.change


15.               A.with           B.at             C.through   D.in


16.               A.one           B.who           C.what  D.it


17.               A.moving up      B.going away      C.showing up D.showing off


18.               A.her            B.them          C.yourself   D.themselves


19.               A.creating        B.determining     C.enjoying   D.guaranteeing


20.               A.home          B.work           C.study D.life




科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山西省大同市高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

After working for two hours, I found        impossible to complete the paper in time.

A. me                   B. this                   C. that                 D. it


