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Sunny 31st, July

It was sunny today and I was in a good mood. Tired of studying or the noise of city life, I come to the ecology park to enjoy scenery and get relaxing in the afternoon.

While I arrived at the park, what came into its sight were the thick green trees. The air was fresh. In addition, I could clearly see a path around the pond. Lying on the grasses decorated with various flowers, I felt with ease because all that I wanted was peace inside.

Therefore, with time going by quickly, the sun was setting in the west. So I had to return back home. I would never forget such romantic experience, which was really beyond description.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ìɽ¶«Ì©°²Ò»ÖиßÈý5Ô¸߿¼À­Á·Ä£Ä⣨һ£©Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Soft winds blew throughout the Windy City today. We welcomed the winds, as it was another hot day in Chicago. The wind blew, bringing us some coolness and making the weather not that hot. But it was a beautiful summer day with a blue sky.

Chicago is a great city for eating, and we have enjoyed tasting the different foods. Last night, we tried one of the city's most famous foods: deep-dish pizza. Chicago claims credit for the rich and cheesy thick-crust pizza, covered with a sweet tomato sauce. We topped it with olives and green peppers.

We were touring the city, mainly looking for delicious local foods. Today, we enjoyed a Polish specialty at lunch: Pierogis, an Eastern European dumpling-like dish, filled with foods like potatoes, cheese, mushrooms, cabbage and meat. Polish immigrants started settling in Chicago in the 1850s, and the city has one of the largest Polish communities in the U.S.

We took a break from exploring the city to talk with some of you! Ashley and Caty logged onto the Internet for an on-the-road version of TALK2US. We spoke to an English teacher in Tokyo, Japan, and a graduate student in India.

Meanwhile, Adam searched for some locations around the city to shoot some video. He chose a spectacular spot: Navy Pier, Chicago's most-visited attraction. The winds from Lake Michigan keep visitors cool, and the view of the Chicago skyline never fails to impress. In fact, the view made all of us head over heels!

Our time in Chicago has come to an end. Tomorrow, the true journey begins, as we pass through Illinois and into Missouri via Route 66. Springfield, the home of Abe Lincoln, and St. Louis, the "gateway to the West," wait for us.

1.Why did the author and her companions like the soft winds?

A. It brought warmth to them.

B. It made them feel comfortable.

C. It improved the quality of the air.

D. It left the sky blue and beautiful.

2. What did the author and her companions mainly do in Chicago?

A. They explored for foreign customs.

B. They visited Polish communities.

C. They studied the history of the city.

D. They enjoyed famous local foods.

3.The author and her companions stayed online ________.

A. communicating with strangers abroad

B. asking for information on foreign foods

C. sharing their travel plan with strangers

D. learning about different cultures in the world

4.The underlined part ¡°head over heels¡± in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by ________.

A. boredB. relaxedC. FascinatedD. Disappointed


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016-2017ѧÄêºÓÄϵ¦³ÇÏØÒ»Öи߶þÉÏ¿ªÑ§¿¼ÊÔÓ¢Óï¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí







I have just got some good news to tell to you. I win a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing that he suggested I go to England for a holiday. I¡¯d like to staying there for half a month, visiting place of interest or practicing my English as well. We¡¯ve been writing to each for nearly a year now. I have often dreamed of talk face by face with you. I imagine you¡¯ll be on vacation yourself by that time. Perhaps I could go out to do some sightseeing together.




¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017½ì¹ã¶«·ðɽһÖиßÈýÉÏÆÚµÚÒ»´ÎÔ¿¼¿¼ÊÔÓ¢Óï¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

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1. ±¾È˼ò½é;

2. ÇóÖúÄÚÈÝ;

3. Ô¼¶¨Ê±¼ä;

4. ÄãµÄÁªÏµ·½Ê½ (Email: lihua@1236. com; Phone: 12345678) ¡£

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2. ¿ÉÒÔÊʵ±Ôö¼Óϸ½Ú, ÒÔʹÐÐÎÄÁ¬¹á¡£

Dear Sir/Madam,









Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017½ì¹ã¶«·ðɽһÖиßÈýÉÏÆÚµÚÒ»´ÎÔ¿¼¿¼ÊÔÓ¢Óï¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in almost the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as formal texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual situation of the time and the child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or making him sad thinking. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often sorry for cruelty than those who had not. As to fears, there are, I think, some cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two - headed dragons, magic carpets, etc. do not exist; and that, instead of being fond of the strange side in fairy tales, the child should be taught to learn the reality by studying history. I find such people, I must say so peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a stick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their beloved girl-friend.

No fairy story ever declared to be a description of the real world and no clever child has ever believed that it was.

1.The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _______.

A. repeated without any change

B. treated as a joke

C. made some changes by the parent

D. set in the present

2.According to the passage, great fear can take place in a child when the story is _______.

A. in a realistic setting

B. heard for the first time

C. repeated too often

D. told in a different way

3.The advantage claimed for repeating fairy stories to young children is that it _______.

A. makes them less fearful

B. develops their power of memory

C. makes them believe there is nothing to be afraid of

D. encourages them not to have strange beliefs

4.One of the reasons why some people are not in favor of fairy tales is that _______.

A. they are full of absurd imagination

B. they just make up the stories which are far from the truth

C. they are not interesting

D. they make teachers of history difficult to teach


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017½ì¹ã¶«ÖÐɽһÖиßÈýÉÏÆÚµÚÒ»´Îͳ²âÓ¢Óï¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Walt Disney World is banning selfie-sticks from its theme parks because selfie-sticks have become a growing safety concern for both our guests and cast," Disney World spokeswoman Kim Prunty said.

Under a new policy, which takes effect Tuesday, the poles won¡¯t make it past the bag check at any Disney World theme park. The sticks also won't be allowed in Disney World water parks or Disney Quest, a gaming attraction at Downtown Disney. Selfie-sticks will also become forbidden at Disneyland Resort in California on June 30. The prohibition begins at Disney's parks in Paris and Hong Kong on July 1.

Guests will be checked for the equipment during the routine bag check that happens near the parks' entrances. They will have an option of turning in their selfie-sticks for pick-up later or to go back to their cars or hotel rooms to keep them. Visitors will be told of the policy in locations such as the parking lots and at the resort's hotels. The prohibition will be added to the park rules post on Disney World's website.

The issue has been building at Disney. Previously, the sticks were prohibited from its rides, and "no selfie-sticks" signs were at select rides, such as Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Magic Kingdom. Cast members have given oral warnings to rule breakers.

Selfie-stick users put smartphones and cameras on the ends of poles to extend their reach, frequently capturing theme-park moments through self-portraits. The tools have been banned in public places ¡ª including some museums and stadiums ¡ª worldwide for obstructing views or causing safety issues.

Disney World already prohibits items such as skateboards, inline skates, wagon, folding chairs and glass containers, according to its official website, which also lists ¡°other items that we determine may be harmful.¡±

Universal Orlando has banned selfie-sticks and other loose items from certain thrill rides at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure theme parks, but it has not set park wide bans.

1.Which of the following objects has already been banned in Disney theme parks before the new policy takes effect?

A. smart phonesB. folding chairs

C. camerasD. containers

2.According to the ban, if the guests are found carrying selfie-sticks during the routine bagcheck, they may __________.

A. abandon them at the bag check

B. get fined and pick them up later

C. turn them in to the police

D. put them in the trunk of their cars

3.The underlined word in the fifth paragraph probably means __________.

A. changingB. broadeningC. blockingD. narrowing

4.According to the passage, it can be inferred that __________.

A. the ban on the use of selfie-sticks is aimed at ensuring security

B. previously guests can take photos with selfie-sticks on thrill rides

C. the staff in Disneyland will inform visitors of the ban only orally

D. Universal Orlando has banned selfie-sticks parkwide


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017½ìºÚÁú½­Äµµ¤½­Ò»ÖиßÈý9Ô¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ


One day, a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor ________ the question papers, with the text facing down as usual. ________ he handed them all out, he asked his students to ________ the page and begin. To everyone¡¯s surprise, there were no ________, just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor, seeing the expression on everyone¡¯s face, told them the following:

¡°I want you to write what you ________ there.¡±

The students, ________, got started on the inexplicable(·Ñ½âµÄ) task.

At the end of the class, the professor ________ all the answer papers and started reading each of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them, with no ________, described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. After all had been ________, the classroom was silent, and the professor began to explain:

¡°I¡¯m not going to grade this. I ________ wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the ________ part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot, and the same happens in our ________. We have a white paper to observe and ________, but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a ________ given to us with love and care, and we always have ________ to celebrate: nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us, the job that ________ our livelihood and the miracle we see every day.

________, we insist on focusing only on the dark spots: the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the ________ relationship with colleagues, the ________ with a friend, and etc.

The dark spots are very ________ compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds.¡±

1.A. handed outB. wrapped upC. referred toD. pointed at

2.A. SinceB. UntilC. IfD. After

3.A. foldB. turnC. openD. use

4.A. exercisesB. choicesC. questionsD. scores

5.A. rememberB. imagineC. studyD. see

6.A. surprisedB. confusedC. curiousD. displeased

7.A. collectedB. finishedC. markedD. selected

8.A. excuseB. doubtC. exceptionD. explanation

9.A. saidB. answeredC. returnedD. read

10.A. alsoB. justC. evenD. finally

11.A. bigB. blackC. beautifulD. white

12.A. livesB. classroomsC. colleaguesD. studies

13.A. sendB. keepC. enjoyD. show

14.A. burdenB. giftC. pressureD. lesson

15.A. reasonsB. timeC. freedomD. festival

16.A. threatensB. ruinsC. providesD. changes

17.A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. BesidesD. Moreover

18.A. closeB. complicatedC. specialD. strong

19.A. stayB. contact

C. satisfactionD. disappointment

20.A. darkB. roundC. smallD. dirty


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017½ìɽ¶«ÔæׯÈýÖиßÈý9ÔÂÖÊÁ¿¼ì²âÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÆßÑ¡Îå

Not all of us are outgoing and ready to take the world by storm. 1. This usually happens when a person is still in his or her teen years and going through the socialization process. So, what can a person do to overcome this tendency to be awkward. Let¡¯s try to find answers to the questions.

Stay in shape and dress up well

Sometimes, awkwardness could be due to being overweight. When you are large in size, you tend to get very self-conscious. So, in order to avoid this, get into the habit of exercising every day. 2. If you look as if you have just stepped out of a 1980¡¯s film when actually it is 2011, there is no doubt that you are bound to feel awkward about yourself.

Be optimistic

Another effective tip on how not to feel awkward is to always keep a smile on your face. 3. On the other hand, a smiling, happy and positive think person is appreciated by everybody. So, smile when you meet acquaintances or even strangers, say a cheerful ¡°Hi!¡± and automatically some of your awkwardness will disappear completely!

Participate in team activities

This one really helps. Awkwardness generally develops when a person remains isolated from others. So, in order to change this situation, join groups. 4. Joining people in book reading sessions as well as debates will help remove your awkwardness. Choose any activity of your choice, such as playing team sports or joining a dance class, and soon you will find your comfort level around people increasing day by day!

Develop your personality

Being a book-worm or an Internet addict will not get you anywhere. For self-improvement, take up a hobby that adds meaning to your life. Learn singing or try adventure sports. 5.

A. Learn how to end a conversation.

B. Secondly, have appropriate clothes on.

C. For instance, if you are a reading lover, join a book club.

D. If you look sad, nobody will actually like being with you.

E. Something as simple as listening to music will do wonders too.

F. Many among us are shy and may even feel kept apart from others.

G. Awkwardness could be because you do not have anything in common to talk about.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017½ì¸ÊËàÀ¼ÖÝÒ»ÖиßÈý9Ô¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï


Volunteers Wanted

Our annual English Festival, which will be held on October 15-17, 2016, is now looking for 20 student volunteers to provide service for Talent Show, Speech Contest, and English Debate. If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest convenience to Ms. Chen at chenlaoshi@aef.com.


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Dear Ms Chen,

I¡¯m Li Hua, a student from Class 11, Grade 3. ____________________________________








Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

