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After school,I was about to enter into my apartment when I saw a little dirty dog lie beside the dustbin. He looked extremely weak. Immediately the homeless dog filled me of sympathy. So I decided to take him home. I gave him some food and a bath. After the bath he looked energy and refreshed. What a lovely dog!

When my parents got home,I asked that I could keep the dog. To my surprised and joy,they agreed. Up to now,he has become member of our family and everyone had enjoyed his company.

Looking at the cute,happy dog today,I realize that I did the right thing. I just offered him a shelter and he has brought ourselves great happiness and laughter.

After school,I was about to enter into,my 

apartment when I saw a little dirty dog lie beside the


dustbin. He looked extreme weak. Immediately the


homeless dog filled me of sympathy. So I decided


to take him home. I gave to,him some food and a 

bath.   After the bath he looked energy and 


 refreshed. What a lovely dog !

When my parents got home,I asked that 


I could keep the dog. To my surprised and joy,they 


agreed. Up to now,he has become A member of our


 family and everyone had enjoyed his company


Looking at the cute,happy dog today,I realize

 that I did the right thing. I just offered him a shelter 

and he has brought ourselves great happiness and 

but us


题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) >


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves."

Everything about my future was assumed. I 1       (get) into debt by going to college,then I would be forced to get 2        job to pay off the debt,while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It seemed like a neverending cycle 3        had no place 4        the possibility of a dream.

I want more out of life. I want a passion,a conceptual dream that wouldn't let me sleep out of pure excitement. We all have a dream,but most of us are so 5       ( stick) in the muck of insecurity and selfdoubt that we just dismiss it as unrealistic or too difficult to pursue.

We become so comfortable 6        the life that has been planned out for us that we feel that 7        is stupid and unsafe to risk 8       (lose) it for the small hope of achieving something that is more fulfilling.

Taking a risk is still a risk. We can,and will fail. But that is 9        makes it exciting for me.

If you feel lost,just take a deep breath. Being lost can be a turning point of finding out who you are,and what you 10          (true) want to do.

1.         2.         3.                  4.          5.         

6.       7.                 8.                  9,           10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression,and that's aciually quite true. 1       After all,making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them. The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.

* Dress appropriately 2        That means dressing up or putting on nice,clean,and appropriate clothes for social situations. It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much,either.

* Be aware of your body language Words express very little of what you say. Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level. 3       Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comfortable,important and special. Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious. Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others.

* Respect the opinions of others Not everyone will have the same opinion with you,and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great conversation. Respect other people's right to have their own opinions. Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them.4      

*       5       People love talking about themselves,but generally,you also want to be carefully listened by others. By listening carefully to what others are saying,you are not only making them feel important,but you can gather cues you need to keep the conversation going and a bridge to new topics.

   A. Be a careful listener

   B. Show an interest in every person you meet.

   C. Smile especially when first meeting someone.

   D. Make sure you look nice whenever you meet someone new.

   E. Meeting new people and starting conversations is often challenging.

   F. Others will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.

   G. Don't force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them. 1.       2.        3.         4.       5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

She was more than just a grandmother to me. When she died a few years before,I felt I lost a really good friend. She always looked very good. She did everything she could make me feel at home. She was imaginative and would spend hours telling me stories she has made up. I am sure it was because of her which I became a story writer. Apart from kept a young boy entertained,she taught me a large number of important thing on how to behave. I was rather impatient when I was a child and she taught me that good things happened if I could wait for it. She was a positive person but she also taught me how to look for the good in everything.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People need homes:Children assume their parents' place as home; boarders call school "home" on weekdays;married couples work together to build new homes;and travelers... have no place to call "home",at least for a few nights. 1       Don't they have the right to a home? Of course they do.

Some regular travelers take their own belongings like bed sheets,pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with the service and attendants;2       Furthermore,driving a camping car during one's travel and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home.

And how about keeping relationships while in transit3      ;some send letters and postcards,or even photos;others may just call and say hi,just to let their friends know that they're still alive and well. People find ways to keep in touch. Making friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home. 4       Nowadays,fewer people are working in their local towns,so how do they develop a sense of belonging? Whenever we step out of our local boundaries,there is always another "home" waiting to be found.5      ,we can make the place we stay "home".

   A. Hostels provide a clean and safe place to stay while you are traveling the world.

   B. others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely

   C. Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends,even closer than siblings (兄弟姐妹) .

   D. So how about people who have to travel for extended periods of time?

   E. No matter where you go to in the world,hotels are there,too.

   F. Some keep contact with their friends via the Internet.

   G. Wherever we are,with just a little bit of effort and imagination

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      Greed-the cause of a miserable life

    Once there were two neighbors,and one was poor while the other was rich. The rich farmer had many farms and servants. But he was not happy as he always wanted to have more wealth. The poor farmer worked hard all day on his farm and only got enough crops to support his family. However,at the end of the day he came home,played with his children,and shared his happiness with his family.

    The rich farmer was curious about his neighbor's happy life and asked his housekeeper what his secret was. The housekeeper told him, “It is his (满足) with whatever comes out of his hard work that gives rise to his pleasant and peaceful life." The rich farmer could not believe it. The housekeeper said he would do an experiment to prove it.

    The next day the housekeeper buried one gold coin on the farm of the poor farmer. When the poor farmer dug up the coin,he took it away and kept it in a secret place in his house. The housekeeper did the same thing on the second day. Again it was a surprise for the poor farmer. He also kept it. This continued for 99 days until the poor farmer found 99 gold coins.

    Afterward the farmer went mad looking for a 100th gold coin. But he didn't know that the housekeeper had stopped burying gold coins. He kept on digging all over his farm and totally ignored the farming by which he usually supported his family. He kept on counting the 99 gold coins all day and became very miserable about not getting the 100th. And he often got angry with his children and abused his wife.

    When the rich farmer saw what had happened,he realized how greed made people's life miserable. If we are content with what we have,we can lead a peaceful life.

1. adj. very unhappy (in Paragraph 4)

2. n. a strong wish to have more money,things,or power than you need .(in the last paragraph)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

           B ★★★☆☆

    Grace o’ Brien,19. is the founder of Ears for Years — an organization that hands out low-cost , 见泣(太阳能助听器) to children in developing countries. The college student has handed them out to kids in five different countries around the world so far.

    O’ Brien was inspired to found Ears for Years after seeing her father experience hearing loss. To further understand the condition,Brien volunteered at a summer theater (剧院) camp for children who were deaf. There,she wanted to find a way to make hearing aids to help more families who couldn’ t  afford them.

    “I've learned how powerful solutions are O’ Brien said. “There’ re so many problems we come across in our daily lives,but often people pass up these chances to find solutions."

    After doing some research,she came across Solar Ear,a Brazil-based company that makes low-cost hearing aids,especially aimed at children. These hearing aids are lightweight,cost about $100 and are equipped with rechargeable batteries that last up to three years,while standard hearing aids can cost up to $1,000 and have a much shorter life.

    According to the WHO, 32 million children worldwide live with hearing loss and most of them are in poor countries. But present hearing aids meet less than 10 percent of the need of the world. O’Brien would like to change that by making the solar-powered hearing aids available to families in need around the world. S? far,she's brought Solar Ear's products to Mexico,Sri Lanka,South Korea,Nicaragua and Honduras. And she has done something to make a difference in other people's lives.

5. What led Grace o’ Brien to found Ears for Years?

   A. Her father’ s experience.

   B. Her work experience in Solar Ear.

    C. Her experience at a summer theater camp.

   D. Her knowledge about solar-powered products.

6. The underlined phrase “pass up” in Paragraph 3 probably means .

   A. find   B. miss   C. like   D. create

7. Compared with standard hearing aids,the solar-

-powered hearing aids .

   A. are more expensive

   B. have a longer life 

    C. are better-looking   

    D. are heavier

8. What might o' Brien do in the future?

   A. To build a school for the deaf.

   B. To found a new company selling hearing aids,

    C. To learn how to make solar-powered hearing aids.

   D. To help more families get solar-powered hearing aids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内 单词的正确形式。

    Joanne Kathleen (J.K.) Rowling was bom in England on 31st July,1965. She wrote her first book,Rabbit、21 she was six years old. At school she liked English and other languages,and she chose 22(study) French in university. She graduated 23 university and worked as a secretary and a teacher.

    At the age of 26 J;K. Rowling went to Portugal and became 24 English teacher. She wanted to be a writer and wrote some stones about a boy 25 (call) Harry Potter. She got married and had a baby daughter. 26soon after,she divorced(离婚) and went to Scotland.

    There she lived in a small apartment with her daughter. She taught French in a school,but she 27 (real) wanted to make the Harry Potter stories,into a book. This was a very difficult time in her life because they had no money. It was in a café 28 she wrote the first Horry Potter book.

    In June 1997 the first Harry Potter book became famous and J.K. Rowling's life 29 (change) . Soon there were more Harry Potter books,and films too. Children loved her books and J.K. became a highly 30 (success) writer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                                         D  ★★★★☆

  Located in the heart of Switzerland,Mount Pilatus offers exciting adventures.

Balancing acts ?n the rope park 

  Young and young-at-heart adventurers will find just the challenge they are looking for in the park. The rope park has over ten courses with increasing degrees of difficulty. The Pilatus rope park is now also open during the winter — six of the courses can be climbed all year round.

  The focus is always on having fun overcoming the (障碍物) in the wood — no need for any special skills or knowledge.

Way up high on Monkey Trees 

  The Monkey Tree offered by the Pilatus rope park is the first of its kind anywhere in the world. Climb straight up the trunk and test your skill on the five Monkey Trees.

  Although the easiest climb is for children aged eight or over, ,the most difficult one is a serious challenge even for seasoned climbers. The finish calls for an extra challenge: Let yourself fall from a height of 14 metres and be lowered gently to the ground by the safety equipment.

Ride on the summer toboggan (长雪橇道)

  The summer toboggan is Switzerland's longest Numerous sharp turns along the 1,350m channel promise speeds and fun from May to the end of October. You are spared the long walk up the mountain after the high-speed ride: Let the lift pull you back up to the start while you sit comfortably on the toboggan. From there you can start another exciting downhill ride.

Special events for groups

  Bring along your employees,colleagues or friends to experience great adventure outside normal opening hours. The Pilatus Fun & Action Team would be pleased to arrange special events for your group.

13. To climb the courses in the rope park,

   A. you can't  go there in winter

   B. you needn't have special skills

    C. you must be young and courageous   

    D. you should be experienced in climbing

14. According to the text,the Monkey Trees are

   A. 14 metres tall

   B. easy to climb down 

    C. unique to Switzerland

   D. at various difficulty levels

15. If you want to experience the ride on the toboggan,you should .

   A. attend the training courses.

    B. use some safety equipment 

    C. be more than eight years old   

    D. visit between May and October 

16. The underlined part ^are spared^ in the text can best be replaced by .

   A. can challenge   B. can avoid

    C. deserve        D. expect

