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2. When you are in the lab,be sure to follow your teacher's i     .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 My family came to America in 1985. 1      of us spoke a word of English. Each morning, I disliked going to school for fear of not 2      what people were saying.

Very soon my mother noticed something was 3      me. The pain and care I saw in her moonshaped eyes made me burst into tears. I explained to her the 4     I had of going to school. " Learning English is not 5      ," my mother said. She cheerfully 6      the two of us work together to learn the language at home. The 7      and determination my mother had were admirable because English was as 8      to her as it was to me.

That afternoon,I saw my mother in a different light as she 9      me by the school fence. Although she was the 10      of all the mothers there,her face with her welcoming smile and big,black eyes was the most11      The afternoon sun shone 12      on her long,black hair creating an atmosphere that 13      her from others.

My mother and I immediately began reading together and 14      five new words a day. My mother, with her encouraging 15     ,made the routine fun and interesting. The fact that she was sacrificing her 16      time before going to work so that I could learn English made me see the 17      she possessed. Very soon I began to comprehend what everyone was saying.

It has been seven years since that reading 18      with my mother. She is now 43 and in her second year at college. My brother and I have a strong 19      of who we are because of the strong values my mother established for herself and her children. My 20      and gratitude for her are endless. This is why my mother is truly the guiding light of my life. 

(   ) 1.A. All   B. One   C. Some   D. None

(   ) 2.A. hearing   B. mastering   C. understanding   D. noticing

(   ) 3.A. changing   B. disappointing   C. hurting   D. troubling

(   ) 4.A. fear   B. emotion   C. sense   D. difficulty

(   ) 5.A. dull   B. necessary   C. impossible   D. easy

(   ) 6.A. decided   B. suggested                  C.promised   D. allowed

(   ) 7.A. hope   B. consideration   C. confidence   D. progress

(   ) 8.A. new   B. strange   C. familiar   D. rough

(   ) 9.A. sent for   B. picked up  C.waited for   D. looked for

(   ) 10.A. earliest   B. latest   C. tallest   D. shortest

(   ) 11.A. promising   B. relaxing   C. confusing   D. exciting

(   ) 12.A. directly   B. brightly   C. slightly   D. clearly

(   ) 13.A. separated   B. distinguished   C. saved   D. prevented

(   ) 14.A. discussing   B. reviewing   C. memorizing   D. writing

(   ) 15.A. virtue   B. teaching   C. attitude   D. skill

(   ) 16.A. working   B. shopping   C. learning   D. resting

(   ) 17.A. determination   B. kindness   C. trick   D. consciousness

(   ) 18.A. experience   B. course   C. practice   D. comprehension

(   ) 19.A. sense   B. duty   C. influence   D. intention

(   ) 20.A. care   B. admiration   C. feeling   D. envy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. If you want to improve your study,you should first change your attitude      it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. I don't mean that. There must be some     between us.

2. There are some mistakes in your composition that need     .

3. I get a lot of     from my grandchildren. They are so lovely.

4. The film was said to be good,but I found it          .

5. Her     gave me a lot of confidence.

6. Can you give me some advice on improving the     in speaking?

7. While reading new words,make sure you give each word its correct     .

8. I am waiting to hear your        for your being late.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.Don't worry. There will be a    (lively) TV report of tonight's football match and we can enjoy it together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.          learn a foreign language is the study of the spoken language. (approach)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.          you've got a headache―you drank so much wine, (wonder)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. This shouldn't be the        (态度) you can have towards your parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Tim,may I       (把你介绍给) my brother,Robert?

