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18.It is the ability not the age that will make_________ difference to get________ professional job.(  )
A./; theB.a; aC./;/D.the;/

分析 是能力而不是年龄对获得一份专业性的工作有影响.

解答 答案:B,考查冠词的用法,第一个空考查固定短语make a difference"对…有影响",第二个空job是可数名词,此处泛指一份专业性的工作,因此使用不定冠词a,故答案为B.

点评 考查冠词的用法,注意区分句中是泛指还是特指,泛指则用不定冠词a/an,特指则用定冠词the,还应注意某些冠词的固定搭配.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.There is a unique place where deserted factories have been transformed into a lively artistic zone-where the city's tradition and heritage (遗产) meet with cutting-edge art and fashion.This is Redtory.
Located at Yuancun Si Heng Lu,not far from the Pearl River of Guangzhou city,Redtory is a creative cultural and industrial zone made up of more than 30 old buildings-mostly red-brick ones.Back in 1956,it used to be the biggest canning factory in China.The factory produced the Can Dace (鲮鱼) with Black Bean Sauce,an iconic food product in the last century,well-known throughout south-east Asia.After the local government's industrial structure reformations,the canning factory moved away and the workshops were left deserted.There was nothing left but memories in well-preserved Soviet-style buildings.
Not long after the noise of the running machines was gone,posters of advertisement and art were found hanging on the wall in the area.To enrich the cultural and artistic life of the people in Guangzhou,the abandoned factories reopened in 2009-displaying art,fashion and culture of different forms.Redtory is home to more than 40 establishments including art galleries,themed restaurants and design studios.Large international cultural exchange activities,art exhibitions and seminars are often held here,attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.Meanwhile,waste materials have been used wisely instead of being thrown away.For instance,some installations (设施) standing around the area are made up of the rusty machines or components from the old canning factory.
The shabby and nostalgic (怀旧的) appearance combined with fashionable and artistic features makes Redtory uniquely attractive.That may be the reason that Redtory is considered the holy land for young art-lovers in Guangzhou.
Add.:No.128 Yuancun Si Heng Lu,Tianhe District,Guangzhou
Bus:Yuancun Er Heng Rd Stop-40,44,140,284,293,299,401,504,540,542,583,882;Yuancun Stop Terminal (Meilin Garden)-B11,243;Pazhou Bridge (North) Stop-137,304,564,B7,B25
Metro:Exit B,Yuancun Station,Line 5
71.The"cutting-edge art and fashion"(Paragraph 1)refers toB.
A.the deserted factories together with the old culture
B.all that is displayed and going on in Redtory
C.the Soviet-style red-brick buildings
D.the modern world outside Redtory
72.The canning factory was removed from Redtory becauseC.
A.the place was too large to manage         
B.nothing good could be produced there
C.the industrial structure needed reforming 
D.the place was intended for other purposes
73.Now Redtory has developed into a place forA.
A.art,fashion and culture                  
B.galleries,restaurants and studios
C.restaurants,exhibitions and seminars     
D.service and activities
74.What's special about Redtory?A
A.It perfectly combines the old with the new
B.It shows every respect of modern city life
C.It tells the story of some old buildings      
D.It shows how the old is replaced by the new.
75.By writing the article,the writer is trying toC.
A.introduce a modern trend              
B.report a piece of news
C.make an advertisement                 
D.discuss a hot issue.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Having working abroad for several years,Janson wanted to settle down to a _________ job in his homeland.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Work-life balance:Ways to restore harmony and reduce stress
Finding work-life balance in today's frenetically paced world is no simple task.
Spend more time at work than at home,and you miss out on a rewarding personal life.Then again,when you face challenges in your personal life,such as caring for an aging parent or coping with marital problems,concentrating on your job can be difficult.
Whether the problem is too much focus on work or too little,when your work life and your personal life feel out of balance,stress-along with its harmful effects-is the result.
The good news is that you can take control of your work-life balance-and give yourself the time to do the things that are most important to you.The first step is to recognize how the world of work has changed.Then you can evaluate your relationship to work and apply some specific strategies for striking a healthier balance.
How work invades your personal life
There was a time when employees showed up for work Monday through Friday and worked eight-to nine-hour days.The boundaries between work and home were fairly clear then.But the world has changed and,unfortunately,the boundaries have blurred for many workers.Here's why:
●Global economy.As more skilled workers enter the global labor market and companies outsource or move more jobs to reduce labor costs,people feel pressured to work longer and produce more just to protect their jobs.
●International business.Work continues around the world 24hours a day for some people.If you work in an international organization,you might be on call around the clock for troubleshooting or consulting.
●Advanced communication technology.Many people now have the ability to work anywhere-from their home,from their car and even on vacation.And some managers expect this.
●Longer hours.Employers commonly ask employees to work longer hours than they're scheduled.Often,overtime is mandatory.If you hope to move up the career ladder,you may find yourself regularly working more than 40 hours a week to achieve and exceed expectations.
●Changes in family roles.Today's married worker is typically part of a dual-career couple,which makes it difficult to find time to meet commitments to family,friends and community.
Married to your work
It can be tempting to rack up the hours at work-especially if you're trying to earn a promotion or some extra money for a child's education or a dream vacation.For others,working more hours feels necessary in order to manage the workload.
But if you're spending most of your time at work,your home life will likely pay the price.Consider the pros and cons of working extra hours on your work-life balance:
●Fatigue.Your ability to think and your eye-hand coordination decrease when you're tired.This means you're less productive and may make more mistakes.These mistakes can lead to injury or rework and negatively impact your professional reputation.
●Family.You may miss out on important events,such as your child's first bike ride,your father's 60th birthday or your high-school reunion.Missing out on important milestones may harm relationships with your loved ones.
●Friends.Trusted friends are a key part of your support system.But if you're spending time at the office instead of with them,you'll find it difficult to nurture those friendships.
●Expectations.If you regularly work extra hours,you may be given more responsibility.This could create a never-ending and increasing cycle,causing more concerns and challenges.
Sometimes working overtime is important.If you work for a company that requires mandatory overtime,you won't be able to avoid it,but you can learn to manage it.Most importantly,say no when you're too tired,when it's affecting your health or when you have crucial family obligations.
Striking the best work-life balance
For most people,juggling the demands of career and personal life is an ongoing challenge.With so many demands on your time-from overtime to family obligations-it can feel difficult to strike this balance.The goal is to make time for the activities that are the most important to you.
Here are some ideas to help you find the balance that's best for you:
●Learn to say no.Whether it's a co-worker asking you to spearhead an extra project or your child's teacher asking you to manage the class play,remember that it's OK to respectfully say no.When you quit doing the things you only do out of guilt or a false sense of obligation,you'll make more room in your life for the activities that are meaningful to you and bring you joy.
●Leave work at work.Make a conscious decision to separate work time from personal time.When with your family,for instance,turn off your cell phone and put away your laptop computer.
●Manage your time.Organize household tasks efficiently.Do one or two loads of laundry every day,rather than saving it all for your day off.A weekly family calendar of important dates and a daily list of to-dos will help you avoid deadline panic.If your employer offers a course in time management,sign up for it.
●Get enough sleep.There's nothing as stressful and potentially dangerous as working when you're sleep-deprived.Not only is your productivity affected,but also you can make costly mistakes.You may then have to work even more hours to make up for these mistakes.
●Communicate clearly.Limit time-consuming misunderstandings by communicating clearly and listening carefully.Take notes if necessary.
●Nurture yourself.Set aside time each day for an activity that you enjoy,such as walking,working out or listening to music.
●Set aside one night each week for recreation.Take the phone off the hook,power down the computer and turn off the TV.Discover activities you can do with your partner,family or friends,such as playing golf,fishing or canoeing.Making time for activities you enjoy will rejuvenate you.
Remember,striking a work-life balance isn't a one-shot deal.Creating balance in your life is a continuous process.Balance doesn't mean doing everything.Examine your priorities and set boundaries.Be firm in what you can and cannot do.Only you can restore harmony to your lifestyle.

56.What will happen if you're spending most of your time at work?C
A.You might lose all your friends.
B.You will lose both health and wealth.
C.You perhaps be given more responsibility.
D.You may be misunderstood by your loved ones.
57.According to the passage,you'd better say no to mandatory overtime whenD.
A.you get bored with the work
B.you are not interested in the work
C.you can't get additional allowance
D.you have crucial family obligations
58.What does the underlined sentence mean?C
A.To do things people ask you to do can bring you a lot of joy.
B.You should do the things people ask you to do without feeling guilty.
C.You shouldn't do the things people ask you to do if you don't want to.
D.To do things for yourself is more meaningful than to do things for others.
59.What will not happen if you don't get enough sleep?D
A.You can make costly mistakes.
B.You will have low productivity.
C.You will feel stressed while working.
D.You will have no sense of exhaustion.
60.What does the real balance mean according to the author?B
A.Being firm that working overtime will strike a work-life balance.
B.Examining priorities and deciding what is the most important to you.
C.Trying to carrying out everything you want to do whether you can do it or not.
D.Being cautious when saying no to somebody in a bid to maintain fine relationships.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.Great changes have ______ in my hometown.(  )
A.taken offB.put outC.brought upD.taken place


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Having been married for over 10 years,the couple ____ finally because they quarreled a lot.(  )
A.broke upB.broke downC.broke outD.broke in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Why don't you put _____  chair a litlle bit forward to get ______ better view?(  )
A.a; theB.the; aC.the;不填D.不填;a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Judging by the ________ he keeps,Mark must be an extremely wealthy man.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.As with holding sand in the hand,the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too          ,and the best way to keep it is to give it wings.(  )

