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As we all know, no one is perfect, and everyone has his own .

A.mistake B.weakness

C.limit D.belief








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁大连第二十高级中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达










I am an 18-year-old middle school student. _________________________






科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆铜梁中学校高一下月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

More teenagers are becoming addicted (沉溺于)to tobacco(烟草). It is said that about 130 million children between 13 and 18 have tried smoking and 15 million of them have become . Nearly 68 percent of the teenagers had their before they had reached 13.

“Smoking in films and TV programs have a strong impact on youths,” said Yang Gonghuan, an official at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “Some companies target youths by falsely linking tobacco use with glamour(魅力), energy and a(n) image.”

Smoking is no longer considered cool, however, its effects are clear. When smokers light up cigarettes their bodies are put at risk of catching a handful of -----lung cancer and heart disease.

It would be more difficult for people who start smoking at an early age to . So it is very important for teenagers to learn to refuse the first try.

1.A. ashamed B. addicted C. excited D. tired

2.A. cigarette B. flu C. injection D. drink

3.A. statement B. scenes C. judgment D. experiment

4.A. tobacco B. alcohol C. gum D. needle

5.A. perfect B. friendly C. cool D. quiet

6.A. stressful B. harmful C. mental D. active

7.A. records B. habits C. sufferings D. diseases

8.A. quit B. begin C. attempt D. regret



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北黄梅华宁高级中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


Never be afraid of making mistakes. Actually, making progress is making mistakes. Mistakes reveal where success lies.

注意:1.无须写标题,不得找抄英语提示语; 2.除诗歌外,文体不限;

3.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 4.词数120左右






科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北黄梅华宁高级中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Rain was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the church, eager to get home and play with the that Santa had left for us. Across the street was a gas station where the bus stopped. It was for Christmas, but I noticed a family standing close to the locked door in an attempt to keep .

We were on the way to our grandparents’ house for the Christmas dinner. We were approaching our destination(目的地) my father U-turned in the middle of the road and said, “I can’t it! They are standing in the rain. They’ve got children. It’s Christmas. ”

When my father the gas station, he rolled down his window. “Merry Christmas. You are waiting for the ?” Father asked.

The man said that they were. They were going to Birmingham, where he had a brother and of a job.

“Why don’t you all get in the car and I’ll you up there. ”

After they settled in, Father looked back over his and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Their sad faces gave him the .

“Well, I didn’t think so,” my father said, “ when I saw Santa this morning, he told me that he was having finding all, and he asked me if he could leave your toys in my . We’ll just them first before I take you to your destination. ” All at once, the three children’s faces shone with .

When we got out of the car at our house, the children the front door and straight to the Christmas tree. One of the girls picked up Jill’s doll and hugged it to her breast, and the other girl seized(抓住)something of mine.

All this happened many years ago, but the memory of it remains . That was the Christmas when my sister and I learned the of making others happy.

1.A.balls B.presents C.parcels D.trees

2.A. open B.familiar C.closed D.unexpected

3.A. clean B.energetic C.active D.dry

4.A.while B.when C.now that D.even if

5.A.understand B.admit C.deserve D.stand

6.A.pulled into B.drove away C.passed by D.looked at

7.A.truck B.brother C.bus D.driver

8.A.chances B.benefits C.emergencies D.discoveries

9.A.show B.seek C.bring D.drive

10.A.window B.head C.shoulder D.children

11.A.sympathy B.answer C.problem D.belief

12.A.because B.though C.as if D.so

13.A.pleasure B.trouble C.confidence D.suffering

14.A.company B.car C.shop D.house

15.A.recognize B.buy C.fetch D.find

16.A.doubt B.disappointment C.curiosity D.excitement

17.A.ran through B.stared at C.watched out D.looked through

18.A.shyly B.immediately C.quietly D.slowly

19.A.sensitive B.worthwhile C.fresh D.weak

20.A.joy B.award C.patience D.attention



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北黄梅华宁高级中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The captain all his soldiers before him, telling them to get ready for the fight.

A.selected B.elected

C.gathered D.collected



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江富阳第二中学高一下期中质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

As I look back on it now,I realize it was kind of silly of me to be so worried when Daddy was really just late. I____ every night for Daddy whom I ____ around everywhere.

  That day, I stood at my __38__ place by the door, awaiting his ____ from work.

  After standing there for a while, I began to ____ where Daddy was. I ran into the kitchen to Mummy. “When is Daddy coming?”I asked ____ because I didn’t want to find out he was on a business trip.

  “____ ,honey,” Mummy replied distractedly(心不在焉的) ____ she was following a difficult recipe for dinner.

  I ran back to the ____, for I knew that Daddy was coming and that I wasn’t standing there for ____,I began to recite the words from my favorite books.

  Tired of that, I went back to the kitchen to ask Mummy again but ____ I could open my mouth,she handed me a My little Pony coloring book. She said: “I’ m____,Danielle. Go and ____ a pretty picture and I’ll hang it on the refrigerator. ”

  I went back to the door,put my book and crayons(蜡笔)down, then went to get my mini-rocking chair to sit in. After a while, the____ became a pink-and-purple artistic wonder.

  Soon I smiled with ____ as I heard the sound of the garage door ____ and Daddy’s car driving in. I heard him turn off the engine and open and close his car door. The ____ thing I knew was that the door opened and ____ stood Daddy. I stood up and held my arms ___ . I hugged him tightly and whispered, “I love you.”

  As I sit at the computer finishing this story, I know Daddy will be home soon. I still ____ when he’s late. I still go to greet him when he arrives. And I still tell him I love him.

1.A. worried B. waited C. cared D. watched

2.A. played B. walked C. looked D. followed

3.A. own B. usual C. favorite D. strange

4.A. return B. know C. look for D. wish

5.A. think B. guess C. wonder D. search

6.A. hopefully B. thoughtfully C. politely D. unhappily

7.A. Just wait B. Soon C. No hurry D. Take it easy

8.A. because B. that C. if D. and

9.A. kitchen B. place C. room D. door

10.A. fun B. pastime C. nothing D. good

11.A. when B. until C. unless D. before

12.A. quick B. sick C. busy D. hungry

13.A. color B. make C. draw D. paint

14.A. book B. picture C. refrigerator D. chair

15.A. satisfaction B. relief C. anger D. surprise

16.A. opening B. shaking C. cracking D. shutting

17.A. first B. natural C. next D. last

18.A. out B. then C. in D. there

19.A. over B. up C. out D. down

20.A. mind B. wonder C. excite D. worry



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏淮安涟水中学高一下第一次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Blind people can read by touching letters in (凸起的) dots called Braille.

2.He nodded (感激地)

3.Schools need many (志愿者) to help children to read.

4. (相反的) to what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.

5.The capital has been (占领) by the rebel army.

6.At lunch, the radio f that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.X&X&K]

7.The possibility that pain might be r by pleasant smells has recently been suggested by new research.

8.You will find some pictures a to the e-mail.

9.Becoming a true adult is a p that can sometimes take years.

10.Several r groups happen to live in Singapore. This is why Singapore has four official languages.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古高一下学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Mr.Smith had neither wife nor children.He liked nothing but drinking.He almost spent all of his money drinks.Sometimes he went hungry, but he had to borrow some money to buy some food.One evening he met a friend of him in the street.The man invited him to have dinner in a restaurant.He was very

happy that he drank too much.His friend stopped a taxi and ask the driver to

take him home.Soon they reached in the door of his house.The driver drove away.But Mr Smith couldn't insert the key into the keyhole.Just then a policeman went up, offering to help him but he refused, saying "the house is circled now.If you can keep it moving, I can open the door myself.”


