精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


  “Old wives tales” are beliefs passed down from one generation to another, For example ,most of us remember our patents’ telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things.Is there any truth in these teachings? Some of them agree with present medical thinking ,but others have not passed the test of time.Did your mother ever tell you to eat your carrots because they are good for your eyes?

  Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called Macular degeneration.Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this.Disease by 40% Garlic(蒜)is good for you, too.It can kill the type of virus that causes Colds

  Unfortunately, not all of Mom’s advice passed the test medical studies.For example, generations of children have been told not to go to swimming within an hour after eating.But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so.Do sweets cause tooth problems? Well, yes and no.sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugar.

  Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don’t hold water, there is still a lot of truth in the old wives’ tales, After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated(积累)from thousands of our traditional beliefs don’t hold water.We should respect this body of knowledge even as research for clear scientific support to proven it true or false


Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


Eating garlic is good for our eyes


Sticky sweets are damaging to our teeth


Swimming after a meal is dangerous.


Carrots prevent people from catching colds


The author develops the third paragraph mainly ________

[  ]


by cause and effects


by order in space


by order in time


by examples


The phrase ”hold water” in the last paragraph most probably means “_______”

[  ]


to be believable


to be valuable


to be admirable


to be suitable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。


    China is one of the oldest countries in the world. She has a   1 of over forty-four thousand years. No one is   2 where the first people 3 came from. Yes, we know that bones of some of the   4 people have been found near Beijing, the capital of China, and near the Yellow River,   5 runs across North China 6 a huge dragon (龙) and   7 its way from west to east. There are many   8 about how the world began and who the first kings   were. One story tells of how ten suns shone in   9 and how Hou Yi shot down 10 of them. Another story tells about how Huang Di, the Yellow   Emperor (皇帝), 11 Tsi You and united different parts of the country   into one 12 . The ancient Chinese did a lot of wonders,   13 was the Great Wall. It came 14 in the 220's B.C. It took many years to build.   Seeing the Great wall,which is 15 enough for ten soldiers to march   16 along its top. You can't help 17 how all the work was done   18 .


    People in ancient times 19 in magic (魔法) used to say that   Emperor Qin Shihuang 20 across the mountains 21 magic horse. The wall   22 under him as he went along. Wherever the horse   23 its foot heavily, a watch-tower appeared. But the wall was not made by   24 . It was made 25 and lives of thousands of men.




1. A. period






D. history


[    ]


2. A. told


B.interested in


C. asked


D. shown


[    ]


3. A. inChina  


B. in Beijing


C. on earth


D. in North


[    ]


4. A. living


B. old


C. first


D. world  


[    ]


5. A. that


B. which


C. where


D. it


[    ]


6. A. like


B. with


C. under


D. as


[    ]


7. A. winds


B. takes


C. finds


D. shows  


[    ]


8. A. books


B. says


C. stories


D. words  


[    ]


9. A. spare


B. the sky


C. summer


D. the night


[    ]


10. A. all


B. half


C. one


D. nine


[    ]


11. A. beat


B. beated


C. win


D. won


[    ]


12. A. kingdom




C. world


D. part


[    ]


13. A. of which


B. whose one


C. among it


D. one of which


[    ]


14. A. out


B. into being


C. over


D. true


[    ]


15. A. high


B. big


C. strong


D. wide


[    ]


16. A. side by side


B. together


C. forward


D. in good order


[    ]


17. A. wonder


 B.    wondering


C. wondered


D. to wonder


[    ]


18. A. by hand


B. with hand


C. through hand


D. using hand


[    ]


19. A. believe


B. believing


C. to believe  


D. believed


[    ]


20. A. ride


B. rode




D. had ridden


[    ]


21. A. on


  B.    in


C. by


D. for


[    ]


22. A.Disappeared


B. appeared


C. ran


D. broke


[    ]


23. A. gave


B. put


C. got


D. arrived


[    ]


24. A. saying


 B. the    horse


C. magic


D. itself


[    ]


25. A. the work  


B. by the work


C. the bodies


D. by the hand


[    ]




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

    For eighty-four days the old man did not catch any fish. People   said that he was 1. But the old man still 2 the sea. He was 3 strong   and a good 4. 5 the eighty-fifth day the old man sailed 6 out to sea   than any of 7 boats. He sailed to the 8 where the water was very deep.   Then he felt his fishing line 9 gently by a big fish which was   swimming very 10 in the water.


       The fish was so powerful 11 it pulled the boat after it. It took   the small boat far 12 to sea. The old man could 13 see the land.


       "Fish," he said softly, 14 "I'll stay with you 15 I am dead."     The old man pulled the line a little 16, but he did not dare to   pull it 17. The fish might jump and 18. Or it might dive 19 into the   sea and pull the boat after it. But the fish was 20 and brave. It   pulled the boat 21.   When the fish 22 at last to the top of the water, the old man saw   that it was two feet 23 than his boat. The old man 24 many great fish,   but this one was the greatest fish he had ever seen. It was also the   most 25.

  (1) A. glad     B. encouraged    C. lucky   D. unluckily                                  [  ]       (2) A. loved    B. hated       C. reached   D. disliked                                  [  ]       (3) A. also     B. still       C. too     D. enough                                  [  ]     (4) A. old man  B. swimmer     C. fisherman D. boatman                                  [  ]     (5) A. For    B. At        C. In    D. On                                  [  ]       (6) A. away     B. farther     C. far     D. as usual                                  [  ]     (7) A. the other  B. other       C. all     D. all the                                  [  ]       (8) A. place    B. island      C. land    D. village                                  [  ]     (9) A. pulled            B. to pull                   C. to be pulled          D. being pulled[  ] 

   (10)A. heavy    B. highly      C. deep    D. hardly                                  [  ]      (11)A. then     B. and       C. as    D. that                                  [  ]      (12)A. out    B. outside     C. in    D. inside                                  [  ]      (13)A. not yet  B. already     C. no more   D. no longer                                  [  ]      (14)A. aloud    B. loudly  C. to himself       D. to them                                  [  ]      (15)A. if     B. until       C. when    D. although                                  [  ]      (16)A. long     B. looser      C. tighter   D. close                                  [  ]      (17)A. slowly   B. softly     C. gently  D. suddenly                                  [  ]      (18)A. escape   B. swim      C. run     D. go                                  [  ]      (19)A. up     B. down      C. high    D. low                                  [  ]      (20)A. small    B. weak      C. strong  D. dangerous                                   [  ]      (21)A. by and by           B. on and on           C. onto the land         D. into the sky  [  ]      (22)A. rose     B. was lifted    C. raised  D. reached                                  [  ]      (23)A. taller   B. higher      C. longer  D. greater                                  [  ]      (24)A. had seen   B. had never seen  C. liked   D. greater                                  [  ]      (25)A. expensive  B. beautiful     C. difficult D. frightened                                  [  ]


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



 Edgar felt quite  1 at the  2 of his first swim of the summer 3  the sun shining down so strongly, the   sea was certain to be  4  enough He walked quickly along the   seafront towards the steps  5 led on to the sands He smiled  6  at the passers-by He had just smiled   and  7  his  8  to an elderly lady  9  a man   with a camera caught his arm and stopped him Edgar heard a little clicking   noise from the camera

 “Your photo, sir, in wonderful colour, in just one moment if you please, ” said the man in one breath

 Then he took out the  10  and held it  11  his hand and was waving it to Edgar In a moment he handed in over, and Edgar saw   the bright blue of his shirt half  12  the picture

 “Seventy pence, sir, the man said

 “Seventy pence, Edgar repeated  13  ,For this?He stared  14  the photo

 “They are usually 85, sir, but for a single object I make a cut-price offer It's the best price  15 you'll get here.”

 “You'll have to make a better offer, Edgar said It was a good photo, he thought, so bright and clear His hat was high, and he   was smiling broadly at the old lady,  16  arm and handbag came into a   lower corner He had no idea that he was being snapped He thought he was really  17  good-looking fellow

 “That's as  18  as any art job that would  19  you pounds, said the cameraman, It's better in a way because it's so  20   Only 70 pence, sir. ”

 I've never paid so much  21  a snap in my life It simply isn't  22  that kind of money It's not as I need the thing Look, I'll give you 25. ”

 “No, I can't do that Each of these snaps costs me 50p,   so you see

 “Then I'll give you 50p and that's that.”

 “Let me see, then.”The man suddenly took the photo out of Edgar's hand. “I can't  23  any more time with you It's   70p  24  I keep it.”

 “Keep it, Edgar said He turned, looked out to   sea, then walked  25  away


1 A.    exciting


B interesting


C excited


D well


[  ]


2 A.    sight


B sound


C thought


D taste


[  ]


3 A.    Because


B With


C For


D As


[  ]


4 A.    cool


B hot


C cold


D warm


[  ]


5 A.    where


B that


C in that


D in   which


[  ]


6 A.    pleasant


B pleasantly


C sorrowfully


D sorrowful


[  ]


7 A.    raised


B rose


C put


D rised


[  ]


8 A.    gun


B hat


C shoes


D head


[  ]


9 A.    till


B after


C when


D while


[  ]


10 A.    money


B photo


C note


D message


[  ]


11 A.    on


B by


C in


D to


[  ]


12 A.    filled with


B joyfully


C surprisedly


D cruelly


[  ]


13 A.    angrily


B joyfully


C surprisedly


D cruelly


[  ]


14 A.    to


B by


C upon


D at


[  ]


15 A.    which


B that


C what


D when


[  ]


16 A his


B her


C whose


D of which


[  ]


17 A quite a


B a quite


C rather


D much a


[  ]


18 A well


B better


C good


D easy


[  ]


19 A spend


B cost


C pay


D use


[  ]


20 A natural


B big


C moved


D low


[  ]


21 A to


B with


C off


D for


[  ]


22 A worth


B worthy


C worthy of


D worth of


[  ]


23 A spend


B waste


C take


D quarrel


[  ]


24 A and 


B for


C or


D if


[  ]


25 A quick


B quickly


C. fast


D.   soon


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



   Nancy Johnson was a good friend with all the boys and girls in her class. She had a nice face and __1__ eyes. She spoke __2__ than the other girls, but she __3__ basket-ball better than most of them. Nancy __4__ everything at school, and she never thought she was __5__ from the other pupils __6__ she was a Negro girl.

 Miss Dietrich, Nancy's __7__ teacher, taught her drawing. She taught Nancy __8__ take an idea and make a __9__ out of it. Your picture must be your idea, a part of __10__ , Miss Dietrich said. She __11__ Nancy that it is __12__ to draw a good picture. Your picture must not __13__ look nice, Miss Dietrich said. You must work at it __14__ the picture begins to live, until it is not __15__ any other picture in the world.

   Nancy __16__ Miss Dietrich, and she was always happy when she began to __17__ a new idea, Nancy had a secret that only Miss Dietrich __18__. She wanted to go to the City Art School when she finished __19__. She knew, of course, that __20__ didn't have enough money to __21__ her there. But every year there was a schoolchildren's __22__ competition at the Art School. The __23__ could go to the school and did not __24__ to pay for the first year. Miss Dietrich and Nancy wanted to sent Nancy's __25__ pictures to the Art School competition.


(1)  A.    broad








[  ]


(2)  A.    more








[  ]


(3)  A.    played the 








[  ]


(4)  A.    learned




Ctook    part in




[  ]


(5)  A.    far








[  ]


(6)  A.    thanks to


Bbut    for


Con    condition that




[  ]


(7)  A.    old




Cmost    famous




[  ]


(8)  A.    to


Bhow    to


Cwhere    to




[  ]


(9)  A.    house








[  ]


(10) A.    the world






Dyour    home


[  ]


(11) A.    explained








[  ]


(12) A.    wonderful








[  ]


(13) A.    a little


Ba    bit






[  ]


(14) A.    on






Dif    only


[  ]


(15) A.    dawn








[  ]


(16) A.    believed




Cdepended    on




[  ]


(17) A.    think of








[  ]


(18) A.    disclosed


Blet    out






[  ]


(19) A.    learning








[  ]


(20) A.    she


Bher    teacher


Cher    father


Dher    school


[  ]


(21) A.    offer




C encourage


D send


[  ]


(22) A speaking


B drawing


C sports


D singing


[  ]


(23) A girl


B runner


C player


D winner


[  ]


(24) A have


B want


C like


D require


[  ]


(25) A best


B. famous


C. favourite


D. largest


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054



Nicolette Morganti’s friends can’t understand why she joined a dating agency(婚姻介绍所).

She has a good job    1    a personal assistant with a television news agency, her own house, and a full social life. But she, a 29-year-old woman, who has a degree in English Literature(文学),is so    2    with British    3    that she joined the English Rose dating agency to get in touch with single American males.

“English men are usually materialistic and have    4    imagination,” she says.

“I have    5    years being bored by men who never do anything    6    .”

“I’m almost 30 now and I would really love to    7    a husband and have    8   .I’d like to live in London for six months of the year and in the States for   9     six months.”

In her search for the perfect man, Nicolette once    10    an advertisement in a magazine for    11    people and had 400 replies.

But she says, “I only met one or two of them.  12    of the others sounded very   13   .”

Nicolette joined English Rose about 18 months    14    and has met    15    then.

She says, “I    16    that American men are more romantic and thoughtful than British men. I rang   17    in the States, and afterwards he sent me 200 dollars to    18    the call.”

“I’ve met five so far but I’m looking for someone very    19   . I’d like to find a caring, well-educated, non-smoking, animal-lover with a professional job and a    20    of adventure.”

1.A.like                               B.being

C.as                                D.with

2.A.tired                               B.bored

C.pleased                           D.angry

3.A.men                              B.games

C.music                             D.master

4.A.some                              B.much

C.a little                             D.no

5.A.passed                             B.spent

C.entered                           D.wasted

6.A.exciting                           B.moving

C.interesting                         D.living

7.A.marry to                            B.accept

C.receive                           D.find

8.A.friends                            B.work

C.a home                           D.children

9.A.another                            B.some

C.the other                           D.other

10.A.wrote                            B.put

C.gave                             D.posted

11.A.single                             B.married

C.only                             D.lonely

12.A.Most                             B.Few

C.All                                D.Some

13.A.worrying                              B.encouraging

C.boring                               D.surprising

14.A.before                           B.later

C.more                                 D.ago

15.A.from                             B.since

C.after                               D.until

16.A.expect                           B.suppose

C.know                             D.feel

17.A.one                             B.it

C.them                                 D.him

18.A.pay to                            B.pay off

C.pay for                           D.pay back

19.A.ordinary                           B.handsome

C.special                            D.lovely

20.A.feeling                           B.sense

C.way                             D.kind


