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        Yes,we know. Summer is almost here and the moment youJ ve all been waiting for has arrived. It's  time to show off your creativity in the Summer Writing Competition 2016!

        The competition is now open,giving secondary school students a chance to express themselves freely.

         We're looking for fictional stories to run during the summer holidays. Romance,comedy,or something a little darker — it' s  up to you,but it must be set in California,and needs to be no shorter than 1,600 words and no longer than 1,800 words. And this year's topic is “Down the rabbit hole."

         The competition is not open to any staff working in our newspaper or their family members. 

         The competition starts on May 20 and there are great prizes to be won!So put your thinking cap on and show us your best materials.

         The closing date for entries is June 23. Absolutely no late entries,no matter how much you beg,or what cute pictures you post on our Facebook page.

         Winners will be announced in the middle of August and the prize-giving ceremony will bp held on August 31.

The prizes:

* The winner will get: book vouchers worth $1,000

* First runner-up: book vouchers worth $600

* Second runner-up: two tickets to Ocean Park,worth a total of $480          So what are you waiting for? Get writing!

         Be sure to include your full name,age,school,phone number and a photograph with your entry.

         Send your entnes to yp@writing.com,with the word “Rabbit” in subject field.

1. Who can take part in the competition?

   A. Californian locals.

   B. Young book writers.

   C. Newspaper reporters.

   D. Secondary school students.

2. What are participants required to write?

   A. News reports.       B. Musical dramas.

   C. Historical novels.  D. Imaginary stories.

3. What will the champion of the competition receive?

   A. $480 in cash.

   B. Books worth $600.

   C. A SI,000 book voucher.

   D. Two tickets to Ocean Park.

4. Where is the text probably taken from?

   A. A novel.     B. An art book.

   C. A newspaper. D. A writing guide.

1. D 2. D 3. C 4. C



1. D.细节理解题。根据第二段中的The competition is now open,giving secondary school students a chance to express themselves freely 可知,该写作大赛是面向中学生的。

2. D.细节理解题。根据第三段中的We’re looking for fictional stories可知,此次写作大赛需要参赛者虚构一个故事。

3. C.细节理解题。根据关于奖项部分的介绍The winner will get: book vouchers worth $1.000 可知,第一名将获得价值一千美元的图书代金券。

4. C.文章出处题。根据第四段中的The competition is not open to any staff working in our newspaper可知,本赛事摘自报纸。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第41期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          When we communicate online,words sometimes just aren’t enough,says City University London Professor Adrian David Cheok.

          Now,he has a solution: researchers at his Mixed Reality Lab are coming up with ways to say words with a smell — developing cell phone apps and plug-ins that give off smells like flowers and food.

         “Smell is a very powerful- sense. It can cause an emotion or memory directly 一 before we logically think about it,” Cheok tells the Columbia Broadcasting System.

          The lab has already created technology able to send the smell of flowers to a loved one through texting — as long as the person has a little digital machine plugged into the (耳机塞孔) of his smart phone.

          The first application of this technology was the Hana Yakiniku plug-in released in Japan in 2013. It became available internationally on Amazon in February. The video marketing the Hana Yakiniku attachment presents funny digital smell solutions to common problems: a poor college student,for example,can now eat dinner with his iPhone and enjoy the smell of beef he can* t afford while eating rice for lunch. The plug-in attachment is sold at a reasonable price of about thirty-five dollars.

           The technology can be used in a range of commercial applications,from diet programs,advertising and health care,to recipes and personal communications.

          “You can send someone an online message with the smell of a flower,” Cheok says. “For our everyday communication,we want to be able to have a much wider range of experiences being communicated. Not just sending data or information,we want to share our experiences. ”

9. What is the purpose of Cheok's technology?

   A. To improve our sense of smell.

   B. To help us have a better memory.

   C. To help us enjoy better communication.

   D. To encourage us to use more words online.

10. The Hana Yakiniku plug-in was based on the design by.

   A. a Japanese company

   B. the Amazon company

   C. the Mixed Reality Lab

   D. the Columbia Broadcasting System

11. According to the text,Cheok's technology.

   A. will have many different uses

   B. will be on the market very soon

   C. is too expensive for most people

   D. is possibly harmful to earphone jacks

12. What does Cheok mainly tell us in the last paragraph?

   A. The influence of personal experiences.

   B. The importance of communication.

   C. The development of smart phones.

   D. The advantages of his invention.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

             Jennifer and her friends put on their Halloween costumes and went trick-or-treating for sweets around the neighbourhood.

             There was an old house right at the top of her street that was 21 to be often visited by ghosts. No one was sure,if anybody actually 22 in the house because nobody was ever seen 23 or leaving it.

             Jennifer's friends 24 her to go and knock on the door. Poor Jennifer really didnt want to,but she knew she couldn'1 tell her friends she was 25 .

             Jennifer checked her watch,it was nearly 26 . That made it even scarier!Using her 27 to guide her in the dark,she 28 made her way to the old house. When she was about halfway there,her flashlight 29!She almost turned around and ran all the way back, 30 she knew that would make her friends 31 her. With only the moonlight from above lighting her way,she gathered all her 32 and walked the remaining distance to the door. Her hands were 33 as she knocked. In the silence of the night the sound of the knock was so much 34 than she expected that she almost jumped back in 35 !She held her breath,crossed her fingers and hoped 36 would open the door. Just as she was about to turn and leave,the old door slowly 37 . Jennifer could not have been more 38 to see a beautiful old lady standing right in front of her.

             The old lady smiled warmly at Jennifer and explained that this was the 39 time someone had come trick-or-treating. Every year she bought sweets for children but no one ever came. The old lady was so 40 that she gave Jennifer a big bag of sweets and told her to come and visit her again.

21. A. said   B. judged   C. proved   D. expected

22. A. played   B. disappeared  C. lived   D. lay

23. A. passing   B. cleaning  C. decorating   D. entering

24. A. introduced   B. dared  C. supported   D. allowed

25. A. scared   B. excited  C. puzzled   D. disappointed

26. A. midnight   B. morning  C. afternoon   D. noon

27. A. dog   B. watch   C. phone   D. flashlight

28. A. proudly   B. carelessly   C. slowly   D. hopefully

29. A. fell off   B. took off   C. went out   D. went on

30. A. although   B. unless  C. so   D. but

31. A. argue with   B. talk about  C. look at   D. laugh at

32. A. weapons   B. patience  C. courage   D. clothes

33. A. moving   B. shaking   C. waving   D. bleeding

34. A. softer   B. louder   C. shorter   D. longer

35. A. anger   B. delight   C. fright   D. sorrow

36. A. no one   B. someone   C. anyone   D. everyone

37. A. appeared   B. widened  C. broke   D. opened

38. A. surprised   B. satisfied  C. moved   D. annoyed

39. A. first   B. best   C. last   D. next

40. A. nervous   B. anxious   C. happy   D. upset


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3. 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            One day when I was twelve years old,I visited the library in my city. At the library,a librarian asked me, “What are you going to do 21 you grow up?” I said, “I'm going to be a writer. I'm going to write books." The librarian smiled and said, “Well,when you do write a book,bring it to our library and we’ 11 put it 22 display. ” I was greatly inspired after 23 (hear) the librarian's words.

           After I left college,I believed I had something to say and started a book. One year later,I finally finished it. I sent it off to several publishers. However, 24 of them wanted to have it 25 (publish) . I put it away 26 (sad) . I thought that perhaps I didnt have a gift for writing. I wanted to give up. However,I thought of 27 the librarian once told me. So I decided to try again. Later,I got an agent and wrote another book in two years. I pulled the other out of hiding and soon both 28 (sell) by my agent.

          The day when a box arrived on my doorstep with some free author's 29 (copy) , I wept. The following day,I went to the library with each copy of my books. I hugged the librarian,thanking her for her 30 (inspire) words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            Ragtime (雷格泰姆音乐) is a unique f American music. Characterized both by its African--American syncopation (切分音) and European classical structure,ragtime,in its golden age from 1900 to 1918,was enjoyed by people of all races and backgrounds.

            Ragtime was first popular in the late 19th century. A

“rag” can have varied instrumentation,but usually it is written for piano. Earlier than recorded mug He was spread almost completely as sheet music which was performed by amateur pianists in cafes around the country. Public performances by ragtime composers were in short supply,but high demand. The first official ragtime hit was Scott Joplin,s Maple Leaf Rag,published in 1899. America was fascinated by this unique Composition.

            Today,Joplin is the most famous figurf in ragtime

I a smnreir.iate his compositions for the creative combination of folk rhythms and classical harmonies. He first showed great musical potential at a young age,and when his family moved to a new home in Texas,his mother worked long hours to earn enough money to buy a piano for him. His abilities were noticed by a German piano teacher who gave Joplin free lessons and taught him good classical techniques. Soon enough,Joplin became a skilled musician and began studying music composition at George Smith College in Sedalia,Missouri. After some years as a traveling musician,he eventually settled back in Sedalia and became a pianist at several popular men's clubs. It was during this period of his career that he composed his Maple Leaf Rag,the piano piece that brought him and ragtime itself national fame. .

             Ragtime has given way to jazz by the 1920s.Audio(声音的) recording was becoming popular at the same time. The piano was no longer required and jazz albums began playing in living rooms across the country. Like all folk music,though,jazz pays respect to ragtime by borrowing its style,rhythm,and mood.

5. What do we learn about ragtime?

   A. It is a kind of modem music. 

   B. It is mainly played on the piano.

   C. It was enjoyed in the form of recorded music.

   D. It was played by professional instrumentalists.

6. During his early years,Scott Joplin.

   A. moved from America to Germany

   B. received good musical education

   C. got little support from his family

   D. taught at George Smith College

7. Scott Joplin 's Maple Leaf Rag was created when.

   A. he worked as a pianist in Sedalia

   B. he became a traveling musician

   C. ragtime was in its golden age

   D. he first won national fame

8. We learn from the text that jazz .

   A. went into decline because of audio recording

   B. became popular thanks to live performances

   C. was replaced by ragtime in the 1920s

   D. was greatly influenced by ragtime


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


           My name is Petra. I volunteered for a program in South Africa in the summer last year. Coming to Knysna in South Africa was very exciting. The warm welcome,tasty food,free Wifi and laundry service were just some of the pleasant things in the volunteer house. The house was situated on a hill in a quiet area with an amazing view over the Knysna bay,which made our stay very nice.

           I booked Ihe Community Outreach & HIV Awareness program. But I was a little bit upset to find there was only one hour of HIV training on my schedule. I really looked forward to more training on HIV. But the program staff came up with some other projects instead which turned out to be funny and successful.

            We worked together in a constructive way,keeping at the back of our minds the success of the projects. Any good idea was welcomed,acknowledged and carried out. Though the work there was a bit tiring,we enjoyed ourselves.

            Not to forget about all the lovely,interesting and thankful people we met on our working tours. They really appreciated the work we did to help them live a better life. So as a volunteer you can gain so much appreciation and sincerity,which you will hardly find in our European society. There wealth is only defined by the value of the newest technical device(设备) the size of the car you drive and all the other things one owns.

            Please don't get me wrong; I don't want to romanticize their hard everyday lives. But the people V ve met there gave me the impression that they laiow what really matters: Caring about each other,being honest and confident,living in the present,and so on.

             So if you are open-minded and want to experience something great,don't hesitate to join such a program.

1. What disappointed the author in Knysna?

   A. Things in the volunteer house.

   B. The attitude of the program st^ff.

   C. The arrangements for HIV training.

   D. The location of the volunteer house.

2. The author's program in Knysna is most probably meant to.

   A. attract tourists to visit there

   B. help the locals live a better life

   C. help volunteers enjoy a great time

   D. bring work opportunities to the locals

3. After dealing with the locals in Knysna,the author.

   A. realized wealth was important

   B. wanted to receive more training

   C. thought they lived a romantic life

   D. formed a good impression of them

4. How does the author feel about her time in Knysna?

   A. Regretful.    B. Relaxing.

   C. Inconvenient. D. Awesome.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          Remember the good old days before smartphones? No,we don't mean the days without mobile phones. We’ re talking the old school days. We’ re talking the era of flip phones (翻盖手机) .One teenager named Janey Litvin is looking to bring those days back.

          It started when Litvin dropped her iPhone and heard “crrmrrrack ,” the sound every iPhone owner knows and fears. At first,Litvin was frightened W see her iPhone break into pieces on the floor,but she eventually considered it a good thing.

          “Although I wouldn’t  have admitted it,I was totally addicted to my iPhone,w Litvin wrote in a post,describing it as her full-time job. If she didn't check it at all moments of the day,something,whether it be a Facebook notification (通知) or a message from a friend,would fall through the cracks.“A broken iPhone changed everything. Suddenly,there was no pressure to respond or stay updated with vveveryone's latest move,and it was nice,” she said.

          When others broke their phones and enjoyed a day Or two of freedom from cyberspace,they would get their phones fixed,and then jump right back into the world of network. But Litvin chose not to replace her smartphone. The teen instead ordered a purple Motorola flip phone that “gets the job done." It's a i*ar cry from a wonderful smartphone,but it's all Litvin wanted.

          At first,Litvin experienced uneasiness,even missing out on important conversations and plans. Eventually,she settled into the smartphone-less life,which turned out to be a good thing for her friendships. As Litvin has learned at a summer camp where mobile phones are banned,being disconnected can help “develop incredibly strong friendships."

          For those of us who have not yet tried to brave the world without an iPhone,Litvin offers the following advice.

5. What does the underlined part “fall through the cracks”

in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. Be checked. B. Be ignored.

   C. Break up.   D. Show up.

6. What did Litvin do after her iPhone broke?

   A. She had it repaired.

   B. She got another iPhone.

   C. She stopped using a mobile phone.

   D. She bought a less advanced phone.

7. We learn from the text that now Litvin.

   A. lives a very busy life

   B. has fewer friends than before

   C. experiences uneasiness sometimes

   D. has got used to life without a smartphone

8. The text is probably followed by a paragraph about.

   A. Litvin's present life

   B. a story about friendship

   C. some tips given by Litvin

   D. some benefits of an iPhone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. In the US,winter wheat is (收获) in the early summer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 大家都清楚那孩子受过虐待。

    to everyone that the child had been badly treated.

