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【题目】 It’s almost impossible to stay positive and motivated (有动力的) if you are constantly focusing on the negative aspects of your life. Unless you change your mindset, you will be stuck in a routine, and you certainly won’ t be going anywhere. 1

Focus on the good aspects of your life. There are always reasons to wake up in the morning. 2 Your morning coffee. Relaxed walks. Daily conversations. Don’t take what you have for granted. It may not always be there in the darkest times. Appreciate the present and don’t think too far ahead. It’s important to concentrate on what you have now and the decisions you make at the moment. If there is something stable in our lives, it gives us a reason to stay motivated.

3 One of the key ways to keep motivated is to reward yourself often. When life isn’t being kind to you, it’s your job to be kind to yourself. 4 It can be as simple as buying new clothes or getting a haircut. After achieving something or completing a set goal, give yourself a good break. Light a scented candle. go out with friends or just stay at home watching your favorite movies.

Sometimes it’s very hard staying motivated when everything in your life is uncertain or unsatisfactory. Rewarding yourself is the greatest form of self-love. 5

A. Reward yourself.

B. Motivate yourself.

C. It doesn’t have to be something big.

D. It acts as a reminder that you are doing very well.

E. Start with the small things that you appreciate in life.

F. If there’s something you’re not happy about, try and find ways to change it.

G. The more you know about yourself. the more power you have to behave better.









1下文Focus on the good aspects of your life.One of the key ways to keep motivated is to reward yourself often.是就怎么应对不开心的事情给的建议,与选项中的ways呼应,故选F项。

2这一段的主旨是Focus on the good aspects of your life.下文Your morning coffee. Relaxed walks. Daily conversations.提到的都是生活中的小事,选项“从生活中你感激的小事开始”符合语境。故选E项。

3下文reward yourself与选项Reward yourself呼应,故选A项。

4上文说到“当生活对你不友好的时候,你要做的是对自己友好”,下文“它可以简单到就是买件新衣服或者剪个头发”,选项中的it指代前文的to be kind to yourself,选项中doesn’t have to be something big呼应下文的simple,故选C

5上文Rewarding yourself is the greatest form of self-love.说“奖励自己是最伟大的自爱形式”,选项“它也是一种提醒,提醒你,你做得很好”,选项中的it指代前文的Rewarding yourself,符合逻辑。故选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the speaker do first before breakfast?

A. She chats with some journalists. B. She surfs some music websites.

C. She checks her e-mail messages.

2How does the speaker go to the studio?

A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bus.

3When does the speaker stop working each day?

A. At about 6 pm. B. At about 6:30 pm. C. At about 7 pm.

4What is the speaker’s nationality most probably?

A. British. B. Indian. C. Greek.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】(题文)A long time ago, soldiers fought wars on foot. Then they began to ride horses to battle. Until the invention of the stirrups (马蹬), though, men could not fight well with swords or spears while on horseback.

Without stirrups, soldiers had no place to put their feet. They could not stand up to use their swords without falling off their horses. They could throw spears only with the force of their arms.

Using stirrups, a soldier could stand up in his saddle (). He could put a spear under the top part of his arm and charge with the force of his horse. He could use force when fighting with a sword. And he could win most fights against soldiers who did not use stirrups.

The first stirrups were made in India. Because the weather was warm, people did not wear shoes. The Indian stirrup was made of rope. It fit around the big toes. Later, the Chinese made a foot stirrup of wood. Because the Chinese lived in a colder country, the stirrup had to fit around shoes. Still later, around A. D. 700, soldiers in Asia used strong iron foot stirrups.

1】(小题1Around AD. 700, the soldiers in Asia used stirrups made of ________.

A. wood B. shoes C. rope D. iron

2】(小题2On the whole, this story is about ________.

A. the soldiers in warm and cold countries

B. how to throw a spear in the fights

C. an invention that changed man’s way of fighting wars

D. the history of horse riding

3】(小题3How did the stirrup help soldiers fight better?

A. They looked better when they were using stirrups.

B. They could now stand in their saddles to throw spears.

C. Horses were safer to ride than before.

D. They made soldiers throw spears with the force of wind.

4】(小题4Which of the following sentences do you think is RIGHT?

A. There were no wars 2,000 years ago.

B. Men were fighting 2,000 years ago.

C. War is something new.

D. Chinese people didn’t wear shoes in the past.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Nowadays, parents go all out to leave possessions (财产) for their children, 1 they are rich or poor. But Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of social media giant Facebook, has something 2 (large) than that in mind.

On Dec. 1, Zuckerberg, 31, announced the birth of his first child and the start 3 the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, 4 organization for helping people in need. 5 (make) the world a better place for their kids to grow up in, Zuckerberg said he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, would give away 99 percent of their Facebook shares, which now 6 (be) worth about $45 billion, to good causes.

However, the shares will not be donated to the organization 7 (quick), but over the course of the couple’s lives.

The 8 (announce) was presented as a letter 9 (write) by the couple to their new baby girl, Max.

According to the letter, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 10 (help) to realize “human potential” and “equality for all children in the next generation”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Looking around the streets of London, you'll see many people on different means of transport, 1 it's on a commute to work, a trip to the shops, or a sightseeing.

Scooter, this traditional children vehicle 2(become) more sophisticated over the past years. And now, 3 the addition of a small electric motor, it's become a cheap and easy mode of transport.Being fun and not involving much effort, scooting is getting 4 (increase) popular around the world.

However, safety problems arise.5 scooter riders have been seen on pavements others on the road jumping red traffic lights, adding to the frustration of motorists 6 (stick) in jams. In the UK, the law states that riding one on the public highway or pavement 7 (forbid). Now, riders, facing a 300 fixed-penalty notice and six points on their driving licence for doing so, are calling on 8regulate)to be changed.

Despite the fact that some of them can exceed 30mph, they only have one brake and no lights.9 confident the rider may be, larger vehicles on the road make them easily hurt.So it seems more work requires 10 (do) to give e-scooters a safe and legal space to travel.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It was in the theatre ________ the man met his old friend ________ we saw this film.

A.when, whereB.that, whereC.where, thatD.when, that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Who would prefer to eat the roasted meat?

A. People in India.

B. Eskimos in the North Pole.

C. People in the desert.

2Where is coffee very popular?

A. In North America and in the east.

B. In Northern Europe and in the Middle East.

C. In South America and in the Middle East.

3How do people in England drink tea?

A. With nothing.

B. With sugar , milk or lemons

C. With sugar, cold milk or coffee.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Are energy drinks safe? In spite of the dangers 1 (know) to us all, the market for energy drinks is booming. The Global Energy Drink market 2 (expect) to teach $72 billion by 2024. This is great news for energy drink producers, 3 what are consumers really getting when they buy these drinks?

Energy drinks can cause dehydration (脱水). The main source of energy in most energy products is caffeine, 4increases urine (尿) production. People shouldn’t consume more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, but energy drink producers are not required by draw 5 (list) the amount of caffeine their products contain.

Energy drinks can increase heart rate. Caffeine contributes 6 a heart rate risk, says nutritionist Lisa Cohn, who found that energy drink abuse among teens 7 (cause) increased risk of heart attack, especially in those with potential heart conditions

Energy drinks can damage 8 (tooth) Most energy products contain large amounts of citric acid (柠檬酸), which is particularly 9 (harm) to enamel (牙釉质). In fact, the 10 (lose) of enamel after exposure to energy drinks is more than twice higher than after exposure to sports drinks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why did the boy spit the cookie out?

A.It has too much milk.B.It was too hard.C.It was too hot.

