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3. You shouldn’t go outside,for you still (发烧)。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

         A  ★★★☆☆

    Teachers from Matthew Jago elementary school in Sewaren,New Jersey,took a group of students in the school's (自闭症) classes to Jose Tejas Restaurant on May 6 ,in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.

    The 21 teachers and 26 children enjoyed a good meal. When it came time to pay the bill,the manager told them it had already been paid for by another diner. “We couldn’t believe it. We were all speechless the moment we heard the news,” said Jeannette Gruskowski,one of the teachers.

    The meal was supposed to be paid for by the teachers and the children's parents,and the group was impressed by the kindness of the complete stranger. The manager told US that she’s a grandparent of a child with special needs,” Gruskowski explained. And she was so touched by US being there with the kids on Teacher Appreciation Day.”

    The woman chose to remain anonymous. The teachers were told that the woman frequently visited the restaurant,so the group put together a heartfelt thank-you card in the hope that it would reach her.

    “we don’t know who you are. There are no words to express how grateful we are to you,” read the card. “Your act of generosity will forever remain in our hearts."

    Greg,manager at Jose Tejas., confirmed that the card was given to the anonymous woman. He said that she was very appreciative,but still insisted on anonymity.

    Gruskowski and the other teachers also sent a note to the kids’ families to let them know what had happened. “The parents were deeply touched,” she said.

1. Why was the group of children taken to the restaurant?

   A. To make new friends.

   B. To celebrate a special day.

    C. To help waiters in the restaurant.

   D. To make a meal for their teachers.

2. How did the teachers and students feel on hearing the manager's words?

   A. Surprised. B. Proud,

    C. Doubtful. D. Concerned.

3. The underlined word “anonymous” in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced by .

   A. calm   B. friendly

    C. nameless   D. selfless

4. What did the kids do after the dinner?

   A. They paid a visit to the woman.

   B. They made cards for their family,

    C. They repaid money to the woman.

   D. They expressed their thanks to the woman. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


cut up,think about,run away,look after,be angry with,make up,shout at,care about,fall down,dress up,find out,prepare for,get off,get into,write down,take up,go out,come up with,hang out,take care of

1. 动词+介

2. 动词+副词:

3. 动词+副词+介词:

4. 动词+名词+介词:

5. be+形容词+介词:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In the mid-1800s,two chance events occurred in the life of a young “gold rusher” that resulted in the creation of the world's first pair of jeans. Twenty-three-year-old Levi Strauss,a Bavarian immigrant (?? R.) working at his brothers,dry goods store in New York City,didn't join the gold rush. He wanted to sell diy goods to the miners.

   So in January of 1853,Levi Strauss began selling dry goods in San Francisco. Business went well for him and Levi became a wealthy man. Then the first chance event presented itself to Levi. Levi imagined that the gold miners would require denim(牛仔布) with which to build tents. He was wrong. Pleasant California weather persuaded miners to sleep directly under the stars. Levi would have to find another use for his yards and yards of brown denim. The first generation of jeans was bom. They were named “waist overalls”.

   Then the second chance event occurred. Jacob Davis,a Nevada tailor (^ invented a method of strengthening the trousers. He placed metal rivets 4t) at pocket comers. He didn't have the money to apply for a patent i'J) for his idea,so he sent Levi a letter. Perhaps Levi would be interested in paying for the paperwork so that the two men could apply for the patent together. Levi agreed and the second generation of jeans was bom. The term jeans was bom out of the name of an Italian city,Genoa,where denim could be bought.

   Jeans didn't change the life of Levi greatly. He and Jacob Davis did earn good money from their successful riveted denim trousers,but Levi was already a wealthy man. Denim jeans did greatly alter the lives of the rest of US. Today more than a hundred years later,Levi' s  jeans are still popular all over the world.

9. Before inventing jeans,Levi Strauss was .

   A. a rich man   B. a tent builder

    C. a famous tailor   D. a miner in California

10. What do we know about the second generation of jeans?

   A. It was made in Italy.

   B. It was not given a patent.

    C. It was called “waist overalls”.

   D. It was improved by Jacob Davis.

11. The underlined word “alter” in the last paragraph probably means.

   A. guide   B. ruin

    C. change   D. shape

12. What might be the best title for the text?

   A. A clever tailor

   B. The best trousers

    C. The invention of jeans   

    D. The process of making jeans


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by.

   A. I   B. me

    C. my   D. myself           (2015 上海)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Bill didn't finish the work because he had a terrible (head) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Sue made a cake (her) without her mother’s help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Ben’s brother should take singing lessons.


 Ben’s brother ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. You can't move the desk all by (your) .

