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10.When you finish reading this book,you will have ____ better knowledge of ___ first aid.(  )

分析 当你读完这本书时,你将对急救有更好的了解.

解答 答案:D.第一空为固定搭配have a good(better) understanding of…对…有好的(更好的)了解,故填a,而第二空first aid急救为固定搭配,前面不需要冠词,故选D.

点评 本题考查的是冠词的用法.学生平时需对a/an/the的用法及固定搭配多加积累.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.The system has been designed to giver the user quick and easyaccess (使用) to the required information.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

With no onetoturnto,she cried desperately.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.It was 2015 ________ pharmacologist Tu Youyou became the first Chinese winner of a Nobel Prize for medicine,awarded for her discovery of a treatment for malaria.(  )
A.thatB.whichC.whenD.at which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Every Thanksgiving my family and I,along with others,prepare and serve Thanksgiving meals for the people in our small mountain community.My husband and I also bring meals to people(61)that/whonever leave their homes for various reasons.After(62)delivering(deliver) to some individual apartments,we went to the central dining room and placed the boxes(63)filled(fill) with turkey,ham,stuffing,and green bean casserole in front of each seat.People invited us(64)to stay(stay),and thanked us,(65)Butwe had other deliveries and had to leave.As we started to exit,I turned around and saw them all watching us.Impulsively,I asked,"Would anybody like a hug?"They lined up.There was so much(66)warmth(warm) in each hug.My eyes were full of tears and my heart of love.I now visit(67)occasionally(occasion) to chat and,of course,hug.This year at my Thanksgiving delivery,when they(68)line(line) up for their hugs,I am going to have them turn around and hug each other.These people have no family(69)onThanksgiving day.Nothing can be(70)more comfortable(comfortable) for them than hugs!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Not only fashion and music are making a return-houses built in 1970s have proven to be better at cutting energy waste than those built today.The"tea cosy (茶壶套)"design,created in the mid-1970s and built in the early 1980s for low-income people,could provide a blueprint for meeting the Government aims of producing less CO2 from homes.
The 200 houses were designed to provide low-energy housing,and depend on an inner concrete (水泥) structure that holds in heat,protected by highly insulated (隔热的) setting which produces a"tea cosy"effect.The ordinary-looking houses also depend on more windows on south-facing sides,with northerly facing doors protected by porches (门廊).
A study found the houses are 50 percent more energy efficient than the average home and use a quarter of the average energy for space heating.According to researchers,they use less than two-thirds of the power of homes built to meet 2010 building demands.And they will still be 25 percent more efficient than houses built to even more strict proposed demands for 2013.The design is one of the few that will be able to meet 2016 demands for zero-carbon homes.
They were in the beginning fixed with just one or two gas heaters per home,although most now have central heating,depending on the heat from the sun and high insulation to keep steady temperatures inside the house.To be comfortable,they only need to use heating for three to four months a year,compared with seven months for UK home on average,and can be lived with no heating at all.
With many house builders at present worrying that new homes are going to be much more expensive to build in order to meet the Government's ambitious targets,the"tea cosy"model meets this need perfectly.
19.The underlined word"blueprint"is closest in meaning toB.
A.photo        B.model      C.service      D.map
20.The writer develops Paragraph 3 mainly byD.
A.analyzing data
B.giving examples
C.presenting reasons
D.making comparisons
21.According to the passage,"tea cosy"houses are better atA.
A.saving heat for energy efficiency
B.producing solar energy at home
C.designing and building materials
D.saving building materials and energy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.During the course of the walk,theychatted(闲聊) about housing and insurance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I won't go to his birthday party unless    tomorrow.(  )
A.invitingB.being invitedC.invitedD.invitation


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.He must have worked very hard,__________?Otherwise,he wouldn't have made huge achievements.
 I can't agree more.He is always hardworking.(  )
A.didn't heB.mustn't heC.needn't heD.hasn't he

