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【题目】 I have been studying literature all the time, so someone asked me if l made the wrong choice by devoting myself to studying literature. I was deep in thought.

A good friend of mine took every single literature class she could while in college and decided early on that she wasn't cut out to be a teacher. Her parents were concerned because she wasn't really focused on becoming something that would pay the bills. In order to mollify their concerns, she took a library science course and told them she would regard library science as a career path. But she ended up taking a job as a communications assistant at a mid-size company and eventually became the director of communications. She put her literature studies to work in making company materials and has benefited a lot from that.

Another friend turned his love of Hemingway’s writings into inspiration for his artworks. Most people don’t stay at one job for their entire career. I can’t tell you how many teachers I worked with over the years give up teaching to paint houses, work in an advertising company, start a company, and so on. A degree is important for many places to get your foot in the door. But I think you should choose your job based on what you're really interested in,and no one says you have to do something for the rest of your work life.

Colleges generally don’t clue you in on the possible career paths available to you with your particular studies, but some are getting far better with guiding students toward the possibilities.Your reading, writing and analytical skills would be great advantages to many companies, so don’t think that your love of literature is going to leave you with few choices. So I didn’t feel sad to devote myself to studying literature.

1What does the underlined word “mollify” mean?



2What does the author want to say by mentioning his friends?

A.Learning literature is good for one’s later careers.

B.Most people have a negative attitude towards literature.

C.His friends both disliked the career connected with literature.

D.College majors(主修课) have nothing to do with career choices.

3Which of the following does the author probably agree with?

A.Change your jobs frequently.B.Stay at one job for all your life.

C.Love whatever job you take up.D.Choose your job by your interest.

4From the passage, we can learn that the author _______________.

A.didn’t regret studying literature all the time

B.had a negative attitude towards literature learning

C.thought that love for literature held the key to career paths

D.thought that colleges should design career paths for students









词句猜测题。划线词前一句提到“Her parents were concerned because she wasn't really focused on becoming something that would pay the bills..”我的那位朋友学文学,她的父母很担心她将来的职业不能挣钱;后面提到“she took a library science course and told them she would regard library science as a career path.”后来她选修了一门图书馆学课程,并告诉父母她将把图书馆学作为一种职业道路。朋友这样做的目的是为了减轻父母的担忧。因此可以推测,mollify意思为“减轻”。故选B项。


推理判断题。文章第二段中提到“She put her literature studies to work in making company materials and has benefited a lot from that.”作者的朋友将自己所学的文学知识运用到公司材料的制作中,从中获益匪浅。由此可以推断,作者提到朋友的例子,是想说明文学对一个人以后的职业生涯有好处。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据第三段中“But I think you should choose your job based on what you're really interested in”可知,作者认为应该根据你真正感兴趣的事情来选择你的工作。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“So I didn’t feel sad to devote myself to studying literature.”作者并没有为自己投身文学研究而感到悲哀。由此可以推断,作者并不后悔一直在研究文学。故选A项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Over the last few years, nutritional trends have grown in numbers, as more and more people are becoming aware of the positive advantages that a healthy and balanced diet can have. So it should be no surprise that the phrase “clean eating” has been added to the Collins Dictionary. 1

“Clean eating” is the trend that became popular over the Internet, especially among health and fitness fans. It is a type of diet where people avoid processed (加工过的) foods, such as bacon and white sugar. 2 No chemicals are used while growing organic foods, so they are kept in their natural state and are considered “clean”. Above all, “clean eating” encourages not only a more conscious type of eating, but also a lasting change in lifestyle, such as regular exercise.

The trend became more popular when the World Health Organization released its report on processed meat in 2015. 3 It links processed meats such as ham, bacon and sausages to cancer. And now many people are feeling anxious.

4 Dietitians(营养师) have noticed an increase in the number of women becoming weak and getting anemia(贫血). Some of these women are on a clean eating diet. They lack nutrients that come from some processed foods. Experts suggest eating a balanced diet of more “clean food” but also taking in a small amount of processed food. 5 It is necessary that people do not feel guilty(内疚的) if they sometimes have the food that may not belong to “clean food”.

A.But what exactly is clean eating?

B.But how is the phrase added to the dictionary?

C.Processed food made with organic ingredients become more popular.

D.Instead, people mostly eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and organic foods.

E.The report says eating processed food can be really harmful to a person’s health.

F.In addition, what is important is that the person has a healthy attitude toward foods.

G.Some people say clean eating helps control their weight and stay energetic, but not everyone thinks it is a great idea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The ____(起源) of some words are unknown yet.

2The hard-working girl was a______ the first prize.

3Although Mr. White is more than seventy years old, he is an______(精力充沛的) man.

4Mohandas Gandi was the leader who helped gain India’s___(独立).

5Everyone needs to have a healthy d____ and regular exercise.

6Wang peng and Yong Hui have ___(结合) their ideas.

7Kitty opened the box____(好奇地).

8You can c____ a doctor about health problems.

9There is a wild road, but nobody is_____(允许) to walk on it.

10Mind your table ____(举止) at the dinner party.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Today my daughter and I went to a parking lot 1 (sell) some of our eggs. It’s an 2 (extreme) cold day. As we pulled into the parking lot, there was a man 3 (sit) on the roadside, holding his bike, and he held up a paper plate on 4 he had written will work for food”.

He was still there as we left the parking lot, and I asked my daughter should we get him some food or some money?” and she said “yes, let’s”.

So I pulled up next 5 him, got out of the car, and gave him all my egg money. I still had another dozen 6 (egg) in the car, so I asked if he wanted them, 7 unexpectedly, he said no. He still had half a dozen and he didn’t want 8 (donate) from others more than he needed.

I felt 9 (freeze) through and through just standing there talking with him for a minute, and he must be sitting there for hours. I’m glad we 10 (stop), I’m glad I got out of the car and talked with him for a minute. I hope he has a warm place to sleep tonight.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery ________ another man, also intelligent, fails.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Two men travelling through a forest together promised 1(help) each other whatever danger threatened them. They had not gone far before a bear rushed at them from some bushes. One man was a good 2(climb), and quickly climbed a nearby tree, but the other,3(see) that he had no chance alone against the bear, fell flat on his back and pretended to be 4(die).

The bear came up to him and sniffed at him. Thinking the man was dead, he went off into the wood again 5 hurting him. When the bear had gone, the other traveler came down from his tree, and 6(smile) asked his companion what the bear had said to him. “For I could see,” he said, “that he put his mouth close to your ear.”

“He told me to tell you,” 7(reply) the other, “that you were a coward(懦夫), and that in future I should not trust those 8 make fine promises, but will not stand by 9(they)friends in danger.”

Don’t trust fine promise 10 you are sure of the person who makes them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The teacher stormed into the classroom,_______(determine) to punish the naughty children .

2I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his______( curious ).

3I don’t like the house_______(belong) to Smith.

4I came up with the________(solve) to both problems at once.

5Fill in your address at the bottom of the ________(apply).

6The boy’s parents wee glad to see his ________(satisfy) result of the final exam.

7The island offers such a wide ______(various) of scenery and wild life.

8Film has a much shorter history, especially when ________(compare) with music and painting.

9He church roof was half ________(hide) by trees.

10To avoid _________( confuse), The teams wore different colors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Jackie Robinson made his debut(初次露面)with the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15,1947, and broke the color barrier1African Americans in baseball.

“It was the most 2(eager) expected debut in the history of the national pastime," sports author Robert wrote. “It 3(represent) both the dream and the fear of equal opportunity,

4 it would change forever the color of the game and the attitudes of Americans."

5quietly tolerating harsh racist treatment from baseball fans and team members6(like), Robinson rose to Rookie of the Year and proved himself to be one of the most7(talent) and fiercest players in the game. Just two years into the Major Leagues, Robinson won the National League Most Valuable Player Award. He'd go on to play in six World Series and helped give the Dodgers 8 World Series win in 1955.

Off the field, Robinson was a forefather of the Civil Rights Movement, speaking out

against 9 (race) discrimination and 10 (push) baseball to use its economic influence to fight against racialism.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 With the development of the tourist industry, traveling has become a fashionable way for people to spend their holiday. Most people like traveling with friends or families.1 Here are some advantages of traveling alone.


If you travel alone, you are the boss of yourself. You can do things according to your own timetable. You can decide freely whenever you go, wherever you visit and whichever transport you take. You don't need to wait for your partners. You can decide how long you stay at a place and which hotel you live in. Traveling alone gives you more freedom in making decisions.

Gaining more confidence, strength and learning new skills.

It is a great challenge to be alone on the road.

When you travel alone you might face some problems, make decisions and even meet some dangers on your own. All these challenges will make you stronger, braver and much more confident.3

Getting to know more people.

Traveling alone does not mean that you will always be alone. In fact, both other tourists and local people will be friendly to you. In order to know more about the places you are traveling to, you have to communicate with strangers. In this way, you can know more people. 4 Instead, the guide or your group members will talk with you all the way.

Finding out your shortcomings.

5 When you are traveling with your friends and family members, it’s hard for you to find out your shortcoming. While traveling alone, you'll find that you can't achieve many things without others' help. After traveling alone, you are sure to become better by leaving your shortcomings behind.

A.Having more freedom.

B.Enjoying what you like.

C.However, it's also a good idea to travel alone.

D.The purpose of traveling alone is to make friends on the way.

E.Traveling alone is a great chance for you to discover your disadvantages.

F.If you travel in groups you'll have very little need to communicate with strangers.

G.When traveling on your own you can also learn many skills, for example, making plans.

