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These ten-dollar shirts are now       for five.

  A. for sale                    B. at sale                          C. on sale                          D. in sale


科目:高中英语 来源:2011河南开封高中高三模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

We can all contribute to a greener world.Just follow these ten golden rules:
●Stop getting junk mail.Billions of junk mail can be sent every year.Half of it is never opened.Get-your name off mailing lists.If 100,000 people stopped getting junk mail today, it would save 150,000 trees a year.
●Stop reading newspapers.All over the world, millions of newspapers are thrown away every day, 44 million newspapers in the USA alone —that's half a million trees a week.Either recycle your newspapers or read the hews online.
●Buy clothes made from organic materials.Conventional cotton farming seriously pollutes the environment, most of which uses chemical pesticides (农药) and fertilizers. Organic is better!
●Switch to solar energy.In one day, the sun will provide enough energy to power the planet.Why aren't we using it?
●If you have to drive, share the ride.Most cars in the USA have only one occupant.Also, 25 percent of car rides are less than 1.5 kilometres.Get out and walk!
●Unplug your PC, TV and VCR.Simply turning them off isn't enough.Sets left on standby are still using 25 percent of their power.
●Hold on to your balloons.Helium-filled balloons which fly away usually end up in a lake or river, where they can choke aquatic (水生的) creatures.Save your balloons and use them again.Or better still, don't use them at all.
●Feed the birds.Wild birds need food, especially in v/inter when other sources can be scarce.The greater the range of foodstuffs you put out for them, the more types of birds you will attract.
●Plant a garden at your school.Learn the connection between the land and the table.Plant vegetables to eat, flowers to admire and trees to improve the air.
What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To provide some health advice on how to work.
B.To suggest some ways how to make full use of solar energy.
C.To advise protecting environment and saving energy.
D.To advise on how to recycle waste and save energy.
.The underlined expression "left on standby" in the sixth rule means__   __.
A.ready to start and use electricityB.ready to be turned off
C.ready to be repairedD.ready to be.put away
.Which of the following will NOT protect trees from being cut down to make paper?
A.Not buying newspapers.B.Don't accept junk mail.
C.Read your newspaper online.D.Read only one newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省肇庆市高二上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


American Idol is a TV show and annual American singing competition, which began its first season on June 11, 2002. It is based on the British show Pop Idol, in which thousands of young singers, aged 16-28, audition(试演)for the chance   1.  (choose) as the new singing idol. The program seeks to discover the  2.  (good) young singer in the country through  3.  series of nationwide auditions.              

Auditions  4.  (hold) in key cities around the country, with judges removing some contestants(选手),  5.  there are only 30 left. These 30 compete, on air, and the viewing public votes for  6.  three favorites each week, over the course of the next three weeks. Those nine contestants, along   7.  one “wild card” chosen by judges, continue on to the next stage of the competition,  8.  takes place over several weeks. The outcome of the latter stages of this competition is wholly determined by public voting. There are three judges assessing the contestants’    9.  (perform) in order to facilitate(推动) the voting.

Of these ten, two winners are chosen to appear in a live half-hour telecast(电视广播)the following evening to compete   10.  a top-dollar record deal.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011河南开封高中高三模拟考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


We can all contribute to a greener world.Just follow these ten golden rules:

●Stop getting junk mail.Billions of junk mail can be sent every year.Half of it is never opened.Get-your name off mailing lists.If 100,000 people stopped getting junk mail today, it would save 150,000 trees a year.

●Stop reading newspapers.All over the world, millions of newspapers are thrown away every day, 44 million newspapers in the USA alone —that's half a million trees a week.Either recycle your newspapers or read the hews online.

●Buy clothes made from organic materials.Conventional cotton farming seriously pollutes the environment, most of which uses chemical pesticides (农药) and fertilizers. Organic is better!

●Switch to solar energy.In one day, the sun will provide enough energy to power the planet.Why aren't we using it?

●If you have to drive, share the ride.Most cars in the USA have only one occupant.Also, 25 percent of car rides are less than 1.5 kilometres.Get out and walk!

●Unplug your PC, TV and VCR.Simply turning them off isn't enough.Sets left on standby are still using 25 percent of their power.

●Hold on to your balloons.Helium-filled balloons which fly away usually end up in a lake or river, where they can choke aquatic (水生的) creatures.Save your balloons and use them again.Or better still, don't use them at all.

●Feed the birds.Wild birds need food, especially in v/inter when other sources can be scarce.The greater the range of foodstuffs you put out for them, the more types of birds you will attract.

●Plant a garden at your school.Learn the connection between the land and the table.Plant vegetables to eat, flowers to admire and trees to improve the air.


What is the main purpose of the passage?

    A.To provide some health advice on how to work.

    B.To suggest some ways how to make full use of solar energy.

    C.To advise protecting environment and saving energy.

    D.To advise on how to recycle waste and save energy.


.The underlined expression "left on standby" in the sixth rule means__    __.

    A.ready to start and use electricity                       B.ready to be turned off

    C.ready to be repaired                                     D.ready to be.put away


.Which of the following will NOT protect trees from being cut down to make paper?

    A.Not buying newspapers.             B.Don't accept junk mail.

    C.Read your newspaper online.                             D.Read only one newspaper.



科目:高中英语 来源:0110 期中题 题型:完形填空

     I found a new job in a school last year. When I entered the school, I was really 1. ______. Before I
arrived, I thought the school would be 2. ______ and all the students would be having class in the classroom.
3. ______ all that I saw were the students 4. ______ on the playground. Some were playing with the sand and
some were 5. ______ wooden toys.
     "What are you doing?" I asked a ten-year-old boy.
     "We are playing," he replied without 6. ______. I was confused. How could all the students be playing
outside 7. ______ studying in the classroom? And none of them 8. ______ to care about their studies.
     Aren't they worried about their studies at all? What about the teachers? Do they 9. ______ them to play?
With the 10. ______ in my mind, I went to the head teacher's 11. ______.
     "The students are allowed to play for ten days. In these ten days, they don't have to study in the classroom.
What they need to do is to do what they like," said the head teacher.
     "But 12. ______?" I asked.
     "There was once a very good student in our school. He was very good at his 13. ______. But he never
played. He studied all the time. However, he 14. ______became ill and was sent to the 15. ______ and died
only four days later. Before he died, we 16. ______him what he wanted to do 17. ______. He said he wanted
to play. So we 18. ______ to let the students play for ten days every 19. ______," said the teacher, and I
finally knew why.
     That student's death gave the other students the 20. ______ to play.
(     )1. A. happy      
(     )1. A. quiet      
(     )3. A. Since      
(     )4. A. running    
(     )5. A. making      
(     )6. A. breaking out 
(     )7. A. because of  
(     )8. A. meant      
(     )9. A. beg        
(     )10. A. opinions    
(     )11. A. company    
(     )12. A. why        
(     )13. A. books     
(     )14. A. interestingly
(     )15. A. hotel      
(     )16. A. took        
(     )17. A. most        
(     )18. A. decided    
(     )19. A. festival    
(     )20. A. task        
B. excited    
B. crowded    
B. But        
B. sitting    
B. giving      
B. showing off   
B. instead of  
B. liked      
B. teach      
B. questions  
B. school      
B. what        
B. games   
B. suddenly 
B. playground    
B. gave        
B. least      
B. stopped    
B. try        
B. right      
C. surprised 
C. far      
C. Because  
C. playing  
C. selling  
C. showing up    
C. except for 
C. seemed    
C. expect    
C. sentences 
C. office    
C. when      
C. sports    
C. hopefully 
C. hospital  
C. told      
C. more      
C. served    
C. week      
C. place    
D. angry       
D. clean       
D. So          
D. reading     
D. building    
D. looking up  
D. in case of  
D. happened    
D. allow       
D. news        
D. home        
D. where       
D. studies                    
D. carefully   
D. cinema      
D. asked       
D. better      
D. advised     
D. term        
D. decision    


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Over the past ten years, we have made some big steps forward in our common struggle for development, security and human rights. Aid and debt relief have increased, making the world economy somewhat fairer. At last, the world is taking action against HIV/AIDS. There are fewer wars between countries than there used to be; and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and responsible for, the people whom they govern. And all States protect people from war crimes, racial cleansing and crimes against humanity.

     But there is so much that still needs doing. The gap between rich and poor continues to grow. Many people still face serious crime, discrimination, and racial conflict. Nuclear weapons require urgent attention. Terrorism, and the reaction to it, is spreading fear and suspicion. It seems that we don't even agree which threats are most important. Those who live on small islands may see global warming as the biggest danger. Those who live in a city that has suffered terrorist attacks, like New York, or Mumbai, or Istanbul, may feel that fighting against terrorism is more urgent. Others again may cite poverty, disease, or genocide. The truth is, these are all global threats. All of us should be concerned about all of them. Otherwise, we may" not succeed in dealing with any of them.

     At this time of all times, we cannot afford to be divided. I know that you, the peoples of the world, understand this. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given me throughout these ten difficult but exciting years.

     Please urge your leaders to work with my successor, and make the United Nations ever stronger and more effective.

     Long live our planet and its peoples. Long live the United Nations!

72. The first paragraph mainly describes______________.

     A. the fact that the United Nations has become stronger

     B. the achievements that the United Nations has made

     C. the threats that the United Nations has come across

     D. the steps that have been taken to help developing countries

73. From the second paragraph we learn___________________.

     A. which problems are the most important

     B. the task to improve our world is not so difficult

     C. we still have a long way to go to achieve world peace

     D. the future of the world is not certain

74. According to the text, which of the following is not true?

    A. Islanders care more about terrorism than global warming.

B. More leaders are voted for by the people for. whom they are responsible, whom they govern.

     C, The speaker has spent almost all his professional life working for the United Nations

     D. People around the world don't agree which threats are most important,

75. The speech must have been made by the_________________.

    A. Secretary-General of the UN           B. president of the US

    C. prime minister of the UK              D. president of the PRC

