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5. My father’s (stomach) stopped after he took the medicine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

         D ★★★☆☆

    We usually work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However,for some people,it’s bedtime. These people are night workers. Working at night brings particular problems: Family life is difficult,social life is limited arid it's bad for people's health. With all these problems,who choose to work at night,and are they planning to stay in their jobs?

    “I work at night because I like stars very much,I’m the happiest when Ilooking down my telescope. The stars are amazing,and it's great taking pictures of them. Honestly,Inever going to change my job. Of course,my social life is poor,but Im going to make friends with people abroad online. They are awake when Iworking!”

                             —Robert Moore 

“My work involves repairing railway tracks,so I have to work at night. It's not so bad,our team spirit is great and we get paid extra. However,Igoing to leave this job. It's tiring and I have to find a normal job because I will become a father next month. I hope to be a builder in the future. It’s hard work,but no more nights!”

                              —Tony Baggio

“When I came to this country,the only work I could find was as a night doorman. This job is boring because it’s so quiet,but I’ve decided to turn this problem into an advantage,Igoing to start a degree in literature by distance learning,Igoing to read my course books during the long quiet nights!I want to be a teacher in the future.”

                              —John Millar

“I work in a call center in India,but I answer calls from people in the UK. So I have to work at night. It's a good job with a good salary. It's also interesting because I use my English and talk with different people every day.”

                             —Peter Patel 

13. What is Robert Moore probably?

   A. A socialist.

   B. A translator,c. An inventor.

   D. An astrophotographer.

14. What do we know about Tony Baggio?

   A. He lacks team spirit.

   B. He likes taking pictures,

    C. He will have a baby soon.

   D. He doesn’t want to do hard work.

15. According to John Millar, .

   A. he has a personal teacher

   B. he likes working quietly 

    C. he wants to change his job   

    D. he has a degree in literature

16. What does Peter Patel think of his job?

   A. It is creative.

   B. It is enjoyable.

    C. It is dangerous.

   D. It is meaningless.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    现在很多中学生被近视困扰,下周的英语课 上,你们将就“近视”这个问题进行小组讨论。请你 根据下面的图表信息写一篇英语短文为此做准备。



参考词汇:视力eyesight保护protect 近视的 short-sighte?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  I'm a teacher of fourth grade. I always expect .students to come into a grade level to be prepared for that 21,especially when it deals with 22 . I always asked students to read everything orafly in my 23

  We were reading the book Fourth Grade Nothings to take a break from the textbook since many students felt 24 with it. I had just gotten a 25 student. When it was his turn to read,I asked him to read a couple of paragraphs. He looked 26 and said, “I can't read." I 27 I had mistaken what he said,28 I asked him to read again. This time,I 29 the child could not even read any of the sight words. So I 30 over and stood beside him and helped him with the words that he could not pronounce. ,

  I taught him how to 31 words into syllables (*?~ 节) .When I couldn't 32 him,I asked another 33 to help him in his spare time. This child 34 so without question. The day he 35 his hand to read,I teared up. When he 36 and said, “Mrs. Newcome,I can read ,” I 37 like a child. He 38 not long after that for another county. Before his leaving,he 39 me and gave me a big hug,saying,UI will 40 remember what you have given me." I cried again.

21. A goal   B. plan    C. result   D. grade

22. A. spelling   B. listening

   C. reading   D. writing

23. A. class   B. house    C. office   D. studio

24. A. familiar   B. bored

   C. good   D. satisfied

25. A. new . B. smart    C. sick   D. lazy

26. A. confused   B. upset

   C. angry   D. relaxed

27. A. agreed   B. promised

   C. thought   D. proved

28. A. so   B. but    C. for   D. or

29. A. remembered   B. found

   C. said   D. imagined

30. A. went   B. looked

   C. dropped   D. stayed

31. A. move   B. express

   C. translate  D. break

32. A. raise   B. praise   C. help   D. comfort

33. A. worker   B. friend   C. volunteer . D. teacher

34. A. refused   B. did    C. guessed   D. forgot

35. A. picked up   B. put up

   C. set aside   D. gave up

36. A. finished   B. repeated

   C. prepared   D. compared

37. A. struggled   B. slept

   C. complained   D. cried

38. A. came   B. laughed

   C. left   D. appeared

39. A. caught   B. ignored

  C. thanked   D. followed

40. A. even   B. never   C. only   D. always


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Last month,I went to the computer museum with my parents. We enjoyed and learned a lot.

   A. us   B. ourselves    C. our    (2015 吉林)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. —Tom has a sore t and he has lost his voice.

—Ask him to drink more hot water with honey.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. It sounds like you’re coming down with the flu. Let me    (量体温) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 1 have a sore back. (改为一般疑问句)

 a sore back? 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The man gave (blood) to save his sister.

