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      My most famous relative of all, ____ who really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my great-grandfather.

A. the one             B. one                   C. he                 D. someone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个佳答案。


    While I was at school, I 1 train with Spurs on Tuesdays   and Thursdays. I also 2 for English schoolboys, so I suppose I was 3 a school boy   star. I didn't really get into 4 at school. I had my two elder brothers   there for 5 of the time that I was there, so my stay at the school wasn't that hard. 6 other children had a really hard time.


    I left 7 the end of the Fourth Year, and   that caused a bit of trouble. I was allowed 8 maths and technical   drawing   early. I passed them 9, but unfortunately I failed in woodwork. If I'd stayed on 10 12 subjects like the other   children. It was a big decision to leave early so as    11 take all my exams. It could have meant that I'd wasted 12 years. But how many could get   the 13 that I had? I'm told that only one in 1000 makes it in 14,soyou have only a very slim chance. But I decided to go for it and   looking back it was the 15 thing to do. I didn't support Spurs   16 a boy .I supported QPR, my local team.   But to play for Spurs,   17 had just won the FA Cup, was interesting to   me. There were so   many 18 , and of course Bill Nicholson was the 19   then ——a great manager. I didn't have any girlfriends at    20 I was 21    deeply involved(陷于) in football that I didn't have time.    22I don't have direct contact with my old school friends, I own a   sports 23 in the area, so they often drop into the shop and talk   about the old days, 24 is really nice. I'm always pleased to see them.   I would advise anyone 25 to be a footballer to stay on at   school to do their exams. If a club wants you badly enough they'll come in for you later.  


(1) A. am used    B. was used    C. used to    D. was used to

[    ]

(2) A. played    B. play    C. played with  D. played a joke

[    ]

(3) A. a little of B. a few    C. a lot    D. a bit of

[    ]

(4) A. troubles    B. trouble    C. any trouble  D. matter

[    ]

(5) A. most    B. the most    C. a most    D. many

[    ]

(6) A. Each    B. The    C. Every    D. Some

[    ]

(7) A. from    B. in    C. at    D.before

[    ]

(8) A. taking    B. to take    C. taken    D.to be taken

[    ]

(9) A. both    B. all    C. every    D. neither

[    ]

(10) A. I'd have    B. I had taken C. I took    D. I'd have taken

[    ]

(11) A. no    B. not    C. not to    D. no one

[    ]

(12) A. five    B. four    C. six    D. seven

[    ]

(13) A. chance    B. meeting    C. money    D. exam

[    ]

(14) A. basketball  B. volleyball  C. ping-pang    D. football

[    ]

(15) A. wrong    B. mistake    C. right    D. corrected

[    ]

(16) A. being    B. for    C. using    D. as

[    ]

(17) A. who    B. which    C. whom    D. when

[    ]

(18) A. moons    B. stars    C. suns    D. earths

[    ]

(19) A. teacher    B. master    C. manager    D. doctor

[    ]

(20) A. school    B. farm    C. factory    D. shop

[    ]

(21) A. too    B. very    C. quite    D. so

[    ]

(22) A. But    B. Although    C. Even if    D. Even though

[    ]

(23) A. field    B. room    C. shop    D. clothes

[    ]

(24) A. which    B. that    C. when    D. who

[    ]

(25) A. wanted    B. wanting    C. wants    D. to want


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


    While I was at school, I 1 train with Spurs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also 2 for English schoolboys, so I suppose I was 3 a school boy star.  

       I didn't really get into 4 at school. I had my two elder brothers there for   5 of the time that I was there, so my stay at the school   wasn't that hard.6 other children had a really hard time.  

      I left 7 the end of the Fourth Year, and that caused a bit of trouble. I was allowed 8 math and technical drawing early. I passed them 9 , but unfortunately I failed in woodwork. If I'd stayed on 10 12 subjects like the other children.     

    It was a big decision to leave early so as 11 take all my exams.It could have meant that I'd wasted 12 years. But how many could get the 13 that I had? I'm told that only one in 1000 makes it in 14 , so you have only a very slim chance. But I decided to go for it and looking back it was the    15 thing to do.  

      I didn't support Spurs 16 a boy. I supported QPR, my local team. But to play for Spurs, 17 had just won the FA Cup, was interesting to me. There were so many 18 , and of course Bill Nicholson was the 19 then—a great manager.     

    I didn't have any girlfriends at 20 , I was 21 deeply involved (陷   于) in football that I didn't have time. 22 I don't have direct contactwith my old school friends, I own a sports 23 in the area, so they   often drop into the shop and talk about the old days.   24 is really nice. I'm always pleased to see them. I would advise anyone   25 to be a footballer to stay on at school to do their exams. If a club wants you badly enough they'll come in for you later.  

(1) A. am usedB. was usedC. used toD. was used to  [  ]
(2) A. playedB. play    C. played with  D. played a joke[  ]
(3) A. a little ofB. a fewC. a lotD. a bit of [  ]
(4) A. troublesB. troubleC. any troubleD. matter [  ]
(5) A. mostB. the most    C. a mostD. many [  ] 
(6) A. EachB. The      C. EveryD. Some [  ] 
(7) A. fromB. in       C. at       D. before [  ]
(8) A. takingB. to take    C. takenD. to be taken[  ]
(9) A. bothB. allC. everyD. neither [  ]
(10) A. I'd haveB. I had taken C. I tookD. I'd have taken[  ]
(11) A. noB. not      C. not toD. no one [  ]
(12) A. fiveB. four       C. sixD. seven [  ]
(13) A. chanceB. meeting    C. moneyD. exam [  ]
(14) A. basketballB. volleyballC. ping-pangD. football [  ]
(15) A. wrongB. mistake    C. rightD. corrected [  ]
(16) A. beingB. for      C. usingD. as [  ]
(17) A. whoB. which      C. whomD. when [  ]
(18) A. moonsB. stars      C. sunsD. earths [  ] 
(19) A. teacherB. master     C. managerD. doctor [  ]
(20) A. schoolB. farm       C. factoryD. shop [  ]
(21) A. tooB. very       C. quiteD. so [  ]  
(22) A. ButB. Although      C. Even ifD. Even though[  ]
(23) A. fieldB. room       C. shopD. clothes [  ] 
(24) A. whichB. that       C. whenD. who [  ] 
(25) A. wantedB. wantingC. wantsD. to want [  ]


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



 While I was at school, I  1  train with Spurs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also    2  for English schoolboys, so I suppose I was    3  a school boy star.


 I didn't really get into  4  at school. I had my two elder brothers there for    5  of the time that I was there, so my stay at the school wasn't that hard.    6  other children had a really hard time.


 I left  7  the end of the Fourth Year, and that caused a bit of trouble. I was allowed    8  maths and technical drawing early. I passed them    9  , but unfortunately I failed in woodwork. If I'd stayed on    10  12 subjects like the other children.


 It was a big decision to leave early so as  11  take all my exams. It could have meant that I'd wasted    12  years. But how many could get the    13  that I had? I'm told that only one in 1000 makes it in    14  , so you have only a very slim chance. But I decided to go for it and looking back it was the    15  thing to do.


 I didn't support Spurs  16  a boy. I supported QPR, my local team. But to play for Spurs,    17  had just won the FA Cup, was interesting to me. There were so many    18  , and of course Bill Nicholson was the    19  thena great manager.

 I didn't have any girlfriends at  20  .I was  21  deeply involved (陷于) in football that I didn't have time.    22  I don't have direct contact with my old school friends, I own a sports    23  in the area, so they often drop into the shop and talk about the old days,    24  is really nice. I'm always pleased to see them.


 I would advise anyone  25  to be a footballer to stay on at school to do their exams. If a club wants you badly enough they'll come in for you later.


(1)     A am used  


B was used  


C used to  


D was used to  


[  ]


(2)  A.    played


B play


C played with  


D played a joke  


[  ]


(3)  A.    a little of  


B a few  


C a lot  


D a bit of  


[  ]


(4)     A troubles


B trouble


C any trouble  


D matter


[  ]


(5)  A.    most


B the most  


C a most  


D many


[  ]


(6)     A Each


B The


C Every


D Some


[  ]


(7)  A.    from


B in


C at


D before


[  ]


(8)     A taking


B to take  


C taken


D to be taken  


[  ]


(9)     A both


B all


C every


D neither


[  ]


(10)  A.    I'd have  


B I had taken  


C I took  


D I'd have taken  


[  ]


(11)     A no


B not


C not to  


D no one  


[  ]


(12)     A five


B four


C six


D seven


[  ]


(13)     A chance


B meeting


C money


D exam


[  ]


(14)  A.    basketball


B volleyball


C ping-pang


D football


[  ]


(15)  A.    wrong


B mistake


C right


D corrected


[  ]


(16)     A being


B for


C using


D as


[  ]


(17)  A.    who


B which


C whom


D when


[  ]


(18)     A moons


B stars


C suns


D earths


[  ]


(19)  A.    teacher


B master


C manager


D doctor


[  ]


(20)     A school


B farm


C factory


D shop


[  ]


(21)     A too


B very


C quite


D so


[  ]


(22)     A But


B Although


C Even if  


D Even though  


[  ]


(23)  Afield


B room


C shop


D clothes


[  ]


(24)  A which


B that


C when


D who


[  ]


(25)  A wanted


B wanting


C wants


D to want  


[  ]


