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【题目】 The climate in Chengdu is warmer than______in Harbin.

A. it B. one C. this D. that




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What made you so happy?

__________ the first prize.

A. Get

B. Getting

C. Got

D. To get


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Dear Alice,

I have just got some good news to tell to you.


I win a national prize for painting last week.


My father was so pleasing that he suggested


I go to England for a holiday.Id like to staying


there for half a month,visiting place of interest


or practicing my English as well.Weve been


writing to each for nearly a year now.I have


often dreamed of talk face to face with you.


I imagine youll be at vacation yourself by that


time.Perhaps we could go out do some


sightseeing together.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Mary won’t keep slim ______she takes exercise every day.

A. unless B. if C. when D. or


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I ______the paper before my lawyer explained the details to me.

A. signed B. had signed

C. signs D. has signed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 ---Would you mind my sitting here?

--- ______. It’s for my girl friend.

A. Not at all. B. Never mind.

C. Better not. D. Of course not.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】New research shows that the healthy brain may hold memories which we don’t even remember. In The Journal of Neuroscience, experts report that the brain might hold more memories than people realize, but that restoring those memories can be tricky.

Memory Check

First, participants saw a list of 120 real words mixed with 80 nonsense words. Next, they saw another word list and tried to remember which words had been on the first list. Meanwhile, their brains were scanned with functional magnetic resonance(核磁共振) imaging.

While participants reviewed the second word list, their brain scans showed more activity in a certain brain area -- the posterior(后部的) median temporal lobe(脑叶) -- when they saw words that had been on the first word list.

But participants didn’t always remember that they’d seen those words before. Sometimes, theygoofedand said they hadn’t seen those words before. In other words, the posterior median temporal lobe was more sensitive to memory than participants’ consciousness, the researchers note.

“Album”of Memories

Another part of the median temporal lobe also attracted the scientists’ attention. The anterior(前面的)median temporal lobe showed more activity when participants thought they were seeing a new word, the study shows.

So, why did participants sometimes mess up their memory recall? It might be that two parts of their brain -- the posterior and anterior median temporal lobes -- might be dueling(决斗) for the upper hand in deciding what actually happened in the past, the study notes.

In other words, memories might have a photo album in the brain, but sometimes we forget what’s on all of the photo album’s pages.

1A person sometimes has difficulty recalling because .

A. he is unconscious when he gets his memories

B. he forgets what is on the pages of the photo album

C. there are two parts in his brain dueling for the upper advantage

D. the anterior median temporal lobe is more active than the posterior

2According to the passage the researchers are .

A. studying how a person remembers things

B. studying a magazine The Journal of Neuroscience

C. examining posterior and anterior median temporal lobes

D. doing experiments to find out what disturbs a person’s memory

3What did the experts discover when the participants saw the words on the first word list appear on the second word list?

A. The instrument worked faster.

B. The participants were more conscious.

C. The posterior median temporal lobe was more active.

D. The anterior median temporal lobe was more active.

4The underlined wordgoofedin the fourth paragraph means .

A. made a mess of B. made an answer for

C. made out of D. made the best of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】________ adj.:usual;not suffering from any mental disorder

【2】 adj.:troubled;worried

【3】 v.:to make loud cries;to weep loudly

【4】 n.:a marriage ceremony

【5】________ v.:to cry,usually because you are sad


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Personal money-management website Mint.com suggests recently that responsible parents should give their kids credit cards—possibly starting as young as middle school. The website says a credit card will help children master responsible spending habits and give parents the chance to teach them some valuable lessons.

It’s absolutely true that kids should learn about how a credit card works and how to use it responsibly. But the idea that they need a card of their own to practise this is questionable.

Yes, credit cards are a teaching tool, but it’s the time you spend educating them about money management that does the teaching, not the piece of plastic. Sit down with your child—here we are referring to teens and walk them through your credit card statements. Point out important things like the due date, late fee warning, and APR (年贷款利率).

If you have good credit, adding a child as an authorized user onto one of your credit cards also provides teachable moments. Allow kids to use the card to make specific purchases and require their participation in payment.

Since the card is still in your name, you can take them off it at any point and cut off their access if they're not able to handle the responsibility.

Another option is to set them up with an account at a local bank that offers free use of a debit card (借记卡). Unlike credit card, the debit card has no overdraft (透支) function.

Children can only use the card to pay for things and the money is taken directly from their bank account. If the account is empty, the worst that will happen is the card being declined at a cash register.

【1】Why does Mint.com advise parents to give middle school kids credit cards?

A. To leave their kids financially independent.

B. To help their kids form good spending habits.

C. To teach their kids' how to save pocket money.

D. To strengthen the relationship with their kids.

【2】The author considers a credit card as a teaching tool because ______.

A. it motivates teens to ask their parents for less financial support

B. it helps teenagers to know some basic knowledge of credit cards

C. it contains detailed financial information on the card surface

D. it offers parents the chance to teach kids to manage money

【3】What is the purpose of adding kids as credit card authorized users?

A. To avoid extremely high overdraft fees.

B. To encourage them to share household expenses.

C. To teach them to be responsible credit card users.

D. To help them pay close attention to their bank account.

【4】What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. Further information about the debit card.

B. The overdraft functions of a debit card.

C. More disadvantages of credit cards.

D. The kids' attitude towards a credit card.

