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Ambassador Hotel:

Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities to the full.

Dining Room

Breakfast is served in the dining mom from 8 a. m. to 9: 30 a.m. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a.m. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed.

Lunch: 12:00a.m. to2:30p.m.

Dinner: 7:30 p. m. to 9:00 p.m.

Room Service

This operates 24 hours a day; phone the Reception Desk(前台), and your message will be passed on to the room staff.


To make a phone call, dial 0 for Reception and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staffs are very busy. There are also public telephone booths near the Reception Desk. Early calls should be booked with Reception.


We have a laundry in the hotel, and will wash iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to collect them.


The hotel bar is open from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.

1.You would see this notice _________ .

A. in a hotel bar

B. in a hotel dining room[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]

C. in a bedroom of a large international hotel

D. at the entrance of a small family hotel 

2. What should you do if you have arrived to stay at the hotel at 2 a.m. and want something to eat?

A. Go to the hotel shop.                  B. Go to the hotel bar.

C. Hang a message outside your door.      D. Phone the Reception Desk.   

3. What should you do when you come back to the hotel to make an important call and see a lot of people around the Reception desk?

A. Go to your room and phone from there.

B. Ask at the Reception Desk.

C. Use one of the telephones in the entrance hall.

D. Go out again and look for a public phone box

4.What do you think a room staff’s last job is before he goes off duty at 6 p.m.?

A. Lay the tables in the dining room.

B. Check the bedroom doors.

C. Start preparing the breakfast.

D. Wake any of the guests who have asked for early calls.











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

London [2009-4-01]—In the first meeting between Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President Barack Obama  prior to the Group of 20 summit in London, the two leaders pledged


that both countries will be working together to help the world resist the financial crisis.   


     The two teams will be headed by Vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo from the Chinese side and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner from the US side.

President Hu Jintao and US President Barack Obama made the announcement to the press before they went into the official meeting, their first, at Winfield House, residence of the US ambassador to the UK.

     Although it is their first meeting, they have kept a close contact, which Obama said will  “set the stage” for both countries  “to tackle the challenges in the years to come. ”

Both presidents highlighted the importance of China-US relations, especially during the current economic crisis.

Hu said all the positive results the two countries have achieved have not come easily, adding that he hoped to develop good working relationship and personal friendship with Obama.

    Sino-US relations are of fundamental interests not only to both countries, but to peace, stability and prosperity to Asia and the world.

What is the best title of this passage?

A. Hu, Obama set up new economic dialogue.

B. Sino-US relations will be improved.

C. China and the US are working together to resist economic crisis.

D. China and the US have achieved positive results.

How do China’ s and US’ s presidents think they should deal with their relations?

A. By trusting and helping each other.

B. By sharing their common interests.

C. By establishing the new strategic economic dialogue.

D. By establishing new economic policy.

What is Winfield House?

A. The US ambassador to the UK.

B. Residence of UK ambassador to the US.

C. The living place of US ambassador to the UK.      

D. The residence of British Queen.

All of the following are mentioned EXCEPT____.

A. The two presidents agreed to work together to resist the financial crisis

B. The two presidents announced to the press before the official meeting

C. Both countries will make efforts to improve peace and security

D. Sino-US relations are of fundamental interests only to both countries


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

London [2009-4-01]—In the first  

meeting between Chinese President  

Hu Jintao and US President Barack  

 Obama  prior to the Group of 20      

summit in London, the two leaders pledged that both countries will be working together to help the world resist the financial crisis.   

China and the US have agreed to prioritize(使……更重要; 优化) the two countries’  relations by establishing the new strategic economic dialogue.

     The two teams will be headed by Vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo from the Chinese side and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner from the US side.

President Hu Jintao and US President Barack Obama made the announcement to the press before they went into the official meeting, their first, at Winfield House, residence of the US ambassador to the UK.

     Although it is their first meeting, they have kept a close contact, which Obama said will  “set the stage” for both countries  “to tackle the challenges in the years to come. ”

Both presidents highlighted the importance of China-US relations, especially during the current economic crisis.

    Obama said he hoped their meeting will be constructive and open not only about the whole state of the world economy during the current crisis, but to the efforts to improve peace and security for both countries and the world.

Hu said all the positive results the two countries have achieved have not come easily, adding that he hoped to develop good working relationship and personal friendship with Obama.

    Sino-US relations are of fundamental interests not only to both countries, but to peace, stability and prosperity to Asia and the world.

What is the best title of this passage?

A. Hu, Obama set up new economic dialogue.

B. Sino-US relations will be improved.

C. China and the US are working together to resist economic crisis.

D. China and the US have achieved positive results.

How do China’ s and US’ s presidents think they should deal with their relations?

A. By trusting and helping each other.

B. By sharing their common interests.

C. By establishing the new strategic economic dialogue.

D. By establishing new economic policy.

What is Winfield House?

A. The US ambassador to the UK.

B. Residence of UK ambassador to the US.

C. The living place of US ambassador to the UK.      

D. The residence of British Queen.

All of the following are mentioned EXCEPT____.

A. The two presidents agreed to work together to resist the financial crisis

B. The two presidents announced to the press before the official meeting

C. Both countries will make efforts to improve peace and security

D. Sino-US relations are of fundamental interests only to both countries


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届福建省宁德四县市高三下学期第一次联考 题型:完型填空

When I was a girl, in the deserts of Somalia(索马里), my family was nomadic(游牧的),   36  with our animals, and leading a happy life.
I was about thirteen  37 my father called me at the end of a hot day. “Come and  38  here.” He said.“I’ve found you a  39 ! We have arranged that he will  40  me five camels. “ That night I ran away. I was  41.For almost three weeks, I walked  42  the desert, and finally I got to my auntie’s house in Mogadishu. Auntie’s husband was an ambassador(大使), and in a few months I  43  Britain to work at his London house.
One day a  44  called Michael Goss saw me in the street. He took my picture and the photographs were  45 . “You should try and do  46 ,” he told me. When my aunt and uncle  47  Africa, I stayed in London. I found a place to stay and got  48  at McDonald’s before I  took Michael Goss’s photographs to an agency one day. They  49  me to a studio, and my picture appeared  50  of the Pirelli calendar. Soon after that, the agency got me  51  in the James Bond film The Living Daylights.
That was seven years ago. Since then I’ve done modeling all over the world and I’ve had frequent  52  in magazines such as Vogue and Elle. I have  53  hosted the US music program Soul Train.
Once  54  five camels, now I can  55  up to ?5000 for one day’s work. I have gone from the bottom to the top.
36.A.working hard     B.living together     C.looking after        D.moving around
37.A.when            B.after              C.as                 D.before
38.A.listen            B.sit                 C.work             D.see
39.A.business          B.boss              C.husband            D.chance
40.A.support           B.provide            C.share             D.give
41.A.excited           B.worried            C.frightened         D.surprised
42.A.around           B.through            C.inside            D.beyond
43.A.flew to           B.stayed in           C.chose            D.left
44.A.director          B.editor            C.photographer       D.writer
45.A.satisfied          B.beautiful           C.well-mannered     D.young
46.A.designing        B.photographing      C.dressing            D.modeling
47.A.moved to        B.changed for         C.returned to       D.started for
48.A.something to eat  B.a job              C.a bedroom        D.a workroom
49.A.sent             B.wanted            C.ordered            D.informed
50.A.in the list        B.on the cover         C.in the ads          D.on the page
51.A.a rise            B.a job             C.a part            D.an actress
52.A.interviews        B.performances       C.visits             D.appearances
53.A.already           B.even              C.yet                D.still
54.A.looking after      B.feeding             C.worth            D.as much as
55.A.pay             B.spend            C.give                 D.earn


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省赣州十一县(市)2009-2010学年度高二下学期期中联考(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽·赫本) was born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium. She really was blue-blood from the beginning with her father, a wealthy English banker, and her mother, a Dutch noblewoman. After her parents divorced, Audrey went to London with her mother where she went to a private girl school. Later, when her mother moved back to the Holland, she attended private schools as well. While taking a vacation with her mother in Arnhem, Holland, Hitler's army took over the town. It was here that she fell on hard times during the Nazi occupation. Audrey suffered from depression and poor nutrition.
After the liberation, Audrey went to a ballet school in London on a scholarship and later began a modeling career. As a model, she was graceful and, it seemed, she had found her job suitable for her in life - until the film producers came calling. After being spotted modeling by a producer, she was signed to a bit part in the European film Nederlands in 7 lessen in 1948. Later, she had a speaking role in the 1951 film, Young Wives' Tale (1951) as Eve Lester. The part still wasn't much, so she headed to America to try her luck there. Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US with her role in Roman Holiday in 1953. This film turned out to be a splendid success as she won an Oscar as Best Actress. This gained her enormous popularity and more plum roles. One of the reasons for her popularity was the fact that she was so elf-like and had class, unlike the sex-goddesses of the time. Roman Holiday was followed by another similarly wonderful performance in the 1957 classic Funny Face.In 1988, Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations fund helping children in Latin America and Africa, a position she retained until 1993.Her elegance and style will always be remembered in film history as evidenced by her being named in Empire magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time."
67.The underlined words “fell on hard times” in the second paragraph refer to______
A. the producers always let her act a lit role in a film.
B. parents’ being divorced brought her serious pain
C. depression and no nutrition brought her serious pain
D no good jobs were suitable to her
68. Audrey went to America to look for a new chance because_______
A. in the European films there were only little roles for her to act
B. in the Americana there were many important film roles waiting for her to act
C. in the American there were many different jobs suitable to her
D. in the European films there were all roles she didn’t like
69 Which one of the following films made Audrey win an Oscar Best Actress Award?_______
A. Nederlands in 7 lessen           B. Young Wives' Tale as Eve Lester
C.  Roman Holiday                D. the 1957 classic Funny Face
70.This passage mainly tells us about______
A. Audrey’s struggle in the film fields and public admiration
B. Audrey’s family and her career
C Audrey’s childhood and her films won great awards 
D. Audrey’s hard times and her achievement


科目:高中英语 来源:翻译 题型:其他题

二、Complete each sentence according to the Chinese given.

1. Eliza is a poor flower girl who has _________ (雄心勃勃) to improve herself

2. It is raining heavily and Eliza is ____________ the storm (躲雨).

3. The man makes notes , ___________ (一边观察) people’s use of language and reaction

4. Excuse me , ____________________? (你有零钱吗?)

5. Who’s hurting you, you silly girl. __________________________? (你把我看成什么人啦?)

6. _____________________(一个便装警察) came into the supermarket and caught the thief stealing some goods.

7. You come from the west end of London, born in Lisson Grove __________ (如果我没有搞错的话).

8. Eliza______________________________(谋生)by selling flowers.

9. Professor Higgins believed that one”s speech could show one”s social status. “People _____________________(透露自己的身世)every time they open their mouths”

10. “Her terrible English will___________ (使她注定为市井小民)to the end of her life,” said Professor Higgins.

11. The waiter _______________________to the beggar(用打发人走的口吻说) and demanded he leave the restaurant at once.

12. Once educated to speak properly, the girl could ____________ (冒充成女公爵) at an ambassador”s garden party.

13. We are only___________________(点头之交).In fact I don’t even know his full name

14. _______________(走着瞧).I am determined to become a great success.

15.The little boy picked up___________ (一把沙子)and began to build a cstle


