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2.There are some strong-minded people that are able to stop smoking today and be free from the addiction the next day.However,some smokers may have to seek help from medication (药物治疗) in order to kick the habit.
What medication actually does is to reduce the wish to smoke.Some of the medication must be taken with a doctor's guidance.The five most common medications to stop smoking are Bupropion SR,nicotine gum,nicotine inhalers(吸入器),nicotine nasal spray(鼻腔喷剂) and nicotine patches.People can buy nicotine gum and nicotine patches in chemists.However,the other medications require a prescription.
Zyban tablets(药片)have been found to be highly effective in curing people of smoking addiction.The tablet needs to be taken whole,without crushing (碾碎)it,as crushing can lead to side effects.It can be bought on the prescription of a doctor.
Nicotine patches are filled with nicotine and they are applied to the skin.The skin takes in the nicotine and carries it to the blood stream.The amount of nicotine in these patches is quite limited,not enough to lead to addiction.But you shouldn't take them for dinner.In fact,millions of people have benefited from these nicotine patches.
Nicotine gum is supposed to be a safer choice.It is used in such a way that it comes into contact with the blood vessels (脉管) in the mouth and then releases the nicotine.The nicotine should not go through the stomach; otherwise,it may cause certain side effects.
These different types of medications have to be taken quite carefully.Do ask your doctor before taking any of these.

29.Which of the following medicines can be bought without a prescription?B
A.Zyban tablets.
B.Nicotine patches.
C.Nicotine inhalers.
D.Nicotine nasal spray.
30.Medication canA.
A.weaken smokers'wish to smoke  
B.clear away the nicotine in smokers'bodies
C.only be taken on the prescription of a doctor
D.stop people from becoming addicted to smoking
31.From this passage we can learn thatB.
A.a strong-willed smoker must take medication to help stop smoking
B.one shouldn't break the Zyban tablet into pieces when taking it
C.nicotine patches can be injected into the blood stream
D.nicotine gum can be swallowed (吞下) like food
32.The best title for this passage isD.
A.How to Cure Smoking Addiction   
B.Why People Become Addicted to Smoking
C.New Ways to Help Stop Smoking  
D.Medication to Cure Smoking Addiction.

分析 根据文章内容主要讲述了几种可以帮助烟民抵御烟瘾的药物,以及他们可能产生的影响.

解答 29.B 细节题.根据文章内容nicotine inhalers(吸入器),nicotine nasal spray(鼻腔喷剂) and nicotine patches.People can buy nicotine gum and nicotine patches in chemists.However,the other medications require a prescription.以及Zyban tablets(药片)have been found to be highly…It can be bought on the prescription of a doctor.由此可知,抗抑郁药、尼克丁吸入器尼克丁鼻腔喷雾都需要医生处方才买的到,B没有提到,故选B
30.A 细节题.根据文章内容What medication actually does is to reduce the wish to smoke.药物能够减少烟民对香烟的欲望,结合选项,故选A
31.B细节题.根据文章内容The tablet needs to be taken whole,without crushing (碾碎)it,as crushing can lead to side effects.抗抑郁药物不能被压碎,要整片吞服,否则会有副作用,结合选项,故选B

点评 本文是科教类阅读理解.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Animal training refers to teaching animals specific responses to specific conditions or stimuli(刺激).Training may be for the purpose of companionship,detection,protection,entertainment or all of the above.
An animal trainer may use various forms of reinforcement(强化)or punishment to condition an animal's responses.There are many ways to train animals and as a general rule no legal requirements or certifications(证书)are required.
Training chickens has become a way for trainers of other animals (primarily dogs) to perfect their training technique.Bob Bailey,former director of Animal Behavior Enterprises and the IQ Zoo,teaches in chicken training courses where trainers teach chickens to tell different shapes,to navigate an obstacle course and to chain behaviors together.
Fish can also be trained.For example,a goldfish may swim toward its owner and follow him as he walks through the room,but will not follow anyone else.The fish may swim up and down,signaling the owner to turn on its aquarium (鱼缸) light when it is off,and it will skim the surface until its owner feeds it.Pet goldfish have also been taught to perform more complicated tasks,such as doing the limbo (a kind of dance) and pushing a miniature soccer ball into a net.
Among all animals,they are the third cleverest-monkeys,dolphins and pigs.Scientists think the training of pigs is easier than the training of dogs and cats.Pigs have a very good sense of smell.They can find things nearby or faraway.They can also help the police to find out drugs at an airport or at a train station.
21.Which is true according to the passage?D
A.Most people train animals because they need friends.
B.Training animals requires some certifications.
C.Bob Bailey is a professional animal trainer.
D.Training chickens is a way to improve the trainers'skills.
22.According to the passage,a fish canB.
A.be trained to follow anyone           B.signal its owner to get fed
C.turn on its aquarium light when it is off  D.take part in a football game in the field
23.Scientists think the training of pigs is easier becauseC.
A.pigs do not bite like dogs     B.pigs have a good sense of hearing
C.the pigs are smart animals     D.pigs can help find out drugs at an airport.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.He made another wonderful discovery,_____ of great importance to science.(  )
A.which I think isB.which I think it is
C.which I think itD.I think which is


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

10.One day,Mary stopped outside the shoe-shop and looked into the                86.将第一个the改为a
window.For some times,she fixed her eyes on a pair of high boots              87.times改为time
on display."They are exactly I've been looking for,"she thought,88.exactly后加what
"I would like to buy a pair of boots as that in the window."89.as改为like
After ask about the price,Mary decided to try a pair on.While                     90.ask改为asking
the shop-assistant was helping him  put the boots on,she kept                      91.him改为her
looking at Mary's stockings which was made of fine white lace (网眼).   92.was改为were
"Excuse me for asking,"the assistant said at last,"but where                  93.√
did you get these stockings?They are the most latest fashion".                 94.去掉most
"They were given to me by my grandma!"Mary said proud.                        95.proud改为proudly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.My wife and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local convenience store.I don't think many people appreciate what a difficult job these folks have.They work for a little over minimum wage and I often wonder how they make ends meet.
One of the clerks,Charlie,was always wearing his glasses but he didn't one day.I asked him about it and he said they'd been out of order and that he couldn't afford a new pair.His family needed money.It was obvious that he was having a difficult time.
We wanted to help him,so we turned to our own eye doctor for assistance with a plan.We had his secretary contact him,asking him to come in for an eye exam for free.We told the doctor to let him order whatever glasses he wanted and that we would pay for them.Although Charlie questioned what was going on,the doctor just to ld him that someone had offered the money for his new glasses.When we went in to pay the bill,the doctor told us he was so touched by our idea that he waived the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!
It was so wonderful to see Charlie in her new glasses and he enjoyed telling all the regular customers how the gift came about.I'm sure that upon hearing her story,ideas of kindness may have emerged in the minds of many.

21.Why didn't the clerk Charlie wear glasses one day?C
A.It was very warm and fine.
B.His old glasses were broken.
C.His glasses were missing.
D.He forgot to wear his glasses.
22.From the passage,we can infer thatB.
A.Charlie was a young man with skills
B.Charlie knew who paid the money for the new glasses
C.Charlie didn't support his family with enough money
D.Charlie entirely accepted the money for the new glasses
23.The underlined word"waived"in the third paragraph can be replaced byA.
A.gave up       B.took up       C.cut down          D.put off
24.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?B
A.The Wonderful Feeling of Helping others   
B.Customers'Gift to an Employee
C.A Friendly Clerk-Charlie              
D.A New Pair of Glasses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

7.According to the newly-made traffic regulation,who drives through red light shall be fined at least 200 dollars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.David Beckham was born in 1975 in London,at a place called Leytonstone.When he was a young boy,his greatest passion was in football.He played it whenever he had the chance.Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends.When David Beckham was 12 years old,he won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award.This was an important step forward for this young boy,and it led him to go for a visit to a football training camp in Spain.As a boy he played for schools of Essex and also for his county team.
In 1991,he became a trainee with Manchester United.This meant that he could practice football as much as he wanted to and play for the highly successful Manchester United Youth Cup team and Under-21 team.In April,1995 he played his first football league game against Leeds Untied.During 1995 and 1996,David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both football seasons,with David scoring many goals.
His goals made him a household name.In the first game of the 1996-1997 season,he scored an surprising goal from beyond the halfway line; seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal,Beckham became famous overnight.He continued to score astonishing goals,especially from free-kicks.The speed of one of his shots was timed at 157 kph.He also had the ability to make the ball go from left to right,or right to left,whenever he chose.Goalkeepers were never sure where the ball was going,and it regularly ended up in the goal.
21.Which word can take the place of the underlined word"passion"in Paragraph 1?B
A.success           B.interest          C.prize              D.skill
22.The unusually surprising way that he scored goalsD.
A.helped him to gain many prizes for Essex
B.kept him playing for Leeds United
C.offered him the chance to join the national team
D.made him popular and famous
23.Which of the following shows the right order of what Beckham experienced?D
  a.Beckham played his first football league game.
  b.Beckham won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award.
  c.Beckham played for Manchester United Youth Cup team.
  d.Beckham went to Spain to join a football training camp.
  e.Beckham played for the schools of Essex.
A.e,d,a,c,b       B.b,e,d,a,c       C.e,b,a,d,c        D.b,d,e,c,a
24.The passage mainly talks aboutA.
A.how Beckham became a successful football player
B.what abilities Beckham had to score so many goals
C.when Beckham became famous all over Britain
D.why Beckham could win in football league games.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.The decisions that we make shape us throughout our lives.No matter what decisions we make,good or bad,each one puts us on a new road in the future.Make a bad decision?No problem.Learn from the decision and make another decision to get on a different path.This is advice that I got from Tony Robbins in his book Awaken the Giant Within.This is a book that I recommend(推荐) to anyone wanting to develop a fire to make changes in their life.It helped me to understand how fear of making poor choices was hinderingme from becoming the great man who I am today.Now I am not saying I am a well-known person in any particular circle.But I am the king of my castle working hard and trying to make good decisions in regard to the paths that I have chosen.I am a great man in the eyes of my wife and my children.And that is all the recognition that I need in my lifetime.And I know that my past failures have been the building block that I continue to use to build my career and self-image in my community that I live in.
Ben Lerer,cofounder of the CEO of Thrillist Media Group,is a good example of this.In a n article on the Fast Company website,Lerer talks about this very subject.He says,"I've had to make some really tough decisions but finally,I think the best companies are those that can recognize when something isn't goi ng right,and fix it,instead of just turning a blind eye because it's easier."Great people make decisions.When a decision does not have the desired result,make a different decision.It does not get any simpler than that.

22.From Tony Robbin's Awaken the Giant Within,the writer knewD.
A.making a bad decision is very terrible
B.making decisions helps us become a great man
C.being afraid to make a bad decision is very natural
D.learning from the bad decision can help make a new choice 
23.The underlined word"hindering"can be replaced byA.
A.stopping         B.stealing         C.preserving        D.requiring
24.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?B
A.A bad decision has a bad effect on people.
B.The best company can admit and correct a bad decision.
C.People should learn how to make a good decision.
D.Making a decision is much simpler than changing one.
25.What could be the best title of the passage?C
A.Overcome You r Fears                  B.Take Action
C.Make Decisions                        D.Trust Yourself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.As we all know,the official languages of Canada are French and English.

