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15.February 27is International Polar Bear Day,which celebrates everyone's favorite furry beasts of the Arctic.In honor of the occasion,Live Science brings you some wacky facts about the furry beasts.
The bears are tiny when they're born,weighing only about 0.5kg.However,An adult male polar bear typically weighs between 351to 544kilograms,or the weight of about five to seven men.The largest polar bear ever recorded was a male weighing 1,000kg,according to Polar Bear International.By contrast,adult females weigh only half as much as males,or 50to 295kg.
If a polar bear doesn't eat for seven to 10days,it can slow its metabolism (新陈代谢) until it finds its next meal.They survive off of fat reserves from their diet,which consists mostly of seals.But climate change is making food more scarce and driving some bears to kill themselves.
The bears don't sleep in winter,but mother bears live in habitats while they raise their babies.While mama bears are in their habitats (generally between January and March),they don't eat or drink.
Although polar bears appear white,their fur is actually transparent.It only appears white,because it reflects visible light.Under their fur,polar bear skin is actually black.To humans and other animals that can see only in visible light,the bears appear to blend in with their snowy surroundings.But reindeer,which polar bears sometimes hunt for,can see in ultraviolet light (紫外线),which makes polar bears stand out from their snowy environment.
Polar bears have a keen sense of smell,which they use to find prey.A polar bear can sniff out a seal on the ice 32kilometers away,and can smell a seal's breathing hole in the ice more than half a mile away,according to the National Zoo.
Polar bears rely on sea ice to hunt,and studies predict that global warming could melt enough sea ice to lead to the disappearance of two-thirds of polar bears by 2050.The decline in sea ice has forced the bears to swim longer distances,consuming energy they cannot afford to use.
The United States listed polar bears as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act in May 2008,and Canada and Russia have listed them as a species of special concern.Unless climate change slows,eventually there may not be any bears around to celebrate Polar Bear Day.

51.The underlined word"wacky"in the first paragraph probably meansB.
A.ridiculous          B.unusual       C.strange          D.common
52.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.Male Polar bears can weigh as much as half a dozen men
B.Only mother bears can go days without eating
C.Polar bears'fur is white and their skin is black.
D.Polar bears have a sharp sense of smell and sight.
53.In the eyes of reindeer,polar bears areC.
A.white          B.transparent           C.black         D.purple
54.What mainly causes the possibility that two-thirds of polar bears may disappear by 2050?D
A.Scarce food.B.energy-consuming swimming.
C.Too much ice water.D.Global warming.

分析 本文主要讲的是国际极地熊日及北极熊的生活习惯.

51  B  词义猜测题.根据文章第一段第二句中的"In honor of the occasion"以及下文对北极熊的介绍可推知,Live   Science会带给读者一些不同寻常的有关北极熊的小知识.所以wacky与unusual词义相近.故选B项.
52  A   细节理解题.根据文章第二段第二句"然而,一只成年雄性北极熊通常351〜544公斤,重约五至七个人的重量.故选A项.
53   C   推理判断题.根据文章第五段内容,尤其是最后一句"But reindeer,which polar bears sometimes hunt for,can see in ultraviolet light(紫外线),which makes polar bears stand out from their snowy environment."可推知,紫外线使北极熊在雪白的环境中特别显眼,即驯鹿能看见北极熊原本的黑色.故选C项.
54   D  细节理解题.根据文章第七段北极熊依靠海冰捕猎和研究预测,全球变暖可能足以融化的海冰在2050年导致三分之二的北极熊消失的海冰的减少已经迫使北极熊游更长的距离,耗时能不能用得起.故选D项.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Computer programmer David Jones earns£35,000a year designing new computer games,yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card.Instead,he has been told to wait another two years,until he is 18.The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool,where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job.David's firm releases (推出) two new games for the fast growing computer market each month.
But David's biggest headache is what to do with his money.Even though he earns a lot,he cannot drive a car,take out a mortgage (抵押贷款),or get credit cars.David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago,a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop."I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs,"he said.David spends some of his money on records and clothes,and gives his mother 50pounds a week.But most of his spare time is spent working.
"Unfortunately,computing was not part of our studies at school,"he said."But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time.I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school.Most people in this business are fairly young,anyway."David added:"I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement is a possibility.You never know when the market might disappear."

49.In what way is David different from people of his age?A
A.He has a handsome income.
B.He lives with his mother.
C.He often goes out with friends.
D.He graduated with six O-levels.
50.Why was David able to get the job in the company?B
A.He had done well in all his exams.
B.He had written some computer programs.
C.He was good at playing computer games.
D.He had learnt to use computers at school.
51.Why did David decide to leave school and start working?D
A.He received lots of job offers.
B.He was eager to help his mother.
C.He wanted to earn his own living.
D.He lost interest in school studies.
52.What is one of the problems that David is facing now?C
A.He will soon lose his job.
B.He has no time to learn driving.
C.He has very little spare time.
D.He is too young to get a credit card.
53.Where did David work before he became a programmer?B
A.In a firm.  B.In a shop.  C.At a market.  D.In an office.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Have you ever heard the saying"If you want a friend,be one"?
Here is how a new teacher made friends with the girls and boys in her class on the first day of school.As the bell rang,the teacher smiled at each girl and boy.Then she said in a quiet voice,"Good morning.How nice it is to have all of you in my class this year.I'd like to know each of you.I am sure we will enjoy working together."Everyone felt that she meant what she said because of her sweet voice and her friendly look.
She told the girls and boys her name and wrote it on the blackboard.Then she told them some of the things she liked to do and she was hoping to do with them during the year.
Then she said to the class,"Now you know my name and the things I like and I want to know your names and the things you like.Then I will feel that I know you."
Could you make friends by doing the same as this teacher did?
One way of getting to know girls and boys in your class is to find out more about them.It is often easy to be friends with those people who have the same hobbies with you.You play the same games and go on journeys together.
You may find that some new comers in your class miss their old friends and feel strange and lonely.You can invite them to take a walk or to ride bikes with you.You will find many things in common to talk about.Just talking together in a friendly manner is one good way to make friends.
41.What does the underlined sentence"If you want a friend,be one"in Paragraph 1 mean?B
A.You may have a friend by doing everything for him.
B.You can make friends by doing what a friend should do.
C.If you want to have a friend,try to make one be your friend.
D.When you need a friend,you have to be a friend of yourself.
42.The teacher's sweet voice and her friendly lookC
A.made every girl and boy happy
B.told the girls and boys everything about herself
C.showed that she would like to be a friend of the girls and boys'
D.meant she wanted to tell the boys and girls something interesting
43.A new comer will be your friend ifD
A.he always thinks of his old friends      
B.you ask him to do something
C.he knows you                         
D.you talk with him in a friendly way
44.If you want to make friends with others,which of the following shouldn't you do?C
A.Learn more about them.
B.Go on journeys together.
C.Find out your differences.
D.Try to be the same as them.
45.What is the best title for this passage?A
A.How to Make Friends                  
B.Teachers Can Make Friends with Students
C.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed      
D.How to Be Friends with New Comers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The Hunan Satellite TV(HNTV) show"Where are we going,Dad?"is a big hit.Many famous stars brought their children to a strange village alone,and they had to spend 72 hours with their children there.The program fully showed us a modern version of the"how to be a good father".As the young parents today are too busy to take care of their children,this new form of"Lost on the way"played by nanny Daddy and cute kids triggered(触发)a lot of people's emotional resonance(共鸣).Both the kids and their parents will find that their hearts are being drawn closer.But this kind of feeling has just proved that there is a big spiritual barrier between the modern parents and children.
The TV shows like"Children are hard to support!","Where are we going,Dad?","hot mom"and"cute kids"are becoming more and more popular.All of these show the new parents'confusion in children's education and the appeal for the balance between career and family.
In real life,on the one hand the young parents feel helpless because they are too busy to accompany their children under the pressures of work and life; on the other hand they continue to do so.The data collected by HNTV shows that nearly two-thirds of their audience are female,among whom 36% are aged from 25 to 34.We can imagine such a scene that one evening a young mother is watching the show with her young children,while her husband is still at work or trapped in socializing,or maybe is just playing computer games in the bedroom.The story of a child without the company of father is still going on.In fact,it is sometimes the same to mothers.In a modern family,it is often the old who take the responsibility of raising a child.The participation of mother in the children's education is also very low.
It is just this kind of confusion where the parents have gone in the modern family education,and where the parents will guide their children to go that"Where are we going,Dad?"shows us.If a child wants to grow up healthily and safely into a modern citizen with independent personality and free spirit,it is very important for him or her to follow the parents who serve as their first teacher.Maybe this is the real reason why such kind of TV programs could get hot.The truth is that children will go where their parents go; and society will go where the children go.
32.In raising a child in modern society,parents shouldC.
A.play computer games with their children
B.keep their children at home to avoid socializing
C.balance well between family and career
D.break down the barrier between children and teachers
33.Which of the following can be inferred in the passage?A
A.Parents shouldn't entirely leave the education of children to the old.
B.36% of the audience of the program are female aged from 25-34.
C.The program shows us the confusion where the parents and children will go to play.
D.In a modern family it is often mothers who are responsible for raising a child.
34.Which one is the best title of the passage?A
A.Confusion Behind"Where are we going,dad?"
B.Modern Education is Important
C.Nanny Daddy and Cute Kids
D.New problems in Modern Children's Education
35.What attitude towards modern family education does the author express in the second paragraph?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The recent publication of autobiographies by two of Britain's great scientists,biologist Richard Dawkins and physicist Stephen Hawking,is a wonderful opportunity to compare and contrast these two remarkable men.Surprisingly,they have rather more in common than we think.
Most striking is the similarity in their backgrounds.They were born in the early 1940s to middle class families---not wealthy but comfortably off,with a strong commitment to academic excellence and public service.Both families were keen to send their boys to Oxford University---and both succeeded,Dawkins studying zoology and Hawking physics.
Neither author has a very positive view of his early university life.Hawking describes the attitude at Oxford in the 1950s and 1960s as very anti-work,"You were supposed to either be brilliant without effort or fail.Hard work was looked down upon by students and we all pretended that nothing was worth making an effort for."He estimates that he studied for no more than an hour a day as an undergraduate student (本科生).
Undergraduate life was somewhat more rewarding for Dawkins.Like Hawking,he wasn't particularly hard-working and never attended his lectures.But he found Oxford's system of weekly essay-based lessons with an academic tutor useful,"It was really only the tutorial system that educated me."
For both men,scientific life really got going as postgraduates after 1962.Dawkins,who remained at Oxford,describes brilliantly the academic competition among the postgraduate students,which he believed helped push him to develop the ideas that formed the basis of his most famous book,The Selfish Gene.This volume transformed scientific thinking about Darwinism evolution.
Hawking,on the other hand,moved to Cambridge University after graduation,where his research into the universe would eventually make him the most famous physicists since Albert Einstein.He writes movingly about the disease which progressively crippled his entire body,leaving him unable to move and only able to communicate using a computer controlled by his eyes.Although communication is slow---he can write only 3 words a minute using the machine---his illness has not affected his mind or his research on space-time and origins of the universe.
Each book is recommended individually as a personal introduction to an important scientific thinker.Read together,they provide a superb background to the academic and social climate of postwar British research.
41.Which of the following describes a similarity in Hawking's and Dawkins'backgrounds?D
A.They were both from wealthy families.
B.They studied the same subject in university.
C.They graduated from the same secondary school.
D.They both came from families that valued good education.
42.Why did Hawking study very little as an undergraduate student?B
A.He preferred doing his own research and experiments.
B.Students considered it inappropriate to study too much.
C.The materials discussed in lectures were very easy for him.
D.He was more interested in making friends with his classmates.
43.According to Dawkins,what helped him develop his most important ideas?D
A.His hard work as an undergraduate.
B.The support he received from his family.
C.The excellent tutors at Oxford University.
D.The competition from other postgraduate students.
44.What can we reasonably infer about the two scientists from the passage?D
A.Dawkins worked much harder than Hawking as an undergraduate.
B.Hawking is more respected by the scientific community.
C.They knew each other during their studies a t Oxford.
D.Hawing has experienced more physical difficulties.
45.What is the function of the last paragraph?B
A.To state which book the writer prefers.
B.To recommend the reviewed books to readers.
C.To summarize the achievements of the two scientists.
D.To suggest the order in which the books should be read.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.My oldest child,Emma,just returned to campus after a long holiday break to finish up her last period of college.These days,friends and family have begun flooding me with one question:What is she going to do after graduation?
The job market is,after all,awfully tough.Just this month the Federal Reserve Bank published a study showing that"recent graduates are increasingly working in low-paid jobs or working part-time."The bright spot,according to the study,is for students who majored(主修) in STEM-science,technology,engineering and mathematics-areas in which recent graduates"have tended to do relatively well".
But Emma is a student of the humanities(人文) at a small college.She's an American Studies major with a focus on the politics and culture of food.For quite a while,I think her field of study is so fashionable right now that I'm not the least bit worried she will find a good job.Yet the more I've thought about it,the more I've decided to be honest."I'm not sure what Emma is going to do,"I now say."But she's gotten a great education and has really found her interest.-and I know those things will serve her well over the course of her life."
Nowadays,more and more universities and colleges are being measured by the salaries of their recent graduates.In this climate,encouraging your kid to study the humanities,seems,at best,unwise or,at worst,unconcerned with earning a living.But a college is not a vocational(职业) school.And promoting STEM subjects should not be society's only answer to helping the next generation grow in a competitive world.
From the beginning,we never urged Emma to pick a college or a major with an eye on its expected return on money,as more and more families are doing.To Emma,what really matters will be something that we may not be able to measure for quite a long time:Emma's contribution to the world and how happy she is in it.
25.The author's friends and familyC.
A.are worried about Emma's safety
B.have been worrying about the flood
C.are concerned about Emma's future  
D.are worried about the job market
26.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?C
A.The number of the graduates is increasing.
B.STEM graduates can be better employees.
C.STEM graduates are in relatively greater demand.
D.More and more graduates like to do a part-time job.
27.Why did Emma choose a major in the humanities?A
A.Because she is interested in it.
B.Because her mother told her to.
C.Because it is increasingly popular.
D.Because she wants further education.
28.According to the author,what matters most in choosing a major is thatD.
A.it should be among the STEM
B.it should be fashionable and interesting
C.it should allow a good job and a high salary
D.it should bring achievements and happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

7.Long long ago,a circle missed one piece of its own.The circle wanted to be whole,so it went around looking for its (36)B piece.But because it was (37)A   and therefore could roll only very slowly,it(38)C  the flowers along the way.It(39)B with the worms.It enjoyed the sunshine.It found lots of different pieces,but (40)D  of them fitted.So it left them all by the side of the road and (41)Dsearching.Then one day the circle found a piece that fitted (42)C.It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll.(43)B it was a perfect circle,it could roll very fast,(44)B fast to notice the flowers or talk to the worms.After it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly,it (45)A,left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.
The (46)Aof the story,I suggest,is that in some strange (47)C we are more whole when we are missing something.The man who has (48)D is in some ways a poor man.He will never know what it (49)B like to nourish his soul with the dream of something (50)A.When we accept that (51)Cis part of being human and when we can continue rolling (52)Dlife and appreciate it,we will have (53)Ca wholeness that others can only desire,which,I believe,is (54)DGod asks of us-not"Be perfect",not"Don't even make a mistake",(55)A"Be whole".

41.A.carried outB.put onC.worked outD.kept on
43.A.AlthoughB.Now thatC.UnlessD.As long as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4."I'm more nervous right now than when I ______,"Jane said,as she saw the group of reporters waiting anxiously at the exit of the gym.(  )
A.had competedB.competeC.was competingD.have competed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.We couldn't forget the historic moment on Oct.11,2012,when the first Chinese Nobel laureate,Mo Yan,won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature.Minutes after the award was announced,millions of Chinese expressed pleasure and pride for Mo Yan on the Internet.So a Chinese getting the Nobel Prize for literature did really increase the national pride.
On Dec.11 (Monday) in Sweden Mo was given the Nobel diploma,medal and a document confirming the prize amount.In his speech at the ceremony,Mo said receiving the prize felt like a fairy tale,but of course it was true and that literature was useless compared with science.Mo's award filled the blank left by Chinese literature in the world literary history.Meanwhile,Monday's Nobel awards ceremony set off another buying rush on Mo's works among Chinese readers.
45.Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize forB.
A.history          B.Literature          C.peace           D.physics
46.Which of the following words can best describe our Chinese feeling when hearing the news?C
A.Calm           B.Relaxed            C.Proud           D.indifferent
47.The underlined word"laureate"in Paragraph 1 most probably meansB.
A.loser            B.winner             C.fan             D.superstar
48.Which of the following statements is NOT true?B
A.It was hard for Mo Yan to believe he was awarded the prize.
B.Mo Yan thinks Literature is useless.
C.Mo Yan was given the Nobel Prize,medal and a document.
D.Mo Yan's works were more popular after his receiving the prize.

