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   Adding math talk to story time at home is a winning method for children's math achievement. A study by psychologists (心理学家) showed a marked increase in math achievement among children whose families used Bedtime Math,an iPad app that provides math problems for parents and children to solve together. The app’ s  effect was especially strong for children whose parents are anxious or uncomfortable about math.

   Previous research from this group showed the importance of adults’ attitudes about math to children's math success. The new findings proved that highly organized,positive 似(交流) around math at home could cut the link between parents’ uneasiness about math and children's low math achievement. ”Many Americans experience high levels of anxiety when they have to solve a math problem,with most adults feeling worried at least about math/' said Beilock,author of a book about stress and performance. aThese math-anxious parents are probably less likely to talk about math at home,which affects their children's ability in math."

   The study stressed the importance of learning math outside of the classroom. "For many families,reading stories is a regular part of a child's daily life.But when it comes to math,parents widely believe that it is the responsibility of schools,and they pay less attention to their children^ math learning at home,” said Levine,professor of Education and Society in Psychology. uWe found brief,high-quality parent-child interactions using Bedtime Math increased children's math learning during the first grade."

   The app was especially beneficial for children of very math-anxious parents,whose gains in math achievement over the course of the school year were huge when they used the math app. Even infrequent use of the math app — once a week — improved children's  math performance.

9. The app is most suitable for children.

   A. who are good at math

   B. whose parents are poor in math

    C. who are ready to study math in college   

    D. whose parents spend little time with them

10. What do parents think of math in general?

   A. It depends on school education.

   B. It should be learned by oneself.

    C. It should be highly valued at home.

   D. It is less important than other subjects.

11. What suggestion can parents get from the text on math learning?

   A. They should be honest about their math.

   B. They should learn from children carefully.

    C. They should respect children's learning habits.

   D. They should discuss math with their children actively.

12. The author writes the text mainly to.

   A. advertise an app Bedtime Math

   B. show different ways to learn math 

    C. stress the importance of story time

   D. explore the best time for learning math .

9. B. 细节理解题。由第一段中的TheaPP’s effect was especially strong for children whose parents are anxious or uncomfortable about math,这个app尤其适合父母对数学有恐惧心理 的#生。

10. A. 细节理解题。由第三段中的parents widely believe that it is the responsibility of schools可知,父母们普遍认为教好数学是学校 .的责任。

11. D. 细节理解题。由第二段中的highly _ organized,positive interactions around math at home can cut the link between parents' uneasiness about math以及最后一段内谷可知,在学习数学时父母们应该在家里与孩子进行 积极的互动。

12. A. 写作意图题。从全文整体看,本文介绍了 父母在家里与孩子谈论数学话题的重要性,以 此来介绍和推荐应用软件Bedtime Math。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第39期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The last thing Kim Powell-Woods wanted for her birthday was a newspaper story. But her day on Wednesday was just too 21 to ignore. Instead of a traditional 22 with gifts and a birthday cake,the woman wanted 23 . For her 35th birthday,she planned to do 35 acts of kindness for 24 .

   “I thought of it a couple weeks ago,and I sat down one afternoon and 25 making a list of things I could do,“ she said. Her job as a 911 operator (接线员) put her in touch with people who were having veiy 26 days. She wanted a day when she might help people have a good day.

    She started at 5 a.m. At a 27 station,she helped a woman who was trying to 28 some household things. She needed money to buy gas to get to work. Kim 29 that gas. The woman smiled at her with a look of 30 . Kim had made some 31 the night before and packed lunches for other strangers. She 32 the lunches at the bus stop at noon. She 33 what it was like to ride the bus and have no plan for 34 . It was a feeling of sadness.

    She some bus tokens (代币) for other people and 36 dropped off gifts at the Salvation Army,Harbor House and some homeless shelters. uAnd my daughter told me about a (n) 37 who needed a lift at her school,38 I took meals from McDonald's out there. I’11 probably 39 this again,but I’ll wait for a 40 day,like my 40th birthday,she said.

21. A. boring   B. quiet   C. unusual   D. terrible

22. A. conference   B. celebration    C. performance   D. program

23. A. smiles   B. kisses    C. comfort   D. freedom

24. A. families   B. strangers   C. friends   D. neighbors

25. A. avoided   B. stopped   C. regretted   D. started

26. A. great   B. different   C. bad   D. strange

27. A. train   B. bus   C. radio   D. gas

28. A. share   B. throw   C. sell   D. repair

29. A. worried about   B. looked for    C. depended on   D. paid for

30. A. forgiveness   B. thankfulness    C. pride   D. fear

31. A. sandwiches   B. models   C. clothes   D. notes

32. A. gave away   B. thought of   C. picked up   D. searched for

33. A. enjoyed   B. explained   C. knew   D. reported

34. A. house   B. honor   C. dress   D. lunch

35. A. borrowed   B. bought   C. produced   D. wasted

36. A. also   B. again   C. seldom   D. never

37. A. actor   B. customer   C. student   D. doctor

38. A. because   B. or   C. before   D. so

39. A. accept   B. do   C. show   D. forget

40. A. big   B. rainy   C. short   D. busy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                     C ★★★★☆

    Food can be a great cause. And just like people,animals often get quite creative when they’ re in the mood for a meal or treat. Now a video shows Asian elephants cleverly blow air to move food.

    Kaori Mizuno and colleagues worked with two female Asian elephants,Mineko and Suzuko. The two elephants lived in an area surrounded by a U-shaped ditch(壕沟) .The ditch was just shallow enough that an elephant could reach an object on the bottom with its trunk(象鼻) .But it couldn’t reach an object on the far side of this ditch. This let Mizuno’s team set up a difficulty for the animals. They xegularly set out tasty treats,apples,bamboo,potatoes or fallen leaves on the far side of the ditch. Both elephants were caught on film blowing their trunks to draw the food. Each would reach out her trunk,aim backwards a bit and then blow out a few puffs of air. That drove the food so that it was close enough to catch. Mineko used fewer puffs,blew longer and aimed better than Suzuko.

    Scientists once believed that only humans used tools. It's worth looking at the elephants’ behavior again. Is trunk-blowing considered tool use? The classic definition of a tool is “the external (外部的) employment of an unattached environmental object.w Air is not an “object ,” So it may not qualify. But what may be more important to consider is the thinking processes that drive the behavior.

    The researchers are unsure how the elephants picked up this trunk-blowing behavior. They might have done it by accident. But the fact that two females living together are both showing the same behavior suggests that one elephant may have copied it. And let’s hope so. After all,elephant trunk-blowing might be entertaining.

9. What has Kaori Mizuno5 s team found out?

   A. Elephants eat too much.

   B. Elephants can bring food closer.

    C. Elephants are popular with people.

   D. Elephants are brave to do dangerous things.

10. What was the function of the ditch in the experiment?

   A. Toserveasachallenge.

   B. To protect the elephants.

    C. To make the elephants excited.

   D. To make the elephants’ habitat larger.

11. According to Paragraph 3 ,the research .

   A. gives the definition of a tool

   B. proves elephants use tools too

    C. shows elephants are important animals   

    D. suggests attention be paid to the drive of trunk-blowing 

12. The underlined word “so” in the last paragraph refers to.

   A. elephants are good at playing tricks

   B. elephants can learn from each other 

    C. elephants pick up the food by chance

   D. elephants are cleverer than other animals 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    It’s October,and what better way to kick off Anti-bullying(反欺负) Month than with a great read ? FJLAWD: How to StoP Hating Yourself,Others,and the Things That Make You Who You Are — a book by Emily-Anne Rigal and co-author Jeanne DemerS - is all about encouraging teens to face and accept their (弱点) .The book is a must-read for every teenager,but it can even teach adults about self-acceptance.

   Emily-Anne Rigal,21, is the founder of an online community called WeStopHate. The organiza-tion began as a YouTube channel and grew to include other platforms like Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and more. "WeStopHate is all about raising self-esteem in Jeens as a way to fight against bullying”r Rigal says. If you feel good about yourself,you re not going to hate yourself,and you,re not going to hate others. People who are hurt are likely to hurt other people.? And she knows this firsthand.

   Growing up,Rigal was bullied a lot and she had to change schools. Then at her new middle school she changed roles and became a bully,but she didn' t feel great about it. She often found herself annoyed on the bus ride home,wondering why she behaved so meanly. It wasn't  until she began to accept herself that she treated others with that same level of respect.

   With the help of her co-author Demers Rigal watched more than 100 WeStopHate videos from teens and chose the best pieces of advice and included them in her book. Because so many teens talked about flaws holding them back,Rigal decided to make it the focus of the book.

  “We live in a culture that makes us believe that :we’ re not good enough. If only we had X or Y or Z,we’d be happier and better. The key message in the book is that just as we are — flawed and powerful we are good enough ,” says Rigal.

5. The book written by Rigal and Demers .

   A. is a best seller in October

   B. helps teens make new friends 

    C. celebrates Anti-Bullying Month   

    D. is good for both teens and adults

6. What makes Rigal understand people's bullying behavior after they are bullied?

   A. Books on bullying.

   B. Videos on bullying,

    C. Her own experience.

   D. Her interview with teens.

7. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

   A. Being a bully.    B. Hating herself,

    C. Getting bullied.   D. Changing schools.

8. In the last paragraph,Rigal mainly encourages teens to .

   A. change the world

   B. accept who they are 

    C. fight against bullying

   D. try to show their better self


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    LondonEscape is one of the longest-serving booking agencies(服务机构) for London apartments,hotels and other 似(住宿) in London.

   It' s your first and last stop for all your London;accommodation needs.

  Why choose LondonEscape for accommodations in London 

  We know London:Based in the heart of London,our deep knowledge of every part will help 'you to find the proper accommodation. We only deal with local businesses in London,so our knowledge of this city is second to none.

  We know the owners: We do not offer just any accommodation. Our honor comes from putting in effort and doing our job properly. That means visiting each hotel in person and continuously making sure that each owner continues to maintain high standards.

  We know you: We are totally customer-focused.You and your needs come first because we know that if we do a good job,you will be back and so will your friends. Most of our business is repeat business,with customers coming back time and time again because no other accommodation provider can match our ;service.

  Save your time,money and health with a kitchen 

  London has some of the world's best restaurants but,for many people, the most imnDrtant r>art of a ser?iced apartment is that it provides you a kitchen.

  Eating out for every meal wastes a lot of time and has a senous effect on both your wallet and your weight. Preparing your own meals gives you control over what you put in your body. When you add up the money you save on taxis,meals and tips,it can often be more than the payment for your apartment!Why pay more?

  If you wish to contact US,you can do so by the following ways: by e-mail,phone,or we can call you if you prefer.

Support by phone Dialing internationally? We re available by phone,Skype or this website's live chat,from 9 am to 11 pm.

13. According to the text,London  Escape.

   A. is a big hotel for tourists

   B. helps book accommodations 

    C. is a famous tourist attraction

   D. is a famous restaurant in Britain

14. Those who LondonEscape serves are mainly

   A. new customers   B. tour guides 

    C. local people   D. regular customers

15. Using LondonEscape’ s  kitchens can .

   A. help you avoid tipping

   B. help you make a bargain

    C. give you a chance to choose a chef   

    D. make you pay less for accommodation 

16. What is the purpose of the text?

   A. To offer tips about foreign travel.

   B. To advertise LondonEscape's service.

    C. To introduce LondonEscape's history.

    D.To encourage people to use their kitchens.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   There may be no more movies based on the “Lord of the Rings” and “The (《指环王》中的穴居矮人) ” to hit theaters,but fans can still enjoy the fantasy world in real life through these “hobbit holes,” created by Green Magic Homes.

   Green Magic Homes,a company based in : Florida,creates homes covered in' grass and soil,; which allows homeowners to grow their own fruit and vegetables on the roofs of the tiny houses.

   It is said that the 妳í/ 膨办/?,(预,]模:

块) “hobbit holes” come with wooden doors and windows. The smallest size home can be 400 square feet. But Green Magic Homes founder,Gustavo Santander,said that more things can be fixed to the home. The company says that the houses can be built in extreme climates,including conditions in the desert or in the snow.

   These real-life “hob?ùt homes” can be designed :

to fit personal needs and interests,but the' company;also offers a list of suggested designs of different ^ shapes and sizes. The homes can be shipped anywhere in the world,from the company plant in Cancún,Mexico,to wherever you are in the world. The one-bedroom home can take about three days to build with the help of three people and a three-bedroom home takes about five or six days. Though the company makes other (环保的) products,the homes are the most popular.

   "It won’ t  have any electricity. So the only bills people will have to pay will be for the Internet and water usage,"said Sawn Linsey,the city s Public Works Director. Once it's done,they're going to lay about two feet of dirt on the top to keep it cool in the summertime,and warm in the winter.

9. The homes created by Green Magic Homes are linked with uThe Hobbit, because.

   A. they were designed for the Hobbit

   B. they are mainly used to make moyies

    C. they are used to grow fruit and vegetables   

    D. they are similar to the holes Hobbits live in

10. What do we know about the “hobbit homes”?

   A. They have a fixed size. 

   B. They are quite expensive.

    C. They are environmentally friendly.

   D. They are built for special climates.

11. Sawn Linsey’ s  attitude towards the “hobbit homes”

can be described as..

   A. doubtful .   B. supportive

    C. cautious   D. unfavorable

12. What is the text mainly about?

   A. The origins of Green Magic Homes.

   B. The development of “hobbit holes”.

    C. Comments on the movie “Lord of the

   D. A new type of home — the “hobbit holes”:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                Book Buddies 

Program overview 

  Children in grades 1-8 who are able to read at any level are invited to the shelter to read to the cats in our adoption room. Book Buddies will help children improve their reading skills when helping the animals by providing human interaction Cats find the rhythmic sound of a voice very comforting.

  The program was sotarted by Kristi Rodriguez. Her'son,Sean,who's a. 10-year-old boy,served as an inspiration for the program. He struggled with reading at school and so she brought him in to read to the cats. He loved it so much that he asked to come back. The program officially began in August 2013. Since then Sean has shown a rapid improvement in his reading and now often reads to their dogs at home.

  Sean's story is similar to those of many other children who have taken part in Book Buddies. The program has grown within our community and is taken advantage of by home-schooled children,parents who want their children to play with animals,parents of (患自闭症的) children and many more.

According to studies by researchers at Tufts University:

 Pets can be considered a source of support.

 Human-animal interaction can make the learning process more comfortable and enjoyable for children.

 Autistic children showed increased use of language and had improved social interaction while with the animals.

  They showed focus and kept a better state of awareness,as well as improved attitudes toward school.

  Animals can provide comfort for children without judging them.

Program rewards 

  Children can complete “book tickets” while taking part in the program. Each ticket will require the child to complete five books  (length does not matter) . After each ticket is completed,they can begin a new one. The completed ticket can then be turned in for a prize.

Program update: 4/7/16

13. The Book Buddies program invites children who

A.can read at any level   B. can take care of cats

C. like reading books about cats   D. like interacting with other readers

14. Sean's Story is mentioned to.

   A. tell us how Sean started the program

   B. tell us Sean didn't do well in school 

    C. praise Sean for what he did for animals

   D. show the program has made a difference to Sean

15. According to the studies of Tufts University,reading to cats .

   A. makes cats become more sociable

   B. helps children feel more independent

    C. benefits children socially and academically   

    D. makes children learn to judge themselves properly

16. How can a kid win a prize?

   A. By finishing reading a book.

   B. By designing five book tickets,

    C. By selling the most book tickets.

   D. By handing in h*is finished book ticket.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Don’t worry. We’re old enough to look after.

   A. myself      B. me

    C. ourselves   D. us         (2014 陕西)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. How many (kilo) of salt do you need?

