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  Currently, lasers give manufacturers(制造者)ultra precise(精确的)standards of measurement, unprecedented(前所未有的)cutting and drilling power, light-speed quality control, and are employed in a host of other ways.Doors may hear labels reading“Danger-invisible laser radiation-Avoid eye or skin exposure to direct or scattered radiation”, but in spite of the risk, lasers are at work in plants and businesses throughout the world.They help shape ships, cars, jewelry and electronics components.They guide cutting, drilling and tunneling.They do things no other tool can do in the same time, offering the speed of light, a heat greater than at the surface of the sun and a line straighter than any that can even be reasonably compared to ordinary rulers, tapes or survey.

  Laser light has special qualities suited to industrial applications that no ordinaty tools can match.Intense and highly directional, laser beams can be focused to needle a huge amount of power upon a pinpoint, or on an area much smaller.By focusing the laser's beam through lenses, just as you can tighten a sunbeam with a magnifying glass so that it will burn holes in paper, it is possible to make the coherent laser light concentrate its energy on an almost unbelievably tiny spot.Narrowed by optics, a laser can drill 300 separate holes in the head of a pin.You can get an idea of the concentration(集中)of energy in this tiny spot by considering what happens if you hit a piece of wood with a hammer-at most a dent, but not much more.Hit the much smaller head of a nail with the same hammer, and you will drive the nail through the wood.Energy concentrated on a small point accomplishes much more than energy spread out over a wider area.

  That's why coherent, tightly focused beams of laser light can do so much more than ordinary, spread out, incoherent light.You can get an idea of the difference in power between ordinary light and laser light by glancing at a household light bulb for an instant.The worst that will happen is that you will retain the image of the bulb on your retina(视网膜)for a few seconds after looking away.If you stared straight at a laser beam for even a fraction of a second, you could burn a hole clear through your retina, resulting in permanent loss of eyesight.


Which of the following is NOT true about laser light according to the passage?

[  ]


Laser beams are widely used in manufacturing industry.


Laser beams are applied in medical treatment and research.


Laser beams can reach a heat greater than that on the surface of the sun.


Laser beams are intense and highly directional.


Laser light can replace all of the following tools EXCEPT ________.

[  ]








power generator(发电机)


Apart from all its advantages, laser light has a disadvantage which is ________.

[  ]


direct contact with laser lights can cause permanent physical damage


the application of laser light will eventually deprive people of their eyesight


it can only be applied in limited areas of industry


the application of laser light in industry is hard to achieve


Which of the following best explains the structure of the passage?

[  ]


A definition is given, and it is followed by various examples of application.


Basic features are introduced, and analogies(类比)are used to give the readers a better understanding.


An old theory is presented, and then challenged in the later half of the passage.


Overall descriptions of the main features of laser light.






分析文章第一段所给的信息,利用排除法可得出答案.standards of measurement; unprecedented(前所未有的)cutting and drilling power, light-speed quality control; They help shape ships, cars, jewelry and electronics components.They guide cutting, drilling and tunneling.以上信息包含了“测量工具ruler”;“钻眼工具hole-puncher”;“供热工具heater”,只有D项未提及.


文章第一段和最后一段都提到直接接触激光对身体的危害:Doors may hear labels reading“Danger-invisible laser radiation-Avoid eye or skin exposure to direct or scattered radiation,”If you stared straight at a laser beam for even a fraction of a second, you could burn a hole clear through your retina, resulting in permanent loss of eyesight.exposure to暴露在……;result in导致;permanent loss of eyesight永久失明.



  ①laser beams can be focused to needle a huge amount of power upon a pinpoint, or on an area much smaller.②You can get an idea of the difference in power between ordinary light and laser light by glancing at a household light bulb for an instant.上述信息用了两个类比.


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语·下 题型:050


  Is jazz a kind of folk music? Is it a performing style? How is it different from other kinds of music? There is cur simple answer to the questions, because the most important quality of jazz comes from its unique combination of different musical sources over a period of almost 400 years.

  The quality that unites the many different jazz forms is, in some degree, separate from its musical sources. The quality is the expression of freedom. The idea of freedom is central .

  The ancestors of jazz were black people from West Africa who were bought to America as slaves, or forced laborers, from the early 1600s to the mid-1800s. Most of them remained slaves until President Lincoln set them free on January 1,1863, during the American Civil War.

  With the loss of their personal freedom and the breaking up of their families, the slaves also lost the social traditions of their music from Africa. The complex rhythms of this music involved a number of people performing together. The breaking apart of the social groups forced slaves to create new songs, that is, to develop a completely new musical tradition .

  Using some of the remembered African rhythms, the slaves gradually began to add some features of the European classical music that was played by the slave owners. The slaves were also influenced by American folk songs. But the result of adding these borrowed elements to the complex, African rhythms was the beginning of a completely new kind of music. Still, this music only existed privately among groups of slaves.

  The slaves' work had another effect on their music. It introduced new kinds of musical rhythms. Some of these rhythms became work songs to accompany(伴随) their planting and picking of cotton. Other rhythms were developed by teams of workers who needed to lift heavy loads of cotton onto carts that passed through the fields. Later, during the building of the railroads, individual workers created new songs to match the sharp rhythms of steel as they put the rails into place.

1.The main musical sources used by the slaves to develop a new kind of music were ________.

[  ]

A.folk music, jazz music and modern music

B.classical music. American rhythms and African folk songs

C.African music, European classical music and American folk songs

D.slaves' songs, rhythms of lifting heavy loads and sounds of striking steel

2.In some degree, the quality that many different jazz forms share is ________.

[  ]

A.the liberation of the American slaves

B.the expression of freedom

C.the respect for President Lincoln

D.the independence of the United States

3.“It introduces new kinds of musical rhythms.”Here “it” refers to ________.

[  ]

A.the slaves' music

B.a new musical rhythm

C.the slaves' work

D.another effect

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]

A.The ancestors of jazz music were people from east Africa.

B.Jazz music has mixed different kinds of musical sources.

C.Some of the rhythms of jazz music later became work songs.

D.It took quite a long time to develop jazz music .


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  It is ten o'clock at night and you are outside. You can see many stars in the sky. Each star is another sun. The sky is big, and it hag many suns.

  Our sun is near to us. It warms us and gives us light in daytime. The stars are not near. We can see their light only at night, and they do not warm us.

  The stars are not all the same. Many stars are quite like our sun. They are the same size, and they have the same colour, yellow. Other stars are bigger or smaller. A “giant(巨人)” star is very, very big. A “dwarf(侏儒)”is a small star—smaller than the sun.

  Stars have different colours, too. They can be blue, orange, yellow, white or red. There are giants and dwarfs in all these colours. All stars are, of course, very hot. The hottest stars are the blue ones. White stars come next, they are less hot. Then yellow and orange stars are less hot again. Red stars are the least hot, and they are also the oldest stars.

  Light moves very quickly across the sky, eighteen million (18,000,000)kilometers in a minute. Our nearest star is a red dwarf. Its name is Proxima Centauri ( proxima = nearest), and it gives a weak, red light. We can just see this light. It left Proxima Centauri 4.25 years ago, and now tonight, it is reaching cur eyes. Think about it! In one minute, 18,000,000 kilometres. So, in 4.25 years—well, how many kilometers? You can find the answer yourself.

  I will just say this: Proxima Centauri is a long way from us.

1.According to the temperatures on stars, the right order from the lowest temperature to the highest is ________.

[  ]





2.All the following am right except ________.

[  ]

A.a “dwarf” is smaller than the sun

B.there are dwarfs in different colours

C.a “dwarf” is a small star

D.dwarfs are the least hot

3.How far away is the star Proxima Centauri from us?

[  ]

A.40,208,400,000,000 kilometres.

B.9,460,800,000,000 kilometres.

C.679,140,000,000 kilometres .

D.279,225,000,000 kilometres .

4.When we say “The star Procyon is ‘ten light years’ away.”, we mean ________.

[  ]

A.we can reach the star in ten years

B.we first saw the star ten years ago

C.the light left Procyon ten years ago

D.Procyon has been that far away for ten years


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试、英语(江西卷) 题型:050


  Head of Research

  Satary:& 55.27

  We a looking for a Head of Research to manage the CWU research Depart and informating Certre.You would be required to excrcise conrol of all researchers work of the depertend and manage a team of three researchers and uppor aff.

  The person appointed would be expected to carry out research work of a strategic nature across the range of businesses in which the CWU has or seeks membership and to contribute to the strategic thinking and direction of the union as a whole.

  You will need:proven line management skills, especially in managing and motivating a team; good research skills, holding a good degree in a related subject or other similar experience; a high level of mathematical and calculating skills; the ability to produce high quality work under pressure; a commitment to and knowledge of the trade union movement and social demomic politics; and knowledge and/or experience of the ostal and/or l wlecinmuy auions adnstry.

  To apply ase request an application pack by emailing her cur org or by telephoning HR(Hwian Resources)on 020 8970 7482.When applying plense stay your source.

  Closing Date for Applications:4th August 2010

  Anticipated interview date:17th August 2010

  No agencies please


In which column of a newspaper could we find this advertisement?

[  ]










One of the duties of the person to be appointed is ________

[  ]


taking eharge of research


seeking pen ersh lot the union


mannaging a of or four members


runing a company


If you apply for this position, you ean do all EXCEPT ________

[  ]


ask an agency for an application form


dial 020 8971 7482 for more information


email hr@ org for an applieation pack


send in your applieation before 4 Auguse 2010-6-9


Which of the following applieans is most likely to be employed?

[  ]


A school teacher with a master's degree.


A university graduate in computer science.


A director from a with a master's degree.


A eler company

