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  Sue and Ann often meet at a cheaper restaurant to eat

(1) ______

and talking about life and school after their morning

(2) ______

class. Sometimes instead of talking, they play a

(3) ______

game they call it“people watching”. They start the

(4) ______

game with observing and listening to people around them

(5) ______

carefully and make guesses about their lives as

(6) ______

their ages, jobs, likes, dislikes and so on. Of course,

(7) ______

they never really knew whether they are right or wrong.

(8) ______

Therefore they usually have good reasons for thinking

(9) ______

what they are.“The game is fun.”they often say.

(10) ______


(1) cheaper改为cheap,此处无比较之意.

(2) talking改为talk,与不定式eat并列.

(3) class改为classes,指两个人的课.

(4) 去掉it 该句为省掉关系代词that/which的定语从句,关系代词在定语从句中作宾语.

(5) with改为by 引导方式状语.

(6) as前加such

(7) 正确

(8) knew改为know 全文为一般现在时.

(9) Therefore改为But,此处表转折.

(10) what改为that 引导宾语从句.


科目:高中英语 来源:典中点综合应用创新题 高一英语 题型:009



  The village was always very quiet. The people




lived there were busy in working in their fields


2 ______


during the day, and went to bed early at night. Tiring


3 ______


after a long day's hard work. All of they had lived


4 ______


in the village for all their life and had never left for more than one day at a time. On these days


5 ______


they left, they got up early in the morning. They filled


6 ______


their carts with fruit and vegetables and sheeps,


7 ______


and went on the market in the town beyond their


8 ______


valley. They come back in the evening with some


9 ______


money and perhaps a present for their children.    

 That was their life? Hard yet simple , but not unhappy.




   10 ______



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009


One of Chaplin’s most famous film                                  1.   

was The Gold Rush, that was produced                                2.   

in 1925. The film set in California in the                                3.   

middle of the nineteen century. In the film,                              4.   

Chaplin and his friends was in California in                              5.   

search for gold. They have no money at                              6.   

all. They were unluck and were caught on                             7.   

the edge of the mountain in a snow storm.                              8.   

They were so hunger that they cooked a                             9.   

pair of shoes. And Chaplin enjoyed eating it very much.                     10.  



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


In May 31st Miss Huang married my brother.                           1.  

She teaches our English and she’s our head teacher. So                          2.  

I know her very good. She works hard. She’s friendly                         3.  

to all of us and we like her, either. Once our parents were                    4.  

invited to a parent-teacher meeting. My father was                          5.  

busy and my mother was ill that day. But my brother                        6.  

attended to the meeting instead. Some advice of his                         7.  

caught her attention. They’ve been good friend                           8.  

since then. Now I regard her my sister. And she                           9.  

still my teacher. So I’m sure I’ll do better in my English.                     10.   



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


One of Chaplin’s most famous film                                  1.   

was The Gold Rush, that was produced                                2.   

in 1925. The film set in California in the                                3.   

middle of the nineteen century. In the film,                              4.   

Chaplin and his friends was in California in                              5.   

search for gold. They have no money at                              6.   

all. They were unluck and were caught on                             7.   

the edge of the mountain in a snow storm.                              8.   

They were so hunger that they cooked a                             9.   

pair of shoes. And Chaplin enjoyed eating it very much.                     10.  



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:009








I use my bike most in the summer when                     1._____________

the weather is warm or dry. It can be very                    2._____________

unpleasant of winter when it is cold and                         3._____________

the rain is pour down. It can also be                         4._____________

very dangerous. You must of course                         5._____________

careful on a bike. Accident are not the                        6._____________

only problem, though. One day I go to school                 7._____________

and came back to find my front wheel had                    8._____________

missing. It was a long walk towards the                          9._____________

repairer’s! Now I have two strong locks.                    10._____________


