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增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

             One day,my mother was inviting to a rich woman's home for dinner and I went with her. After dinner,the woman began to show us off her jewels. Look at the jewels,I said to my mother, “What beautiful they’re!” My mother said, “Yes. They,re truly beautifiil." The woman became proudly and asked my mother ,“Do you have any?” My mother doesn't have any jewels. I was afraid she’d get embarrassing,but she didn't. Instead,she took me to her side,saying with smile, “Yes,I have. My boy is my jewel." I knew how proud my mother was about me!T ve studied hard ever since then because I don't want to disappoint him.

31. ... was inviting to ...      inviting → invited   

32. ... show us off            去掉 us 或去掉 off   

33. Look at...                   Look Looking   

34. What beautiful...            What How.

35. ... became proudly ...       proudly proud   

36. ... mother doesn’t have ... doesn’t didn’t 

37. ... get embarrassing ...     embarrassing → embarrassed   

38. ... saying with smile ...   with后加a 

39. ... was about me!          about of   

40. ... to disappoint him.       him her

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第41期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

           Mothers who angrily tell off their children when they step out of line may be making behavior problems worse,according to a study. The study by the London School of Economics (LSE) found that too much shouting and giving severe punishments were producing an opposite result. Ignoring naughty children also appeared ter lead to a decrease in discipHne standards.

           Researchers said that “reasoning with children” was more likely to have a positive zVwpacr (影响) on their behavior at a young age. But the study warned that it Was difficult to determine a direct link between one parenting style and its outcomes because of the effect of other causes.

           The latest study was based on an analysis of almost 19,000 children. Data was collected from parents just before their children's first birthdays,and then when iey turned three,five and seven. The study,led by Dr Laure De Preux,assessed the impact of various parenting styles on children.

           Researchers said, “Particularly excessive (过度的) shouting,punishing or ignoring a naughty child increases his behavior problems,and only reasoning doesn't negatively impact the child's behavior.”

           But the study also showed that a large number of other things such as economic conditions also impacted on children's development. The result suggested that wealthier families were able to create a whole environment that clearly benefited the child beyond simple effect of parenting. It said children in poor households in particular were affected by their mother^s parenting styles.

          “In this group,behavior problems are reduced when mothers read to the naughty children,and increased when mothers shout at them,take treats away,or ignore them,” it said.

           It is the latest in a line'of recent studies to assess the link between parenting and children's behavior.

           Two years ago,a report commissioned by the Department for Education found that severe and inconsistent discipline in the home was bringing up a generation of youfng children with anger management problems,poor attention and low levels of learning ability.

5. The underlined part “step out of line” in Paragraph 1

probably means.

   A. behave badly     B. lose confidence

   C. become excited   D. achieve success

6. Which may help solve children's behavior problems?

   A. Punishing them lightly.

   B. Talking with them reasonably.

   C. Ignoring them once in a while.

   D. Exercising strict discipline over them.

7. What did the research focus on?

   A. How mothers looked at their parenting role.

   B. Why many children had behavior problems.

   C. How parenting styles affected children's development.

   D. Why parents gave their children severe punishments.

8. What do we learn about the report in the last paragraph?

   A. Its subject is similar to that of the LSE's  study.

   B. Its findings go against those of the LSE's study.

   C. It shows the benefits of strict discipline.

   D. It has discovered new problems of children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



           Explore the artists at the famous Art Camp. Our instructors for the 2016 Summer Art Camp will be Terri Brush,Colleen Moody,and Ilona Steelhammer,with special guest Diana Frey.

           The Art Camp is something everyone should get to experience,at least once,in their lifetime. It's an amazing weekend with wonderful people from all across the United States. There's even an opportunity for you to treat yourself to a lovely massage (按摩) .The Art Camp is an event where you can forget about life' s  problems,and just enjoy yourself. It's a weekend you will remember forever.

           The Art Camp is hosted on the beautiftil Oregon coast in Lincoln City. You will get to enjoy 3 days of instruction,and 4  nights of accommodations,with an :opening night kick-off party all-in one of several beautiful and amazing homes on the coastline. Each day,you will enjoy fresh,home-made meals cooked especially for our event attendees. 

            We will begin our weekend on Thursday evening with a social kick-off party. Classes begin each morning at 9:30 am. Each attendee attends classes on Friday,Saturday and Sunday. You are welcome to check out on Sunday afternoon,or by noon on Monday morning.

            There are two payment options for the Art Camp. You can pay for the entire weekend in full,or you can make a payment plan. To participate in the payment plan,a down payment of either $495 (half deposit) or $250 (quarter deposit) is required to secure your seat. Remaining payments can be made in $250 increments (增额)and your full fee must be paid no later than May 15 ,2016.

             Fees are non-refundable (不能退款的) but are transferable (可转让的) to anojher name within 30 days of the Art Camp opening date. After that date you are not allowed to transfer the name or space .

13. Paragraph 2 is mainly meant to .

   A. inform    B. educate

   C. compare   D. encourage

14. If you take part in the Art Camp,you can .

   A. attend classes for four days

   B. enjoy some home-made food

   C. go to a party on the last night

   D. enjoy three nights of accommodations

15. What should you do to secure your seat?

   A. Pay $495 after May 15 ,2016.

   B. Pay at least $250 for the first time.

   C. Attend the party on Thursday evening.

   D. Transfer your name on Monday morning.

16. What's the purpose of the text?

   A. To advertise the Art Camp.

   B. To encourage people to love art.

   C. To spread the benefits of the Art Camp.

   D. To explain why the Art Camp is popular.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



       This is the salamander (蝾螈) capital of the world; the Great Smoky Mountains National Park harbors 30 species,giving it the planet's most diverse population. “Catching” salamanders in the park is illegal.So the only sgfe way for kids to hunt for,capture,examine,and then return salamanders to their habitat unharmed is through the Slimy Salamanders program — one of the many junior rawgers (园林管理员) and Smoky Mountain Field School opportunities available to kids in the park.

        “Studying salamanders helps us understand more about the health of the whole park ,” says ranger Emily Guss,who designed the park* s Slimy Salamanders program. “And from there we can start a discussion with kids about climate change." Kids participating in the program collect important data — identifying species and size 一 that help monitor salamanders’ behavior.

        For the program,kids gather at the Sugarlands Visitor Center,just inside the park's  main Tennessee entrance near Gatlinburg. “Why are you guys here today?” Guss asks.

         Kids scream as one: aSalamanders!

         Guss says, "Yes,but you* re also going to be scientists. So let me see your best scientists’ manners." She presses her lips together and puts her forefinger to them,tips her head slightly,gets a quizzical look on her face,and says, “Hmm." The kids imitate her every action.

         She takes kids to a special secret salamander spot. “Salamanders are amphibians,” Guss explains. “You must handle them gently because their tails can break off. It takes two years to regrow. Sometimes it's a completely different color."

         “A salamander stores fat in his tail,which is his source of energy,” continues Guss. “If a salamander loses his tail,he will lose his energy. That will make it easier for a raccoon 一 a small North American anirhal — to catch and eat him."

          Kids spread out to seaYch for salamanders. They are serious scientists and understand their roles as protectors,stepping carefully,looking down,and helping each other guide swimming salamanders through the water into the bags.

          “Animals always leave clues,but kids rarely look for jthem ,” says ranger Nola Isobe. “If you are observant and know what to look for,you’ 11 see all kinds of amazing things here."

5. What is the purpose of the Slimy Salamanders program?

   A. To raise money for salamanders.

   B. Tp stop illegal salamander hunting.

   C. To lead children study salamanders.

   D. To find more salamanders for the park.

6. Before going to the salamander spot,Guss .

   A. tells kids about scientific tools

   B. stresses the importance of imitation

   C. teaches kids to behave like scientists

   D. introduces some salamander scientists

7. What can we learn about a salamander's tail?

   A. It regrows fast.

   B. It is vital for its life.

   C. It is usually very tough.

   D. It can scare raccoons away.

8. Nola Isobe seems to encourage children to .

   A. help each other   B. be careful searchers

   C. look for new species   D. be friendly to animals


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          Prashant Mandal shares a small house with his wife and four kids,and survives on less than $2 a day. Yet,despite Mandal' s  modest income,he spends 20 percent of his income on solar energy,an expenditure (支出) which he says is key to helping his children to study.

          Across the globe,about 1. 2  billion people live without electricity. Such limitations are not only inconvenient,but also put people in low-income countries at greater risk of having serious health conditions. People living without electricity typically rely on kerosene lamps,and other harmful light sources,which can lead to bums,injuries,poisoning and other risks.

          Realizing the need for a more efficient energy source,a lot of companies have developed business models that enable poor people to purchase solar energy.

          SimpaNetworks,which focuses its efforts on rural India,is one such company that's found a way to make solar energy affordable and accessible to people in need. Customers are charged a small down payment for a high-quality solar system. Then,through its “progressive purchase^ model,they pay in advance for a designated (指定的) amount of energy consumption. Each payment counts toward the final purchase price.

          A number of other companies have found ways to get solar energy into the hands,anci homes of people who typically can’t  afford electricity. MPOWER D. a New ork-based company,invented an (充气式的) solar light in 2012 that is powered by the sun,and is also able to store solar energy.

          “Energy poverty is solvable if we all work together,” says John Salzinger,MPOWERD’s  co-founder. “Every single consumer purchase helps us reduce costs,and then we pass those savings on to those who need affordable light most. We automatically enable our customers to help others,while helping the environment,by simply making a purchase."

  1. Why does the author mention Prashant Mandal in Paragraph 1 ?

   A. To show that electricity is precioub.

   B. To bring up the topic of the text.

   C. To introduce his poor family.

   D. To tell an interesting story.

2. What can we infer from Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Kerosene lamps are healthy light sources.

   B. There are few people living without electricity.

   C. Poor countries are at greater risk of spreading .


   D. People living without electricity may face serious risks.

3. Paragraph 4  mainly tells us .

   A. how customers pay for SimpaNetworks solar

   B. how impaNetworks invented the inflatable solar

   C. how customers use electricity in rural India 

   D. how solar system works in rural India 

4. How does John Salzinger feel about energy poverty?

   A. Uncaring.     B. Surprising.

   C. Disappointed. D. Optimistic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

               It was a hot June day in the suburb of Austin,Texas. Sammy Armstrong couldnt 21 to get in the water. The ten-year-old was on a camping trip at McKinney Falls State Park with his dad,Stacey,and his brother Willy.

               Around 11 a.m., Sammy and Willy 22 their dad to McKinney Falls. Below is a swimming hole, 20  feet deep in some places. With his father 23 from the rocks above,Sammy jumped in. He was a good 24 . he'd  been on the swim team in his hometown. Stacey watched them very carefully. Sammy played in the water for a while,and 25 pulled himself out of the swimming hole and onto a stone. He watched a group of 26 walking through the river bed above. As those children 27 Stacey and Willy,a tiny girl reached down to catch a water bottle and lost her 28 . In an instant,she fell into the falls.

                Sammy caught a glimpse of the top of the girl's 29 and her arms as she 30 in the deep water. Stacey walked toward the edge of the waterfall to try to locate the girl, 31 Samnly was the one in striking distance. “You have to get her out of there!” Stacey yelled at him. Sammy was 32 ,but “my dad just looked at me,and I understood what I had to do."

                Years in the Scow以(男重子军) had 33 Sammy never to enter a(n) 34 situation without an exit strategy. The ten-year-old considered the situation briefly,and then he 35 . In a few seconds,he was 36 the struggling girl. He tried to stay 37 ,but his heart was beating wildly. He asked the girl if she could swim. When she said no,Sammy 38 pulled her onto his back and moved toward the 39 . Soon,someone threw a swimming float from the bank and 40 both kids from the water.

21. A. wait   B. stop   C. expect   D. pretend

22. A. drove   B. accompanied   C. left   D. sent

23. A. missing   B. searching   C. shaking   D. watching

24. A. racer   B. hunter   C. swimmer   D. runner

25. A. nearly   B. naturally   C. secretly   D. eventually

26. A. sailors   B. children   C. guards   D. fishermen

27. A. passed   B. helped   C. observed   D. trained

28. A. interest   B. balance   C. direction   D. sight

29. A. legs   B. feet   C. belly   D. head

30. A. walked   B. played   C. struggled   D. turned

31. A. if   B. unless   C. though   D. but

32. A. sick   B. nervous   C. upset   D. angry

33. A. taught   B. changed   C. forced   D. controlled

34. A. political   B. relaxed   C. dangerous   D. embarrassing

35. A. grew up   B. gave up   C. stood back   D. dived in

36. A. next to   B. beyond   C. over   D. under

37. A. warm   B. calm   C. frightened   D. active

38. A. carefully   B. hardly   C. proudly   D. frequently

39. A. rope   B. bottom   C. shore   D. boat

40. A. found   B. checked   C. pulled   D. separated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


                          ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

        (I wrote a letter to the future of me recently. And here is the letter.)

Dear Taylor,

        First of all,let's get this straight: I would much rather visit you in person,but I have yet to discover time travel. Seriously,though,I have some things to say to you.

        To begin with,change is good. As my time in high school is coming to a close,I realize this now more than ever. If it weren't  for change,you would still be the same awkward twelve-year-old. I do think you would be somewhat shocked at how far you’ve come since the beginning of high school. Like,guess what? You’ve stopppd wearing makeup and straightening your hair to impress people. You have better things to do (like sleep) . Also,you haven’t lost all your weight,but you’ve gained the self-confidence you've been missing for a very long time.

        You’re probably not looking for advice because you want to be able to do everything on your own,but I'm going to tell you a few things anyway.

        ● Don’t apologize for your opinion* In fact,stop apologizing for so many things. It's unfair to yourself.

        ● Forgiveness is good,but you are not a doormat. Don’t be afraid not to let someone back in.

        ● Tell your grandparents you love them all the time.

        ● Put down that salad and pick up the cheeseburger. You hate salad,and you know it.

        You should also know that you will lose parts of yourself. You will stop believing in lots of things,people,and ideas,but vou are still left whole. You are still you- even more so.

         But,sadly,the world is going to let you down a lot. You are going to see awful things happen on the news,and you’ re going to feel frustrated because you can't do anything. However,the most important thing that you will come to realize is that your voice matters. You,just like everyone else,have some amazing things to say.

         Lastly,I want to tell you I love you,and I believe in you.                                                            Love,


1. Compared to herself at the beginning of high school,now Taylor.

   A. looks a bit fatter

   B. sleeps much less

   C. feels more confident

   D. tries harder to impress others

2. Taylor hopes that in the future she'11.

   A. eat much more healthily

   B. do everything on her own

   C. apologize less than before

   D. let her parents know she loves them

3. What does Taylor want herself to do by saying she isn't a doormat?

   A. Not to live a lazy life.

   B. To always be cautious.

   C. Not to be afraid of talking to others.

   D. To just forgive those who are worth it.

4. What does Taylor think,is the most important thing for her to realize?

   A. She’ 11 change a lot.

   B. She is really amazing.

   C. What she says matters.

   D. She can change the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. In that country,it's the (风俗) for women to get married in white.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 你可以相信他的话,因为他是一个遵守诺言 的人。

You may depend on what he says,for he is a person who always     .

