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 If you act like that, you’ll get yourself ___.

A. dislike      B. disliked         C. disliking           D. to dislike


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Are you afraid of moving up to senior high school? It is a completely new experience, but you shouldn’t worry. We’ve put together a guide to help you.

You are not alone

   Remember that everybody else in your grade is in the same boat. You may not notice it, but they are just as nervous as you are.

   Moving up to senior high school is a chance, not a problem. Things are different, and all you need to do is be polite and learn the new rules.

The teachers will help

   If you don’t know what to do or are worried about something, then ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to because they have experience in helping new students.

Everything changes

   There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different rooms. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organized.

Other points

   If you’ve got an elder brother or sister at senior high school, then ask them for advice.

   Be yourself! It sounds simple, but people will respond much better to you if you act naturally.

   Going to bed early makes a difference. You’ll also find it easier to get up in the morning!

The author says that you’re not alone because other students______

A. are polite and nervous

B. will help you

C. feel the same as you do

D. will learn the new rules with you

When you don’t know what to do, you can______

A. write your problem down

B. watch your brothers

C. go to bed early

D. turn to your teachers

The main purpose of the passage is to ___________?

A. Tell students about a new experience

B. help students that are going to senior high school

C. tell students that teachers are the best helpers                

D. teach students how to organize themselves


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省台州市2010年高三年级第二次调考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

I'm from the South Bronx. At 7, my neighborhood was the beginning and end of my universe. It was a small town to me. Everyone knew each other, so if you got into trouble in school, chances are your mom knew about it before you got home. I felt watched over and safe.
But just before I turned 8, things began to change. I watched two buildings on my block burn down. I remember seeing my neighbor Pito go up and down the fire escape to get people out. Where were the firemen? Where was the truck? Somebody must have called them.
That same summer, after serving two tours in Vietnam, my brother was killed in the South Bronx. He was shot above the left eye and died instantly.  
People who could moved out of the neighborhood, and all I wanted to do was get out, too. I used education to get away from there and got good at avoiding the topic of where I was from. To be from the South Bronx meant that you were not a good person. It felt like a stain.
After college, I didn't want to come back to the South Bronx, but in order to afford graduate school, I had to. I was almost 30 and could only afford to live at my parents' home. It felt like a defeat, and I hated it.
At the same time, the city was planning a huge waste facility here, and no one seemed to care — including many of us who lived here. They were like, "Well, it's a poor community; what's the difference?"
I was very angry. It drove me to act. It moved my spirit in a way that I didn't know was possible. And it changed my beliefs — it changed the way I felt about myself and my community. I worked hard with others who felt the same way, and together, we defeated the plan.
After that, I realized it's just as important to fight for something as it is to fight against something. So we dreamed up a new park on the site of an illegal waste dump — and after many community clean-ups, along with $3 million from the city, we have one. And it's a glory. It was the seed from which many new plans for our community have grown.
Today, the South Bronx is no longer a stain; it's a badge(象征) of honor for me. I believe that where I'm from helps me to really see the world. Today, when I say I'm from the South Bronx, I stand up straight. This is home, and it always will be.
41. Paragraphs 2 and 3 make the readers believe ____________.

A. the author felt watched over and safe
B. he author’s brother was a bad man
C. the author’s neighbor Pito was braver than a fireman
D. the author felt his hometown was not a safe place to live in
42. The author went back to the South Bronx after college because ____________.
A. he couldn’t afford to live without his parents’ help
B. he loved his hometown very much
C. he was defeated in studies at college
D. he almost reached the age of 30
43. The underlined sentences(Paragraph 2) imply that ____________.
A. the author wondered where the firemen and the truck were
B. the author wanted someone to call the firemen
C. the firemen didn’t come to help although called
D. the firemen didn’t find a place to park the truck
44. What does the author want to convey in the passage?
A. Great changes have taken place in the South Bronx.
B. The South Bronx is a beautiful place.  
C. You can make a difference to your hometown if you act.
D. Everyone should love his hometown.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年吉林省长春外国语学校高二上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Are you afraid of moving up to senior high school? It is a completely new experience, but you shouldn’t worry. We’ve put together a guide to help you.
You are not alone
   Remember that everybody else in your grade is in the same boat. You may not notice it, but they are just as nervous as you are.
   Moving up to senior high school is a chance, not a problem. Things are different, and all you need to do is be polite and learn the new rules.
The teachers will help
   If you don’t know what to do or are worried about something, then ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to because they have experience in helping new students.
Everything changes
   There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different rooms. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organized.
Other points
   If you’ve got an elder brother or sister at senior high school, then ask them for advice.
   Be yourself! It sounds simple, but people will respond much better to you if you act naturally.
   Going to bed early makes a difference. You’ll also find it easier to get up in the morning!
【小题1】The author says that you’re not alone because other students______

A.are polite and nervous
B.will help you
C.feel the same as you do
D.will learn the new rules with you
【小题2】When you don’t know what to do, you can______
A.write your problem down
B.watch your brothers
C.go to bed early
D.turn to your teachers
【小题3】The main purpose of the passage is to ___________?
A.Tell students about a new experience
B.help students that are going to senior high school
C.tell students that teachers are the best helpers
D.teach students how to organize themselves


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省丹东市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配



If your complaint is immediate, suppose you got the wrong order at a restaurant, make a polite but firm request to see the manager.When the manager comes, ask his or her name.And then state your problem and what you expect to have done about it.

Be polite!     2     

But also be firm in making your complaint.

     3     This doesn’t mean to put on airs and say “do you know who I am?” What it means is that people are often treated the way they expect to be treated.If you act like someone who expects a fair request to be granted, chances are that it will be granted .

     4     You are speaking to a voice coming from someone you cannot see.So you can’t tell how the person on the line is reacting.It is easy for that person to give you the run-around.

     5     If your complaint doesn’t require an immediate response, it often helps to complain by letter.If you have an appliance that doesn’t work, send a letter to the store that sold it.Be business-like and stick to the point.Don’t spend a paragraph on how your uncle John tried to fix the problem and couldn’t.

A.Shouting or acting rude will get you nowhere.

B.Complaining in person or by letter is generally more effective.

C.The worst way to complain is over the telephone.

D.Telephone complaint is never efficient.

E.The way to complain is to act business-like and important.

F.Besides, act important.

G.There are many ways to complain.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年吉林省高二年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Are you afraid of moving up to senior high school? It is a completely new experience, but you shouldn’t worry. We’ve put together a guide to help you.

You are not alone

   Remember that everybody else in your grade is in the same boat. You may not notice it, but they are just as nervous as you are.

   Moving up to senior high school is a chance, not a problem. Things are different, and all you need to do is be polite and learn the new rules.

The teachers will help

   If you don’t know what to do or are worried about something, then ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to because they have experience in helping new students.

Everything changes

   There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different rooms. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organized.

Other points

   If you’ve got an elder brother or sister at senior high school, then ask them for advice.

   Be yourself! It sounds simple, but people will respond much better to you if you act naturally.

   Going to bed early makes a difference. You’ll also find it easier to get up in the morning!

1.The author says that you’re not alone because other students______

A.are polite and nervous

B.will help you

C.feel the same as you do

D.will learn the new rules with you

2.When you don’t know what to do, you can______

A.write your problem down

B.watch your brothers

C.go to bed early

D.turn to your teachers

3.The main purpose of the passage is to ___________?

A.Tell students about a new experience

B.help students that are going to senior high school

C.tell students that teachers are the best helpers

D.teach students how to organize themselves


