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With so many problems ________, Jack looks like a cat on a hot tin roof.

A.solved  B.to solve

C.solving  D.to be solved

B 考查不定式作宾补的用法。该题的关键是对俗语“a cat on a hot tin roof(像热锅上的蚂蚁一样)”的理解。既然是像热锅上的蚂蚁一样,说明很多问题有待于解决,所以用不定式作宾补,在该结构中相当于省略了for sb.,故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市蒙古族中学2009-2010学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west of coast. Even since she was a young girl,she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn‘t changed her mind.
After she graduated from high school, she went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelor’s degree (B A) in English and her teaching certificate(证书). Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a master‘s degree (M A). With an MA, she will receive a higher salary and if possible.  She hopes to get a doctor’s degree as well.
The school day at Mrs. Blake‘s high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period, which for her is from 2 to 3 P.M.  Mrs. Blake must meet with parents, make out examinations, check assignments at al., Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.
1. How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle school?
A. four years    B. eight years    C. twelve years    D. twenty years
2. According to the article,which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university?
A. a doctor‘s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree
B. a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree – a doctor’s degree
C. a master‘s degree—a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree
D. a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree—a master’s degree
3. How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far?
A. one    B. two    C. three     D. none
4. Which of the following sentences is not true?
A. Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on the east of the United Sates
B. Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality.
C. Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degrees.
D. The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of many other high schools in the states.
5. According to that third paragraph,Mrs. Blake is ______ during the school day.
A. lonely   B. free   C. funny    D. busy


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west of coast. Even since she was a young girl,she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn‘t changed her mind. After she graduated from high school, she went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelor’s degree (B A) in English and her teaching certificate(证书)。 Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a master‘s degree (M A)。 With an MA, she will receive a higher salary and if possible, she hopes to get a doctor’s degree as well. The school day at Mrs. Blake‘s high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period, which for her is from 2 to 3 P.M. , Mrs. Blake must meet with parents, make out examinations, check assignments at all, Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.

1. How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle school?

A. four years B. eight years C. twelve years d. twenty years

2. According to the article, which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university?

A. a doctor‘s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree

B. a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree – a doctor’s degree

C. a master‘s degree—a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree

D. a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree—a master’s degree

3. How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far?

A. one   B. two    C. three   D. none

4. Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on the east of the United Sates

B. Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality.

C. Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degrees.

D. The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of many other high schools in the states.



科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市20092010学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west of coast. Even since she was a young girl,she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn‘t changed her mind.

After she graduated from high school, she went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelor’s degree (B A) in English and her teaching certificate(证书). Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a master‘s degree (M A). With an MA, she will receive a higher salary and if possible.  She hopes to get a doctor’s degree as well.

The school day at Mrs. Blake‘s high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period, which for her is from 2 to 3 P.M.  Mrs. Blake must meet with parents, make out examinations, check assignments at al., Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.

1. How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle school?

A. four years    B. eight years    C. twelve years    D. twenty years

2. According to the article,which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university?

A. a doctor‘s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree

B. a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree – a doctor’s degree

C. a master‘s degree—a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree

D. a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree—a master’s degree

3. How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far?

A. one    B. two    C. three     D. none

4. Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on the east of the United Sates

B. Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality.

C. Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degrees.

D. The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of many other high schools in the states.

5. According to that third paragraph,Mrs. Blake is ______ during the school day.

A. lonely   B. free   C. funny    D. busy


