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  Do you have a friend who is upset about his or her parent’s drinking? You want to do something to help, but what? Your friend may not talk about this with you, but you can still be a good friend.One out of four children lives with at least one adult who has alcoholism, so your friend is not alone.

  ●Be a good listener.Your friend may need someone to talk to.Listen to your friend and suggest that she or he talk to a trusted adult in addition to talking to you.You can offer a good listening ear, but sometimes an adult is needed for more serious things.Maybe you can suggest a caring adult for your friend to talk to, such as a teacher, a neighbor, or a grandparent.He will listen and support your friend, and he will not hurt your friend or put your friend down.

  ●Don’t spread gossip(闲话)about your friend’s family.It’s okay to tell your parents or another trusted adult what is going on, but respect your friend’s right by not telling other kids in your class.

  ●Ask your parents if your friend ________ your house, and then invite your friend over for enjoyable activities or to do homework together.Sometimes your friend might just need to get away and have fun being a kid.

  ●Don’t ride in a car when a friend’s parent has been drinking if you can avoid it.It is not safe.Call your parents, walk, or try to get a ride with an adult you know who has not been drinking.If you must get in the car with a drinking driver, sit in the middle of the back seat with your seat belt fastened.Lock your doors and try to stay calm.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

To help a friend in trouble, you can advise him or her to talk to someone who can be depended on for help.


3.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words of phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words)


4.Which of the suggestions do you think is best for you if you find your friend in trouble? Why?(Please answer within 30 words)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.



1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words)

How to help a friend

2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

To help a friend in trouble, you can advise him or her to talk to someone who can be depended on for help.

Listen to your friend and suggest that she or he talk to a trusted adult in addition to talking to you.

3.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words of phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words)

can come and visit

4.Which of the suggestions do you think is best for you if you find your friend in trouble? Why?(Please answer within 30 words)

The third one. Because it will give them great warmth and care so that they will recover soon.

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.



科目:高中英语 来源:三点一测丛书 高中英语 必修3 (译林+牛津版课标本) 译林+牛津版课标本 题型:001


1.What does the woman suggest they do?

A.They shouldn't buy food for picnic.

B.They should afford the expense together.

C.They should buy food instead of Gary.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He should have listened to his coach.

B.He wouldn't listen to the coach in future.

C.He won the match in fact.

3.What can we know about the man from the dialogue?

A.He watched the game with his boss.

B.He didn't watch the game because he had to work.

C.He watched the game but did not know the score.

4.Which of the following sentences about Tom is true?

A.He is working in Canada now.

B.He has come back from Canada.

C.He went to Canada a few years ago.

5.Will the woman stop worrying after their talk?

A.Yes, she will.

B.No, she won't.

C.No, she doesn't.


Good evening.Tonight the main news is about the bad weather we're having.Storms are   1   in all parts of the country.In the north many roads are   2   because of the high   3  .Two main roads near Glasgow are blocked by trees.In the south, too, heavy

rains and storms are reported;   4   Dover   5   houses have been flooded.And last night a truck was blown   6   by the wind.In the east, quite a few areas have been flooded.Many small boats have been   7  .And this morning, one boat was found two   8   in land.Things are better in the west.But the two villages have been flooded by the river.Four people nearly   9   in the river.More storms are   10   tomorrow.


科目:高中英语 来源:三点一测丛书 高中英语 必修3 (译林+牛津版课标本) 译林+牛津版课标本 题型:001


1.Whose car was stolen?


B.The man's.

C.The woman's.

2.Whose house is the smallest?



C.The man's.

3.How much do the man and the woman have in all?

A.$ 3.00.

B.$ 8.00.

C.$ 13.00.

4.What do you think the talk probably takes place?

A.In a post office.

B.In a bookstore.

C.In a department store.

5.Whom did the man speak to?

A.Mrs Green.




  Arbor Day means Days of Trees.The idea came from Nebraska.A visitor to Nebraska today wouldn't believe that the state was a   1   plain.  2   it was the lack of trees there that   3   to the founding of Arbor Day in the 1800s.

  At that time Nebraska had few trees.There were so few that the pioneers had   4   in getting enough to do anything.There was no shade, and crops didn't   5   well in the dry earth.Fortunately, among those moving into Nebraska in 1854 was J Sterling Morton.He and his wife were   6   lovers, and the home they established in Nebraska was quickly planted with trees and   7  .On January 4,1872, Moron first proposed a   8   holiday to be   9  “Arbor day”.The date was   10   for April 10,1872.  11   speaks louder than words.It was estimated(据估计)that more than one million trees were planted in Nebraska   12   the first Arbor Day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


梵  高

张  炜













下列对文章的理解有误的两项是:(     )






