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【题目】 There are so many words in English that learning all of them can seem difficult.To make things even more challenging, certain sounds are pronounced differently.1

Learn the vowel元音) sounds.

In English, there are five main vowel letters: a, e, i, o, u.2Each vowel letter has both a short sound(such as the a in"bat)or a long sound(such as the a in "play").Learn and practice these different vowel sounds to help teach you how to pronounce certain words and to improve your English pronunciation.


One of the most effective ways to learn a language is to listen to someone speaking it.Once you are familiar with how a language sounds, you will be able to start picking up on more sounds, words and phrases.

Record yourself.

4To solve this problem and really see how you sound, try recording yourself.Use a smart phone or tape recorder to play back how you sound when you are speaking English.

Get a spoken English tutor.

To truly understand if you are saying and pronouncing things the right way, find someone who can practice with you and act as a spoken English tutor.5

A.Break down words.

B.Listen to an English speaker.

C.Sometimes the letter “y” can make a vowel sound, too..

D.How do you know if you are saying things correctly?

E.He or she will be able to correct you and teach you how to pronounce better.

F.Thankfully,.there are tips that you can learn to make things a little easier.

G.Compare your English comprehension to someone else to see if you are doing it correctly.










2本段主要讨论元音,前文提到“there are five main vowel letters: a, e, i, o, u.”,C选项“Sometimes the letter y can make a vowel sound, too.”的“too”作为关键词与前一句达成并列关系,且亦是在讨论元音。故选C项。

3下文“One of the most effective ways to learn a language is to listen to someone speaking it. 学习一门语言最有效的方法之一就是听别人说,可知本段主要讲述在学英语时听一个讲英语的人说话。故选B项。

4本段下文“To solve this problem and really see how you sound, try recording yourself.Use a smart phone or tape recorder to play back how you sound when you are speaking English.”要解决这个问题并真正了解你的声音,试着自己录音。用智能手机或录音机播放你说英语时的声音。这个问题就是你怎么知道你说得对?故选D项。

5前文提到“find someone who can practice with you and act as a spoken English tutor. 找一个能和你一起练习的人来做英语口语老师,这里是因果关系。他或她会纠正你,教你如何发音更好。故选E项。


分析本文的语篇结构,可以知道第一段是文章的主题句,然后接下来各段的语篇结构都是主题句(总)+支撑句(分)(分述主题的具体内容/说明原因/举例证明等)。所以第2小题本段的支撑句(分)是下文“One of the most effective ways to learn a language is to listen to someone speaking it. 学习一门语言最有效的方法之一就是听别人说,可知本段主要讲述在学英语时听一个讲英语的人说话。故选B项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Who are the intended listeners of the talk?

A. Officers who hope to improve international understanding.

B. Students who want lo get further education.

C. Volunteers who can work abroad.

2What kind of project does the one in Japan belong to?

A. A .short-term project. B. A medium-term project, C. A long term project.

3What docs the project in Poland demand?

A. Medical experience. B. Language ability. C. Physical work.

4Where will the medical students work?

A. In a center for disabled children. B. In a children’s holiday center. C. In a village of Japan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Terrific New Technologies

A fashionable smart speaker

The new Amazon Echo smart speaker has the same popular feature as the original--an always listening voice assistant ready to play music and news, set timers, and use third-party apps. Only now it's actually stylish.The $120 speaker comes in different finishes, including fabric and wood.

A helping hand for parents

10 Suzy Snooze helps babies and kids sleep so parents can catch up on their own sleep. It's a sound machine and a nightlight. It connects with an app over wi-fi and turns into an audio monitor. If a kid cries at midnight, it'll detect the sound and try to calm him back to sleep. It can also let early risers know when it's OK to get out of bed. Made by Bleep Bleeps, the $249"smart nightlight"has an adorable little face.

Safety for ding dongs

Doorbells used to just ring, ding, and dong. But thanks to modern technology, doorbells can now double as Internet-connected- surveillance(监视) devices.Rings $249 Video Doorbell Pro can record HD video of your front steps, even at night. It includes motion sensors and two-way audio, so you can yell "get off my lawn" from anywhere. You can also use the app to see what's going on in front of your house while you're at work or in the backyard.

The must-have kitchen gadget

The Instant Pot makes food fast in one pot. The surprise kitchen hit is a combination of pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker and even yogurt maker. It has sensors and settings to make cooking as safe as possible. Starting at $80, an Instant Pot can make dishes in less time than it typically takes to cook them.

1What can Suzy Snooze do for parents?

A. Provide sunlight.

B. Play with babies.

C. Comfort crying babies.

D. Remind parents to wake up kids.

2What is the advantage of the Video Doorbell Pro compared with traditional doorbells?

A. It can play HD videos.

B. It can make a sound of ding-dong.

C. It can communicate with the users.

D. It can take on the work of a monitor.

3Who are most probably interested in the Instant Pot?

A. Those who love fast food.

B. Those who enjoy cooking.

C. Those who are busy working.

D. Those who like going camping.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 There is such a group of singers in the western musical circle at present, who enter the business as online celebrities(名人)and then become top idols and giant stars globally.They become popular for their videos online and then they are discovered by talent agents and gradually cause huge storms in the musical circle.For example, Troye Sivan, a singer who is nicknamed “chuoye”, became popular on You tube from an early age.

As a popular video sharing website, You Tube has given rise to plenty of stars, creating a new celebrity culture.Providing a platform where anyone can post videos, You tube presents the opportunity for anyone to achieve fame by simply uploading a short video.Sivan has been making you tube videos since he was 12 to show his singing talent.In the digital age, Sivan has already developed large devoted audience online and his sensitive video blogs have earned him extreme popularity.

A.survey has showed that US teenagers are more attracted with You Tube stars, which is a surprising result.You Tube stars are judged to be more attractive, outstanding and related than traditional stars.Looking at the survey comments and feedback, teens enjoy a close and real experience with You Tube celebrities, who aren't carefully directed by design.Teens also say they appreciate YouTube stars sense of humor and risk-taking spirit, which are often limited by Hollywood stars.As a result, singers who make their first show in the traditional way no longer have a complete advantage in front of the audience.Online platforms open up a lot of doors for people.They become the best place to be discovered.

1How do online celebrities become popular?

A. By acting in Hollywood.

B. By writing blogs on the website.

C. By posting their videos online and gain recognition.

D. By meeting audience across the country.

2Why does the writer mention Troye Sivan in Paragraph I and Paragraph 2?

A. To give an example of becoming successful by working hard.

B. To give an example of becoming a well-known singer with the help of the website.

C. To give an example of holding a successful concert.

D. To give an example of sticking to great determination.

3What can we infer about Hollywood stars according to the last paragraph?

A. They never give performances online.

B. They are more outstanding than YouTube stars.

C. They write less sensitive video blogs than YouTube stars.

D. They are less humorous and risk-taking than YouTube stars.

4What is the author’s attitude towards online platforms like You Tube?

A. Positive.B. Negative.

C. Uncaring.D. Doubtful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Larry Bird was born in 1965 in a small town in the Middle Western State of Indiana. He was tall, and good at playing basketball. He attended Indiana State University. Bird led the team into the College Basketball Championship Game.

After completing his college studies, Larry Bird began playing professional basketball for the Boston Celtics. He remained with the Celtics for all his professional career. During those 13 years, Larry Bird was named the Most Valuable Player of the Year three times. He scored more than 21, 000 points, and he played in 13 of the highest scoring games in his team’s history. Once he scored 60 points in just one game.

During his very successful basketball career, Larry Bird suffered a number of injuries. In 1989, he stopped playing because of pain in his feet. He returned in 1990, but the pain in his feet returned too. In the next two years he experienced more medical problems, and he missed many games.

Larry Bird did play on the Dream Team-the first Olympic Team with professional players. However, after winning the gold medal in Barcelona, he announced that he would retire from professional basketball. Larry Bird said he would have liked to play a little longer, but he could not because of his health problems. He also said it was a good time to leave the game. He wanted to be remembered as a winner.

1The main idea of the second paragraph is that Larry Bird ________.

A. was named the Most Valuable Player of the Year B. was strong and tall

C. was good at shooting baskets D. was the oldest player of the team

2The underlined word “scored” in the second paragraph means ________.

A. lost B. got

C. made D. wrote

3When he returned to his team in 1990, ________.

A. he had recovered from a number of injuries

B. he played in all the following games for his team

C. he still had a lot of medical problems caused by the previous(先前的)injuries

D. He didn’t play for his team any more

4Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Larry Bird began his career after his graduation from the college.

B. He lost interest in playing basketball after he retired.

C. Though he left the team, he didn’t feel too much regret.

D. He thought it a right decision to leave the team.

5What team did Larry Bird join during his professional career?

A. The Dream Team. B. The Indiana State University Team.

C. The Boston Celtics. D. An unknown team.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


People have all turned to sad music to make themselves feel better at some point in their lives, 1why does the music with double or even triple sadness help drag people out of low spirits?

A new study throws light on what's going on inside people’s brains when they match their music to their feelings, and it looks as if sad music can be enjoyable, rather than 2(simple) depressing. Music of this sort can arouse positive memories in people’s life , thus3(lift)their mood.

Psychologist Adrian North from Curtin University in Australia says there 4(existence) two groups of possible explanations for why people enjoy listening to sad music like this---one from social psychology, and the other from cognitive neuroscience(神经学).

5terms of social psychology, one idea about this is that people will feel 6(good) about themselves if they focus on someone who's doing even worse. Everything's going to be okay, because this person is having 7even worse day than they are.

Another idea from social psychology is that people like to listen to the very music 8shows their present life circumstances, because this kind of music makes them feel they are understood. With their emotions9(share), they definitely get a certain amount of comfort.

So, the 10(conclude) again—sad music does cheer people up, and it works far better than happy music, in most cases.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Today's personal computers are very different from the huge machines that were born during World War II-and the difference isn't only in their size. By the 1970s, these early PCs could not perform many of the tasks that today's computers can. Users could only do mathematical calculations(数学计算) and play simple games. Today PCs are used in many different kinds of ways. At home and at work, we use our PCs to do almost everything. It is nearly impossible to imagine modern life without them.

The earliest computers were not "personal" in any way: They were large and expensive, and they required a team of engineers and other experts to keep them running. One of the first and most famous of these, the Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer (ENIAC), was built at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC cost 500, 000, weighed 30 tons and took up nearly 2, 000 square feet of floor space.

ENIAC and other early computers proved that the machines were worth so much money, space and manpower they needed. For example, ENIAC could solve in 30 seconds a problem that could take a team of human "computers" 12 hours to complete. At the same time, new technologies were making it possible to build smaller computers.

But one of the most important of the inventions that make way for the PC revolution was the microprocessor(微处理器). Microprocessors were the size of a nail. They could run the computer's programs, remember information and manage data(数据) all by themselves.

These new ideas made it cheaper and easier to produce computers than ever before. As a result, the smaller, cheaper "microcomputer"-soon known as the "personal computer"-was born. Today, portable computers, smart phones and ipads allow us to have a PC with us wherever we go.

1What's mainly talked about in the first paragraph? ______

A.An even more relaxing lifestyle without PCs.

B.PCs can be made full use of to do everything.

C.Differences between modern and early PCs.

D.The difficult situation of PCs being born.

2What do we know about the earliest computers? ______

A.It was easy to control them.B.They took up too much room.

C.Nobody could afford one.D.They were built by universities.

3Why does the writer take ENIAC for example? ______

A.To predict high technology will make computers smaller.

B.To show computers are really smarter than human beings.

C.To explain why computers could deal with any problem.

D.To prove spending money on early computers was meaningful.

4Which of the following makes the biggest contribution to microcomputers? ______



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The waves were carrying James further and further away from us. From James’s face, I could see he was terrified of being a________ by us.

2On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of o________ and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.

3The bell that i________ the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion.

4Compared with the price of that store, the price of this one sounds r________—all the goods are of good value.

5Sometimes I wonder how ________(相关的)chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.

6My persistence finally ________ ________(获得回报)when they called me in for an interview.

7So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh, when I got ________ ________ ________(上气不接下气)after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs.

8Citizens in the town are now ________ ________ ________(赞成)a cut in tax.

9My efforts to come to a settlement were ended ________ ________(徒劳地).

10We tried our best to make our garden ________ ________ ________(适应)its surroundings.

