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I ______ very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark.

  A. must sound              B. must have sounded 

C. should sound              D. should have sounded


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届四川省成都树德中学高考适应性考试(一)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Nuclear energy has always been controversial. But since the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima (Japan) last year the issue is back in the headlines. And the world is divided— some countries are planning more nuclear plants, while others have promised to shut theirs down.
After Fukushima, Germany decided to switch off all its nuclear plants by 2022. Switzerland and Italy are also phasing out nuclear power. But France and the United States remain staunch supporters of atomic energy. In fact, almost 80% of France’s electricity comes from nuclear power, the highest percentage in the world. And in the US, the Obama administration said it “continues to support the expansion of nuclear power, despite the crisis in Japan.”
Nuclear supporters claim nuclear power can help the environment. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power doesn’t create greenhouse gases. So, pro-nuclear countries argue that nuclear power allows them to generate energy without contributing to climate change. Britain’s chief scientific adviser (John Beddington) supports this view. He recently said that the world doesn’t have the luxury of ignoring nuclear energy.
Nuclear power is also relatively cheap. Renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro and wind power may be clean, but they’re expensive; and right now, they require a lot of investment. This higher cost of using “green energy” is usually passed onto the consumer. So, while many people may prefer their energy to come from a renewable source, not so many are prepared to pay higher energy bills. This is of particular concern while the world economy is in such bad shape.
The main argument against nuclear energy is that it isn’t safe. For a start, nuclear waste is very difficult to dispose of, and remains toxic to humans for thousands of years. And even before Fukushima, there were several high-profile nuclear disasters. The most famous is probably the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, in the Ukraine. The radiation from the meltdown spread all over Europe, affecting thousands.
The nuclear energy issue is very complex. And it doesn’t look like it’ll be resolved anytime soon. As a Japanese commentator recently said, “it’s been a bad year for the ‘nuclear village’, but I don’t think they’re down and out yet.” The battle continues.
【小题1】Which of the following may NOT be the advantage of nuclear energy over other energy sources?

A.Nuclear energy doesn’t produce any greenhouse gases.
B.Nuclear energy can help prevent the climate damage.
C.Nuclear energy is more environmental-friendly than other green energy sources.
D.Nuclear energy can save the consumers some money, compared to other renewable energies.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “this” refer to in paragraph 4?
A.The fact that many people prefer to use the green energy sources while unwilling to pay higher bill.
B.The cost of using renewable sources
C.The fact that the nuclear power is cheaper.
D.The investment of renewable energy sources
【小题3】We can learn from the last paragraph that _______.
A.the Japanese commentator is positive about the future of nuclear energy
B.the nuclear energy issue will be soon settled
C.a battle will break out in the future
D.Japan is considering to build a nuclear village in the future
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To highlight the danger of using nuclear energy.
B.To introduce some serious nuclear disasters.
C.To show the argument between nuclear supporters and protesters.
D.To give some advice on how to use nuclear energy safely.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考英语试题分类汇编——社会文化阅读理解 题型:阅读理解

I hated dinner parties .But I decided to give them another shot because I’m  in London. And my friend Mallery invited me . And because dinner parties in London are very different from those  in New York,  “I’m having a dinner party ” means : “I’m booking a table for 12 at a restaurant  you can’t afford ang we’ll be sharing the cheque evenly , no matter what you eat.” Wors , in  Manhattan there  is  always someone who  leaves before  the  bill arrives  .They’ll throw  down cash, half of what  they owe, and then people like me, who don’t  drink, end  up paying even  more . But if try to use the same  trick  , the hostess will shout; “Where are you going ?” And it’s not like I can  say I have somewhere to go : everyone knows I have  nowhere to go.
But in London, dinner patise are in people’s homes . Not only that, the guests  are an interesting  mix .The last time I went to one , the guests were from France , India ,Denmark and  Nigeria; it was like a gathering  at the United Nations . In New York ,the mix is less striking . It’s  like a gathering at Bloomingdat="le’s" , a well-known de partment  store.
For New Yorkers, talking ,talking  about  other  parts  of the world  means Brooklyn  and Queens in New Yorkers.But at Mallery’s ,when I side that I had been to Myanmar recently, peo ple knew where it was , In New Yorkers people would think it was a usual culb.
1.What does the word “shot” in Paragraph I pro baly mean?
A.  Choice B. Try   C. Style   D.Goal
2. What does  the writer  dislike most about  dinner  parties  in New Yorkers
A. There  is a stange mix of people.
B. The restaurants are expensive.
C. The bill is not fairly shared.
D. People  have  to  pay cash 
3.What does the author think of the parties in London?
A. A bit unusual   B. Full of tricks  C.Less costly  D. More interesting
4.What  is the author’s opininon of some New Yorkers from her experience?
A.Easy-going B. Self-centred.   C.Generous D.Conservative


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江西省赣州市六校高三上学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Davey wanted to play baseball. But fifty years ago, in his small town, he couldn’t find enough players for two full teams or an empty lot big enough for a field. And when he played ball in his back yard, he just broke windows and got into trouble. So Davey began playing with a plastic golf ball and a broom handle for a bat.
When his dad, David Mullaney, a former semi-pro baseball pitcher(投手), realized his son was hurting his arm trying to throw curves with the little plastic ball, he decided to find a better solution. Mullaney got a bunch of hollow plastic spheres from a local factory, sat down at his kitchen table and began cutting different size holes in the balls with a razor knife. He thought maybe the holes would alter the ball’s flight and help his son throw curves and sliders without hurting his arm.
All the balls failed—except the one with the eight oblong(长椭圆形的) holes cut into one of the hemispheres. This ball curved naturally and sharply without a violent snap of the wrist. In fact, Davey was now striking out so many batters; he called his new ball a “wiffle ball”. A year later, Mullaney borrowed $20,000 from family and friends and started producing Wiffle Balls in his little suburban town of Shelton, Connecticut.
“I didn’t want investors.” He said, “I wanted to control my own company.” This was the beginning of one of the hottest fads(时尚) of the fifties and a perennial(长久的) best seller well known all around the world. Since then millions of boys and girls have enjoyed countless hours of safe, wholesome fun playing with a Wiffle ball and bat. Esquire Magazine has even called the Wiffle Ball “a national treasure”. By producing a high quality product at an affordable price, three generations of Mullany’s have enjoyed the satisfaction and benefits of running a successful and profitable family business.
Over the years, they’ve had plenty of offers to buy them out, but they’re still working out of a small factory in Shelton, making a new Wiffle Ball every couple of seconds. Creativity and persistence are two of the important sources for wealth. If he gave up his attempts at trying new things, Mullany would not have invented the wiffle ball, nor would he have made such a big fortune.
1.From the passage we can know that           .          

AMullaney made the invention of Wiffle ball with the help of his son

Bfifty years ago people didn’t like playing baseball very much

CMullaney’s attempts to help Davey better enjoy ball-playing led to the invention of Wiffle ball

Dplaying balls would hurt one’s arm before the Wiffle ball’s appearance

2.All the following are true EXCEPT         .

ADavey was a good ballplayer after the Wiffle ball came into existence

BDavid Mullaney wanted to run the family business on his own

CMullaney’s family made a big fortune through the production of Wiffle balls

DMullaney’s business was nearly bought out but they worked hard to keep it

3.The underlined word “spheres” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to         .

Aballs? Bbottles? Cbags? Dboxes

4.The two important factors for Mullaney’s successful family business are         .

Atime and fortune ? Bpersistence and creativity

Cquality and fame   Dcooperation and efforts

5.The passage mainly tells us something about         .

ADavey, a famous baseball player????????????? Ba popular ball game in the 1950’s

Cthe birth of Wiffle ball      ????????????? Dthe success of a family business



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省名校高三联考试题 题型:填空题



It's common for kids of all ages to experience school anxiety - school-related stress.This is often most apparent at the end of summer when school is about to start again, but it can occur year-round.Where does the stress and anxiety come from?


A good experience with a caring teacher can cause a lasting impression on a child's life—so can a bad experience.While most teachers do their best to provide students with a positive educational experience, some students are better suited for certain teaching styles and classroom types than others.If there's a mismatch (不协调) between student and teacher, a child can form lasting negative feelings about school or his own abilities.


Friends can also be a source of stress.Concerns about not having enough friends, not being in the same class as friends, not being able to keep up with friends in one particular area or another, and interpersonal conflicts are a few of the very common ways kids can be stressed by their social lives at school.Dealing with these issues alone can cause anxiety in even the most confident kids.

Bullies (欺凌弱小者)

Things have changed in the world of bullies since I was a kid.The good news is that

teachers and parents are paying more attention.Many schools now have anti-bullying pro-

grams and policies.Though bullying does still happen, help is generally more easily accessible

than before.

The bad news is that bullying has gone high-tech.Many students use the Internet, cell phones and other media devices to bully other students, and this type of bullying often gets very aggressive.One reason is that bullies can be anonymous (匿名的) and enlist other bullies to make their targets miserable.Another reason is that they don't have to face their targets. So it's easier to get rid of any empathy that they may otherwise feel.There are ways to fight against "cyber-bullying", but many parents aren't aware of them - and many bullied kids feel too overwhelmed to deal with the situation.




科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省庄河六高高二上学期开学初考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Barbie(芭比娃娃),believe it or not,is 50 this year and she's still as popular as ever.A doll is a doll,but Barbie illustrates how,over the last five decades,women have become a standard for judging what freedom really means. How women are treated in different countries tells you a lot about the politics and culture of where they live.

The doll that every little girl wants enables young children to test their possibilities in role playing,giving them a glimpse of what they might be when they grow up,whether to be frivolous or serious (or both).

But in many countries that's not an option. In Saudi Arabia,where woman can't drive or go out publicly unless covered,Barbie is banned. They think Barbie dolls are offensive to Islam(伊斯兰教) and a threat to morality.

In America,she represents the swiftly changing roles of women. Barbie is fun to tease but she's as American as miniskirts_and_pantsuits in her flexible identities and her “growth” from model to astronaut.

Barbie inspired a doll­revolution movement. When a Teen Talk Barbie was programmed electronically to say “Math class is tough”,she was criticized by a national women's group and was regarded as a bad stereotype. Some of her critics also say she's a bad influence because she's too thin and encourages anorexia,that she has run through too many stereotypes(固定模式),and that she lends too much significance to the fantasy stages of child's play.

In some Muslim countries, substitute Barbie dolls have been developed that promote traditional values,with their modest clothing and pro­family backgrounds. They are widely seen as an effort to resist the American dolls that have flooded the market.

Toy seller Masoumeh Rahimi welcomed the dolls,saying Barbie was “foreign to Muslim culture” because some of the dolls have little clothing. She said young girls who play with Barbie,could grow into women who reject Muslim values. “I think every Barbie doll is more harmful than an American missile,”Ms. Rahimi said.

1.The writer mentioned “miniskirts and pantsuits”(in Paragraph 4) to imply that ________.

A.these are the only clothes a doll should wear

B.these are very traditional American clothes for women

C.there are a range of different life options available for women

D.readers should wear these clothes more often

2.The underlined word “anorexia” (in Paragraph 5) most probably means“________”.

A.an illness of refusing to eat

B.giving up math study

C.the wearing of inappropriate clothes

D.a decrease in people's imagination

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.children who like Barbie dolls won't be so serious when they grow up

B.Muslim Barbies are the same as American Barbies

C.Muslim societies are generally more conservative than western societies

D.Americans have no worry about Barbie's influence on children


