精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.Back in the early 1990s,I knew little about computers.But what I did know was that something huge was happening.It was changing imaginations and possibilities like nothing I had ever known.And I knew I had dreams that hadn't come true.But I didn't know how to realize them until I met with my old friend,Rolly Rouse,when we happened to move into the same neighborhood.
Rolly often called me with a lot of ideas.We talked about the Internet and about starting a new online company together.
He was then developing a plan and he wanted me to be a part of it:we would give people wonderful electronic houses on a CD-ROM and let them modify(改变) those houses to their own needs.When they were satisfied,we would enable them to go online to make the project happen,and to get the products
Building Blocks was the name Rolly came up with for the new company.Rolly simply gave up his business to commit himself full time to Building Blocks.I soon joined him after I quit my well paid job at a newspaper.
Together we developed a demo to show the features of our CD-ROM,"The New American Dream Home".Then we took it to the annual convention of the National Association of Home Builders in Boston.To our satisfaction,nearly everyone expected to see what we were showing,including the top companies.When we left,we had invitations to tell them more about Building Blocks.That was the start of my real lifetime dream and Building Blocks,our company,has been on a road to success ever since.

8.In the first paragraph,"something huge was happening"refers toC.
A.house designing
B.home decoration
C.technology development
D.furniture production
9.From the passage,we can know that Rolly isC.
A.stubborn        B.serious          C.creative         D.outgoing
10.Rolly and the writer decided to start a company together because they were bothD.
A.expert in building
B.poorly paid at their jobs
C.out of work at the time
D.interested in e-business
11.At the Boston convention,Rolly and the writer were happy becauseA.
A.they had people interested in their products
B.they sold some of their own products right there
C.they got their first orders from some famous building companies
D.they had the chance to visit some famous building companies.

分析 回想起20世纪90年代初,我对电脑一无所知.在用电脑工作了一天之后,我才对其有所了解.但我知道:巨大的变化即将发生,即激动人心的经济、想象力及各种前所未有的事情.我知道世界正在变化,也就是说,我不能靠着过去的经验过活.我也知道我有 很多未实现的梦想.但我是在遇到我的老朋友罗林•劳斯之后,才意识到如何实现我的那些梦想,那时我俩刚巧搬到了同一个社区.
  罗林总是说我满脑子主意.但他每秒钟所产生的想法的数量似乎也非常不可思议.很快,我们每天打电话聊天,谈论互联网的一些事情,商讨一起开一家新网络公司的可能性.紧接着,他开始制定计划,并想让我也参与其中:我们将在只读光盘驱动上为人们提供丰富的、全套的 电子房间,并让人们根据自己的需求装饰自己的房 子.他们可以尝试多种门窗、不同的漆色和家具.当他们感到满意时,我们就让他们去网上实现自己的规划,购买产品及专业的设计和建筑,我们将帮助他们实现规划.
"BuildkgBlocks"是罗林为新公司起的名字.罗林决定自己先冒险试试.他直接将其利润丰厚的能源咨询业抛下,全身心投入到"BuildingBlocks"公司 中.我辞去了报社待遇丰厚的工作后,很快加入了他.

8.C 推理判断题 题目问的是"somethinghuge was happening指的是什么".先找到原句,即第一段第二句.向前后句寻找答案,根据第一段第一句"Back inthe early 1990s I knew little about computers beyond what it took to get through a working day."和第三句"It was stirring economies and imaginations and possibilities likenothing I had ever known."可知,前后文讲的主要是技术带来的影响,由此可以推知巨大的变化指的是高科技的发展,故选C.
9.C 细节理解题 题目问的是"Roily是什么样的人".第一段末尾提到Roily的名字,从第二段开头"Roily oftencalled me with a stream of ideas"可以看出Roily是一个很有创造力的人.故选C.
10.D 推理判断题 题目问的是"Rolly和作者决定一起开一家公司,因为他们都…".根据第四段后两句"He simply dropped hisprofitable energy-consulting business to commit himself full time to Building Blocks.I soon joined him after I quit my well-paid job at a newspaper."可知,两个人都拥有一份收入较髙的工作,为了共同的兴趣而辞职,故选D.
11.A 细节理解题 题目问的是"在波士顿会议上,Roily和作者很开心是因为…".根据倒数第一段的"To our satisfaction,nearly everyone was eager to see what we were showing…"可见Roily他们很开心是因为大家对他们的产品很感兴趣,故选A.

点评 科教类的阅读理解包含介绍科学知识、社会知识的短文.阅读这类短文时,要以事实为中心进行思考,抓住事物的特征、用途、相互关系等.如果是介绍社会现象的文章,要掌握所谈现象的内涵.科教类的阅读理解答题技巧:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.I was trying to pick up my hat that __________ off in the wind,but failed at last.(  )
A.had been blownB.is blown
C.blownD.it had been blown


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.It was said that the famous pop star was found ___ suicide in a hotel near the seaside.(  )
A.commitB.to commit
C.to have committedD.committing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The two top students in Mr.Green's class competed _____ each other for the highest marks.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.With the quality-oriented education (素质教育) being carried out,teachers won't          too much importance to students'grades.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.A policeman is asking three men who are training to become detectives.To test their skills in recognizing a suspect,he shows the first man a picture for five seconds and then hides it."This is your suspect.How would you recognize him?"
The man answers,"That's easy,we'll catch him fast because he has only one eye!"
The policeman says,"Sir!That's because the picture I showed you is his profile."
Then the policeman flashes the picture for five seconds at the second man and asks him,"This is your suspect.How would you recognize him?"
The second man smiles and says,"Ha!He'd be too easy to catch because he has only one ear!"
The policeman angrily responds,"What's the matter with you two?Of course only one eye and one ear are showing,because it's a picture of his profile!Is that the best answer you can come up with?"
Extremely disappointed at this point,he shows the picture to the third man and in a very testy voice asks,"This is your suspect.How would you recognize him?"
The man looks at the picture carefully for a moment and says,"The suspect wears contact lenses (隐形眼镜)."The policeman is quite surprised because he really doesn't know whether the suspect wears contact lenses."Well,that's an interesting answer,"he says."Wait here for a few minutes while I check his information and I'll get back to you on that."
He leaves the room,goes to his office,checks the suspect's information in his computer,and comes back smiling."Wow!I can't believe it.It's true!The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses.Good work!How were you able to make such a good observation?"
"That's easy,"the man replies."He can't wear regular glasses because he has only one eye and one ear."

63.Why does the policeman ask the three men the question?C.
A.He suspects them.
B.He expects to check their memory.
C.He wants to know if they are fit to be detectives.
D.He longs to find the man in the photo.
64.What does the underlined word"profile"in the third paragraph mean?A.
A.A photo taken from one side.B.A quick-made drawing.
C.An unclear drawing.D.A half-length photo.
65.When asking the third man the question,the policeman was probablyB.
A.angry           B.impatient        C.surprised            D.suspected
66.It can be inferred that the third man made his judgment byD.
A.knowledge about the man.B.information in a computer.
C.careful observation.D.foolish reasoning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The box is stored on a high shelf in my room so that I'm able to see it when I look up.The box contains those odds and ends of my personal collections.A thief looking into the box wouldn't take anything.But if the house ever catches on fire,the box goes with me when I run.
One of the things in the box is a small paper bag that has been in my care for 14years.It belonged to my 8-year-old daughter,Molly,who liked to do the job of packing lunches for herself and me.One morning,Molly handed me 2paper bags,a regular lunch bag and another one with paper clips (回纹针)."What's in it?"I asked."Just take it,dad."She said.At midday,I ate the lunch and opened Molly's second bag,shook out the things and saw 3small stones,a plastic dinosaur,a tiny seashell,a small doll,some coins and hair ribbons (绸带) I gave her as gifts.I smiled.There wasn't anything I needed.Later I swept the desk clean.Into the wastebasket went my leftover (剩余的) lunch and Molly's things.
That evening,Molly stood beside me while I was reading."Dad,where is my bag?I let you have it,because I think you might be lonely.Now I want it back,because I forgot to put the note into it.You didn't lose the bag,did you?"I saw tears in her eyes."Oh,no,I just forgot to bring it back."As she smiled with relief,I unfolded the note which read,"I love you,daddy."I hurriedly drove to my office and rushed to the wastebasket.I searched the wastebasket and found the jewels.I put the treasure back into the bag and headed home.I gave it back to Molly the next morning.She hugged me,smiled and said,"Dad,they are my best things but you can keep them."I felt forgiven,trusted and loved.Molly grew up.Me?I was left holding the bag.I missed it for the first time.But it is my bag now.

61.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase"odds and ends"in Chinese?A
62.The author would run with the box if the house is on fire,becauseD.
A.all his treasures are in the box
B.it contains what he needs for survival
C.it has all the odds and ends from work
D.the things inside are his best memories in life
63.Molly gave the paper bag to his father for the reason thatB.
A.she needed her collections to be taken care of 
B.she was afraid that her father would feel lonely
C.she gave it to his father on a special day as a gift
D.She hoped to get more gifts from her father
64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.The box is stored on a high shelf to be out of reach of children.
B.A thief would be interested in what's in the box.if he finds it.
C.The author didn't think Molly's paper bag was meaningful at first.
D.The paper bag was put away on the shelf before the author went home.
65.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.Molly doubted about her father's ability to keep things safe
B.the author was deeply touched by his daughter's love
C.the author surprisingly found treasure in the wastebasket
D.Molly didn't trust and love his father as much as she ever did.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The sun is setting on a summer night.At the entrance of a deep,dark cave,a few bats  fly out.Within a few minutes,millions and millions of bats are pouring out of the cave.
    Sounds like a scary horror movie?Believe it or not,this scene takes place all summer   long,at Bracken Cave in Texas,where 20 million bats come out to feed on insects every  night."It is magical,"says Jim Kennedy of Bat Conservation International in Texas."It is   one of the most impressive animal movements on the planet."
    Every March or April,Mexican free-tailed bats migrate up to 1,600 kilometers from  their winter home in Mexico to their American home in Texas,where they raise their  young.Soon after they arrive,each mother gives birth to one baby.As many as 500,baby  bats crowd into 30 cubic centimeters of space.and all those bodies create nice warm tem-peratures to keep them cozy and comfortable.
    If you have ever lost sight of your parents in a crowded playground,you may be won-dering how mother bats recorgnize their children.They use their sense of smell to tell which  baby is theirs when it is time for the babies to have milk.   
    When twenty million bats fly out of one cave opening,they make a column so thick  that they show up on the radar at the nearby airport.It can take three hours for all of them  to get out from the cave."You can feel the breeze from their wings,and see the plats wa-ving,"says Kennedy."The movement of all those wings makes a very relaxing soft sound.I've always thought it would make a great relaxation music to help you go to sleep.So much  for bats being scary!"
56.The scene described in the first paragraph takes place inD.   
A.a movie    B.a cave    C.Mexico    D.the US
57.What makes the scene so"impressive"?C
A.The entrance of a deep,dark cave.
B.The bats feeding on insects at night.
C.The huge number of bats flying together.
D.It takes place all summer long.   
58.Both Paragraphs 3 and 4 are mainly aboutB.
A.when and where the bats migrate   
B.how young bats are raised
C.why baby bats crowd together
D.how mother bats find their children
59.The underlined word"breeze"in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toA.
A.light wind    B.hot air    C.strong smell  D.black smoke
60.What does Kennedy mean by"So much for bats being scary!"?C
A.So much space is being occupied by bats!
B.Bats are so much more scary than before!
C.Never say bats are frightening again!
D.So many bats are being scared away!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-Tom didn't pass the exam
-_____?He was studying hard all the time!(  )

