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 Big businesses enjoy certain _________ that smaller ones don’t have.

   A .regulation        B. privileges  C. arrangements     D.distributions



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河北存瑞中学高二下期第三次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The US government has started a website, Admongo, to help children think critically about the advertising aimed at them. It claims to provide visitors with an “education” through games and other entertainment.

A cartoon man dressed in old time pilot clothing greets visitors to Admongo. "Call me Haiz", he says upon arrival in a rocket ship that opens up with a crazy world inside it. Spacey dance music plays in the background as Haiz tells visitors that they need to learn about advertising.

Its inventors say eight to twelve years old is the age kids develop their critical thinking abilities. Kids of that age are also a big market for advertisers.

The idea behind Admongo is to teach children three things: To identify the advertiser. To know what the advertiser is really saying. And to know what the advertisement is trying to get the child to do.

Children learn these things through a video game. They create their own game character. They can choose different skin colors, hair styles, eye and mouth shapes. Then they begin a trip through ad-land, where there are ads on buses and billboards. The players have to find all the marketing in the neighborhood before they can move on to the next level.

The Admongo game takes players inside a home, to the advertising studio and everywhere else ads can be found. It is a complete exploration of the world of marketing.

One such area is food marketing. The Federal Trade Comission (FTC) says it is a big business. The FTC estimates that food, drink and fast-food restaurants spent more than one and a half billion dollars on advertising to young people in 2010.

The FTC says children are important for three reasons. They buy products. They influence parents and caregivers to buy. And they are the future adult buyers of the products.

A recent study says most advertising aimed at children is for foods of the lowest nutritional value. First Lady Michelle Obama has said she would like to see advertisers marketing healthy foods for children.

1.The best title of the text may be ________.

A.The guide of Admongo                   B.An education website for children

C.A popular online video game               D.An advertising website

2.The government started the website to _________.

A.attract the biggest market of buyers.

B.sell the products of its company.

C.help children know about advertising.

D.advertise the video game for children.

3. Players in the website game can_________.

A.choose hair styles for their character.        B.travel to a supermarket.

C.eat in a fast-food restaurant.               D.play video games during the trip.

4.According to Michelle Obama, lots of food advertised for children are _____.

A.healthy           B.of high nutrition     C.yummy           D.of low quality



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西白鹭洲中学高三模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Making an advertisement for television often costs more than a movie. For example, a two – hour movie costs $6 million to make. A TV commercial can cost more than $6 000 a second. And that does not include cost of paying for air time. Which is more valuable, the program or the ad? In terms of money – and making money is what television is all about – the commercial is by far the more important.

Research, market testing, talent, time and money —— all come together to make us want to buy a product.

No matter how bad we think a commercial is, it works. The sales of Charm went up once the ads began. TV commercials actually buy their way into our head. We, in turn, buy the product.

And the ads work because so much time and attention are given to them. Here are some rules of commercial ad making. If you want to get the low middle – class buyer, make sure the announcer has a though, manly voice. Put some people in the ad who work with their hands. If you want to sell to upper – class audience, make sure that the house,  the furniture, and the hair style are the types that the group identifies  with. If you want the buyer feel superior to the character selling the product, then make that person so stupid or silly that everyone will feel great about himself or herself.

We laugh at commercials. We don’t think we pay that much attention to them. But evidence shows we are kidding ourselves. The making of a commercial that costs so much money is not kid stuff. It’s big, big business. And it’s telling us what to think , what we need, and what to buy. To put simply, the TV commercial is a form of brainwashing.

1.TV commercials are more important than other programs to television because      .

A.they bring in great profits                 B.they require a lot of money to make

C.they are not difficult to produce            D.they attract more viewers than other programs

2.The purpose of all the efforts made in turning out TV commercials is         .`

A.to persuade people to buy the product

B.to show how valuable the product is

C.to test the market value of the product

D.to make them as interesting as TV movies

3.From the rules set for making commercial ads, we can see that         .

A.the lower – middle – class buyer likes to work with his hand

B.the more stupid the characters, the more buyers of the product

C.ad designers attract different people with different skills

D.an upper – class buyer is only interested in houses and furniture

4.It is believed by the writer that         .

A.few people like to watch TV commercials

B.TV commercials are a good guide to buyers

C.TV commercials often make people laugh

D.people do not think highly of TV commercials

5.What does the author actually mean in the last paragraph?

A.He asks TV viewers never to laugh at the TV commercial ads.

B.Commercials are used to show the true value of a product to be sold.

C.TV commercials cost much and they do influence us in one way or another.

D.Brainwashing must be introduced to sell something on TV.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届河北省高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The following are introductions to some programs that BBC I London will show on TV.

12:25 a.m. Tuesday

The Real Swiss Robinson Family

Laura worried that her children have had their life too easy due to her husband’s career in big business, so she decides to take her teenagers to the Cook Islands to experience the simple life.They face storms and a lack of food, but Laura is happy as their local guide shows them the island’s wealth of rare fruits and foods.

11:00 a.m. Wednesday

Orangutan Diary

A team have come across an armed man who is holding two baby apes who were captures. One of them, David, is sent to a medical emergency in the forest.Later a center director, Nielsen, finds a suitable place to set free more rescued animals.

7:50 p.m. Thursday

Lost Buildings of Britain

Simon Thurley visits the ruins of Glastonbruy Abbey(修道院),which , before its destruction by Henry VIII, was famous for some of the most amazing stained-glass of its age.It also had a great deal of financial power, acting as the center of an influential business empire.Eventually, it was the king’s envy of the abbey’s wealth that changed the abbey’s fate.

10:35 p.m. Thursday

Nigella Express

Nigella presents ideas for impromptu(即兴的)cooking, from new recipes and suggestions for taking advantage of the food you have to make quick, simple and impressive meals.

1.Why is Laura worried?

A.Life on the Cook Islands is too simple.

B.Her husband faces difficulties in his business.

C.Storms are approaching her hometown.

D.Her children may not know how to cherish life.

2.Jim enjoys TV programmes of people or organizations that take care of animals. He should probably watch TV at      .

A.10:35 p.m. on Thursday

B.7:50 p.m. on Thursday

C.11.00 a.m. on Wednesday

D.12:25 a.m. on Tuesday

3.We can learn from the text that       .

A.David is a farmer

B.Henry VIII set up a business empire in the Abbey

C.Nielsen is an animal-lover

D.Glastonbury Abbey is famous today for its stained-glass



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年人教版高中英语必修五Unit3 练习卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Making an advertisement for television often costs more than a movie. For example, a two-hour movie costs $6 million to make. A TV commercial can cost more than $ 600 a second. 54  Which is more valuable, the program or the ad? In terms of money---and making money is what television is all about—the commercial is by far the most important.

Research, market testing, talent, and money—all come together to make us want to buy a product.  55  The sales of charm went up once the ads began. TV commercials actually buy their way into our head.  56 

And the ads work because so much time and attention are given to them.  57 If you want to get a lower-middle-class buyer, make sure the announcer has a tough, manly voice. Put some people in the ad who work with their hands. If you want to sell the products to an upper-class audience, make sure that the house, the furniture, and the hairstyles are the types that the group agree with . if you want the buyer to feel superior to the character selling the product, then make that person so stupid or silly that everyone will feel great about himself or herself.

We laugh at commercials. We don’t think we pay much attention to them.  58 The making of a TV commercial that costs so much money is not a kid stuff. It’s a big,big business. And it’s telling us what to think, what we need, and what to buy. To put it simple, the TV commercial is a form of brainwashing.

A.No matter how bad we think a commercial is, it works.

B.And this does not include the cost of paying for air time.

C.We, in return, buy the product.

D.The purpose of all the efforts made in producing TV commercials is to show how valuable the product is.

E. Here are some rules of commercial ad making.

F. TV commercials are a good guide to buyers.

G. But evidence shows we are kidding ourselves.



科目:高中英语 来源:2009-2010学年甘肃省天水市第二学期第一阶段考试题高二英语 题型:阅读理解

My topic is fashion(时装). Fashion is important to all of us. Now we are all wearing school uniforms(校服). When we go home, what do we do? We change into other clothes. If we are going out, we like to wear fashionable clothes. So my first object is this blouse. It looks beautiful, doesn’t it? It is the most expensive piece of clothing, and I love it. It cost over $600. You may say that it is too expensive, but luckily I can afford it. The more you spend, the better the quality is. So you see, fashion is quite important to me, I admire it.

However, I’m not as fond of fashion as my elder brother. Last summer, my parents took us both to London. They wanted to show us some famous sights. But my brother Gary did not appreciate the old buildings. He just wanted to spend all his time in the big shopping arcades(拱廊), searching for the coolest pair of trousers! For him, fashion was more important than culture. These are the trousers he bought. Were they worth the expensive of a trip to London to buy these? I don’t think so. I think it was a waste of time and money.

We must, however, remember that fashion is a very big business. Changes in fashion can create or lose jobs. As an example, I have bought this blonde(淡黄色的) wig(假发) to show you. Do you like it? It belongs to one of my mother’s friends. She told me that in the 1960s, it was fashionable for western women to wear wigs. But a few years later fashions changed and women wore wigs much less often. Then the wig factories closed down and hundreds of workers lost their jobs.

53. The passage may be ____.  

A. a story from a magazine        B. a piece of news from a newspaper

C. a report on the radio           D. a speech to the classmates

54. The author (作者)showed all these objects EXCEPT_____ in the passage.

A. the blonde wig                B. the expensive blouse

C. the coolest trousers             D. the school uniform

55. What does the author (作者)want to tell us in last paragraph?

A. Wigs were always popular

B. People in the east once liked wearing blonde wigs

C. Fashion is actually a business

D. Business often depends on the production of wigs.


