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By the end of the century,we will have discovered other places in our solar system suitable for living.

分析 到本世纪末,我们将已经在太阳系中发现其他的适合居住的地方.

解答 答案:By the end of the century
解析:根据中文及所给英文提示可知,本题考查by the end of"到…为止"这一固定短语;故本题答案为:By the end of the century.拓展:solar system 意为"太阳系";be suitable for"适合于…".

点评 本题考查句子翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Do you want to be at the top of your class?Add these tips to your life and you should be on your way to being a top student?
(36)G I cannot stress how important it is to pay attention to what your teacher teaching you.Take part in class discussions if you have something worthwhile to add.Pay attention during class,especially during lectures.
Taking notes is important.You don't need to write down every word your teacher says but write down what he/she writes on the board,or any special fact you think you might need for a test.(37)B This way it will help you learn more effectively by actually thinking about what you are writing.
Don't skip school.You will miss out on stuff.(38)FHowever,you will have more work and you have missed lectures and in-class movies.Also,try not to be late for class.It's most likely that your teachers wont appreciate it and you will get yourself behind.
(39)DIf you have an"I don't care about school or this class"attitude,then teachers will be less willing to help you with problem or offer you extra credit.The same goes for lazy attitude.Have a respectful attitude to the teacher and other students.Try not to laugh when other students make a mistake.
Always ask question's.(40)EIf you don't understand,ask someone.Read your textbook and notes and then if that fails,seek help.Ask a teacher,friend,classmate,parent,ect.Get a tutor if you need one.

A.Be prepared.
B.Write in your own words.
C.Staying organized will be helpful.
D.Keep a good attitude toward things.
E.There is no shame in needing some help.
F.It is true that you could make up.the work.
G.Pay attention to everything the teacher says.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Much meaning can be conveyed,clearly with our eyes,sop it is often said that eyes can speak.
   Do you have such a kind of experience?In a bus you may loom at a stranger,but not too long.And if he is sensing that he is being stared at,he may feel uncomfortable.
The same in daily life.If you are looked at for more than necessary,you may look at yourself up and down,to see if there is        .If nothing goes wrong,you will fell angry towards others'stare at you that way.Eyes do speak,right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive.But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex.If a man glances at a woman for more than 10seconds and refuses to avert his gaze,his intentions are obvious,that is,he wishes to attract her attention,to make her understand that he is admiring her.
However,the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at  the listener from time to time,in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is saying,to tell him that he is attentive.
If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,as if he tries to dominate you,you will feel disconcerted.A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the honest communication,Quite the contrary.
In fact,continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only,who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time,to show affection that words can't express.
Evidently,eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.
76.What is the best title of the passage?(no more than 6 words)
Eyes can speak.
77.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph3 with proper words or phrase to complete the sentence.(no more than 10 words)
anything wrong with you.
78.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
It may be bad manners to stare at someone.
Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive
79.What will you do if your classmates listen to your speaking,according to the passage?(no more than 30 words)
We should look at the listeners from time to make sure that the listeners pay attention to what you are saying.
80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Professor Li's health was completely___________ by ten years of hard work.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.A new hospital is said _________in my hometown.(  )
A.to be set upB.to have set up
C.to set upD.to be setting up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.今天新疆自治区(the Xinjiang Autonomous Region)仍然是周边国家商人(traders)和全世界游客经常聚会的地方.Today,the Xinjiang Autonomous Region remains an international crossroad( a place) where
traders from surrounding countries and tourists from all over the world regularly meet..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.After her last film,the starwithdrew (脱离) from society and became a housewife.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.He has beenpromoting(推广)the new product to make it known to consumers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7._____ from his accent,he is from Shanghai.(  )
A.JudgedB.JudgingC.JudgeD.To judge

