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Below is a selection from a popular science book.

If blood is red, why are veins(静脉) blue?

Actually, veins are not blue at all. They are more of a clear, yellowish colour. Although blood looks red when it's outside the body, when it's sitting in a vein near the surface of the skin, it's more of a dark reddish purple colour. At the right depth, these blood-filled veins reflect less red light than the surrounding skin, making them look blue by comparison.

Which works harder, your heart or your brain?

This question depends on whether you're busy thinking or busy exercising. Your heart works up to three times harder during exercise, and shifts enough blood over a lifetime to fill a supertanker. But, in the long run, your brain probably tips it, because even when you're sitting still your brain is using twice as much energy as your heart, and it takes four to five times as much blood to feed it.

Do old people shrink as they age?

Yes and no. Many people do get shorter as they age. But, when they do, it isn't because they're shrinking all over. They simply lose height as their spine(脊柱) becomes shorter and more curved due to disuse and the effects of gravity(重力). Many (but not all) men and women do lose height as they get older. Men lose an average of 3-4 cm in height as they age, while women may lose 5 cm or more. If you live to be 200 years old, would you keep shrinking till you were, like 60 cm tall, like a little boy again?No, because old people don't really shrink!It is not that they are growing backwards—their legs, arms and backbones getting shorter. When they do get shorter, it's because the spine has shortened a little. Or, more often, become more bent and curved.

Why does spinning make you dizzy(眩晕的)?

Because your brain gets confused between what you're seeing and what you're feeling. The brain senses that you're spinning using special gravity and motion sensing organs in your inner ear, which work together with your eyes to keep your vision and balance stable. But when you suddenly stop spinning , the system goes out of control, and your brain thinks you're moving while you're not!

Where do feelings and emotions come from?

Mostly from an ancient part of the brain called the limbic system. All mammals have this brain area—from mice to dogs, cats, and humans. So all mammals feel basic emotions like fear, pain and pleasure. But since human feelings also involve other newer bits of the brain, we feel more complex emotions than any other animal on the planet.

1.What is the colour of blood in a vein near the surface of the skin?

A. Blue. B. Light yellow.

C. Red. D. Dark reddish purple.

2.Why do some old people look a little shrunken as they age?

A. Their spine is in active use.

B. They are more easily affected by gravity.

C. They keep growing backwards.

D. Their spine becomes more bent.

3.Which of the following statements about our brain is TRUE?

A. In the long run, our brain probably works harder than our heart.

B. When our brain senses the spinning, we will feel dizzy.

C. The brains of the other mammals are as complex as those of humans.

D. Our feelings and emotions come from the most developed area in our brain.

4.What is the main purpose of the selection?

A. To give advice on how to stay healthy.

B. To provide information about our body.

C. To challenge new findings in medical research.

D. To report the latest discoveries in medical science.








1.when it's sitting in a vein near the surface of the skin, it's more of a dark reddish purple colour”可知,血液在皮肤表层的静脉血管中时,是一种暗紫红色,故选D。

2.They simply lose height as their spine(脊柱) becomes shorter and more curved”可知,随着年龄增长,脊柱会在重压下变得弯曲,这让整个人看起来似乎矮了一些,故选D。

3.But, in the long run, your brain probably tips it, ...because even when you're sitting still your brain is using twice as much energy as your heart, ”可知,长远来看,大脑要比心脏更劳累,因为即使一个人坐着不动,他的大脑也需要比心脏多两倍的能量,故选A。

4.If blood is red, why are veins(静脉) blue? ...Which works harder, your heart or your brain? ...Do old people shrink as they age? ...Why does spinning make you dizzy(眩晕的)? ...Where do feelings and emotions come from?”可知,文章主要介绍了一些有关我们人体的知识,故选B。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建武平第一中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Christmas is perhaps the most important holiday in American culture. On Christmas Eve, children sit out with parents in the living room hanging stockings, setting up a Christmas tree, eating candy canes, and setting up milk and cookies for Santa Claus. Perhaps the most beloved figure in American history, Santa Claus has become an important icon for Christmas.

I remember believing in Santa when I was a very young girl. However, as I grew older, I learned many facts that “proved” his existence as false. Always inquisitive by nature and very keen on the scientific method of experimentation, I was determined to use tests and observations to determine whether Santa Claus was real.

The first year of tests happened when I was 5. I decided that if I stayed up all night on Christmas Eve, I could see if Santa really did come down the chimney. However, that was a futile attempt, I fell asleep that year. The next year, I was able to test if location was an issue with Santa’s deliveries. That year, my family spent Christmas with the family of one of my mother’s friends. At the time, I decided that if Santa was all-knowing he would know I wasn’t home. Sure enough, there was a pretty pink package waiting for me the next morning. At age 7, I came up with my ultimate test to see if Santa was real. That year, I didn’t send out my Christmas letter to Santa. On Christmas Eve, my mother dragged me to our local Wal-Mart and led me around the toy section. I refused to say a word, but did let my eye linger on a ballet set. I figured that “Santa” wouldn’t know what to get me because he shouldn’t be able to read my mind. However, mother would know everything that caught my eye in the store. If I got the ballet set the next morning, I would have my evidence. Christmas morning, there was the ballet set, sitting under the tree. As I didn’t use it much, mother ended up returning it a few days later. She claimed Santa was generous enough to leave a receipt. That was the end to my mission to discover the existence of Santa.

Now, I can look back on all of these with fond nostalgia(怀旧). The magic and mystery of it all made Christmas a fun time. Santa was a big part of my childhood.

1.Children do all the things on Christmas Eve except______

set up a Christmas tree

hang stockings and eat candy canes

prepare milk and cookies for Santa Claus

wait for Santa Claus with their parents

2. The underlined word “futile” means____

A. unreal B. unusual

C. unsuccessful D. unreasonable

3. How did the writer prove the existence of Santa Claus as false?

A. He stayed up all night on Christmas Eve and saw Santa come down the chimney.

B. He found that Santa was all-knowing and could make the deliveries accurate

C. He didn’t send out his Christmas letter but still got his Christmas present

D. He used the receipt left by Santa to return his present

4. The writer wants to tell us that_____

A. He proved the existence of Santa Claus as false.

B. Christmas and Santa is a part of his life as well as his child

C. Christmas plays an important role in American culture

D. Santa Claus is the most popular figure in American history



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建四地六校高三上第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Is Bob still a volunteer?

—No, but he _____. He worked for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A.used to B.used to be

C.used to do D.was used to



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建八县(市联考高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

What a pleasant birthday party! It is worthy_______all my life.

A. being remembered B. remembering

C. to remember D. to be remembered



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建八县(市联考高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—What about your self-drive trip yesterday?

—Tiring! The road is being widened, and we_________ a rough ride.

A. had B. have

C. would have D. have had



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建三校联考高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Can you speed it up a little? I'll be late for my flight.

—________. I'm taking a short-cut. We'll make it on time.

A. OK, I'll speed it up B. That’s right

C. Take it easy D. That’s all



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建三校联考高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The fact that many college graduates get lower salary than some workers has ________ an online debate.

A. turn down B. turn off

C. set down D. set off



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届陕西兴平秦岭中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I can’t tell you _____ way to the Wilsons’ because we don’t have _____ Wilson here in the village.

A. the; a B. a; /

C. a; the D. the; /



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁沈阳铁路实验中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Bright red post boxes, the Queen and queuing—what do they all have in common? They are all important parts of British life. At least I thought so.

However, the ability to queue for long periods of time, once believed to be a traditional characteristic of the British, is no longer tolerated by people in the UK, according to a survey done for British bank Barclays.

Once upon a time, queuing was seen as normal. During World War II, everyone had to queue up to receive their daily supply of foods. In fact, if you didn't stand up and wait in line with all the others, it was seen as uncivilized(不文明的).

The famous English double?decker buses, with only one entrance, might also help explain why queuing was seen as a part of British line. Almost always, there is a queue to get on.

But perhaps the British are tired of being pushed past by the Spanish, the Italians or the French as they queue up to get a table at a restaurant. The people of these other European countries have more than one entrance to their houses, which explains their more relaxed attitude to the queue.

Two minutes is now the longest time most British people are prepared to stand and wait. But could it be that the Internet, which allows us to carry out tasks quickly, is the main reason why British people are no longer prepared to queue?

“Used to buying without delay, customers are even giving up purchases rather than wait their turn,” says Stuart Neal of Barclaycard. “Shoppers are also less likely to queue for long if the item they are buying is of low value.”

Perhaps I will have to replace “queuing” with “impatience” in my list of things I relate to the British.

1.What can we learn about the tradition of queuing in Britain?

A. It was a product of the slow pace of life.

B. It was a long time tradition as old as the Queen.

C. It was considered a symbol of a civilized behavior.

D. It has made the British different from other Europeans.

2.According to the passage, the British gradually stopped queuing because___.

A. they prefer shopping online

B. they follow the example of foreigners

C. British buses have more than one entrance

D. the Internet has changed their way of life

3.It can be learned from the text that________.

A. the British get impatient with queuing for long

B. the British have to queue to receive food

C. the British like to eat in foreign restaurants

D. the British prefer to take double?decker buses

4.The author's main purpose of writing the passage is______.

A.to tell us the influence of the Internet on the British ways of life

B.to compare the cultural difference between Britain and other countries

C.to talk about the changes in the attitude to queuing in Britain

D.to report his research on the British ways of life


