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All the materials have been posted to you. I’m looking forward to the chance to meet you __________ to discuss the present situation of our company.

A.in peaceB.in return

C.in troubleD.in person


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北宜昌第一中学高三上12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Death is natural, but do you have any idea of the process of dying? Modern scientists divide the process of dying into two stages---clinical or temporary death and biological death. Clinical death occurs when the vital organs, such as the heart or lungs, have ceased to function, but have not suffered permanent damage. The organism can still be revived(复活). Biological death occurs when changes in the organism lead to the “breaking up” of vital cells and tissues. Death is then unchangeable and final.

Scientists have been seeking a way to lengthen the period of clinical death so that the organism can remain alive before biological death occurs. The best method developed so far involves cooling of the organism, combined with narcotic(麻醉的) sleep. By slowing down the body’s metabolism(新陈代谢), cooling delays the processes leading to biological death.

To illustrate how this works, scientists performed an experiment on a six-year-old female monkey called Keta. The scientist put Keta to sleep with a narcotic. Then they surrounded her body with ice-bags and began checking her body temperature. When it had dropped to 28 degrees the scientists began draining(流光466) blood from an artery(动脉). The monkey’s blood pressure decreased and an hour later both the heart and breathing stopped: clinical death set in. For twenty minutes Keta remained in this state. Her temperature dropped to 22 degrees. At this point the scientists pumped blood into an artery in the direction of the heart and started artificial breathing. After two minutes Keta’s heart became active once more. After fifteen minutes, spontaneous(自发的)breathing began, and after four hours Keta opened her eyes and lifted her head. After six hours, when the scientists tried to give her a penicillin injection, Keta seized the syringe(注射器)and ran with it around the room. Her behavior differed little from that of a healthy animal.

1.For a person who suffers from the clinical death ___________.

A. he still has the possibility of getting back to life

B. his most important organs are damaged.

C. he can not avoid final death.

D. he is still very much alive

2.Scientists try to make the time of clinical death longer in order to___________.

A. slow down the body’s metabolism.

B. bring vital cells and tissues back to active life.

C. delay the coming of biological death.

D. cool the organism.

3. How did the scientists put Keta into clinical death?

A. By surrounding her body with ice-bags and draining her blood.

B. By lowing her blood pressure and stopping her heart from beating.

C. By draining her blood, lowering her blood pressure and stopping her breathing.

D. By putting her to sleep, lowering her temperature and draining her blood.

4.All of the following indicate that the monkey has almost restored to her original physical state except the fact that___________.

A. her heart beat again.

B. she regained her normal breath.

C. she rejected a penicillin injection.

D. she acted as lively as a healthy monkey.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建厦门双十中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dear SJ,

Losing a best friend is never easy.

Your problem, is not just that you miss your best friend, it is that you feel empty and lost without her friendship.

It takes time to get over a lost, and during that time, your mind is getting used to a new way of being. This is usually a good thing, even if it feels like a bad thing.

Now that you are on your own, you are being forced to learn to be by yourself and to rely upon your own inner voice for guidance. I am sure that this feels strange for you, but if you can hang on for a bit longer, it may work to your advantage.

Best friends are cool, but it is important to know the difference between missing someone and being too independent upon them.

At your age, girls do tend to stick together and having a good boyfriend may not yet be the better choice. Your friend is leaving you, her best friend, for a boyfriend. Boyfriends are completely different from best friends. The distinction is that boyfriends come and go, while girl friends often stay in your life throughout high school, and even afterwards. It is a completely different sort of bond.

I suggest that you take advantage of this period in your life to expand your horizons. Enjoy the freedom of having no best friend for a while, and hang with the group. By the time your former best friend breaks up with her boyfriend, you will be in a completely different place, a far better place.

And, by the way, next time you feel empty and lost, try to write about it in a diary. In several months, you will look back and read it with curiosity about yourself. “Who was I then, and what could I have been thinking?”

1.Judging from the letter, SJ’s problem was that she didn’t know _______ .

A.whether to give up her best friend

B.what to do without her best friend

C.whom to choose between two friends

D.how to stop missing her former friend

2.The underlined part “a new way of being” (in Paragraph 3) refers to the situation in which SJ has to _______.

A.find a new friendship B.live without her boyfriend

C.learn to give up D.learn to be independent

3.The writer believes by the time SJ’s former friend loses her boyfriend, SJ will _______.

A.take revenge on her former friend

B.comfort her former friend

C.feel more independent and confident

D.continue friendship with her former friend

4.What does the last paragraph seem to suggest?

A.Unhappy experiences are easy to forget.

B.Keeping a diary helps correct oneself.

C.SJ will get over her problem soon.

D.One shouldn’t forget the past experiences.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


A strong vocabulary helps develop understanding, communication, and reading ability. ___1.____Consider the following tips on helping your child develop an impressive vocabulary

Let Your Child Tell the Story

Perhaps you read nightly to your child or take turns doing so. Of course, this is an excellent way to expand reading and vocabulary skills. __2.____ Then, let your child charge the end of the rope of his imagination wherever his imagination leads.


In short, you need to take an active role. If you want your children's language skills to improve, take their vocabulary questions seriously. When they express curiosity about a word, be sure to teach the correct definition and pronunciation.

Correct Mistakes with Care

____4.__ However, it's essential not to scold them when they make such mistakes. Rather, point out what they got right, and then review the proper way to use and or speak the word. The more fun and positive an experience, the more interested and able your children will be in expanding their vocabulary

Do Be Patient

You may need to repeat words and meanings many times before your child fully grasps the concept.This is completely normal ___5.____ Children develop at their own paces .The most important thing is to honor and balance their needs so that learning doesn't become struggle. While you want them to get ahead, you don't want them to develop pressure with trying to do so

A. Try Your Best to Correct Them

B. Pay More Attention to Your Kid’s Vocabulary

C. It’s natural for children to mispronounce or misuse new words.

D. It’s important for children to mispronounce new words while learning.

E. That’s why parents should do what they can to help kids learn new words.

F. Further, if your neighbor’s child has twice the vocabulary yours does, it’s not worth stressing over.

G. However, on occasion, feel free to put the book down and ask your child to create a story to tell you.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There is no need to __________ the fact that it was you that donated the 100 yuan.

A. appeal B. preserve

C. advertise D. arrange


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The doctor tried to laugh my brother _____ his fears about the coming operation.

A. from B. against C. off D. Into


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南玉溪第一中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Last night, on my way home I stopped because of being attracted by some hamburgers at a fast food restaurant. On my way in, a homeless man approached me and asked, “Do you have any bottles lying around?” I knew he would recycle them for a few cents, but I didn’t have any, so I said no. And again he asked, “Can you spare some change ?” I smiled, and said no again. He was very respectful; he smiled back and said, “OK, thank you.” Even though he didn’t have anything, he was still in good spirits. From the way he spoke I could tell he was smart.

Then I bought one hamburger and enjoyed my meal, but in the back of my mind I wondered whether the homeless man was hungry. After I finished my meal I decided to order another one for him. At this point I didn’t know if he was still around, but I tried anyway.

At the counter I ordered a hamburger and also a hot chocolate, because it was cold outside, and I thought it would help warm him up. They delivered me the hot chocolate first and as I waited for my hamburger, I noticed the homeless man was standing right beside me. I looked at him and smiled, “This hot chocolate is for you.” He replied like a gentleman, “Thank you so much. That’s very kind of you.”

I always believe no matter how hard up I am, there are always those who are worse off than I. When you help someone, it’s not always about money, it’s about love. The love you give today, someone might forget tomorrow. It doesn’t matter. Love anyway, because the greatest thing you can give is love.

1.What does the underlined phrase mean according to the passage?

A. Rich in money. B. Short in money.

C. Generous. D. Selfish.

2.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that the author _____.

A. was angry with the homeless man

B. was an old friend of the homeless man

C. decided to help the homeless man after his meal

D. finished his meal quickly to help the homeless man

3.We can infer from the text that the homeless man was _____.

A. old and sick B. polite and friendly

C. sad and nervous D. calm and confident

4.The author wants to tell us that _____.

A. love cannot be forced

B. money cannot buy everything

C. there is always someone that we can help

D. we shouldn’t forget those who once helped us


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州执信中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it ________ live is another.

A. being performed B. performed

C. performing D. having been performed


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北武汉第二中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Technology is making life easier for some dairy farmers. They use robotic systems to milk their cows. Cows are trained to follow a series of paths that lead to milking stations. Only one cow at a time can enter a station.

Once inside,the cow is rewarded with food. As the cow eats,a robotic arm cleans and connects the animal to the milking machine. A few minutes later,milking is complete. The gate is opened,the cow is released and the next cow enters.

The robotic systems are designed to operate 24 hours a day. The cows get to decide when they want to be milked. Cows are milked an average of about three times a day. Some are milked four to six times a day.

The cows wear collars around their necks that identify them to the system. A computer keeps records on their eating and milking. A cow is released from the station if the computer decides it should not be milked.

The automated system also measures the temperature and color of freshly produced milk. Milk is thrown away if it does not pass the tests.

Professor Plaut believes the systems will appeal especially to the next generation of farmers. She means young people who are more interested in technology and less interested in working all the time on the farm. Still,she says the price of robotic milking systems will continue to limit their use.

Doug and Tina Suhr have more than 100 cows on their family farm. Last year it became the fourth farm in southeast Minnesota to get a robotic milking system. A recent story in a local agricultural newspaper said the first robot costs 175,000 dollars. The second costs 150,000 dollars.

Doug told AgriNews that wages that would have been paid for one employee in five years will pay for one robot. He says the increase in milk production reaches a high of more than six kilograms per cow per day.

1.According to Doug,what is the wage of an employee per year?

A.$150,000~$175,000. B.$150,000~$30,000.

C.$30,000~$35,000. D.over $75,000.

2.Besides milking cows,the robotic system also can ________.

A.judge the quality of fresh milk

B.keep fresh milk for two weeks

C.adjust the temperature of milking stations

D.improve the appetite of cows

3.Why is the robotic system not popular now?

A.Because it usually causes the waste of milk.

B.Because it is difficult to learn how to use it.

C.Because young people have no interest in it.

D.Because people can't afford to buy it.

4.From the first paragraph,we can infer ________.

A.cows can be raised by robots in the future

B.robots direct cows into milking stations

C.the robotic system is designed to reduce labor

D.cows are kept clean by robots on some farms

