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A good friend of mine from I was born showed up at my home right before I left for Beijing.

A.how B.whom

C.when D.which


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版必修1 Unit 5 (五)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

An opinion is _____ someone believes is true but has not been proved.

A. that B. what

C. which D. whether


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东汕头高一下期末教学质量监测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假如你是高一学生李华,你的美国笔友 Mike 本学期来华当交流生(exchange student),他感觉与同学用汉语交流很费劲。请你根据以下要点给他写一封建议信,帮助他快速提高汉语水平,同时,你也希望得到 Mike 给你英语学习的建议。



2.希望得到 Mike 学习英语的建议。



Dear Mike,


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春第十一高中高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

SAN FRANCISCO—A phone app(应用程序)in San Francisco gives information about open parking spots.City officials in San Francisco introduced the app to try to reduce traffic jams in the city, but some say it raises safety concerns.

In this city, drivers searching for parking spots lead to 30 percent of all downtown jams, city officials think.Now San Francisco has found a solution — a phone app for spot-seekers that shows information about areas with available spaces.The system, introduced last month, relies on wireless sensors(感应器)fixed in streets and city garages that can tell within seconds if a spot has opened up.

But the system could come with serious consequences.Some people say that drivers searching for parking could end up focusing on their phones, not the road.“It could be really distracting(使分心的),” said Daniel Simons, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois.

City officials admitted the hidden problem.They are urging drivers to pull over before they use the city’s iPhone app, or to do so before they leave home. Nathaniel Ford, executive director of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, said safety could actually improve if drivers quickly found a spot instead of circling and getting frustrated.

San Francisco has put sensors into 7,000 parking spots and 12,250 spots in city garages.If spaces in an area open up, the sensors communicate wirelessly with computers that in turn make the information available to app users within a minute, said Mr. Ford, of the transportation agency.On the app, a map shows which blocks have lots of places(blue)and which are full(red).

More than 12,000 people have downloaded San Francisco’s app, which is available now only for the iPhone.

1.What is the phone app mentioned in the text mainly aimed at?

A. Benefiting iPhone users.

B. Preventing traffic accidents.

C. Making the traffic flow smoothly.

D.Making full use of the parking spots.

2.According to the text, San Francisco city officials ________.

A. don’t consider the app distracting.

B. are aware of the app’s disadvantages.

C. advise drivers to park cars slowly.

D. believe more parking spots are needed.

3.The phone app mentioned in the text ________.

A. is a bit slow in reacting

B. hasn’t been put into service

C. was introduced several years ago

D. can’t be downloaded to all phones

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. A phone app has been introduced to relieve the pressure on traffic in the city.

B. Safety concerns are voiced about a phone app aimed at helping drivers find parking spots.

C. Looking for parking spots contributes greatly to downtown traffic jams.

D. Drivers’ attention is distracted in one way or another when they are driving.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考一轮复习 新人教版必修1名词性从句(1)练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ______.

A. who is he B. who he is

C. who is it D. who it is


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届全国高考英语阅读理解汇编(4)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Tina Rees, 50

English teacher (Canadian)

I wanted to be a doctor and help people. I was always playing doctor with dolls, wrapping their arms and legs in tissues! My mom was a nurse, and my two sisters are now nurses, but I went into finance. The educational requirements to be a doctor are too much for me now, but I feel I'm helping people and contributing to society as a teacher.

John Podeszwa, 45

English school owner (American)

I've always loved animals, and as a little boy I first wanted to be a frog, then a chimp. When told I had to be something human, I chose zookeeper. I worked at a zoo in high school, but I wouldn't want to do that job now, although I am fulfilling my dream of helping rescued animals, since I own a honey bear, an albino snake (患白化病的蛇), a dog and some cats!

Miwa Gilligan, 48

Part?time worker (Japanese)

As a little girl I wanted to be many things, and when my grandmother suggested that as an actress I could play various roles, that stuck with me. The Takarazuka Revue (宝冢歌剧团) was popular during my childhood, so that also inspired me. Of course I would still like to become an actress.

Hiromitsu Tokunaga, 55

Sewage worker (Japanese)

My dream job both as a child and now is to be an astronaut. I grew up during the “Space Race” era and remember well the first moon landing, the famous sci?fi movie 2001, and all the rest. I still have a strong dream of going into space, and in my lifetime hope to see regular affordable space tours for people like me!

1.We know from the text that ________.

A.Tina Rees is satisfied with her present job

B.Tina Rees once received medical education

C.Tina's two sisters don’t do the same job as their mother does

D.their mother's preference to Tina's sisters disappointed Tina

2.Who would still like to do their childhood dream jobs if they could?

A.Miwa Gilligan and Tina Rees.

B.Tina Rees and John Podeszwa.

C.John Podeszwa and Hiromitsu Tokunaga.

D.Hiromitsu Tokunaga and Miwa Gilligan.

3.What can we infer from the text?

A.People like Hiromitsu Tokunaga can go on regular affordable space tours.

B.In John Podeszwa's school, students are encouraged to help rescued animals.

C.At least two of the people were influenced by others in their dream job choice.

D.The requirements didn't stop Tina Rees from realizing her doctor dream.

4.Which would be the best title for the text?

A.Children from Different Countries Share Dreams

B.What Was Your Dream Job as a Child?

C.How Was Your Dream Realized?

D.Children Have Different Dream Jobs


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届全国高考英语阅读理解汇编(2)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Men can be beautiful too,right?

China is going to host the 18th World University Student Beauty Contest in Guangzhou this December.This year for the first time the contest will include a male section.Students from over 130 countries will compete for Mr and Miss Beauty.The contest is one of the most respected beauty contests in the world.It was copied by the United Nations University (an international university belonging to the United Nations) in 1986.

Stick to studying

Li Yining,an economics professor at Peking University,said that he would not encourage students to try their luck in the stock market (股市). “They should stress study,” Li said in his speech at Beijing Foreign Studies University.When asked,the professor said he expected house prices in Beijing to continue to rise.Li thinks the government should provide more affordable houses for low?level income people.

Campus cinema

Students at over 100 universities will have a digital cinema on campus after the National Day holiday.The 21st Century Digital Film on Campus Project was launched at the end of September.The ticket will cost 3-8 yuan,rather than 30-40 yuan at cinemas in town.Students often download movies online or watch DVDs.Now they can enjoy original films in the digital cinema.The digital cinema will show a variety of films besides Hollywood blockbusters (好莱坞大片).

Getting practical

All 12,000 graduates from vocational school in Shanxi Province have landed a job,according to the provincial government.In the past five years,it is estimated that over 95 percent of the professional school graduates have found jobs.However,the number for university graduates is 70 percent.Some employers said that they prefer professional school graduates who learned something more practical in school and expected lower salaries than university students.

1.In the third part,the underlined word “launched” may mean________.

A.started B.ended

C.told D.mentioned

2.Where can the material be chosen from?

A.A novel. B.A newspaper.

C.An advertisement. D.A fashion magazine.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.More than 130 countries will take part in the 18th World University Student Beauty Contest.

B.The ticket for a digital film on campus will cost 3?8 yuan.

C.In the past five years,over 95 percent of the university graduates have found jobs in Shanxi Province.

D.Over 100 universities will take part in the 21st Century Digital Film on Campus Project.

4.Professor Li thinks that________.

A. the house prices in Beijing will keep going up

B.the students should try their luck in the stock market

C.the government can do nothing about the housing problem

D.the students should not only pay attention to study

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.In Shanxi Province,the professional school graduates are less popular with employers than university graduates recently.

B.The digital cinema will only show Hollywood blockbusters.

C.The graduates from universities can put what they learned into practice more easily.

D.No men competed in the World University Students Beauty Contest before this year.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南省长沙市高三入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Years ago I moved to Woodland Hills to take a job in a small hospital’s emergency department. No one wanted to work on Christmas Eve, so the shift(轮班)went to me. I kissed my family goodbye and went off to spend the night in the hospital. It was a thankless job.

At 9 pm, the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack. His face was pale, and he was frightened. The whole night I did my best to save his life. Before I left in the morning to spend Christmas with my family, I stopped by to see how he was doing. It was still tough, but he had survived the night and was sleeping.

The following year I got Christmas Eve duty again. At 9 pm sharp, the ward clerk told me there was a couple who wanted to speak with me. When I approached them, the man introduced himself as Mr. Lee and said, “You probably don’t remember me, but last Christmas Eve you saved my life. Thank you for the year you gave me.” He and his wife hugged me, handed me a small gift, and left.

The following year a new doctor had joined the group, but I wanted to see if Mr. and Mrs. Lee would return. This time, I volunteered for the shift. I kept an eye on the door. Once again, at exactly 9 pm, the Lees appeared, carrying a warmly wrapped bundle. It was their new grandchild. Mr. Lee, his family and I spent 13 Christmas Eves together.

The last year I saw him, he brought me a gift. I carefully opened the package and found a crystal bell inside. It was carved with a single word: Friendship. Now, my family, friends and I ring that bell every Christmas Eve at exactly 9 pm and offer our best wishes to the man who we won’t forget.

1.The author had to work the night shift on Christmas Eve probably because ______.

A. she was a new arrival

B. she was more experienced

C. her colleagues had no passion for working

D. her colleagues wanted to give her a surprise

2. When the author left the hospital the next morning, ______.

A. Mr. Lee’s heart sank

B. Mr. Lee insisted on leaving hospital

C. Mr. Lee got very angry with her

D. Mr. Lee was out of immediate danger

3.What does the author ring the bell every Christmas Eve for

A. To honor an old friend of hers.

B. To offer best wishes to her family and friends.

C. To show off her special gift.

D. To fill her family and friends with hopes.

4.What could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Kind Couple B. A Severe Heart Attack

C. A thankless task D. A Special Appointment


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东省汕头市高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When we’re young and we dream of love and fulfillment, we think perhaps of moon-covered Parisian nights or walks along the beach at sunset. No one tells us that the greatest moments of a lifetime are short, unplanned and nearly always catch us off guard.

Not long ago,as I was reading a bedtime story to my seven-year-old daughter, Annie,I became aware of her focused look. She was staring at me with a faraway, blank expression. Apparently, completing The Tale of Samuel Whiskers was not as important as we first thought.

I asked what she was thinking about. “Mommy,” she whispered, “I just can't stop looking at your pretty face.”I almost dissolved(溶解) on the spot. Little did she know how many trying moments the glow of her sincerely loving statement would carry me through over the following years.

Not long after, I took my four-year-old son to an elegant department store, where the sweet notes of a classic love song drew us toward a tuxedoed(穿晚礼服的) musician playing a grand piano. Sam and I sat down on a marble bench nearby, and he seemed as astonished by the pleasant theme as I was. I didn’t realize that Sam had stood up next to me until he turned, took my face in his little hands and said, “Dance with me.”

If only those women walking under the Paris moon knew the joy of such an invitation made by a round-cheeked boy with baby teeth. Although shoppers openly chuckled(咯咯笑) and pointed at us as we glided and whirled(旋转) around the open space, I would not have traded a dance with such a charming young gentleman if I'd been offered the universe.

1.From the passage we know .

A. Annie knew how important she was to her mother

B. shoppers didn’t notice the author dancing with her son

C. there are bedtime stories in the Tale of Samuel Whiskers

D. Sam was not surprised at the music which was played in the store

2.When the author knew her daughter could not stop looking at her pretty face, she felt .

A. sad B. deeply moved

C. annoyed D. ashamed

3.Why wouldn’t the author trade a dance with her son even if she was given the world?

A. Because she knew she wouldn’t be given the universe.

B. Because her son was the most important person to her.

C. Because she thought she was the happiest one at the moment.

D. Because it was very important for the author to dance with her son.

4.What does the author want to prove by showing two examples of her kids?

A. Her kids love her very much.

B. She enjoys staying with her kids.

C. The greatest moments of a lifetime always come unexpectedly.

D. Those women walking under the moon should enjoy the happiness with kids.

