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11.Happiness is a journey
We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married,have a baby,than another.Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are.After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with.We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.
We always tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse (配偶) gets his or her act together.When we get a nice car,and are able to go on a nice vacation when we retire.The truth is,there's no better time than right now.If not now,when?Our life will always be filled with challenges.It's best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza.He said,"for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin a real life.But there was always some obstacle in the way,something to be gotten through first,some unfinished business,time still to be served,a debt to be paid.Then life would begin.At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."
This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness.Happiness is the way.So treasure every moment that you have.
And remember that time waits for no one.So stop waiting until you finish school,until you go back to school; until you get married,until you get divorced; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car or home; until spring; until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy…
Happiness is a journey,not a destination.So,work like you don't need money,love like you've never been hurt,and dance like no one's watching.

32.In the third paragraph,the author uses Alfred Souza's quote in order toA.
A.support his viewpoint             
B.introduce one more topic
C.enrich the content of the article     
D.compare their different views on happiness
33.The underlined word"this"in the second paragraph probably refers to"D".
A.Life will be better after we get married,have a baby and another.
B.Our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together.
C.When we retire,we are able to go on a nice holiday
D.Our life is always filled with challenges.
34.The best title of the text might beC.
A.Owning the present is owning the future
B.Pursuing Happiness is Nature of Us Humans
C.Happiness is a journey,not a destination.
D.How to Possess Real Happiness
35.The main idea of the second paragraph is thatB.ll be much more productive and creative after ago
A.Only when we get whatever we want can we feel our life is complete.
B.Whatever happens in our life,we should live at present.
C.We shouldn't enjoy happiness at present but in the future.
D.We cannot enjoy happiness now because we are facing many challenges.

分析 作者在本文中主要表达了自己对幸福的感悟,即幸福是一次旅行,而不是终点;作者倡导我们应该把握好当前的幸福,用积极的态度去面对生活中的挑战.

解答 答案:
32.A   内容归纳题    通读第三段可知,本段主要描述了在现实生活中,所存在的一些障碍或困难(如"something to be gotten through first,some unfinished business,time still to be served,a debt to be paid.但是,总会有一些障碍挡住去路,一些必须先完成的事情,一些未完成的工作,一些要付出的时间或一些要偿还的债务.");并根据第二段中"Our life will always be filled with challenges."可知,作者认为:我们的生活会一直充满着挑战;故可推测出作者引用第三段是用来支持自己的观点的;故选A.
33.D   细节理解题    根据第二段中"Our life will always be filled with challenges."以及"It's best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.(最好让自己接受这一事实,并且无论如何都要使自己快乐)"可知,此处的this指的是前一句中提到的:我们的生活中总会充满着挑战;故选D.
34.C    标题选择题    通读全文可知,最后一段为本文的中心段,它主要表达了作者对幸福的感悟,即:幸福是一次旅行,而不是终点;所以,工作吧,就像不需要金钱一样;恋爱吧,就像未曾受过伤一样;舞蹈吧,就像没人欣赏一样;故选C.
35.B   内容归纳题    通读第二段并根据本段中的"The truth is,there's no better time than right now.(事实上,没有哪一刻会比现在更幸福)"可知,本段主要强调了我们应该过好当前的生活;故选B.

点评 做本题的关键在于对整篇文章的深入理解,弄清句与句之间以及句子与所在段落的关系;由于本文结构清晰,内容明确,所以在做本题时,可以根据每一部分的中心意思或根据上下句的内容,推测出空缺部分的意思;另外,还可以通过仔细阅读备选项,排除与本文无关的选项或找到与相应段落意义相关的选项.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Welcome to AmeriAuPair
Do you enjoy working with Children?Do you want the opportunity to explore America while earning a wage and also having the chance to improve your English with an American host family?We are looking for people with childcare experience that wish to experience American family life for 2months.
If you are interested,please write to ameriaupair@gmail.com,telling us about yourself  and your childcare experience.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I've read your ad and am interested in the opportunity you offer.Doing a part-time job after school can earn little money.That little money can reduce students'family burden or let them have enough money to spend to enjoy more their college life.In addition,doing part-time job in different places can contact with different people,which is sure to make more new friends.Moreover,students can get some working experience from their part-time job,which will not from school course teaching.This experience is good for their career after graduation.招聘广告中要求提供的信息
If I were to accept your offer,I would live in your family.Is it convenient for you live with a stranger?In addition,I wonder how old the child I will look after is and anything I should especially take.就你关心的事情提出1~2个问题.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.An explosion in a coal mine in Heilongjiang on Nov.21,2009      at least 106workers dead.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I apologize if my son      you,but I am sure that he didn't mean to.(  )
A.hurtsB.hurtC.has hurtD.had hurt


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.It's nearly four years since I worked in that firm.I ________ a band with other fellows.(  )
A.operatedB.had been operating
C.was operatingD.am operating


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Cool Cats-Cheetahs
     Cheetah cubs(babies) are cute,furry,energetic,and downright lovely.  And when they get older,they'll run faster than any other animal on the planet.
     Five cheetah cubs were born in the summer of 2005 at the National Zoo in Washington,D.C.Their mother,Zazi,was 4 years old.When the cubs were 10 weeks old,they weighed 9 pounds and were about the size of house cats.They were the second cheetah litter(一窝) to be born at the zoo in seven months and the second litter to be born in the zoo's 116-year history.
"They're pretty quick,"Lauren Afdahl,an animal keeper at the zoo,told Senior Edition."Whenever they see something moving,they take off an  run."
     And,boy,cheetahs do like to run!They can reach speeds as high as 60 miles per hour.The cubs reach their top speed when they are about a year old.
     The National Zoo's first litter of cheetah cubs was born in November 2004.  When almost a year old,those cubs weighed more than 30 pounds. Zazi's cubs stay with her for at least a year. When they are fully grown,the cats may be sent to other zoos.
     Cheetahs are endangered animals.About 100 years ago,the wild cats roamed an area from North Africa to India.Today,cheetahs inhabit only the countries south of the Sahara desert.Just 12,000 to 15,000 now live in the wild.

31.The writer's attitude toward cheetahs seems to be.B
A. doubtful and afraid                  
B. caring and admiring
C. uncaring.           
D. complaining
32.Animal keeper Lauren Afdahl's comments areC
A. disappointed                    
C. descriptive and matter-of-fact         
D.angry and unfriedly
33.The main idea of this passage is.A
A.Cheetahs are interesting animals                         
B.Wben the cubs were 10 weeks old,they weighed 9 pounds
C.Female cheetahs can give birth only once a year
D.Cheetahs like to run
34.Based on the article',we can guess that the author is probably.D
A.afraid of cheetahs.                       
B.working at a zoo
C.a trained animal doctor                   
D.in favor of protecting cheetahs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.The new project came into effect in 2004,_____the education system of China has
witnessed great changes.(  )
A.whenB.during whichC.since thenD.since when


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.BERLIN (Reuters)-Germany's postal service has announced plans to explore improved service and help protect the environment by getting"fetch friends"-ordinary people traveling across cities-to deliver parcels on their way.
It is hoped that the move,which will be tested in the coming months,might lessen traffic in inner cities and reduce CO2 emissions(排放).This should help DHL,a division of the German postal service,reach its target of improving the company's carbon efficiency by 30 percent before 2020.
"As the world's biggest logistics(物流) provider,we recognize a special responsibility to reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible,"said Frank Appel,Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Post DHL,in a statement referring to a variety of measures being considered.
The"fetch friends"find out online about parcels that need delivering to people who live or work along the way that they are planning to travel through the city.They then select the ones that they want to take.
Codes(编码) sent to their mobile phones tell the volunteers where to pick the packages up.Parcels can be taken part of the way or passed on to another volunteer but all volunteers need to have the right code on their mobile phone so the track and trace system can be updated.
Logistics companies will be responsible for looking after the operation to make sure that the privacy of post is respected.
It's hoped that this could be done using mobile phones but DHL says it recognizes that some security issues remain to be worked out.

67.According to the passage,the"fetch friend"programD.
A.has been tested for months
B.aims to reduce the cost of the service
C.employs environmentalists to help with deliveries
D.encourages ordinary people to help cut the carbon footprint
68.Which of the following statements is TRUE of DHL?A
A.It belongs to the Germany's postal service.
B.It has the most up-to-date tracking system in Germany.
C.It has succeeded in improving its carbon efficiency by 30%.
D.It has designed many measures to improve its service speed.
69.What may be a problem with the new service according to the article?C
A.Volunteers'not allowing to select parcels.
B.The wrong codes in the mobile phones.
C.The possibility that parcels could be opened on the way.
D.Parcels'being taken to the destination by a single volunteer.
70.What might be the best Title for the best passage?B
A.New Challenges for the Postal Service
B.A Greener Way to Deliver Parcels
C.Solutions for Global Warming
D.Statements from DHL.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.He shouted at his parents and later felt ashamed of himself.

