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20.It's considerateof you to bring your girlfriend an umbrella.

分析 你真体贴,给你的女朋友带了一把雨伞.

解答 答案:considerate.
本句考查句型it is+形容词(表示人的品质)+of sb to do sth某人做某事真是太…了;另如:It is foolish of you to make such a mistake.故答案为considerate.

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.My natural curiosity ______ me and I asked her how she came to have all that wool and all those fancy garments which were obviously not for her.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.A.How to deal with listening practice
B.Class atmosphere matters a lot in learning
C.Monitoring activities is one of the main tasks of teachers
D.How to evaluate student performance
E.Group work needs organizing properly
F.Communication skills play a big role in language learning

Both instructors and learners can get benefits from the following learning strategies as long as they are properly made use of in language learning.
The information presented in this section focuses on specific conversation,discussion,or presentation skills.The activities arc generally self-explanatory,with students expressing opinions,making decisions,solving problems,planning presentations,and so on.Engaged in these activities,students have the possibility of communicating with each other in class.This section also includes lists of expressions used to illustrate different language functions,such as agreeing,disagreeing,and asking for clarity in order to help students expand their knowledge of English.
in a speaking or listening course,students'anxieties can affect their learning.For this reason,it is important to establish a friendly,relaxed classroom environment.It may help students 10 think of the classroom as a laboratory where they can experiment and take risks with the language.In such circumstances,students should realize that errors are a natural and expected part of learning a language.In addition,one of the goals of this pan is to encourage students to examine their awn opinions and values while at the same time showing respect for the opinions and values of others.
Many of the activities in this section involve the students'cooperating work in class.Generally,such an activity taken up by four members seem to work the best.Groups of three or five members may also be effective,depending on the activity.The first unit includes guidelines for organizing group work,with students taking on the following roles:leader,reader,summarizer,reporter,and observer(if necessary).Organizing all activities in this way makes the course truly learner-centered since students must take fall responsibility for carrying out each activity.As for seating,group members should arrange their seats or chairs in a small circle to encourage interaction.
Being a teacher,in the course of group activities,you should circulate from group to group,which helps ensure that students are on task and are using English.While you should not participate in pair or group activities,you need to stay involved in what the students are doing.One important reason to circulate during activities is to keep track of the kinds of problems students have,such as grammatical accuracy,fluency,word choice,pronunciation and intonation discussion strategies,etc.However,it is generally not effective to correct students'errors when they arc involved in an activity The most practical way to deal with communication problems is to make notes of what you observe as you arc circulating.You can then use this information to provide feedback after the activity or to develop future lessons.
At the beginning of the course,when they need to build up their confidence,students benefit most from encouragement and positive comment.If possible,you'd rather not grade the students fust few efforts at speaking in a group or to the class.Many students suffer such anxiety in speaking situations that any criticism at this stage can have the opposite effects.Commenting on students'work does not necessarily mean grading them on the scene Even if the programs requires formal grades,you should try to put off assigning grades until later in the term.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Please no smoking!Smoking has a bad effect on our health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Trembling with fear,he threw himself down on the bed and his head with the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.The films he has starred in cover different themes and meet with the favors of
people of different ages.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.This film was made in memory of Comrade Lei Feng.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9._________ is known to us all,only the theory _________ practice can be practical.(  )
A.As; based onB.Which; basing on
C.As; basing onD.Which; based on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

10.本周是你校的"文化•艺术周",周三你们有幸邀请到了在W大学任教的外籍老师Hudson教授给高一(8)班的学生上了一节英语课.假如你是校报School Weekly Express的记者Linda sheng,请以An Impressive English Lesson为题按下列提示用英语写一篇100~120词的新闻报道.
1.Hudson 教授上课的情况;
An Impressive English Lesson
On Wednesday of this Culture & Art Week,we                                     

