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I am ________ opinion ________ you.

[  ]

A.with the same; as
B.of the same; as
C.with the same; like
D.of the same; like

科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:014

I am ________ opinion ________ you.

[  ]

A.of the same; as
B.with the same; as
C.of the same; like
D.with the same; like


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江西省上高二中高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The other day, I received a most unexpected message in response to one of my essays: I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished. I shared your opinion …
It was signed Margaret Leibfried, who was my English teacher — a teacher who appeared at a vital (关键) point in my life and helped me believe that I could become a writer.
Thirty years ago, I entered high school as an introvert (性格内向的人) made all the more shy because I was the school’s only nonwhite student. I always felt in danger of being swept away by a sea of tall white athletes. I spent a lot of time alone, reading and writing stories, hoping to escape being teased.
Ms. Leibfried taught American literature and composition grammar, which involved the usual memorizing vocabulary, but also, thrillingly, reading novels.
Thrilling to me, that is. Many of my classmates expressed dislike for novels because they were “not real.” For once, I didn’t care what they thought. Ms. Leibfried seemed to notice my interest in both reading and writing, and she took the time to make me feel less shy; she even offered me reading suggestions, like one of her favorite novels, “The Bell Jar.”
That year’s big project was a book report, to be read aloud to the class. However, Ms. Leibfried suggested I do something “a little different.” Instead of a report, I chose a passage from “The Bell Jar” that I considered as the best to recite.
The morning of the presentations, I remember my hands sweating so badly as I walked to the front of the class that I kept my hands crossed, so I wouldn’t wipe them on my blouse.
When I finished, to my surprise, the class applauded. “Marie has picked out a particularly sensitive piece of writing and delivered it beautifully,” Ms. Leibfried said, smiling. I felt, maybe for the first time, confident.
【小题1】What was the author’s high school life like before she met Ms. Leibfried?

【小题2】In Paragraph 5, the author mainly tells us         .
A.how she cared what her classmates thought
B.when she became interested in “The Bell Jar”
C.why many of her classmates disliked novels
D.how Ms. Leibfried helped and encouraged her
【小题3】Why did Ms. Leibfried ask the author to recite a passage in front of the class?
A.To test whether she had a good memory.
B.To make her earn the respect of her classmates.
C.To help deepen her understanding of “The Bell Jar.”
D.To guide her to build a good relationship with others.
【小题4】How did the author feel when she made the presentation?
【小题5】What was the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To express her thanks to her teacher.
B.To discuss the issue of racial prejudice (偏见).
C.To introduce one of her favorite books.
D.To suggest the ways to gain confidence.


科目:高中英语 来源:2009年全国各省市高考命题动态信息卷(辽宁专用) 英语(五) 题型:写作题

题目要求:假设你是李平,你参与了你所在学校学生会组织的一次“What is a good teacher?”的讨论。请根据以下你自己所填写的表格中提供的信息,向校刊编辑部写一封信,表明你对优秀教师应具备的标准的看法。此信要求在100-130词之间,信的开头与结尾已写好,你只需要继续写下去。

Criteria of a Good Teacher
rich in knowledge

strict and unsmiling
like to give students a lot of teasts
love to talk to sudents

amusing and interesting

have favorite students
modest and open - minded

care about the students

try to be one of us

tend to be angry when we make mistakes
kind and patient

Dear Editor,
  I am Li Ping.All my classmates and I are interested in the discussion about "What is a good teacher?" organized by the students' union. In my opinion,the criteria of a good teacher include
  By the way,I like this activity very much. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ping


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

I am ________ opinion ________ you.

  1. A.
    with the same; as
  2. B.
    of the same; as
  3. C.
    with the same; like
  4. D.
    of the same; like

