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13.His actions is quite different fromwhat he said.

分析 他言行完全不一.

解答 答案:what
解析:分析句子结构:介词from后面缺少宾语,又根据横线后面的he said可知作宾语的是一个名词性从句;名词性从句中缺少宾语(动词said后面缺宾语),且根据句意"他的行为与他所说的话"可知名词性从句该由what"什么"(可以指任何的事或物)一词引导.拓展:虽然which"哪一个"也可以用来名词性从句且在从句中作主语或宾语,但是它是用来指代一定范围内的事或物;本句中并无特定范围,故不可使用which引导从句.

点评 本题考查单词填空,做此类题目时先要清楚所给词的用法再分析句子结构确定该使用所给词的何种形式.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Hey,it's you,Jackie!I didn't think you could be here.
-A big surprise,right?I _______ for you all the afternoon.(  )
A.have waitedB.was waiting
C.have been waitingD.waited


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.While some think the Internet has made e-books more popular,paperback ones are still going strong.Now let me take you to visit some new concept bookstores.
Dukou Bookstore
Opened only a few months ago,Dukou Bookstore has already gained interest among Shanghai's fashionable people.Book lovers come here to read books and magazines while having a cup of tea or coffee.Unlike most bookstores,books here are not catergorized (分类).
Location:No.830Julu Lu,Jing'an District
Monsoon Bookstore
Drinks at Monsoon Bookstore are cheap.They help readers have a better experience at the store.In terms of books,Monsoon has a wide selection of the latest books as well as new and cheap books.The store's location are inside railway stations.
Location:Huaihai Nanlu/Shaanxi Lu/Lianhuang Lu subway station.
Diaoke Shiguang Cafe
Diaoke Shiguang has a large customer base of college students.Combining the function of cafe and bookstore,Diaoke Shiguang has books mainly for reading instead of buying.It was founded by a young couple who had been to Xin jiang and were struck by the natural scenery.It was then that they decided to live a quiet life.They named it after a book by Russian movie director Andrei Tarkovsky.
The Bookworm
The Bookworm is a mixture of a lending library,a cafe and a bar.By paying 200yuan for 6months or 300yuan for a year's membership,readers can borrow books from here.In addition,The Bookworm readers can also attend lectures given by visiting authors.To know the latest upcoming activities,readers can check out their website at www.beijingbookworm.Com.
Location:Nan Sanlitun Road

28.Compared with the other bookstores,Monsoon Bookstore is special becauseB.
A.it has the widest range of customers from kids to the old
B.its location provides convenience for passengers to buy books
C.it offers readers not only paperback books but also e-books
D.it provides readers with websites to get more information
29.What can we learn about Diaoke Shiguang Cafe?A
A.It is really more a place to read rather than buy books.
B.It has some branch stores in different areas.
C.The first of its bookstores was founded in Xinjiang.
D.A Russian movie director helped to set up the bookstore.
30.From which of the stores can readers borrow books?D
A.Dukou Bookstore
B.Monsoon Bookstore
C.Diaoke Shiguang cafe
D.The Bookworm
31.All the bookstores in the passage share the similarity thatB.
A.customers can surf the Internet at any time
B.customers can enjoy drinks while reading
C.customers are provided with various books
D.customers can order books through the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home?People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cats are worried that they will fight.A recent research has found a new recipe of success.According to the study,if the cat is adopted before the dog,and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats,a year for dogs),it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly. Two-thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.
     However,it wasn't all sweetness and light.There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes,while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes.One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals were just opposite.For example,when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression,while a dog doing the same signals submission.
     In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully,researchers observed a surprising behavior.They are learning how to talk each other's language.It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk‘dog'and dogs can learn how to talk‘Cat'.
    What's interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence.They can learn how to read each other's body signals,suggesting that the two may have more in common than we previously suspected.Once familiar with each other's presence and body language,cats and dogs can play together,greet each other nose to nose,and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa.They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.
    The significance of the research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets─to people who don't get along,including neighbors,colleagues at work,and even world superpowers.If cats and dogs can learn to get along,surely people have a good chance.
29.Some cats and dogs may fight whenA  
A.they misunderstood each other's signals
B.they look away from each other
C.they are cold to each other
D.they are introduced at an early age
30.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?.B
A.They eat and sleep each other.
B.They learn to speak each other's language.
C.They observe each other's behaviors.
D.They know something from each other's voices.
31.It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogsC.
A.have common interests
B.have a common body language
C.are less different than was thought
D.are less intelligent than was expected
32.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?C
A.We should live in peace with animals.
B.We should know more about animals.
C.We should learn to live in harmony.
D.We should learn more body languages.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Lost iPhone
Unexpectedly,I lost my white iPhone 5s in Midtown on Friday night.It had a blue green cover on it.There are many pictures of my son in it,and I'm heartbroken.Please return,no questions asked.Reward.Reply to:2652255359@craigslist.org
Do you need a babysitter that you can trust?
My name is Tina.I am a responsible babysitter that you can trust.If you are looking for someone dependable and affordable I am that person!I HAVE MORE THAN 30YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (including disabled children)!I am a retired Home Health Aid and absolutely love children.I work with my sister Iris who has also more than 20years'experience as a teacher's assistant.WE LOOK FORWARD TO MEETINC YOU!Available 24hours and flexible with fees!I am fully bilingual-Spanish/English.Please email me or call 712-867-7688.
I accept children from all ages.Fee starts from﹩100~﹩150a week depending on the hours.I am very flexible and my fee can change.Feel free to contact me via email or on my cell phone 566-67-173and we can work something out.
Part-time Chinese Babysitter Wanted
Part-time Chinese speaking babysitter needed to assist with one-year-old twins and to perform some light housework as needed.Assistance needed Fridays and occasional weekends.Please provide your salary expectation.College students are welcome to apply.
Reply to:comm-encbq-2652113885@craigslist.org

21.What do we know about Tina?B
A.She lives alone now.B.She can speak two languages.
C.She takes care of children over 3.D.She used to be a teacher's assistant.
22.An applicant accepted by Ad 4will have toD.
A.be able to speak two languages.B.be a college graduate.
C.work every weekend.D.look after two children.
23.Who posted the lost and found information?C
A.A mother.B.A kind woman.
C.A parent.D.A heartbroken girl.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.As we know,it is common for people to catch a cold in winter and most people believe they know the reason for colds.However,scientists say people have some wrong beliefs about the cause of colds.
Many people think that once you get infected by colds,you will not be easy to be attacked by colds for the rest of your life.That's not the case.There are about 200different viruses that cause the common cold.You catch a cold because of one kind of them this time,but you might catch a cold next time because of another.
Others believe that people get sick just because of the cold weather in winter.That is also wrong.
It's because people tend to stay closer in winter and the cold virus is transmitted  from one person to another through handshakes,sneezing,or coughing.
While there is no actual cure for the common cold,scientists say there are still a few things you can do to help you.Some experts say honey and chicken soup are effective against colds.Especially honey.There is increasing evidence that it helps shorten the duration of the common cold sometimes even by two to three days particularly in children.Chicken soup also helps reduce the duration of the cold.
In addition,if you do have a cold and you don't feel like eating anything,it's not going to hurt you but you have to drink a lot and you can drink water or tea because doctors say the water cycle in your bodies helps to cure colds.That's very important.Though there is more than one way to deal with colds,doctors say the best advice is to continue using whatever works best for you.

9.We know from the second paragraph thatA.
A.colds can be caused by different viruses      
B.there are people who never catch a cold
C.the common cold is caused by only one virus  
D.all people are easily attacked by colds
10.The underlined word"transmitted"in the fourth paragraph means"C".
A.cured         B.changed      
C.passed        D.caused
11.If you have a cold,you can do the following exceptB.
A.drinking a lot of water   
B.forcing yourself to eat    
C.eating honey  
D.drinking chicken soups
12.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.different people may have different ways to fight against colds
B.now scientists have found out practical treatment for colds
C.working in freezing weather is the main reason for colds
D.colds can be passed from animals to human beings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Headmaster found all the studentsburied(bury) in studies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

优 点缺 点
   3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.参考词汇:眼界horizon (view)
The summer holiday is coming.Our class has a discussion about what to do during the holiday.

