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12.      your timely help,otherwise,we wouldn't have finished the work ahead of time.(  )
A.BecauseB.ForC.Thanks toD.Thanks of

分析 多亏了你及时的帮忙,否则我们不可能提前完成工作.

解答 答案:C  because 因为;for 因为; thanks to 幸亏、多亏;thanks of 谢谢.选项A和B都意为"因为",后面均跟从句,引导原因状语从句,而句中your timely help为名词,因此排除该2项.C选项和D选项均可以表达感谢之意,但根据后半句的虚拟语气的使用,可排除D,D选项是客观的对他人进行感谢,而C选项此处可引导特殊虚拟语气,符合句意,故选C.

点评 本题考查介词短语的语义辨析,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的短语和词汇,并牢记其意思.在做题时,将短语的意思和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.American high school students are terrible writers,and one education reform group thinks it  has an answer:robots.Or,more accurately,robot-readers-computers programmed to scan  student essays andspit out a grade.
      Mark Shermis,professor of the College of Education at the University of Akron,is helping  to hold a contest,set up by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation ( WFHF),that promises  $ IOO,OOO in prize money to programmers who write the best automated grading software."If  you're a high school teacher and you give a writing task,you're walking home with 150 essays,"Shermis  said."You're going to need some help."
      Automated essay grading was first proposed in the 1960s,but computers back then were  not up to the task.In the late 1990s,as technology improved,several textbook and testing  companies jumped into the field.Today,computers are used to grade essays on South Dakota's  student writing assessments and a handful of other exams,including the TOEFL test of English fluency,taken by foreign students.
     The Hewlett contest aims to show that computers can grade as well as English teachers-only much more quickly and without all that depressing red ink.Automated essay scoring is"objective,"Shermis said."And it can be done immediately.If students finish an essay at l0 pm,they get a result at  10:0l pm."
     Take,for instance,the  Intelligent  Essay  Assessor,a  web-based  tool  marketed  by  Pearson Education,Inc.Within seconds it can analyze an essay for spelling,grammar,organization,and help students to make revisions.The program scans for key words and analyzes semantic  (语义 的) patterns,and Pearson claims that it can understand the meaning of text much the same as a human reader.

46.The text is written to introduceA.
A.robot-readers B.education reform in America
C.Hewlett contest                         
D.William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
47.What does the underlined phrase"spit out"in Paragraph I probably mean?A
48.From Paragraph 3,we know that in the 1960sD
A.computers were not easy to get
B.automated grading software was popular
C.people refused automated essay grading
D.computers couldn't grade essays automatically
49.What does Paragraph 4 focus on?B
A.The prize of Hewlett contest.
B.The advantages of automated essay scoring.
C.The application of automated essay scoring.
D.Teachers'opinions about Hewlett contest.
50.The Intelligent Essay Assessor canC.
A.rewrite essays                          
B.underline the mistakes in red ink
C.understand the meaning of text              
D.correct key words and patterns.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.The British royal family is about to be slimmed down.The queen plans to reduce the number of real royals,it was recently announced.However,there seems little sign of the monarchy (君主)
disappearing completely.
Up till the 17th century,the British king or queen was believed to rule by"divine (神的)right",which was the idea that God chose the king or queen to rule and that he or she was therefore above the law.However,this idea ended with the English Revolution,in which King Charles the first was imprisoned and then killed in 1649.
So what role does the British royal family have today?
Well,the Queen has important formal duties:as Head of State,the Queen represents the UK on visits abroad and invites other world leaders to visit the UK.As Head of the Armed Forces,only the Queen can declare when the UK is at war or when war was over.The Queen also has constitutional duties:She has to sign many government and Commonwealth documents every day.
In addition,the royal family spends a great deal of its time traveling up and down the country in support of different charity projects.
But the public in Britain do not believe there should be a royal family.Sometimes,the press and media criticize the royal family as well.
One criticism is that British people should not have to pay for the royal family through their taxes.
Today,the royal family works hard to be relevant in,the modem world.The queen's speech on TV is less formal every Christmas,and is now available as a podcast (播客).In 2005,after graduation from university,Prince William spent time teaching English in Uruguay,the sort of work many young British people do at some time in their lives.

55.What can be concluded from the first two paragraphs?B
A.The British king or queen is about to become common people.
B.The British king or queen is no longer believed to rule by divine right.
C.The English Revolution put an end to the British royal family in 1649.
D.The royal family's role was most important in Britain in the 17th century.
56.Which of the following is NOT among formal duties of the Queen?A
A.Travelling around the world for charity projects.
B.Declaring when the UK is at war.
C.Inviting other world leaders to visit the UK.
D.Signing Commonwealth documents every day.
57.Prince William is mentioned in the passage to show thatD.
A.he is popular in the UK
B.many young British people do voluntary work
C.he has tried to win young people's admiration
D.the royal family is trying to change their image
58.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.British people are all in favor of the royal family
B.the public are encouraged to oppose the royal family
C.the British royal family are facing surviving challenges
D.British youths are required to teach English in Uruguay in their lives.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.When to go to see the movie THE BABYSITTERS CLUB_________ yet.(  )
A.are not decidedB.was not decided
C.has not been decidedD.have not decided


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Make sure you have checked the information in the passage       you make the choice.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Americans are more socially isolated (孤立) than they were 20years ago,separated by work,commuting and the single life,researchers reported.Nearly a quarter of people surveyed said they had"zero"close friends with whom to discuss personal matters,while more than 50percent named two or fewer  confidants,most often immediate family members.'This is a big social change,and it indicates something that's not good for our society,"said Duke University Professor Lynn Smith Lovin,lead author on the study.Smith Lovin's group used data from a national survey of 1,500American adults that has been ongoing since 1972.She said it indicated people had a surprising drop in the number of close friends since 1985.At that time,Americans most commonly said they had three close friends whom they had known for a long time,saw often,and with whom they shared a number of interests.They were almost as likely to name four or five friends,and the relationships often developed from their neighborhoods or communities.Ties to a close network of friends create a social safety net that is good for society,and for the individual.Research has linked social support and civil participation to a longer life.Smith Lovin said.People were not asked why they had fewer close ties,but Smith Levin said that part of the cause could be that Americans are working more,marrying later,having fewer children,and commuting longer distances.It's one thing to know someone and exchange e-mails with them.It's another thing to say,"Will you give me a ride out of town with all of my possessions and pets?And can I stay with you for a couple or three months?"Smith Lovin said.

67.What's the main idea of the passage?C
A.Americans have more close friends than ever.
B.Close friends are very important in Americans'life.
C.Americans'circle of close friends is becoming smaller.
D.Americans love making friends with their neighbors.
68.The underlined word"confidants"can be replaced most probably byB_.
A.familiar people     B.close friends
C.personal matters    D.family members
69.According to Professor Llynn Smith Lovin,D.
A.50per cent of Americans have no close friends
B.Americans develop friendship from communities
C.Americans used to exchange emails with friends
D.a social safety net is good for the individual
70.What's the researchers'attitude towards Americans'present situation in this passage?C
A.Happy.       B.Excited.      C.Worried.     D.Surprised.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.In the last century,more and more women arose ________ their legal rights.(  )
A.in defence ofB.in honor ofC.in memory ofD.in place of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I like riding my bike.Though it is not very new,but it is my best friend.I find very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Riding gives me not only exercises but also pleasure.I use my bike almost in summer when the weather is warm and dry.It can be very pleasant in winter when it is cold and rain is pour down.It can also be very dangerous.Of course I will be very carefully on my bike.In fact,accidents are not the only problem.Once I went to bookstore on my mother's bike to buy some books and come out to find the bike missing.Now I have two strong lock.

