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Though        of taking too many risks, the climber continued his challenge.

A.was accused       B.accusing          C.accused           D.to be accused





试题分析:句意:尽管被指责太冒险了,他仍然继续他的冒险活动。这里是省略句,完整的是Though he was accused of taking too many risks,故选C。



即学即练:While        eating breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring.

A. was eaten         B. eating            C. ate     D. to be eaten

解析:B。完整的句子While (he was) eating breakfast….



科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修一英语人教 人教版 题型:056



My First Days in New York

  Sunday 2nd July

  It’s amazing that I can stand on the New York City now.I can hardly believe my eyes even if I see the famous Statue of Liberty.I come from Perth, a quiet town in Scotland, and I haven’t seen much of the world.Luckily I can be one of the exchanged program students.We can stay here for 2 weeks.I am really excited about the following weeks.But before I came to New York, my instructor told me some differences between the English we and they speak.I am a little bit nervous.

  Monday 3rd July

  I’m really tired of the difference.I woke up at 2 o’clock and went out to have some food and sat at a table.Oil the pavement-or sidewalk, as they call it here.I was happy to sit and watch people.Sometimes I can overhear some American accent.I entered a small coffee shop and ordered something to eat.But the problem is that I couldn’t understand the waitress’ New York accent and she couldn’t understand mine.Later, I got a hamburger with crisps but I wanted chips.Then I walked back to my hotel and went to my room, which I knew was on the first floor.But in America, they say first floor instead of ground floor so I went into the wrong room.I felt so embarrassed! That was the worst moment for me.I felt far away from home even though Americans and British speak the same language.I was like a foreigner.But the American woman who was in the room laughed and said she had had the same problem in England.

  Sunday 16th July

  How time flies! I still remember the first day I came to New York but now I must leave her.The embarrassment was gone when I got used to the life here.I met some many friends and took Dart in lots of activities.My American friends made a fuss of me(大惊小怪)and they said my accent was so cute.Yesterday we held a goodbye party in their International Student Center-that’s “centre” where I come from.I will miss you, New York.











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was four o'clock when we left Micatlan,and we traveled quickly until it became almost completely dark.It was our intention to return to our general quarters in Atlacomulco that night.We had a long journey ahead of us,especially because it had been decided there was no way we would try to cross the ravines again at night,since they were considered far too dangerous.Futhermore,an eclipse of the moon was expected,and,in fact,while we were crossing an open field,the moon appeared on the horizon,half in shadow,a rare and beautiful sight.

After a few hours of riding,we suddenly realized that we had lost our way,and worse still,had no way of finding it again.Night had fallen and there was not a single hut in sight,only great plains and mountains and the lowing of distant bulls all around us.We continued on ahead,trusting in luck,though it was difficult to say where she had brought us.By good fortune,our advance riders ran into two Indians,a man and a boy,who agreed to guide us their village and no further.

After an interminable and exhausting road,which we traveled at a brisk trot,the barking of several dogs announced an Indian village.In the dying light,we could just make out cane huts,firmly situated between the banana trees,with fenced gardens in front of each one.Our convoy stopped in front of one particular hut,a kind of inn or shop for alcohol,where a naked goblin-like figure,the ideal husband for a witch,was serving cheap brandy to the Indians,most of whom were already drunk.

We dismounted and threw ourselves to the ground,too tired to even think.Someone found us,God knows how,a cup of dreadful hot chocolate.We began to realize that we were completely lost,and so it was agreed to give up our attempt to reach Atlacomulco that night.Instead,we should head for the village of “E1 Puente”,where our guides know a Spanish family,made up of several unmarried brothers,who,without any doubt,would be delighted to offer us a safe refuge for the rest of the night.We remounted and began our journey,a little restored after the pause in our journey and the dreadful hot chocolate.

Where did we travel to?

A.El Puente.                                                           B.The cane huts.            C.Atlacomulco.                                                       D.An Indian Village.

When we traveled at night_________.

A.there was a good guide leading us           

B.there was a full moon in the sky

C.we could hardly see anything                  

D.we could see everything around clearly

When we lost our way we believed that_________.

A.we should stay where we were for rescue

B.we should go on to seek after our fortune

C.we should go back where we started

D.we should ask the Indians for help

When we reached the inn-like hut_________.

A.someone served alcohol and hot chocolate at once

B.we had a good sleep

C.we had a good drink

D.we were too exhausted to ask for anything


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A feeling of excitement overcame me as I looked around the stadium.

At 5:30 pm, two hours before game time, I walked into the locker room. My   21   of school, music and what I planned to do on Saturday night were   22   with the simple aim to beat the football team across the field from us tonight.

Approaching my locker, I noticed my teammates   23  . Some rested on benches, staring up at the ceiling   24   it were a film of the opposing team’s play. Some seemed a bit more   25  , using the time to tell jokes. A few stared at the field,   26   what will happen in 120 minutes.

Our coach, Tony Severino, came out of his office at 6 o’clock. He told the team how   27   this game was for the season, between two of the state’s top teams—my school and our opposing team, Liberty High School. His words gave the team impulse (冲动) it needed to   28  .

At 7:10 pm, warm-ups finished, we went over the game   29   and discussed what we needed to do for the next three hours. The sound of the national anthem (庄严正式的歌曲)  30   that we were only minutes from the action. Our coach usually made a final   31  . But tonight was different. On this clear night he   32   looked around the room at all the players and shouted, “Let’s go and get them.” Even   33   the “get” came out of his mouth, we were already   34   our way out of the door.

Outside, a few young fans reached to touch our hands, eager to be a   35   of our school’s winning tradition. When I smiled and   36   my hand, the young faces lit up as if they had just met Superman. 

Seconds later, the team ran onto the   37  , moving as a mass of blue, in front of a packed stadium. We enjoyed a noisy   38   from fans and the fight song played by our school band. Breathing in the   39   of one of the biggest game of the year, I felt we were sure to win. I told myself, “This was what it was all about” and   40   that it was for moments like this that I loved high school football.

.A. thoughts                     B. ideas                 C. pictures                    D. minds

.A. covered                   B. mixed               C. replaced                  D. filled

.A. exercising                B. struggling         C. preparing                 D.previewing

.A. in case                     B. even though       C. as long as                D. as if

A. relaxed                      B. worried            C. frightened             D. impressed

A. dreaming               B. wishing             C. expecting                 D. imagining

A. useless                       B. difficult            C. available                  D. important

A. warm up                B. pick up             C. get up                      D. rise up

A. route                        B. flame                      C. plan                        D. forecast

A. urged                           B. insisted             C. suggested              D. stressed

A. speech                       B. preparation        C. decision                   D. change

A. finally                          B. simply                     C. actually                   D. eventually

A. when                        B. before              C. as                           D. since

A. leading                 B. dragging           C. showing                  D. making

A. player                          B. friend               C. part                         D. team

A. held out                B. took out            C. got out                    D.brought out

A. field                            B. stage                C. yard                        D. garden

A. success                 B. reply                C. achievement             D. welcome

A. atmosphere                B. experience               C. expectation           D. examination

A. accept             B. admitted           C. realized              D. recognized


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelves, most of my childhood was spent on books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing and books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives (观点) by creating worlds we could step into, take part. in. and live in.

     With this unshakable belief, I, at. fourteen, decided to become a writer. Here too, reading became useful. Every writer starts off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world. He cannot write without loving to read, because only through reading other people’s writing can one discover what works, what doesn’t and, in the end, together with lots of practice, what voice he has.

Now I am in college, and have come to realize how important it is to read fiction (文学作品).As a. law student, my reading is in fact limited to subject matter—the volume (量) of what I have to read for classes every week means there is little time to read anything else. Such reading made it all the clearer to me that I live in a very small part in this great place called life. Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own. It allows me to travel across the high seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting experiences that I wouldn't necessarily be able to have in my lifetime.

41. What can be inferred about the author as a child? w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m

A.  He never watched TV. w_w*w.k_s*5_u.c_o m

B.  He read what he had to.

C.  He found reading unbelievable.

D.  He considered reading part of his life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

42. The underlined word "voice" in the second paragraph most probably means “       ”.

A.  an idea     

B.  a sound quality

C.  a way of writing

D.  a world to write about

43. What effect does reading have on the author? w_w*w.k_s*5_u.c_o m

A.  It helps him to realize his dream.

B.  It opens up a wider world for him.

C.  It makes his college life more interesting.

D.  It increases his interest in worldwide travel.

44. Which of the following can be the best title of this text? w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m

A.  Why do I read?

B.  How do I read?

C.  What do I read? 

D.  When do I read?



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川省高二上学期期中考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

There are a lot of differences in life in the US that you can only learn by living here. However, we will try to introduce you to some of the more important cultural differences.

Personal Space

When two people are talking to each other, they tend to stand a distance apart. Each person has an invisible boundary (界限) around their body into which other people may not come.

Interestingly,the average personal distance varies from culture to culture. Americans tend to require more personal space than in other cultures. So if you try to get too close to an American during your conversation, he or she will feel that you are “in their face” and will try to back away.

Try to avoid physical contact while you are speaking, since this may also lead to discomfort.


Restaurants do not include a service charge in the bill, so you should tip the waiter 15% of the total bill. If service is slow or particular bad, some Americans will tip only 10%. If service is particularly good, it is appropriate to tip 20%. If service is so bad that you will never eat in the restaurant again, leave two cents. It tells the waiter that you haven’t forgotten to leave a tip. Tipping is only appropriate in restaurants which offer table service. You do not tip the cashier in a fast food restaurant.


To wave goodbye or hello to someone, raise your hand and wave it from side to side, not front to back. Wave the whole hand, not just the fingers. Waving the hand front to back or the fingers up and down means “no”, “stop”, or “go away’. Holding your hand up with the palm facing forward but no movement means “stop”.

If you want to point at an object, extend the index finger and use it to point at the object. It is not polite to point at people.

Although showing your fist with the thumb up or your open hand with the tips of the thumb and index finger together forming an “O” means “OK”, these are stereotypes (老套). Americans understand these gestures, but they are mainly used by actors in movies, not in real life.

1. If an American to whom you are speaking backs away a little, you’d better __________.

A. not try to close the gap              B. stop talking with him or her

C. back away too                     D. ask him or her what happened

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE when you eat out in the US?

A. The tip always ranges from 10% to 20% of the total bill.

B. You needn’t leave a tip if you will never eat in the restaurant.

C. It’s unnecessary to tip the waiter in a restaurant.

D. Tipping is not necessary in fast food restaurants.

3.Which of the following gestures is not used in Americans’ daily life?

A               B.             C.               D.


4.We can learn from the passage that in the US ___________________.

A. it’s natural to touch each other in a conversation.

B. it’s polite to leave a tip though the service is bad.

C. there is only one gesture meaning “stop”.

D. Americans use the same gesture to point at people and objects.


